December 1999
Corrine smiled weakly at the members of the Pukhan clan, before turning to stare at the room all the leaders had retreated too, her formal dining room was serving as a conference room, and it was large enough. Corrine sighed and sat down to drink her tea.
Once the last clan had arrived Corrine's tension had increased. The Wyvern clan brought a few humans to help with daytime security. David and Fox Xanatos had managed to buy their invitations by helping that clan get here safely, and Corrine had them staying in a room far down the hall from her own. She had Detective Maza staying next to them, and Demona rounded off the daytime help. Corrine was very grateful to not be alone with that responsibility, because she hadn't been sure when she could sleep when she thought she'd be doing this alone. It was partly that plea that had gotten Demona to come.
Una had called this meeting and all the clan leaders had filed in. Corrine would pay a lot of money to know what they were doing, but she'd have to ask Una or Demona later. She knew that she was being revealed as a Canmore, but there was more to this meeting, she could feel it. Demona had been included as a leader, as she should be, in Corrine's opinion. She may not have a clan, but she was brilliant and would make sure those clan leaders knew what to avoid to keep this gathering safe. Corrine had tried to instill how important it was that the visitors not glide over to the city, but she didn't hold as much respect as she'd prefer, so it was up to Una and Demona to set down the law.
The door opened and Corrine watched as Una stepped out, her eyes moving over the room, and noticed her nod with a smile at Katara. That was a hint that the London clan's second knew what was going on. Corrine watched as a still surprised looking Goliath came out and gave her a strange look, before moving on. A few other clan leaders gave her a searching look, but the occasional nods of acceptance helped calm Corrine's nerves. What really drew her attention was Demona's troubled expression, that set her on edge yet again. Demona covered it up when she saw Corrine was watching her, but it made Corrine wonder if a clan leader was going to be a problem for her, if someone had objected to her involvement with all of this, in spite of her organizing it.
"We would like to head out to the tent for opening ceremony." Una called out and Corrine nodded at the look she'd been sent. The huge tent had been a necessity when it was clear the visitors wouldn't all fit into a single room in the castle, not even the pool room if they'd put something down to make a floor out of the pool, and that would have denied the Lochness clan the opportunity to swim in warm waters for a change.
It was the middle of winter and Corrine had put a lot of portable heaters in the tent, mostly for herself since gargoyles weren't as bothered by the cold, but Elisa, Fox and David could benefit from it now as well. Once she'd made her way into the tent she glanced around at the tables, chairs, and the boxes on the table near one of the tent openings. This was as organized as she could get it, and she'd explain it to them all once they finished filing in. There was a soft rumble of noise from all the gargoyles talking amongst themselves in excitement and Corrine felt warmed from how well this was being received. The hum of the generator for the lights and heaters also filled the air, but it was something they could ignore.
Una waved her up and Corrine left Katara in charge of the boxes that would become important in a moment. It had been an idea her and Scottie came up with and she was going to explain it. Hopefully everyone else appreciated it. She turned to see a virtual sea of color and faces watching her. Many she'd seen in her visits, but the familiar faces of her clan helped to make her feel more comfortable talking in front of such a large group. Una moved to stand beside her.
Corrine smiled and looked over the group, taking a moment for everyone to notice them and stop talking. "I'd like to welcome you to our home, and the first Gathering of Gargoyles." She couldn't stop the smile she felt as Una said that. "This is a beginning of a worldwide search to find all of the clans forgotten or lost, alone, in a world dominated by man. I would like to thank my apprentice, Corrine, for making this possible." Corrine didn't manage to not blush as the round of applause she received. "Her devotion to this is as strong as her devotion to her clan, and she put all her blood and tears into this task."
Corrine subtly looked around as Una gave the opening speech, seeing Demona standing a bit off to her own, arms crossed, watching this. She noticed Angela holding Broadway's arm, smiling and excited looking.
"Corrine will explain how this singles mingle will work." Corrine looked up at the teasing name Una gave this event, and then out at the room again while standing up straighter.
"In order to make things a little easier, and to make sure that people aren't chatting up a clan leader's mate," Corrine grinned at the chuckles she got. "we've brought armbands to declare everyone's intensions." Corrine pulled three examples out of her pants pocket and held them up. "These come in black, for I'm just here for the event, but I'm not looking for a mate." She held up the example. She showed them how it went on, and how the elastic should accommodate even the males with the largest biceps. "Pink for those hoping to find a female mate, regardless of the gargoyle's gender, and blue for those hoping to find a male mate. If gender is unimportant to you, you'll be stuck wearing two." She held up her examples. "Now these bands are on the table near the door, and if you have trouble seeing color, you'll notice black symbols on the pink and blue bands. That should help you."
