Story Summary: Lily and James are now married. But that doesn't stop them from remembering all their good ol' days at Hogwarts...

Chapter Summary: Lily waits for the moment where she'll become James' beloved wife. She waits in her chamber and remembers...

A/N: This is my very very first fanfiction. I hope you guys like it.

Disclaimer: All characters except for Lily, James, and Sirius, for now, belong to me. All the others belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling.

Lily turned in front of the full-length mirror and smiled at her reflection. 'Perfect,' she thought. Staring back at her was a petite curvy figure dressed in a beautifully laced white gown. The dress was strapless and gave her an elegant look. It tapered her waist then flowed outward with beads placed in strategic areas, making her sparkle when the sun hit them.

Someone rapped on the door. Stunned by the intrusion, Lily gasped. "Come in," she called to the visitor.

"Lily?" A tall woman came into the room. She was dressed in a lavendar bridesmaid dress with spaghetti straps and a billowing skirt. Her bodice was also beaded. "Oh, Lily," she breathed when she saw Lily smiling at her. "You look marvelous."

Lily beamed. "You really think so Trin?" She turned back to her reflection.

"Lils, I know so. Come now," Trin said as she rushed into the room. "We only have a few moments before it's time for you to walk down the aisle."

Lily sat at her bureau and stared wistfully at her reflection as Trin grabbed a brush and delicately ran it through Lily's auburn hair. Lily let her mind drift to the day when her entire life changed...


Lily Evans stared blankly at the fried eggs and toast in front of her. 'How can life be so boring?' she thought to herself. 'Every day, I wake up at 8:30, get dressed, eat the same fried eggs and toast, and do the same things I've done the day before.'

She sighed and began to eat her breakfast slowly. Rosie Evans looked sadly at her daughter. It was known to everyone in the household that Lily wasn't exactly satisfied with her life. In fact, she would gladly trade it with anyone. But what can Rose do about it? Sure, she can take Lily shopping for hours at a time, and she did. But a girl could go shopping only so many times. Rose did everything she could to cheer Lily up: dancing lessons, ice skating, parties, sleepovers, everything.

As Lily got up to put her dishes in the dishwasher, Rose asked, "Are you up for some back to school shopping, honey?"

Lily looked up at her mother and smiled a little. It was obvious to her what her mother was trying to do and she was grateful. "No, I was thinking of walking around town by myself today," she answered. "If you don't mind, of course."

Rose smiled. "Of course not. Go on upstairs to get ready and I'll drop you off at Beth's house. You guys can go together."

Lily grinned, something she hadn't been doing very often. "Thank you so much, Mum!" she cried and bounded toward the stairs.

"Oh, and if you don't mind, would you wake Petty up for me? We can't have her sleeping the entire day," Rose asked.

Lily stopped and said, "But what about Dad?"

Rose sighed. "Your father was called away early today. It seems like a patient has decided to deliver early." David Potter was an obstetrician (a doctor who delivers babies) and always had emergency C-sections and deliveries.

Lily nodded understandably. She was used to this: waking up and not having a father there to hug her and kiss her good morning like other fathers did. But she was proud of her father nonetheless. "My father helps bring new life into the world," she would boast to her classmates at school.

Lily climbed the stairs and went to her sister's room. "Petty!" she called, knocking on the door. "Mum says it's time to wake up!"

A muffled groan was heard from the other side of the door. After a bit of shuffling, Petunia's voice was heard. "All right. Give me minute."

Lily smiled at her dear sister's antics and headed toward her own room.

One of the few things in her life that satisfied her was her room. The walls were bare except for the paintings that she and her mother had worked on. Lilies bordered the corners of the walls while the part of the wall that was touching the wooden floor were decorated with overly sized lilies growing out of the fresh, spring grass. Lily, being obsessed with her namesake, had lily bed sheets, pillows, curtains, and throw rug. She had even tried keeping a fresh lily in her room for a period of time. Every night, before she went to sleep, she took the air freshener (lily-scented, of course) and sprayed it all over her room so she could fall asleep to the scent of fresh lilies.

Lily picked up the telephone (the word "Lily" was painted on the receiver) and dialed Beth's number.

"Hello?" a woman's voice asked.

"Mrs. Wickham? This is Lily. Is Beth awake?" Lily asked eagerly.

"Oh, good morning Lily. Yes, Beth is awake. Would you please hang on a moment?" Mrs. Wickham said.

Lily sat in her chair twirling the telephone cord in her fingers as she waited.

"Lily?" a soft yet sweet voice answered.

