An: Hey! Sorry, I haven't been on for such a long time! I hope all of you can forgive me but my life has been involving a lot of problems and I didn't have time to update, but now that it's summer, my schedule has become more open. I hope you like this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin/ Inuyasha/ or YYH. I just love them.


Chapter 6: The Green Monster and More Dreams

Inuyasha ran. He ran all the way to the well and then without a second thought jumped in. But he didn't stop there. After jumping out of the well, he had continued to run. He didn't even know where he was going, but he knew it was better than being so close to the well…so close to the future…so close to Kagome. He had seen enough: Kagome was kissing another guy and from the looks of it, she was enjoying the kiss. Inuyasha's speed picked up as his anger rose.  How could she do that? After all she and him had been through, she can go kiss another guy? Didn't she say that she wanted to stay with him once? Of coarse, she did! It was right after she saw… saw him and Kikyou together, alone in the forest.

Suddenly, Inuyasha stopped running and collapsed on his knees. He could do nothing but sit on the forest ground while his mind began to produce the memories of his past faster than any run he could sprint. He had forgotten…all those times he had been with Kikyou and Kagome had seen. Was this how Kagome felt? To feel as though, your heart was being ripped from your rib cage and torn to shreds before your eyes? To finally realize that your feelings for someone go deeper than you thought and suddenly know that they matter? Then to find that special person betrays you for another?

Was that why Kagome had given up on him and found another? Recalling the picture of Kagome's kiss with that other man he remembered how she smelt. Her scent was even more enticing than usual and carried traces of a small but strong arousal. The guy she was kissing…he wasn't human. It was that fox! How could he have missed it? It was the same scent that belonged to the person Kagome had claimed was just a friend…but then things must of changed. She and that fox must have done something that neither Kagome nor Inuyasha had never done: They realized each other's feelings; but in such a short amount of time?

For some reason, that fact really pissed him off. It was something that Kagome and him had yet to tell one another and if Kagome and this fox could do it so easily it meant there was something special about this fox. It meant…the fox was special to Kagome. And THAT meant that he, Inuyasha, wasn't as important to Kagome as this fox.

It came like a youkai, lurking and attacking without warning. The green monster of jealousy consumed his mind the more he thought about Kagome and that fox. What did a stupid fox youkai have that he didn't?

'I'm just as good as he is!' Thought Inuyasha. 'I'm strong; maybe even stronger than he is! Why would Kagome want to be with him? I mean, I actually think I'm the strongest of all the males she's ever met! First there was that Hobo guy, and he was just a puny human. Then there was Kouga but he wasn't any problem against my Tetssiaga. Sure, he was strong but not strong enough. He was just…" Inuyasha's thought slowed as he discovered something interesting. Kouga was just jealous…of him, because Kagome chose to stay with him, the half-breed!

Inuyasha moved his position from being on his knees to sitting indian-style. Inuyasha who had so been disgusted with Kouga's attitude and feelings toward him was now having the same feeling for the guy who had kissed Kagome. He was able to relate to Kouga's feelings now. He was jealous. It was a plain fact. Self-pity began to swarm around Inuyasha. He had been blind to not make a move while he had the chance with Kagome and so now, she was taken.

"I'm such an idiot!" He mumbled to himself.

"Why is that?"

Inuyasha looked up quickly to find himself staring into the empty depths of Kikyou's eyes. Kikyou…the person he had once loved. He knew he still loved her but it was an old love that was replaced by another…Kagome. Kikyou was in her usual attire, a miko's outfit with her hair pulled back into a low pony-tail. Her face was stern but in some light held the small expression of curiosity. In the past when she had had a real body and a real life, she had more expressive faces and tones of voice. But now, it was different. Her voice seemed dead, partly because she was in all truth dead, and her face held very little emotion.  Even with such stone-like features, she was still very pretty.

"None of your business." Inuyasha answered, while standing up. He kept a weary eye on her. He never really trusted her but he could sometimes. It was ironic how his feelings for her seemed to always change from one point to another.

"Oh? Well, I think I know anyway. Kagome has found another, right?" A small smile carried to her lips as she continued, "I never thought she would be the one to betray you. I had always thought she would be the one to get hurt."

"She didn't betray me. She simply moved on." Inuyasha retorted.

Kikyou chuckled. "Yes…moved on. Kagome moved on to, how does one say it: 'Greener pastures?' Would that mean, she has found someone better than you?"

"No…yes…I…I don't know." Inuyasha turned his eyes to the ground. Kikyou was still smiling. For some reason, this event seemed to amuse her enough to give away from her usual mask of indifference.