Corrine started to pull off her black band, she'd return them all to the table. "Now," She started to dismiss the group to get their bands and watched as Demona tensed up when a hand rested on Corrine's shoulder.
"Wait a moment, I have another announcement." Una spoke gently, but loud enough to be heard by all. Corrine looked up, surprised as her clan leader smiled at her and changed the plan. Una took the three bands from her hand and turned to the room.
"As you can tell by this system, we are not discriminating against our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. The goal is not to make as many eggs as possible, disregarding the happiness of the gargoyles involved." Una held up the bands. "I would also ask that everyone keep this friendly and realize that we will be hosting other Gatherings so you don't, and shouldn't, make long term plans after meeting and spending a week with someone. You may also need to make arrangements to visit other clans after this, and we are more than willing to help you do this. Corrine has generously put her money and power at our disposal to make it possible."
Una smiled at her. "The medallions you wear that enable you to talk with those who don't speak your language, was created by Corrine. It was a spell she designed and cast over a hundred times to make sure language wasn't a barrier. She paid for most of the clans to get here safely." Una's eyes were warm and loving as Corrine gave her a puzzled look at this change. "Human's raise their young in smaller family groups, instead of by the entire clan. My apprentice was unfortunate in her family group, but her clan loves her." Corrine was blushing as she watched Una turn to the room again. "She has shown more courage, devotion, honor, than anyone I've ever met, human or gargoyle. She is on her way to being more than just a magic user; her ability to craft her own spell for us today shows her potential as a sorceress. Few have that gift." Corrine's eyes widened at those words.
Una stood a little taller. "Corrine is a valuable member of our clan." Una pulled on Corrine's arm and ran her hand up it, making Corrine give her a puzzled look, until her eyes fell on the strip of pink. "Corrine is also not mated." Una gave Corrine a mischievous smile. "And anyone would be lucky to have her attention."
Corrine just stared in shock, as Una turned to the crowd. "Go and get your armbands, the food will be served soon."
Corrine was still a little shocked hours later as she sat at the kitchen table.
"You were certainly the belle of the ball." Fox spoke in a teasing voice. "With that introduction that Una gave you I almost considered getting a pink band, but my husband would have been a deal breaker wouldn't he?" Fox and Corrine had taken first watch. Corrine had thought for sure Demona would opt to work with her, but she'd paired up with Xanatos for later that day, and Elisa later still, because Demona needed half as much sleep and the days were short, so they'd all only have just enough time to sleep. It made Corrine wonder if Demona was mad at her, choosing almost everyone but her.
"I usually turn down married women." Corrine spoke distractedly, glancing at the security panel again, to see all was well. They could wander around, and would later, but they could do most of their watching from the kitchen or the security room. Corrine bet that when it was Demona's turn she'd actually walk the grounds to stay away from her partners. Why didn't she take the opening Corrine had given her to pick Corrine?
"So what do you think of your suitors?" Fox leaned forward, over her own cup of tea and Corrine studied Fox's eager to gossip expression for a moment, trying to think of an answer to that question. All of the females with pink armbands had joined Corrine when the meal was over, but they weren't all after Corrine, Corrine had just been the most recognizable female seeking female out there. Fox was asking like they'd all been after Corrine, which just wasn't true.
"Gillian isn't really thinking this out." Corrine sighed as she thought of the Loch Ness female who had given Corrine more than a few interested looks. "They live in a watery cave, and are amphibious. It would be challenging for any gargoyle to join their clan, but impossible for me, and my home isn't all that close to the ocean or a lake here."
"Ah yes, a bird and a fish can fall in love, but where would they live?" Fox smirked as she spoke.
"She should be looking for a Pukhan or Xanadu female, they are used to living in caves." Corrine sighed.
"Do you really want a gargoyle?" Fox asked, her voice more serious.
Corrine studied her tea as she answered. "I can see myself with one more easily I guess." She picked up her cup and gently moved it to see the liquid dance. "I don't know, I just feel strange about this. I really never thought I'd be accepted in this way." She set her cup down and looked up to the woman she barely knew, but who knew all these secrets she kept because she too lived with gargoyles. "I guess yes, if or when I do settle down, I'd want it to be with a gargoyle." She shook her head and gave a sad smile.
"Any gargoyle in particular?" Fox asked, but the teasing air was gone and Corrine ran her hand through her own hair rather than answer. "Any catch your eye?" Fox pushed for a response.