"Beth! My mom said it would be okay for me to spend the day in town today and she said you could come! Do you want to come?" Lily quickly said in one breath.

Beth chuckled softly. "I don't think I'm doing anything today but I'll have to ask my mom to be sure. Hang on."

Again, Lily waited impatiently for her friend to answer.

"Lily? She said yes," was the answer from the voice on the other side of the phone.

Lily squealed with delight, smiling widely. She knew Beth's mother would love for Beth to get out once in a while. It was known, and clear, to everyone that Beth was too pale and skinny.

The two girls quickly said their good byes to one another and Lily dashed to her mirror. Her emerald eyes, her favorite feature, stared back at her. Lily pulled a brush through her dark red hair once or twice to tame it and ran down the stairs.

"Whoa, Lils! Where's the fire?" Petunia asked jokingly at the table as she ate her breakfast.

Lily grinned. "I'm going out today," she announced to her big sister proudly. Rose glanced at her daughter's cheerful expression and smiled. She hadn't thought a day out with her best friend would cheer her daughter up so much. If she had known, she would have insisted they go out every day of the summer.

Petunia smiled too. Like her mother, she had noticed how distraught Lily had been all summer "cooped up in a little bird cage" so she said.

"Going out? Where? With who?" Petunia asked curiously. Already being fifteen years of age, she too had been out quite a few times. With boys, that is.

Lily giggled. "Silly Petty. Not that kind of going out. Going out with Beth. We're going to wander the streets," Lily beamed happily.

Petunia raised a fine eyebrow. 'That is enough to keep her satisfied?' she thought, smiling. "Well, I hope you two have fun. And do keep an eye out for cute boys, won't you?" she asked playfully and winked.

Lily giggled again. "Of course I will, Petty." Then Lily bounded to her mother. "Mum, can we go Inow/I? Please?" she begged, tugging her mother's arm.

Rose laughed. "Oh, okay," she gave in. She looked up at Petty. "You won't mind finishing the dishes, would you, dear?" she asked.

Petty looked at Lily's begging eyes and laughed too. "Of course not. Go ahead and take Lily," she said.

Lily gasped and ran to hug her sister. "You're the best, Petty!" she cried, throwing her arms around Petunia.

"I know. And remember, when you come home, tell me everything that happened!" Petunia warned, shaking her finger warningly.

Lily nodded. "Of course. And I'll make sure to buy you all presents!"

Rose smiled at her younger daughter then frowned. "Lily Evans! Where is your jacket?" she scolded.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Mum! It's August! It's not cold in August!" Lily cried.

"Now young lady. You march upstairs and bring a jacket. At least a light one. There's a dear," Rose said with a warning tone.

Lily sighed loudly and ran quickly up to her room.

Rose sighed as well and turned to her older daughter, who was already starting on the rest of the dishes, and smiled. "What would I do without you, Petunia?"

Petunia smiled as well. "Don't fret, Mum. I'm always here."

Lily rampaged back into the small kitchen. "Okay Mum. Now I'm ready. Can we please go now?" she begged.

Rose chuckled and said, "All right, all right. Let's go." Lily let out a whoop before stampeding out the front door. Rose shook her head slightly as she fetched her car keys.

Lily couldn't keep still in her seat in the car. "Mum, can't you drive a little faster?" she whined.

"Now, now. If I get into an accident, you'll never be able to get there."

Lily groaned and continued staring out the window, as if willing the scenery to go by faster.

Finally, the car pulled into the Wickhams' driveway. Lily opened the car door before it pulled to a complete stop, much to Rose's horror. However, before she could scold Lily, her daughter had already bounded to the front door and pushed the doorbell.

The door immediately flew open and both girls squealed delightedly at the sight of each other. They jumped up and down before giving each other bear hugs.

Beth turned around, gave a small wave, and began running toward the car. For a pale, slim girl, she did have lots of energy.

Lily waved at Beth's parents too before leaping toward the car as well.

Beth, slightly flushed and panting, climbed into the backseat of the car. "Good morning, Mrs. Evans," she greeted Rose.

Rose smiled warmly and said, "Good morning, Beth. How's your summer been?"

"All right, I guess."

Lily threw herself down in the backseat and panted out, "No fair. You had a head start."

Beth smiled and answered, "You have longer legs though."

Lily pouted slightly at this, finding it hard to retort.

Beth laughed at her best friend's face. Lily started laughing along with her.


Rose dropped the girls off at the heart of London. "Now remember," she reminded the girls as she handed them a few English notes. "No talking to strangers, no inappropriate behavior, no-"

"Mum, we know already," Lily sighed exasperatedly.

