Author Notes: LOL, ok the man boobs thing - that was a typo, it was supposed to be "Manly Boobs" which are toned pecs - it is a term that has been used in other fandom's on the net, I just forgot to add the 'ly'. My bad. The reason Mrs. Malfoy was at the will hearing is because she is Sirius blood relative and had a legal right to be there, not even Dumbledore could prevent her from coming, regardless of whether or not the mansion is still the HQ of the OoTP, which I also haven't said if it still was. Also, thanks for Adam for the beta -- he's a peach!

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Love is an energy - it can neither be created nor destroyed. It just is and always will be, giving meaning to life and direction to goodness...Love will never die.
-Bryce Courtney

Chapter Four: Bound

August 7th, 10:00 P.M.

Hermione stepped out onto the back porch and closed the door behind her as quietly as possible. The night air was colder than it should have been for late August and Hermione found herself unconsciously rubbing her hands over her arms in order to warm them. She peered out into the back yard and found him immediately, his tall, masculine form silhouetted by one of the many Glitter Lights that decorated the yard. He was standing with his back to her, looking up into the cloudless night sky, his hands buried in the pockets of his trousers and quietly shuffling his feet.

He looks so lost.

She hesitated a moment, uncertain if he would welcome her presence after what had just happened in the Drawing Room, and didn't welcome the idea of him blowing up at her like he had Ron.

"I won't bite your head off, Hermione - I...I could use someone to talk to." She almost didn't hear him, his voice sounded so distant and filled with despair that her knees nearly buckled and before she realized what she was doing, she quickly went to his side and took his hand in her own.

"Harry..." She whispered.

He turned to look at her, behind his wire-rimmed glasses his eyes brimmed with tears, "I can take it anymore Hermione - all these things...everything, it's weighing on me and I don't think I can carry it all...I just know I'm going to break soon, but I also know that if I do - If I do, everything will end."

Everything will end? What's he talking about?

Hermione pushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear and squeezed his hand, "Harry. You are the strongest person I have ever known, but you don't have to carry the burden alone - I know what Ron did in there was wrong." She made a face and continued, "And I doubt that I will ever forgive him for that, but you have people who love you, and I know that Ron loves you too, he's just being an enormous git right now. The people in that house love you so much - I love you Harry, you must know that. And because we love you, we are here to help you, to listen and support you when you need it."

Don't bring up that wall Harry - don't let my loving you scare you away.

She watched his face for any sort of reaction, something that would tell her she was getting through to him, but still the same distant and distraught look clouded his handsome features.

"Hermione - believe me I appreciate that, Gods do I appreciate it, but..." Harry trailed off as if trying to find the right words to continue. "It does help a little I guess, to hear that people sincerely love me and care about my well-being. I honestly count you among that group Hermione and I feel the same way about you."

She beamed at him and tightened her grip on his hand but also noticed his hesitation and called him on it, "But...?"

Harry lowered his head, "The thing is - most of those people in there...I'm not entirely sure if their love for me is as genuine as yours." Off her stricken look he quickly carried on, "Remus I know cares for me, I don't question him at all. It's just that the others...they know things Hermione, things that you don't know about me..."

Hermione quickly went over in her mind the few things that she didn't know about the young man standing before her, suddenly Sirius' passionate speech to Harry about not letting a prophecy lead his life flashed through her mind, and she realized that she knew next to nothing about the prophecy in which he spoke of.

Oh Gods...the prophecy.

She voiced her realization hoping that her voice didn't betray the fear that had begun to squirm its way through her, "The prophecy. You know it… don't you?"

Harry looked stricken and took a step back but didn't let go of her hand and she silently took that as a good sign. To her relief he nodded once and continued, "Yes...but I can't tell you. I want to tell you believe me I do. But if I do, if you knew what I know then you would become an even bigger target for Voldemort than you already are."

I'm not sure if I should be angry at his stubbornness or swooning because he is once again trying to protect me.

She stepped closer and gently placed her hand on his chest, ignoring for the time being the way he trembled at her touch. "Ok...for now I won't ask, but you will tell me eventually Harry… soon. I don't like being kept in the dark especially if it's something that concerns you."

Harry covered her hand with his and held it against his chest, "Deal."

Hermione beamed up at him, "Good. Now, you want to talk about what went on in there?"

Harry flushed with embarrassment and looked down at his feet, "I don't know really. Usually I just let those things roll off me...but hearing them from Ron. It was like he was sticking a knife in my gut and twisting it around just to see what kind of reaction he would get."

Hermione flinched involuntarily at the image, "Harry, I'm not judging what you did. Any normal person would have done the same thing, I just don't want you feeling guilty for reacting the way you did. For some reason Ron has gone off the deep end, and if I wasn't so infuriated at him I would worry more about his behavior."

Harry nodded in agreement, "Except I am worried about him Hermione, that back there," He motioned towards the mansion with his free arm, "That was not the Ron we know...something is going on with him."

Hermione chewed at her lip for a moment then nodded, "Ok, we can add it to the number of things that we will begin researching tomorrow."