Corrine glanced at the doorway Demona had walked out fifteen minutes ago, before turning back to Fox. She didn't even speak and Fox's eyes softened. The redhead just shook her head as if clearing that conversation. "So what did you think of that green female?"
Corrine smiled and chuckled. "That's Scottie. She's been after me for years, but I don't think she's serious, just curious."
"I don't know, a lot of gargoyles were talking about how important it was to use this time well. If Scottie is investing her time in you, that sounds serious to me." Fox spoke and Corrine's smile faded as she considered that. Scottie could be an actual suitor, she couldn't tell yet, and that made Corrine a bit nervous. Scottie was young, but then all the unclaimed females with pink bands were.
Once her tea was finished, Corrine slipped outside for a walk, away from Fox. It was the same trick she suspected Demona would pull later, but she really just needed some quiet time alone.
Corrine glanced over Gillian's shoulder again, to see Demona still stuck talking with that male. Corrine took in the way Demona's arms were folded in front of her and the way her foot tapped, and knew all was not well. "Excuse me." She smiled at Gillian and walked passed her.
The male had a pink armband, and clearly was very color blind or he'd notice Demona's was black, Corrine thought with some irritation of her own. She could tell by his posture what he was doing, and by Demona's it wouldn't be long before he regretted it. Corrine walked up to them from the side and glanced at him with some disdain, before turning to Demona.
She hadn't spoken with Demona since the brief talk about security shifts that morning, as it seemed Demona was avoiding her. Corrine smiled as brightly as she could. "Demona, I have someone I want you to meet."
Demona turned to look at her and Corrine widened her eyes briefly, while turning her eyeballs toward the male who couldn't see her face at the moment. Demona nodded subtly. "Of course, if you'll excuse me." Demona spoke to him and followed Corrine away. They were halfway through the tent when Demona spoke quietly. "Decided to save me?"
"You looked unhappy." Corrine smiled softly and reached out to briefly pet Demona's arm. "Why didn't you brush him off?"
"I was about to." Demona's jaw clenched and Corrine just help the tent door opened for them to leave. She lead Demona into the kitchen, which was quiet and unoccupied.
"Here's Jack Daniels. I wanted to introduce you." Corrine smiled as she pulled the bottle out of the cupboard and held it up. Demona smirked as Corrine pulled out two glasses and filled them, handing one over. As Demona tilted her head back and drank, Corrine hummed happily as she watched. "You took him in your mouth and swallowed, lucky Jack." Her voice was suggestive and seductive and Demona choked and glared at her.
"Corrine." Demona's voice was a bit hoarse from coughing and Corrine laughed just a little, before taking a sip of her own drink.
Her teasing smile faded and she stare at Demona with sincerity. "I am so glad you are here. I wouldn't be able to sleep if you weren't, I don't think I'd trust anyone else. This event could be such a disaster if something went wrong." Corrine picked up the bottle and wiggled it as an offer, and got a glass pushed towards her to fill. "If you need help keeping creeps away, I'll be there."
Demona drank more slowly and Corrine could see Demona studying her over the glass, but she was quiet so Corrine focused on her own drink just as quietly.
"Protecting me is just second nature to you isn't it?" Demona spoke quietly. Corrine blushed as the words and put the cap back on the bottle. "Corrine," Demona said Corrine's name like it was the beginning of something important so Corrine focused on her. She watched Demona sigh and look away, "Nevermind. Thank you for the save."
"Any time." Corrine responded and Demona looked at her, stared into her eyes again, before looking away.
"If you find yourself talking with someone whose attentions you don't want." Demona spoke softly, studying the bottle Corrine was about to put away. "Just catch my eye."
"Okay, we'll watch each others back." Corrine smiled and gripped the neck of the bottle, tipping it left and right, playing with it.
"Is there anyone whose attention you do want?" Demona asked and Corrine felt awkward as she heard it and thought about an answer.
"I don't know yet." Corrine sighed and pulled her hand away from the bottle, sitting back in her chair. This was clearly going to be more of a conversation than she'd expected. "I hadn't known Una was going to do that, I didn't think she'd dare." Corrine shook her head slowly. "I didn't think anyone would even consider me, well, other than Scottie. Scottie's been interested for a while." Corrine sighed and started to play with the bottle again. "I'll probably end up with Scottie, if she really wants me. I'll feel guilty, because we both know she isn't my first choice, but we do have a lot in common."