"It is probably better this way, you know? After all, Inuyasha, was it not you who said you would always protect and love me? You are obligated to me. You are MINE. As I once told you, Inuyasha, do not forget our kiss. It was real. It was also in front of Kagome, so what ever she has done to you in finding another is only fair." Kikyou paused as if waiting for Inuyasha's reaction. Then, she continued.

"Let her go. She may have been beautiful but she was a whore. Her clothes where too short and she didn't seem to have any dignity in the way she behaved. She was a child in an adult body. The only value she had was because she could see jewel shards and give someone a good time.

She has found a new lover and so her time will be spent with him more often. She won't be here as long as she usually is and soon her visits may all together cease!"

"NO! That won't happen--" Inuyasha called out. It was one of his greatest fears that Kagome would leave one day and just never come back. She was the only one who truly understood him. Kikyou ignored his out burst and continued, enjoying Inuyasha's pain. It was what he deserved. She wanted his pain. She wanted him to feel hurt like how she had when she died; to see him in the painful turmoil of betrayal.

"She is no longer of any use to you, if you cannot have her! In all honesty, you never actually could. You led her on and broke her heart. It's amazing that she still has a close friendship with you, but it means nothing to what WE have. Come with me to hell Inuyasha! Come." Her airy voice repeated.

Inuyasha stood silently. His fists were shaking as his head was still leaned down, facing the ground.  "Never. Never speak of Kagome like that again! She is more than YOU could ever be!" He looked up. Kikyou was almost startled enough to jump at his outburst and the site of his face. His eyes gleamed golden while his irises were outlined in red. His pupils were lined in a dark blue. Nothing but rage and a sadness was held, directly looking at her.  "I may not have her. Hell, I KNOW that is my fault too! But I would rather be her close friend than to go to hell with a bitch like you! Leave! I never want to see you again!"

Kikyou's anger rose and her face twisted into the picture of pure rage; almost matching Inuyasha's expression! Her eyes held a fire that seemed to be even hotter than that of hell's fire.

"Have you forgotten?! You promised to protect me! How can you go back on your word, Inuyasha!?"

"Because my promise to protect Kagome is and will forever be more important than any vow I ever made you! I have come to realize that more than anything wench! Now, LEAVE!!" Inuyasha replied. He pointed his finger in a random direction. His voice held no waver and his eyes were set in determination. But there was something there that Kikyou had NEVER seen before. There were tears. He was crying. Why? Then it hit her like a ton of bricks, he was letting not Kagome go, but her, Kikyou! Inuyasha was ridding himself of her. He was unbinding all the chains of obligations she had made him hold onto.  He was going to finally become free of 'Kikyou, his old love.'

 Kikyou stood stunned. Her eyes were wide with hate and sorrow.

Her voice was soft and as thin as paper as she said, "Inuyasha, I…" She paused for what seemed like forever. If she had a real body, her eyes would be filled with tears at that point. She had to make a decision. Two sides of her heart fought for the right one. On one side, the love she had felt for Inuyasha wanted to release him; to let him go and give him a chance to be happy. Her mind rang with the scream to release him from the emotions that hold him back in life. It wanted Inuyasha to live and not have to hold that connection to the past he has been spending time to so hard let go of.

He could never do it, because of…because of her, Kikyou. If she let him go…he would be able to have a chance at a real life; something she never, ever had. One the other side, she was being selfish. Kikyou didn't want to let go of Inuyasha. He was hers…and in some way she was HIS. When she was alive, she had been so secure in his arms and felt as though…she really belonged somewhere. She had had a purpose. But then…she had died.

When she had risen it had, at first, been her goal to get revenge against Inuyasha, but…but now…her desire was different. She wanted that same peace she had experienced when she was alive and in love with him. Both sides fought and Kikyou felt as though her insides were going to be torn from shreds.

Without her realizing it, the souls she had collected to survive for so long, had been seeping through her clay body and flying away to the beyond, where they were destined to have been all along. In the end, Kikyou's love for Inuyasha won. As her heart finally came to that decision she felt something grow within her.

It was that overwhelming warmth that one receives at making the right decision. She would let him go and in some way, she knew that it would be all right. She would watch him always but from a different point of view. She would always love him and that was that. Kikyou smiled, catching the hanyou by surprise. It was her; the old Kikyou.

"…Inuyasha, I…I can see now. I know what I must do. I will always love you. Here," She tossed him a small package. "I took it from Naraku. He is now vulnerable again. His hide away is in the mountains north of here. Good luck."

