Gravitation Fanfic
By: StarSweeper
Email: Starsweeper1221@yahoo.com
Pairing: Shuichi X Yuki
Authors Note: This is an experimental story...I was inspired after seeing a certain picture of Yuki, sporting a pair of wings, chained and wounded. Any who want to see the picture only has to visit my site and I should be posting it soon. Anyways, I have only written a couple chapters so far and I just wanted to see if this one got any good feedback. So those who like it review or flame...and that will be my decision of whether to continue or not.
I know I know, before anyone complains, I hate it when authors do this too...but I just want to know that there are people interested in this story to continue. If not i'll just scrap it for another time...or another anime and finish my sequel to "In the Rain".
So please read on ^_^
By the way...I did post this fanfiction earlier...but there was a bug somewhere that wouldn't let me load new chapters. So I am just going to repost this. I did however save the important reviews that people left me...at least the ones that were important to me. Thank you sooo much for your kind words.
goldenkinkogirl -
Continue!i luv ur fic! Shuichi come in already! hm. i have a feeling it's not
what's gonna happen ...but i shall not tell hehee! email me and i shall tell u
my assumptions...
-Well I would like to hear your assumptions if you want to email me it's Starsweeper1221@yahoo.com
If you have some ideas i would love to hear them. An author always likes
to hear other ideas then their own ^_^
kira - I like
it! I wonder what happens next... don't keep me waiting, please!! :) More more
more :)
-Thanks so much for your inspiration
Felara -
Wow!That was so good! **jumps up and down happily** I hope you keep writing!
- Well believe it or not I have the next few chapters down already and will
be posting them when time allows ~_^
I'll close my eyes and I am where you areChapter 1
Notes: Words in Italics are thoughts or background story. This story is defiantly Alternate Universe. Shuichi and Yuki are from two totally different cultures and races. They are brought together because of unusual circumstances
Darkness. That was all he could see…all he could feel.
Opening his eyes fractionally he realized the strongest thing he felt at the moment was pain. Never ending pain. It was something that always accompanied the darkness. It seemed that, as time passed it only increased and got worse. He couldn't begin to remember a time when there wasn't burning pain, blinding darkness, or retched loneliness.
Sighing softly his eyes glazed over as he gazed off into the dark nothingness that surrounded him.
It had been almost a month since he had been captured. He had been free before then, to do as he pleased. They had caught him unawares one night during his sleep. It had been the night he had chosen his lifemate.
During a certain part of the year all the young males of his kind would hold a special aging celebration and choose from the available females to consent to becoming mates. In his eyes she had been the most beautiful creature he had ever encountered. He had taken a vow that night, there would be no other except for her in his heart.
As his chosen mate slept beside him in their treetop haven he had felt for the first time in his life content with the world. It had been almost near dawn when their sleep had been rudely interrupted. Nets were thrown over their sleeping forms, instantly waking them from their peaceful rest. They suddenly found themselves surrounded.
Being unable to see their assailants he had tried his best to defend himself and his mate. His efforts were only paid with pain as the attackers brutally beat down on him with their weapons. He struggled for as long as he could but they eventually managed to subdue him. As he struggled against the assailants the last thing he remembered before his world faded into darkness was his lifemate desperately calling his name.
When he opened his eyes again he had discovered himself locked in some type of dungeon cell. His arms were shackled to the wall above his head, yet the only thing he could think about was his lifemate. Questions assailed him about whether she had escaped from their captors and if she had been captured where was she? He prayed that she had escaped them; he couldn't imagine her chained and caged like he was. Like some type of animal.
Screaming in rage, after his realization that he was imprisoned, he fought his captors every chance he got. He managed to seriously injure a few until they finally wizened up and started to take more precautions when dealing with him. Since that time the creatures who had captured him had done nothing except keep him drugged and shackled to his cell wall.
He had decided he wasn't going to be a peaceful hostage. He felt enough rage in his body to kill something or someone. As retribution for his current position he vowed he would succeed in extracting revenge, not only for himself but also for the loss of his mate and their future together.