"Don't," Demona's hand rested on Corrine's stopping Corrine's nervous playing with the bottle. Corrine looked up. "Don't settle Corrine. That isn't fair to her or you."
"She's a good female." Corrine had to say this, it felt wrong to let anyone think Scottie was just settling. "She went with me to most of the clans, she helped me learn magic and then didn't get upset when I learned faster. You heard her when she thought the clan was going to attack me in New York. Her heart is good."
"Protecting is what a clan does, that doesn't mean its love." Demona protested and Corrine shook her head no.
"There is protecting and then there is Protecting." Corrine sighed. "No one Protects me like you do, but she comes close. Una and Katara don't count, because they are like family to me and that's why they do it." Corrine stared at Demona in deep thought. "I don't know why you do it, and maybe that's why I've always been so confused about us." Corrine moved her chair back and stood up.
"And you?" Demona asked quietly, almost a whisper.
Corrine turned from the cupboard, and stared at the table rather than Demona. "I take your pain twice a day. If you don't know why, it's because you don't want to know." Corrine put the bottle away and left, noticing that Demona stayed sitting at the table.
"If I asked you to cancel that spell again?" Dominique spoke as she stepped into the security room, and that was how Corrine knew who her partner was for that day.
Corrine studied the monitor, making sure the caterer left with all his helpers. He'd dropped off more food, because they were feeding a lot of gargoyles. "I wouldn't, I never will." Corrine spoke firmly, as she reset the alarms.
"If I didn't want you to feel that pain?" Dominique spoke and Corrine turned to see her standing in the doorway wearing jeans and a green button up shirt. She looked good in human form and casual clothes.
The words, and the slight hitch in Dominique's voice drew Corrine's attention and her tense back relaxed as best she could. They were about to go through that pain in about an hour. Dominique had just heard how Corrine needed weekly massage treatments to help her deal with it, from a slightly accusatory Katara last night, and Corrine expected this argument to come back up again.
"It would hurt me more to think you felt it all. Divided it's less than half. I can do this." Corrine sighed and turned her chair to stand, but when Dominique came closer she stayed sitting.
"Don't make any promises," Dominique spoke quietly, almost like she had a hard time saying the words. "Don't pick a mate." Corrine frowned at this, because the tone didn't fit the mental image she had of these words. Demona wasn't saying to stay away from gargoyles, not this time, but Corrine had a hard time hoping she could understand the words. "I know why you keep my pain." Dominique's fists clenched and she looked a little pale. "I need time to think about this. Just wait."
Corrine's heart hammered as she looked at the vulnerability in Demona's human face. Her face grew slack with shock, but she spoke softly. "I've been waiting most of my life." She wanted to believe Demona would follow up on the implied promise, but she couldn't be sure. "If I wait for you, and you don't pick me, I'll be alone. The next generation is going to be too young for me." A tear trailed down her cheek. She had realized in this past week that she really needed a gargoyle for a mate, that she'd never trust enough to bring a random human into their clan.
Dominique stared at her in silence, and looked away. "I told myself I'd never consider this with any human. This isn't easy for me Corrine. There are so many reasons why I shouldn't even think about this."
"Well, why do you then?" Corrine asked, her voice harsher with hurt.
"Because I love you." Dominique seemed to growl it back, and then looked shocked at her own words. "Because I look forward to our calls, because I look through books I hadn't looked at in centuries just to have something interesting to tell you. Because every time I don't scream out in pain with the change I know it's because you chose to spare me that." Dominique spoke faster than normal, and Corrine sat back in her chair surprised. "Because in all the years I've wanted to make a better world for gargoyles, all my plans failed, but you did it in two years, and you did it because it was more important to you than your own life or happiness." Tears streamed down Dominique's cheeks and Corrine stared in shock, unable to interrupt her. "But to love you means I was wrong." Corrine remembered talking to Angela about why her family hated gargoyles and suddenly she understood. To admit this, to pursue this, would be so hard for Demona.
Demona loved her. Corrine took a shaky breath, watching Demona's lost expression. "I'll wait, but if you don't choose me soon, I can't wait any longer. I'll be over forty at the next Breeder's moon Demona. I can't wait much longer. I've never had love, and I want that in my life." Corrine's eyes were watering as well. "If you decide you just can't get over what I am, let me go." Dominique nodded, and left.
"Did you find anyone you'll be keeping in contact with?" Una asked as they tore down the tent, the night after all the visiting clans left. Corrine stared up at the skies, at the constellation she'd named 'Demona on the balcony' so many years ago.