With that her body crumpled and became ashes and dirt once more. The spirit both Kikyou and Kagome shared submerged from the ashes and shot up…to where, Inuyasha didn't quite know. He opened the small bag she had left. Inside was a little over a third of the shards to the Jewel of Four Souls. If he added it to the already number of shards they have, it would mean they would have close to three or four shards left until the jewel's completion.

Looking up to the sky where he had last seen Kikyou's spirit head, he smiled. He had seen her. It was the real Kikyou that had just been there, the kind, loving, and unselfish Kikyou who he had loved. It wasn't the clay wanna-be. No, it was the woman who he had shared a past with; the woman who he had shared feelings with.


Kagome was sitting in her room doing homework when suddenly she felt more full that ever. What had happened? She tried to ignore the feeling of something BIG happening and decided to go lay down. It was late and most likely it just came from completing her homework. As she lay on the bed, her thoughts traveled back to the moment she and Kurama had kissed. It was an experience she would never forget.

When she was with Kurama, he always seemed to fill that space that was inside of her. That space had been there ever since she was born. She could always feel it and it was amazing that she could hardly feel it any more. It was as if she was waiting for something, but it never happened. But now, something had changed. She felt different. With those last thoughts and puzzlements still moving around in her mind, she fell to sleep's control.


It was spring and flowers were in bloom. The sweet aroma of wild flowers reached Kaoru's nose as she continued her slow search for Kenshin. He had left earlier today for a walk around town and maybe to the lake.

Kaoru skipped looking in the village and had made her way straight to the lake. It was a peaceful day and if she knew Kenshin, he would have come straight here. She made her way around another tree. She caught view of the lake and stood still. It was glimmering in the sunlight. The surrounding trees and undergrowth made it stick out among the rest of the scenery of green.

"Miss Kaoru?"

She turned. There sat Kenshin, under a tall, enormous tree. Most of him was in shade, but just like the lake, the reflected light caught spots of his hair and especially is beautiful eyes. Kaoru blinked and stared into his eyes but caught herself before staring too long.

"Hi, Kenshin. Do you want some company?" She smiled. Kenshin blinked a few times before replying with a smile of his own.

"That, I would, Miss Kaoru."

Kaoru sat beside him and together they watched and listened to nature. Kaoru closed her eyes and began to take it all in. She loved the spring. It was one of the best times of the year.

"Miss Kaoru." The whisper woke her from her thoughts and she slowly turned to see that Kenshin had a small bird resting on his finger. Her eyes widened and she slowly moved closer to see. It was a gorgeous little bird, with an orange beak. His black and gray feathers looked soft.

With his other hand, Kenshin motioned for her to come closer. She did and he pulled her into his lap as she kept her eyes on the, surprisingly, calm bird. Kenshin took her right hand in his and brought it up to the bird. It slipped from his hand to hers gracefully.

Kaoru could feel its small claws prick her, but not painfully. She smiled in awe. She leaned back a little to rest her back against Kenshin's chest. It was quite uncomfortable to sit up so straight. Kenshin was so close she could feel his breaths on her neck. He whispered in her ear as she continued to gaze at the little bird.

"These types of birds are normally shy of humans. But there is a saying that they gain courage from time to time to come close. They do this for mostly couples but rarely." Kaoru blushed. Does that mean, we're a couple?

Kenshin continued, "Some say that this type of bird only comes close to the couples that are going to do something great, whether it be in this life time or another."

It was then that the bird flew off. Kaoru and Kenshin watched it leave. When it was completely out of site Kaoru turned her head to look at Kenshin. She discovered that he was already looking at her. They stared for a few minutes.  Their faces began to come closer to one another, but they continued to stare in wonder into each other's eyes. Their lips met and their eyes closed.

The kiss of tentative at first but gradually is became braver. Kenshin's arms encircled Kaoru and pulled her closer to him. Kaoru opened her mouth and Kenshin tilted his head as his tongue entered her mouth. The kiss became more fevering with every moment. Their tongues intertwined and tasted each other then began to wrestle in small caresses.

Kenshin's arms did not release her and she caressed them with her hands as if they were gold. Finally she broke the kiss to quickly turn her body, still sitting in his lap, to encircle her arms around Kenshin's neck. He deepened the kiss as his lips once more reached hers. Feelings overcame both of them with a passion. None of them were new; just stronger.

Kenshin could feel the emotion of protectiveness over come his as the greatest of all others. He felt an exhilarating energy and determination to keep her safe…and his always. His Kaoru would never come to harm.  His Kaoru…he liked the sound of that. It meant something to him. It meant, he could now admit something he was afraid to admit for a long time: He loved Kaoru.