Harry smiled a bit and shook his head, "It's a good thing Sirius gave you that library, I would have had no idea what to do with it." He looked thoughtfully at her for a time and asked. "So, do you have any plans on moving the books someplace else?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Why would I move them? They seem to be quite content where they are now."

Harry lowered his head again and mumbled, "I only meant that obviously you don't want to keep them here where you won't be able to put them to use."

Ahh...I see how it is.

Hermione placed her hand under his chin and lifted his head back up to look into his eyes, "Well - I've decided to keep them here, it will give me another excuse to spend time here."

Harry grinned at her and she felt her knees start to wobble and found it difficult to take her eyes off his full lips, "You need an excuse to come here and visit me?"

Harry, you really need to stop smiling at me like that.

Hermione balanced herself as quickly as possible and smiled at him, "Of course not...but if I kept visiting you here with the only reason being to see you, my parents might start to think something was going on."

Harry's brow wrinkled in confusion, "Something like what?" He asked as he placed his hands on her hips and tugged her closer to him.

Hermione's breath caught in her throat at the intimacy of his movement and she fought back the blush as she stammered her response. "I-umm...well, they would think, that we were you know..."

The corners of Harry's lips quirked up a little, "No, I don't know."

Damn you Harry, you know exactly what I am talking about!

Hermione glared at his expression and lightly slapped his chest, "Oh honestly, Harry! They would think we were a couple - as in dating."

Harry leaned closer towards her, "Is...Is that really a bad thing? I mean it's not like people haven't assumed that before."

Is he saying what I think he's saying?

Hermione smiled shyly, "Well no, it wouldn't be a bad thing for people to assume that."

Harry sighed and leaned a little closer to her, "Good - because there is something I think we should talk about."

Hermione bit at her lip nervously, " you want to go inside or something?"

Harry shook his head quickly and tightened his grip on her hips, "No, I might lose my nerve if we do..."

Hermione smiled at him and nodded, this is it! Ok, breathe girl. Just breathe and relax and most importantly remember to breathe. Harry returned her smile with one of his own and took a deep breath. Hermione could feel her heart pounding in her chest like a stampede of hippogriffs and her stomach felt as if it were turning over on itself.

"Ok." He started. "I guess I should start by saying that about a month ago I started to recognize some feelings that...that I had been having for awhile."

Harry fixed his eyes on some far away point over her shoulder, "I think - what I'm trying to say Hermione is that I have -"

"Harry?" Hermione groaned when she heard the weathered voice. Dumbledore! Oh why now!? She and Harry turned to face Dumbledore who stood alone on the porch in his purple and blue robes with his eyes twinkling behind the half-moon glasses that sat on the end of his nose.

Dumbledore stepped gracefully down from the porch and began to walk towards them, "I apologize for interrupting your conversation." He paused to smile at her and Harry. "But I do have something rather important to discuss with Harry before I leave for the evening."

Hermione hid her disappointment behind a frown, "Of course Professor." She looked back to Harry who appeared to be thinking something over in his head. She squeezed his hand and started to walk back towards the mansion when Harry tugged her back.

"Actually Professor - I think it's about time that I stop hiding things from Hermione." She closed her eyes in relief. Finally.

Hermione opened her eyes and with apprehension looked between Harry and Dumbledore, "Harry if the Professor doesn't feel that I should know anything, then I shouldn't know anything."

Dumbledore regarded her carefully for a moment, the mysterious twinkle never leaving his eyes. Harry twined his fingers with hers and turned her to face him and when she saw the warmth and affection in his eyes she had to nearly physically force back the urge to kiss him breathless. "To be honest with you Hermione - it's not his decision to make. Isn't that right Professor?"

Hermione swiveled her head around to look at Dumbledore who was nodding, "That is correct Harry. However, I wish to emphasize to you that if anyone else besides yourself and I know the severity of the issues they would be placed in immediate danger."

Immediate danger? Like I'm not already in enough danger being a Muggle-born and being so close to Harry...

Harry placed his hand on her chin and gently turned her head back around to face him, "If you don't feel that you can -"

Hermione smiled softly at him, "Harry - there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. That should be obvious by now don't you think so?"

Harry frowned at her, "Are you absolutely certain Hermione? You already have enough to worry about just by being my friend."

She felt her insides melt at the protective tone of his voice. Great big over-protective git, She thought to herself. Hermione placed her hand on his cheek and nodded, "I am certain Harry. You are my best friend and I love you so from now on..."

Harry picked up where she had trailed off, "We no longer keep anything from each other - anything."

Hermione's eyes widen at the implication of his words and wanted so much to hug him to her and never let him go, "I will never keep anything from you Harry - not again."

And as soon as we finish speaking with Professor Dumbledore I am telling you exactly how I feel.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I am quite pleased with your devotion to each other, as you know Harry you will need it in the times to come."

They smiled at the old wizard and with their hands still intertwined, followed Dumbledore back to the porch.