Rose smiled slightly at her daughter. "Just making sure."

After a quick peck on the cheek for both girls, Rose Evans drove off, still not believing how old and mature her youngest daughter was.

The two girls stood as they watched the car turn the corner.

"Right," Lily turned to Beth. "What should we do now?"

Beth looked thoughtfully for a moment. "How 'bout we go to that new museum? Penelope said it was fun," she suggested.

Lily shook her head in distaste. She hated museums. She hated the fact that she would have to whisper in hushed voices for the entire time. When she tried to make the museum more "interesting" people would just scold her or shoo her out. "Nah. How 'bout we go north? You know, where there are all those interesting and deserted places. It would be fun to find a little warehouse all to ourselves." Lily smiled at the thought of it.

Beth seemed a bit uneasy. "Oh, I don't think it would be much fun. I mean, there aren't any interesting people up there. And the streets are so much darker," she said quickly.

Lily took Beth's arm and started tugging on it. "Oh, come on, Bethie! We'll have lots of fun! We might even find a dragon scale! Or a ghost!" she said excitedly.

Beth smiled. It was a known fact that Lily loved all those stories about magical creatures and faraway lands. The only type of those stories she hated were the damsels in distress. Each time someone suggested telling the story of Sleeping Beauty or some other well-known damsels in distress, she would wrinkle her little nose and said, "Why would I want to hear about a girl who sits there all day, waiting for her prince to come? Tell me the story of the princess who killed the dragon with her magical sword!"

"Oh, all right. But only for a while," Beth gave up.

Lily let go of Beth's arm to clap her hands together. Then she reached for Beth's hand again. "Well, hurry up, slow poke!"

The two girls ran quickly through the thick crowds. Slowly, the crowd began to thin until there were only 4 or 5 people visible in all directions.

The girls slowed their pace to look at each abandoned building, making up stories for them as they went.

"That was the haunted home of a ghost!"

"That one must've been the warehouse for pirates to store their stolen goods!"

The girls giggled as they kept naming the "familiar" buildings.

"That one must've been the saloon where criminals hung out."

"Actually, that building was a rundown boutique," another voice said from behind.

The two girls spun around. Standing before them were two tall boys about their own age, each wearing a grin on their face. The one who spoke had chocolate brown eyes which looked out from behind a pair of round glasses, his messy black hair spilling over them. The other had chin-length black hair with dark brown eyes and was a lot taller than the other boy.

"Well, well. Who do we have here, wandering around the streets of London by themselves?" the one who spoke to them before said.

"Are you two Muggles?" the other asked.

"What? What are Muggles?" Lily snapped at them, thinking that was an offense term. Beth stayed silent, looking on with worried eyes.

"Ah. I see. Never mind," the one with glasses waved his hand dismissively.

"We aren't Muggles. We're normal people like you." Lily looked over the pair. The one wearing glasses wore a scarlet red robe while the other one wore a dark blue one. "Uh... scratch that," Lily added, not trying to keep a slight sneer out of her tone. "We're normal people Iunlike/I you."

The chocolate brown eyes darkened immediately while the other laughed heartedly. "Hey, James! This one has spunk!" he cried surprised.

"She doesn't have spunk. She has some mental disorder. And that's putting it nicely," James spat at Lily.

"Why, you idiotic pert!" To everyone's surprise, Lily marched right up to James, who was a whole head taller than her, and slapped him with a smart smack.

James, stunned stepped back, then curled both hands into fists and made toward Lily. Sirius grabbed him by the scruff of his robes and whispered sharply, "Stop James! She's a girl!"

"There! That should teach you never to call me 'Muggle' ever again," Lily said haughtily.

Beth tugged at Lily's arm. "Stop it Lily. You don't know what you're saying," she whispered.

Lily pulled her arm away impatiently. "I know Iexactly/I what I'm saying," she replied. She turned back to the boys. "Now if you'll excuse Ius/I, we have better things to do than to speak to likes of Iyou/I." With that said, she pushed past them and marched down the street back to the direction they had come from with her head held high.

Beth shook her head and followed her fuming friend.

A/N: Hate it? Like it? Also, how do you make the italics work on Microsoft Word? Please review and tell me all your thoughts. Flames are accepted though frowned upon (lol) and constructive criticism are welcomed. Are there any grammatical errors? If there are any errors, I'll try to redo this chapter. Anyway, the entire story is almost completed but the next chapter should be due in two weeks or so (to add to the suspense). If you think that's too long, review and tell me what the most acceptable time span is and I will consider. Anyway, you get the point, so review! =)