Disclaimer: I do not own Newsies, Disney obviously does(tear Lucky Rats!), and I don't actually own this story, my talented friend, Kristina, does(she, too, is a lucky rat!) and I am merely doing her a favor! But, I actually DO own Tig and Annabelle, others as well, but you have to wait for the sequel! So, for these reasons, don't sue me!

Summary: Marie 'Target' McCoy is a loveable tomboy who lives and sells with the Manhatten Newsies. She starts to date SpotConlon, but what happens when her heart starts to belong to another newsie that she's known for years? NOT A MARY SUE!!! Skit/Target, Mush/Tig, Jack/OC

Rating: PG-13

"I'se got it!" Target shouted, rushing into the Lodging House. The Newsies had all settled into the study, listening to their friend ramble. "I'se got it, I'se finally got it!" She went around the room, giving all the Newsies a kiss on the cheek and hugging Tig and Shortcake. "I'se got it," she said to herself as she rushed to Skittery in the large black chair. She sat sideways on his lap, took him by the collar and kissed him without warning.

"Geeze! You'se should have done dat a few years ago, I'se would've been a happy man!" he joked. Marie kissed him again.

"What did ya get Marie?" asked Blink. Across the room, Jack balled up his fist. He was still uneasy about people calling her that.

"Da bookstore on da corna...I'se gotta job dare," she explained. "Ain't dat great?!" she asked. The room fell quiet. "What?" she questioned, looking around the dimly lit room. "Ain't you'se guys happy for me?" Skittery patted her on the leg.

"Course were happy for you'se, Angel-Face. It's just...what 'bout Munchkin?"

"I'se can take care of her," interrupted Race. "I'se ain't got a job anyways. And maybe she can help me sell some papes. What do you'se think?"

Target and Skit looked at eachother, then back to Race. Evy was sitting on his lap. Target took a deep breath and saw her daughter reach into Race's pocket and pull out a cigar.

"Alright." She looked at her little girl. "But, no smokin', drinkin', or stealin'." Evy looked to her mother. "Understand?" she asked.

"'Kay!" Evelyn replied, looking back at the cigar.

"Promise?" Skittery questioned, making sure.

"Pwomise!" Munchkin answered her father. Race looked at his buddy.

"Hey, no worries! Who betta at teachin' her den me?" asked Racetrack.

"Ta teach her what, exactly?" spoke Shortcake, twisting her head around to see him.

"Street smarts, kid," Race explained, lifting his middle finger to his head; he intended it for Rory to see.

"Oh, and Lord knows, you'se got alot of dat!" said Mush. Bella continued to try to climb into her father's lap. The room grew still.

The air was warm, even with the windows open. The hot July moon rested behind the trees outside the window. The room smelt of tobacco, old furniture, and the lilacs that grew right outside. The leaves on the oak trees rustled in the evening breeze. It was silent in the study; only the sound of the wind could be heard.

Mush, Tig, Jack, and Shortcake sat quietly on a large sofa, Skittery and Target in the black armchair. Bella and Munchkin were back on the floor playing with David's pocket watch, Blink's lucky dice, and Bumlets's prized marbles. Specs, Snoddy, and Race, as well as the rest of the Newsies, sat cross-legged on the floor, accompanying Bella and Munchkin. No one said a word, they just watched the small girls fiddle with the marbles and dice.

"Hey goils, show yer muddas what we tought you'se," said Jack, breaking the silence.

"Cawwyin' da banna!" the two spoke in unison, looking to their parents. Only large smiles were shown.

August 8, 1902

Dimitrie Jones and Shawn Meyers stood anxiously waiting for their fiancées to come strolling down the aisle. All of the Newsies and Bella and Munchkin sat in rows of chairs lined in the green grass. It was their wedding day. The couples agreed on a double wedding, outside, in their park.

Some of the Newsboys in the front row continuously made faces at Mush and Skittery; they were trying to lighten the mood. The procession had begun as the two men finally witnessed their beautiful brides. Lily was dressed in a traditional white dress with lilies filling her bouquet.

Of course, the Newsies provided the wedding music with their, 'Da dum, dam dums' while the girls walked down the aisle. Racetrack was by Lily's side, ready to give her away. They walked slowly down the aisle, between the rows of Newsies. Now Tig was standing beside Mush, a white veil covered her face and more lily flowers were set in her headpiece.