Kaoru's feelings for Kenshin increased with every second. She knew she loved him and now, she knew. He loved her back. The feeling of the comforting safety increased as well. In his strong arms and comforting presence, she felt more belonged.

That day was something they would never forget. That day held their first kiss. Later on, they held a day with a second, third, fourth, and indeed fifth kiss.

Kagome woke with the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. It was the perfect dream. She recalled the moment Kurama and her had kissed. Her cheeks became red and her heart began to pound. She was filled with energy! A hyper sense of feeling was in the air. She turned up her radio clock. She danced to the music, swaying her hips and moving her arms with her body.

She laughed and fell back on her bed as she held the image of Kurama in her mind. Unbeknownst to her, Kurama had awoken from the same dream. He face was red and something in his stomach seemed to be fluttering. Was he sick?

Standing up, he went to inspect himself in front of his bathroom mirror. He looked fine, with the exception of the pink blush covering his cheeks. Suddenly he felt a spark of energy leap inside of him. A smile lit his face and he decided to quickly dress for school. For some reason, he was surprised to be so eager in going to school. A face entered his mind, and his smile grew wider…Kagome. They had shared a kiss yesterday. He slowed his quick movements and sat on his bed. Lying back, his mind ensnared the glorious image of a young miko. He sighed in contentment.


"Kagome!" The said young woman turned her head to see who was calling her. She groaned inwardly. It was him.

"HI, Kagome! How are you?" He asked. Claude's eyes seemed to glint with more than the curiosity of her well-being. His eyes did not remain in one place for too long. He continued to look over her body and mainly upper chest.

Pulling her books to cover the place he was staring she replied vaguely, "I'm fine." She eyed him with wariness. He was such a jerk, not to mention a pervert.

"That's good. I'll see you in class later, ok? Oh and I was wandering if you would like to catch a movie or something--" Before he could finish Kurama had shown up. He wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist and glared at Claude.

Claude saw the way he held her possessively close to him. Bastard. He thought. The fool doesn't even know. Not even Kagome can tell you and what I am. He smirked.

"Hello, Kurama." His voice was emotionless. His behavior took a complete turn around from the smiling and flirting to the unshown glare. Tension filled the air. Kagome took a small glance at Kurama before slightly tugging him with her toward the school. He complied without hesitation but just before they entered the school he threw Claude the most deadly glare he had. It was a warning: Stay away from what's mine!

Claude simply smiled. "We'll see what belongs to whom soon…demon…we'll see."


Kurama and Kagome laughed. They had just finished their time at the swordsman ship club and were making their way toward Kagome's house when a bald man had gone running by with his large wife ranting after him; a rolling pin in her hands. They had begun to pass a park when Kagome suddenly stopped. Kurama turned to see what had distracted her.

There on the bench just a few feet away was the same bird they had seen in their dreams. Both Kagome and Kurama blushed when they realized exactly who they were standing with and what the bird was said to represent.

Turning to each other, they were both surprised to see the other was also red.

"Why…why are you blushing?" She asked at she moved closer to see his red cheeks. Her hands came up to touch them.

"No…no reason. Why are you blushing?" he asked, moving his hand to her cheek and placing an arm around her waste. There was almost no space between them now. Leaning closer their lips almost met when…

"There he is!" a familiar voice cried.

"Well, duh! The red hair gave him away, didn't it?"

Kuwabara and Yusuke came running toward them. Kurama and Kagome released each other, but Kurama still held her waste to him.

Both Yusuke and Kuwabara noticed this but didn't say anything. Kurama could have knocked both of them upside the head for ruining Kagome and his moment.

"Kurama, Koenma wants the team at his office, now! It seems that we miscalculated to time the…um…tournament was supposed to be. We're leaving at the end of the week and Koenma wants us to be prepared. The toddler can be so annoying. He's taking us out of school…AGAIN!" His last two sentences were mumbled but apparently not low enough. Hiei suddenly appeared.

Kuwabara was about to explain the message but Hiei interrupted. "I know. Botan found me." He said. His face was dark as he said, "We're going to train at Genkai's then leave for the Dark Tournament."

Dark Tournament? Kagome thought.

TBC…(to be continued.)

AN: I know! This chapter was much shorter than my last one, but I promise to make it up to you later. I made up the part about Kenshin and Kaoru's first kiss. I got the idea from a picture one of my friends gave me. I hope you liked this chapter and forgive me for making it so short. Please Review…it would make me happy and more encouraged to update sooner!