Sometimes, there were occasional instances where they would release him from his hanging manacles. But these times where filled with instances where they would decide to beat him, sometimes within an inch of his life. Once they were done and he was unconscious and bleeding they would hang him up again.
His captors were cruel and unmerciful. They seemed to get some kind of sick pleasure out of torturing him and watching him bleed. Every time they beat him he felt himself dieing a little more. All he wanted to do was be free. Free and in the light, that was what he longed for.
As time passed they eventually wore him down, little by little, until his spirit nearly drowned in agony and the unfairness of it all. It was the times when he couldn't imagine going on that he would close his eyes and imagine being in his sanctuary with his beloved. He would regain some of the strength to go on then. For he had promised he would extract revenge and we would achieve that goal, even if he lost his life trying, but he wouldn't die before then.
He shifted slightly, testing the strength of the restraints clamped tightly around his forearms. His wrists were becoming bruised, bloody and rubbed raw from his numerous attempts to pull his wrists from his bounds. They ached and the tissue was starting to become black from the strain and loss of blood. He hoped that his capturers wouldn't try to take away his hands…anytime soon at least. Blood dripped from his wrists, down his arms to join the puddle that had already begun to form at his feet.
He had received another beating earlier that day. He didn't know why and he couldn't count how many times they hit him before the pain was too much for him to bear. They had beat him to the point of him passing out. Then they had stopped, only to then revitalize him, usually with a hard splash of chilled water, or they would take turns burning him with hot coals from their fires.
It seemed as if his captors were holding him in some sort of underground encampment. He reasoned this because he never saw the light of day nor felt a breeze that carried fresh air. He didn't even know if he was still on his own planet. He did know that there were others there besides him in the dungeon; he could hear their tortured screams when he wasn't being tortured himself.
The wounds on his back where fresh and sore and he could feel the blood flowing from them. He could feel the thick crimson liquid wound its way down his lower back and legs, only to fall onto the floor creating a small scarlet pool. He didn't know how much longer he could stand this treatment.
Constant beatings and torture, very little food, if the stuff he received could even be classified as food, and no light. He was breaking and he knew it and each day it was getting harder to hold onto the reason why he continued to fight and survive. This was the longest he had been taken out of the light; away from his friends, family, and mate. From being with all the people and doing all the things he loved. His soul was becoming dark, like his surroundings.
A noise suddenly interrupted him from his reverie. They were coming back, he knew that much, but what they wanted he had no clue. They had done their ritual beating of him…where they going to do more?
"Oh Azara…No...not another…I can't handle another," where the brokenly whispered words that escaped his dry cracked lips as he prayed to his deity.
The sounds of the door's lock sliding and moving out of its secure place, of locking him in, echoed in his ears. He could feel a tremor of fear shake his already broken body. He actually wished they would just kill him and get it over with. It seemed the only reason they didn't kill him was because he refused to surrender to them, but it wasn't in his nature to give up. He would never admit defeat to them.
He heard footsteps coming from the opposite direction, toward him. He shivered while at the same time tried to gain his footing in order to stand his full height. As he tried to stand the wounds on his back stretched painfully in protest of the action and he quickly hunched back over to his previous position. With that idea gone, he just tried to show his fearlessness toward his captors. He knew he was broken…but they didn't have to know.
The footsteps grew louder and a soft mumbling could be heard coming closer to him. His captors were speaking in a different language; on he amazingly didn't know for being at his level of education, in his culture he knew many. He had also had a spell cast on him when he was only a child, that enabled him to understand and speak a multitude of languages, yet this one escaped him. This fact alone made him wonder if these creatures who had captured him were a new breed, or one so rare and hidden that not many knew of them.
At the current time they seemed to be arguing about something, and didn't seem very pleased about whatever they were talking about. Finally he could see the dim outline of their bodies standing in front of him. The drugs they had given him had blurred his eyesight, but he could still see what was going on around him.
One of the two walked in his direction and reached a hand out to grasp his chin firmly, jerking his face first one way then they other. The creature's claws sunk painfully into the soft skin of his face bruising it instantly. He could already feel the welts that were going to be left by the creature. He felt like he was being inspected and he didn't like it one bit.