Skittery was waiting in constant anticipation for his bride to be. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his buddy, Blink, stick his tongue out at him. At that moment, Target appeared. She was dressed in white as well, lilacs satisfied her for a bouquet. The boys noticed that Target wasn't wearing a veil like Lily was, but her faithful Newsie hat with a light blue handkerchief hanging from its brim.

"Momma!" Evelyn shouted when she saw her mother. Target put her fingers to her lips, trying to give a sign of silence. Jack met her at the end of the aisle and held up his arm. Marie thought it was best for Jack to give her away. He was like family to her, as were the rest of the Newsies, but there was something different about Jack. He was like a brother, he always had been and she loved him dearly.

Jack couldn't help but smile when he saw Target in her dress. She linked her arm through his. ."You'se look beautiful, Marie," he whispered.

"Thanks, Jack," she replied, and kissed her friend's cheek. They began to walk.

"I'se can't believe you'se wore dat!" he said, referring to the hat.

"As always!"

When they reached Skit, Mush, and Lily, Jack asked, "You'se gonna take care of me goil, right Skit?"

"No worries, Kelly! Nothin's gonna happen ta my goil," he replied.

"Nice hat," Target said to Lily.

"You too," Tig whispered back, giggling.

"Shh, quiet down now ladies," said the minister. Target and Lily looked at him, only just realizing it was the doctor who had saved Marie's life.

"Hey Doc, what are you doing here?" asked Tig.

"You'se just everywhere, ain't ya?" Target questioned, punching him lovingly in the arm.

"Let's proceed, ladies," he suggested, opening his book. Everyone quieted down as the ceremonies began. "We gather on this beautiful August morning to wed these two couples in holy matrimony." He paused. "Shawn and Lily and Dimitrie and Marie." Some of the Newsies giggled under their breath.

"Go get 'em, Marie!" shouted Blink. She turned to look at him.

"Thanks, Kid," she turned back.

"Hey, you'se too, Lils!" he added, but Lily stayed facing forward, even though a smile was evident on her face.

"Do you, Shawn Meyers, take this woman, Lily Matthews, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" asked the minister.

"Of course!" Mush replied, scrunching his nose and chin and shrugging his shoulders. Tig looked at him sternly. "I'se mean...I'se do," he said, correcting himself.

"And do you, Lily Matthews, take this man, Shawn Meyers, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," she replied, looking into Mush's eyes.

The minister turned to Target and Skittery on his right.

"Do you, Dimitrie Jones, take this women, Marie McCoy, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do, Fadda," Skit replied.

"And do you, Marie McCoy, take this man, Dimitrie Jones, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Target raised an eyebrow. "No doubt 'bout it!" was her reply. The minister's eyes widened. "Sorry, Fadda. I'se mean, yes, I'se do."

"If any person or people object to these two couples being wed, speak now or forever hold your peace," spoke the father, looking around. Only the sound of wind blowing and birds chirping could be heard. Target almost got lost in Skittery's deep green eyes when the minister announced, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your brides."

Mush lifted Lily's veil and kissed her lips. Target, on the other hand, pulled off her hat and threw it like a Frisbee through the air. Skittery's grin widened and he kissed his bride hard. The Newsies clapped and cheered for their friends. Bella and Evelyn placed their hands over their eyes.

"Ewww!" they said, while their uncles held them. A few minutes passed and the couples were still kissing.

Race stood up, Evy on his shoulder. "Hey boys!" he shouted to Skit and Mush. "Da fadda said to kiss da brides, not suffocate 'em!"

"Don't tell us, tell dem," said Mush, pointing to a nearby tree. Jack had Rory pressed up against the tree.

"Hey, Kelly!" shouted Target. "Carry da banner, not kiss da messenga!" Jack pulled away from Rory, laughing. The park filled with joy that August morning. Then Lily and Marie looked at eachother.

"We have to tell them," whispered Lily. "Guys," she began aloud, "Marie and I have...have something to tell all of you...um..."

"Well...you'se see..." started Target.


"We're sisters," they both said.

(tear!) It's been fun with this story...I can't wait 'til I can post the sequel. If you're reading this, I hope that you read the next story and REVIEW!!!!!!! And...what a SURPRISE at the end. I bet ya you didn't see that one coming! Until the next story(and make sure you keep an eye out!)...I'm Out!!

JustDuck: LOL! You have no idea how hard I laughed when I read 'potent little swimmers'! Yeah, they sure are. I guess that you'll just have to wait until the sequel until you find out what Tig had. Sorry! I hope to see you as one of the first reviewers for the next story, if not THE first)no pressure of course!)