Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR.blah blah blah, oh my god I hate disclaimers!

Authors Note: This is my first EVER fanfic, so please be nice to me.

P.S. This is set after Return of the King.

Chapter 1
The fellowship is lolling around on Aragorn's expensive furniture wasting time. Merry and Pippin are eating mushrooms, Gandalf is asleep on the sofa, and Legolas, Frodo, Sam, Gimli, and Aragorn are playing Go Fish.

"Got any queens?" asked Gimli, stifling a yawn.

"Yeah," said Aragorn, "I've got two. Here." He tossed the cards at Gimli.

"That's not possible!" snapped Legolas, "I've got three!" He held them out.

Frodo shot Aragorn an annoyed look. "Geez Strider! You're the freaking king of Gondor! Can't you by a deck of cards that isn't rigged?" He threw his cards down and went over to steal mushrooms from Merry and Pippin.

Sam scratched his head. "So that's why I have five tens."

Aragorn looked hurt. "Don't insult my cards! They were a coronation present from Elladan and Elrohir!"

Legolas snorted. "I thought you knew better than to except anything from those two. Remember the time-" He was not permitted to continue because Aragorn threw a mushroom at his head, and attempted to stuff him under Gandalf's sofa. In the ensuing scuffle, the sofa was knocked over on top of Merry, Pippin, and Frodo, and Gandalf was pitched off onto Gimli's lap.

"Ow $&%#$#!" said half the people in the room.

Gandalf sat up rubbing his head. "What the bloody $%$# happened? Why am I on top of Gimli?"

Pippin crawled out from under the sofa. "This is so pitiful. You guys have nothing to do except fight and play stupid card games."

Legolas rolled his eyes. "Like stuffing your faces is any more productive."

"We're hobbits!" said Pippin. "We need to eat constantly."

"I'm BORED!" wailed Sam. By this time Frodo and Merry had emerged, nursing various bumps and bruises.
"We need to get out of this castle and DO something," said Merry. "Otherwise I may well go insane."

"Do what?" asked Legolas, "We can't hunt orcs; they got finished off months ago, and Arwen forbade Aragorn to go river rafting."

"Oh I know!!!" squealed Pippin, getting very excited.

"What?" asked Sam before someone could stop him.

"Let's have a bake sale! Yeah!"

Legolas rolled his eyes. "Do you thing of anything besides food?"

Gandalf pretended not to hear him. "Does anyone else have any ideas?"

"I've got it!" said Aragorn, snapping his fingers, "Let's go on a road trip!"

"Fuuuuuuuuuuun!!" shrieked the hobbits.

"A road trip to where?" asked Legolas.

Aragorn grinned. "How about America!?!?"

"Alright," said the elf, "What about you, Gimli."

"He's still out cold," said Aragorn.

"Am not," growled Gimli, sitting up, "I'll come if the he's going." He gestured vaguely in Legolas's direction.

"Patient confused, suspect possible concussion," muttered Aragorn.

Gandalf looked apprehensive. "I don't know about this."

"Too bad, you're out voted seven to one," said Aragorn. "Now what are we going to travel in?"

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More later