"Yeah, I did." Corrine spoke quietly, unwilling to share who just yet, because anyone who thought they knew Demona would tell her she was insane to agree to wait for her. "Thank you for doing what you did." Corrine knew that Demona never would have even started considering this if Una hadn't put Corrine on the market.
December 2000
The phone conversations had changed in the past year, Corrine thought as she sat at her kitchen table waiting for the arrival of the clans. The second Gathering was starting this week, and she knew her mind should be filled with the organization and catering, but it was filled with thoughts of Demona. She hadn't seen her in the past year, but they'd taken to having phone conversations twice a month, and they'd changed.
Corrine now knew what Demona had been up to, and not all of it was pleasant to hear. Demona had done things Corrine never thought she would have, and had killed people for just being human. It made Corrine understand how hard it would be to get past Corrine's humanity for Demona, but it also scared her. There was a part of Demona that was the monster her family warned her about. Demona had never let her see that before.
Corrine stared out at the grey skies, thinking that Demona was going to be arriving soon, she looked at the clock on the wall. Her plane could have even landed already.
Corrine had a hard summer as she came to terms with the stories Demona told her, but she still kept in contact and she still wanted her. Demona had been a monster, but she'd also been Corrine's salvation. The gargoyle was a contradiction, and in the end Corrine knew she could forgive it. Her family helped to push Demona over that edge, she knew that, having read the journals. Demona was guilty of her own crimes, but a thousand years of hunters would have driven anyone a little crazy. It helped that her visit to New York had changed it all, that it had been years since her last attempt to save gargoyles by killing humans, and it helped that Demona saw Corrine's plans to save the gargoyles as the better one.
Demona now knew more about the things Corrine wasn't too proud of as well. She'd heard about Corrine's sleeping around and the way she'd treated the women that started to fall in love with her. She'd listened patiently as Corrine spoke about her dark thoughts as she found clan after clan destroyed and her own bloody fantasies that she never voiced to anyone else. She heard the story of Canmore's conception, and how Corrine had panicked when she thought it had been rape, or how she never did fully recover from her own experience. She made soft comforting sounds over the phone as Corrine admitted that while she knew she should never let the Canmore line continue, she wished that the little gargoyle Katara had hatched was actually her own child and how she struggled with the clan raising the hatchlings, because she wanted to favor her little god daughter more than the clan would approve.
They still talked about magic, and clan issues. But their talks had gotten longer as they also talked about their lives and the problems they faced.
They never talked long about if Demona was going to finally make up her mind, or how Corrine felt like her heart was being squeezed every time she heard of another pairing of gargoyles. They also never talked about the way Una looked at Corrine in concern sometimes, because Corrine said she had a lead on a mate, but never named her in case it didn't work out.
The buzz made Corrine look over to the security panel, and slowly get up. A look through the monitor told her it was the first of the daytime deliveries of clans. Her own clan members had hidden away, so she let the delivery men in with their large boxes that they only knew were fragile, and that if any of the items were damaged she'd ruin their lives. She paid well, and put the fear of god in them, so she watched with some satisfaction as the boxes were gently removed from the truck beds, so gently glass would be safe, so stone should be fine.
Corrine waved the men away when they offered to open the containers for her, and stood there in her long driveway, checking the labels on the boxes so she'd know what clans were already present. China and Japan were on the labels. It wasn't like they'd gone through regular mail. Corrine had her own jet and people pick these up, but they'd put labels on just the same.
The Wyvern clan and their humans arrived next, which made it possible for Corrine to relax again. Elisa had overseen the unloading of that container, and Corrine wandered over toward the gate and the car that just sat at it, most likely requesting entry, but Corrine wasn't inside to give it.
Corrine stared at the luggage sitting on the bed, as the redhead turned to face her. "There are couples that want to announce they'd graduated to the black armbands, so Una has that as part of the opening night." She felt her heart sink as she realized that could be taken as pressuring Demona. She'd just been searching for something to say, and it bothered her at the same time she was glad her plan was working. There were several pairings between clans, and couples deciding where they'd live. "I'll leave you to change." Corrine glanced at the loincloth in Demona's hand. The sun would set in a few minutes.
"You can stay, I'll just slip into the bathroom." Demona said, pulling out the other part of her nighttime clothes. Corrine liked the gentle smile on the redhead's face.
They arrived at the tent together, and Una was already at the front of the tent, and it was filled with gargoyles. Corrine stood near the armbands with Demona and watched.
"Scottie, my first apprentice" Una smiled and waved the young gargoyle up to announce her mate.
