16 - Reunion

Returning to Cybertron was easy enough.

After the blast of Light and Dark had subsided, the Stormians offered to help us re-build our ship. It was funny because Sideswipe and Brainstorm came rushing out to greet us, and were surprised to find the planet back to normal.

"But we never got to test out our cannon!" Sideswipe cried out.

Brainstorm shook his head and said, "We still made many discoveries about the Stormians to help them as much as to help us."

After Sideswipe admired his 'bro's' new cloak, he suddenly saw something on the horizon that everyone had wanted to see.


Optimus's arm draped over his shoulder for support, Magnus was walking towards them, his smile evident even in the distance. The heroes were greeted with the army they led, and together they had saved Cybertron, and them too, from ultimate destruction.

We left the planet, after the Stormians promising to release the Orbs they had captured, and using them to bring back the people that were lost. As we all travelled home, Jetfire almost danced in joy at finding out that Tidalwave and all that were killed by the Stormians would be brought back to life. The Stormians had that power in them, but as soon as they had done that to all the planets, they would go into an one hundred yeah hibernation. They would only have their Orb to power them now, and although it would be hard for them to adjust, they were determined to right their wrongs.

When we got back, the planet looked like all the colour had been drained out. The transformers that were still on the planet seemed frozen like granite statues. They looked at it sadly as the Ship landed, and they disembarked. Hotshot then rose up the Orb in his hands and it floated up further by its own accord. Then it emitted a soft, healing light that covered the planet like a sparkling blanket. The colour returned, and the transformers came back to life. The dead bodies then glowed, healing and being resurrected from the grave. It took a moment for these transformers to understand where they were and what they were doing, and then everything seemed to come back to life as the saviours spread the word.

"You know," Jetfire announced. "This really merits a party!" The transformers around him seemed to agree, and as the word spread, the entire planet came to the agreement that a party is just what they needed. Many parties were held cross the planet in mere hours, and the planet seemed to sing with laughter, song and dance. It seemed that even Primus was celebrating by giving the planet beautiful weather of brilliant sunshine. However, the one that Optimus was at was the greatest of all. Demolisher came back on the scene highly confused, but Wheeljack and Sideswipe filled him in over some energon. Tidalwave also came in like Demolisher, and also highly confused.

"Hey 'Wave!" Jetfire greeted him and said, "I've got a very interesting story to tell you …"

"Hey." Magnus said as he walked over to Optimus, who was standing by the window and looking out happily at his newly resurrected planet. Yes, he was now guardian of Cybertron, and it seemed that its burden would be light now.

"Magnus." Optimus said as a way of greeting, and Magnus immediately mocked him, something that Optimus knew he would do.

"Whow, whow." He said, putting his hands up in front of him in a pushing like fashion, "Back up Mr. Guardian-of-the-planet. You think that means you can be all high and mighty to your own brother?!"

"Oh yes." Optimus said. Magnus growled, but his smile gave away their playfulness and they both burst out laughing.

"But really," Magnus questioned, turning serious. "Do you really think you can handle this now?"

Optimus turned to him, his look pensive. "Yes … I really do. I think I've learnt my lesson about fate. You cant hide from what you're destined to do. You made me see that."

Magnus smiled, leaning on him as he was pulled into a one armed hug.

"Oh yeah," Magnus said, looking out at the new Cybertron forest. "You owe me a game."


I end the last line with relish as I look over the papers the Light bearer had sent me. I thought I was done, but it needed something. Like a post script …

Looking up at the screen, I typed;

As the Duel element bearers gazed out at the planet that had been so close to destruction, I wonder if it wasn't just the elements that those two had re united. As I see them now, playing like they used to back when they were young, and Magnus helping out Optimus in his duties as the Guardian of Cybertron. I guess a lot of lost relationships need that extra spice in life to help them solve their debts to one another, but I think that everyday will be a new adventure for us too. We will all have new adventures.

"The End …" I muttered as I added the famous last line to a story, but being the individual type, I added, "To another adventure."

Pressing the save button, I then proceeded to close down my computer. Ten years had passed since that journey, and I had continued to be a writer. But only 'till now was I free to put it on paper.

"Hey Hotshot!" Sideswipe called as he entered my office. "Are ya done?"

"Just finished." I answered. "I'll send it off later so the publishers can view it."

"Good stuff bro." Sideswipe said and chucked me a can of energon. "I'm goin' out for a drive to Hoist's place. Wanna come?"

"Why are you going to his place?" I asked, not sure of why he was going on such short notice.

"Says he's got some interesting news for us about that vibe you and the rest of the Elementals picked up." Sideswipe said. "We better head off."

"Okay!" I replied, and I stood up.

As we transformed outside of our house, I realised that I maybe heading to another adventure. But then again, isn't life one big one anyway?


*Onto Energon*


Well everyone, it's the end of this story! Thanks to everyone who spent the time to read this, and a big thanks to all those who reviewed. You don't know just how much it means to me to get on the net everyday and get an e-mail saying that I have a new review. It really makes me happy!

So it's time to thank those who really helped me out here:

Wicked Woman – Not only did you sometimes review more than once a chapter, but also you actually helped me to decide that the Bearer of Light would be Elita 1. You see, I wasn't sure if I should make it her or not, I thought that that would be your guess when you e-mailed me, but you did put the seal on it.

CodeRed 73 – You helped me give Red Alert a good role in this story. Without you, I dunno what I would've done with the guy! In one of your reviews you mentioned that he doesn't have a lot of show time, and that was the main reason for my indecision of what to do with him. Electrica is your fave next to Red Alert?! Gosh I'm very flattered! Thankyou so much! ^__^

Blue eyed Broken winged angel – For reviewing almost every chapter; but you could of said more than 'I like it please continue' in almost every review, however, I am grateful. Thankyou very much.

Cobalt Pop Maxwell – Yes, you did review this fic an age ago, and I think it was then that you also added me to your fave Authors list (which I ran around my room, crying in happiness) because you signed in then. I love your stories too! Thanks!

Phoenix"WOW. It's been a long time since a REALLY decent fic was posted up here, its nice to see one at last! I love it."

That was your message to me, and you don't know just how happy that made me! *big hugs!*

Pivot – Ta for the high praise in all your reviews. I am actually quite surprised that this fic did so well among the TF community here!

Alc Fluteo – I have heard a lot about you from fellow authors and how great you write. It flatters me that you also enjoy my work!

Amity-Star – Hope you enjoyed my story as I certainly enjoy yours!

SilverIceAngel – Yes I had to add a touch of humour to the story, and hey? Who else better to do it with than Jetfire? (BTW, Flare and him get together after the story, but that's another story to ponder ;))

ANIMEMJANE – Blimey!!! Take off the caps!!! And yes, killing off so many people was necessary for me in a way to bring the story together. But they live now, so no biggie. Besides, I hate Demolisher and Cyclonus (*Snarls*), and Tidalwave doesn't say enough for me to hate him. The fun part about writing is punishing the characters you hate ;]

And thanks to all the rest! You are very nice to even review at all!! I know I maybe missed a few special mentions, so I'm sorry for that. But yes, thankyou to all of my readers and reviewers.

But I would like to ask you all something. I was thinking of writing sort of a prelude to this. Well, not really, but I wanted to write a story about Magnus and Optimus's childhood and how they grew up together 'n stuff. Then finishing the story at the start of this one. Would you guys read that? (yes, it will include all cannon characters)

Anywho, 'till next time everyone!

A very Merry Xmas to you and a happy new year!