"Don't. Touch. Me." Was the only thing he could say past his parched throat and the tight grip that held his face.
"Sssstilll….ressssisstant are we? We can brake you of that problem," came the silken voice his captor. Though he couldn't see the creatures that had captured him because of his blurred vision, he had the sneaking suspicion they were reptilian like creatures. Thy tended to hiss and slur his language when they spoke, claws adorned their fingers, and light reflected eerily off their silken looking skin. There bodies were large and bulky, yet when they walked there was a certain grace to their carriage.
Creatures, such as these, normally didn't inhabit his world. In fact many creatures were forbidden from his world, which was a safe haven and protected sanctuary for his kind. This was because their numbers were dwindling to so few.
In the beginning, when people had started traveling to his world everything was peaceful. His kind where known as Unarians and where considered to be a peaceful race. They only sought harmony with those who visited their world. Unfortunately this did not last long, for those who came soon realized what a valuable market his kind made for slaves and pets.
Being exotic creatures, to many who visited them, others found they could make a tidy profit in the slave market with the Unarians. Unarians were considered remarkably beautiful, with perfect complexions and athletic builds. They also came in many colors, not only in skin tones, but in hair and eye colors as well. The males were especially sought after, not only were they renowned sensual creatures, they were also the only of their kind who were equipped with a set of downy wings. Females, even though also considered beautiful and exotic, did not fetch as high a price as males.
Soon the Unarians weren't able to protect themselves from this incoming threat, being the peaceful creatures they were, and many were being captured and sold on the slave market. Being a slave was the one thing Unarians feared above all else, for they could not stand being contained. As time went on the Galaxy-four council finally decided to step in and declare the Unarian species a protected one, from all bounty hunters and slave traders. Unfortunately, for some reason, that only made the Unarians an even more valuable target.
"I'll kill you when I get out of here," he said trying to look braver then he was. False bravado was something he was used to displaying since he had been captured. It had been the only thing that kept him alive.
The creature didn't seem shocked by his words and instead looked slightly amused.
"No…I think not," was all it said before it let go of his face walking back to his companion. No longer having the support to hold his head up, it rolled back on his shoulders and fell forward to its original position.
His short blond locks instantly fell forward to cover his face from view. His hair had once been of great pride to him, long and luxurious. But they had cropped it off for maintenance purposes. Being in a dungy, dirty cell didn't help either, especially when he hadn't bathed in lordess knew how long. He could feel the blood flowing down his cheeks in rivulets, three on each side from where the creature's claws had previously been. He hated being this weak and unable to protect himself. He vowed that if given the chance he would kill these creature give the first chance he got.
The creatures continued to converse in front of him as if he didn't even exist. Finally they seemed to have decided what they had wanted to accomplish by coming to see him and started to leave. But before they got far the one that had been examining him earlier turned slightly in his direction.
"You will fetch a good pricccceee in the sssslllavvve market…Unarian," and with that cold threat they walked out of the door, leaving him alone once more.
"Slave…" was the only word that escaped the captive's mouth. If there was anything Unarian's hated worse it was the elimination of their freedom. A chocked sob escaped his parched lips, and for once he welcomed the darkness as it came to claim him.
The months that followed that faithful day would be long tortuous ones. He couldn't remember a time when he had felt so much pain and despair. Eventually he found the best way to protect himself was to be cold. Being cold inside and out kept the hurt from entering his soul. That was the hardest lesson he would ever learn in the time he was kept as a prisoner and taught how to be a slave. The creatures taught him all attributes of being a slave, the rules, submission, and most importantly (from what he was told) how to pleasure his master or mistress in bed.
This last lesson was the most difficult for him to learn, but learn it he did. Enjoying it was another matter. Everything he did was with cold calculation, because even though the creatures had captured his mind and body they didn't have his soul or his will. Everyday he was subjected to the lessons and beatings he only became more bitter towards the world, losing his youthful naivety as he hardened his heart.
Yet some nights, when he was alone, he would feel bitter tears trail down his face and his dead heart would constrict for the remorse that consumed him. He prayed for the day when he was free once more, free to extract his revenge on those who decided to take his life into their own hands.
To Be Continued....