"She was your second choice, wasn't she?" Demona spoke quietly as they watched Scottie kiss Gillian and announce they would live in London.
Corrine swallowed and looked down. "Yes." She admitted quietly.
"Was there a third choice?" Demona's words were quiet and thoughtful, but they hurt.
"Scottie's mate." Corrine smiled humorlessly.
Another couple was happily in the front announcing themselves and Demona took her talon and ripped the tape along the top of one of the boxes on the table near them. Black cloth came out in her hands as Demona pulled her hand out, and stared at Corrine. "Wear this for me this time?" Demona held the black band out.
Corrine bit her lower lip, wondering what Demona meant. Was this just this time, so Demona didn't have to worry about Corrine finding someone among the two new clans to join them this year, or was this forever? Corrine took it from Demona's hand, her fingers nervously playing with the elastic, but she didn't put it on, she just stared at it.
A blue hand caressed her hair out of her face and Corrine looked up to see Demona was much closer, staring at her. "Would you still wait for me?" Corrine's heart sunk, but she nodded. Demona looked thoughtful and took the band, putting it on for Corrine. "I won't ask you to, I see it hurts you." Demona leaned forward and while the crowd clapped for another couple, Corrine was kissed softly. "I have to live in New York." Demona whispered into her ear, taking her hand.
"Okay." Corrine felt like she was floating through the crowd, being pulled by Demona toward the front. She realized what was going on as they reached the steps and Demona continued to pull her up toward Una.
Corrine looked out at the crowd as she heard the murmuring stop, and she watched as Goliath's jaw appeared to drop as Corrine and Demona stood by Una and Demona whispered something to Una, making the London clan leader's eyes widen, before she nodded.
"This is my second apprentice, Corrine." Una spoke and Corrine turned to the crowd, her mind still spinning as she realized they were up there to announce their relationship. It hadn't even been two minutes since Demona had finally given her answer, if she even said it.
"Corrine will be moving to New York to join me, but since she is such an important part of her clan she will travel often. She's able to do that." Demona spoke and Corrine looked over at her to see Demona smiling gently, her eyes mischievous. Demona leaned forward, as the murmuring of the crowd grew in strength and the loudest corner held the Wyvern clan. "You were willing to wait another year, I couldn't let you wait another minute."
Corrine started to smile, and her hand reached out to caress Demona's arm. They left the stage together, but this time Demona wasn't guiding her, they took the steps together. Corrine looked at Demona more than where she was going, so when they stopped it was a surprise.
"Mother?" Angela's voice drew Corrine's eyes forward to see some stunned males and an equally stunned Angela.
"Angela." Demona's hold on Corrine's hand was tighter, and that was the only reason Corrine could tell Demona was a bit nervous about this.
Demona had to let go of her when Corrine found herself pulled into a sudden hug by the young female. "You're a miracle worker." Angela whispered, although everyone standing there should be able to hear it. "You will have to visit me in New York." Angela pulled back and didn't let go as she beamed at Corrine. Angela turned to Demona and the smile was still wide. "Mother, you did good. She's perfect for you."
Someone coughed, almost was choking actually, but Corrine only glanced at Brooklyn and his still present pink band, before smiling at Demona. "I think she's pretty perfect for me too."
December 2007
"I'm not getting any younger." Corrine spoke to the back of the blue female on the balcony.
Demona turned to look at her and there was a strange expression on her face. "You're not getting any older either." Corrine blinked at that strange comment, and it derailed her argument. "You really haven't noticed?" Demona stared at Corrine as if trying to memorize her features. "You look just the same as you did ten years ago. I hadn't noticed until the parole hearing for Robyn, when they showed your picture. You aren't aging."
Corrine tilted her head and tried to adjust to the change in subject. She'd just noticed that Demona had been distracted and upset after going to the hearing and wouldn't tell Corrine why. Corrine knew Robyn had been denied early release, so at least the hunter wouldn't be breaking into their home, but this wasn't expected. "What?" Corrine turned to glance at the mirror, puzzled.
Demona moved to stand behind her and wrapped her arms around Corrine's shoulder, hugging her as they both looked into the mirror. "Love, you aren't aging." Demona spoke more firmly. "Your spell, I tried to make you cancel it so many times. You may have gotten more than just my pain. I can't believe something good might have come out of that."
Corrine hugged the arms holding her tight and smiled just a little. "I have you, I think plenty good came from that already." Her mind was reeling with the news, but she leaned back into Demona, as Demona's wings wrapped around her.
The end