Seated around a glass porch table, Dumbledore looked from Harry to Hermione and back to Harry with a small wistful smile on his face; a smile that really bugged Harry to no end. The hand that was holding Hermione's began to sweat and he was positive that she would notice and decide it was the most disgusting thing she had ever felt. As if she had read his mind, Hermione gently squeezed his hand.

Thank you, Merlin. Harry thought to himself as felt a wave of warmth rush through his body.

Dumbledore leaned forward and placed his hands, palms down on the table top. "First I would like to discuss what Sirius left for you in his will." The old wizard paused for a moment to apparently collect his thoughts before continuing. "To be more precise Harry, I wish to speak with you about the land at Godric's Hollow that was left to you."

Harry frowned, "Why? It's rather obvious that it was going to be left to me anyway - I just wish that it hadn't been done in this fashion."

Hermione nodded in agreement, "He's right Professor; logically Harry would have inherited that land at one point in the future, but I noticed that when Sirius mentioned it in his will, you didn't seem too enthusiastic about the idea."

Dumbledore nodded solemnly, "You are correct Ms. Granger, and please understand when I say this Harry, but I do not feel that you are ready for the secrets surrounding that stretch of land."

He is NOT going to do this to me again...he promised me!

Harry fixed Dumbledore with an annoyed glare, "No disrespect Professor, but we both know what has happened in the past when you felt I wasn't ready to be informed about my history...and my future. It turned out very badly."

Hermione looked at him worriedly, "What are you talking about?"

Dumbledore sighed, "Are you absolutely certain that you wish for her to know this Harry?"

Okay, moment of truth Hermione...

Harry didn't respond to his mentor and instead turned around in the chair and faced Hermione, "Alright - I'm going to say this Hermione, and I'm not sure exactly how you will respond, but I need for you to know."

The sound of Hermione's chair scrapping along the porch as she scooted closer to Harry rattled into the night, "You can trust me Harry."

The young wizard looked in her deep brown eyes and recited that words that now defined his destiny, "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…"

Harry watched her face closely, looking for any kind of reaction that would tell him that she thought holding his hand right now was a mistake and that being his best friend was utterly out of the question not to mention that the hope of them someday being so much more was just a fanciful dream.

Several quiet moments passed before Hermione finally made a sound reminiscent of a squeak and threw her arms around Harry's neck and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. She let out a small sob before pulling away and looking into Harry's eyes.

"Harry...Gods - you have to kill him." She fixed him with a hard look, "We have to get your training up Harry, and you have to get better and stronger. You have to be ready Harry. I'll start going through that library at once, we need to find spells and techniques that will make you ten times the wizard he ever was. I will need to learn them as well, I'm not going to leave you fight him alone, no - there's not a chance I'm letting that happen."

Harry felt the burning behind his eyes and fought to maintain control, but found it difficult to do so after her emotional speech, "Hermione - you're not afraid to be around me after hearing this?"

She gave him a funny look, "Afraid? Harry why would I be? For Merlin's sake Harry, I lo - you're my best friend! I promised you that I wouldn't ever leave your side...and I meant it. Now stop talking nonsense and give me a hug!"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her tightly, gaining strength and resolve from her presence and for the first time since hearing the prophecy he believed that might actually stand a chance of defeating Voldemort and living to a ripe old age, hopefully with Hermione by his side.

Dumbledore chuckled softly from across the table, "Well I will be completely honest and say that I hadn't quite expected that." Hermione, who had pulled slightly away from Harry but remained within his embrace, looked surprised. "Nothing against your character Ms. Granger, but it is a great deal to handle - knowing that someone you love dearly will be forced to face the darkest wizard ever to walk this earth. To remain attached to that person when it is possible that they may very well not survive the encounter, is like inviting heartbreak into your life. I am pleasantly surprised - and sincerely proud of your loyalty. It can be such a rare thing."

Harry grinned, "Well Professor, Hermione is one of a kind."

Hermione smiled and lowered her head before either Harry or Dumbledore could see her blush, "I quite agree Harry, you are very lucky to have a friend such as Ms. Granger. Now - I think that we should discuss Godric's Hollow."

Hermione smiled at Harry and gently moved out of his embrace, "Professor, why did you react the way you did when Sirius left it to Harry?"

Dumbledore's shoulders drooped and he sighed, "Because Ms. Granger, it - lets just say that there is a mystery there that only Harry can discover, one that I feel he is not yet ready to face."

Harry frowned and shook his head, "Professor, I think that is for me to decide. My parents left me that land, and anyway - who is to say that I will go searching around for some long buried secret. Did you think that maybe I just wanted to spend some time in the place that my parents wanted to raise me?"

Dumbledore looked thoughtfully at Harry and then finally he said, "Fair enough Harry; but I implore you not to travel there alone - If you must take Ms. Granger or Mr. Weasley with you. Also, Ms. Tonks will be accompanying you, when you do decide to go."

Hermione fidgeted at the mention of Ron's name and Harry scowled, "Professor - about Ron's behavior earlier..."

The old wizard nodded, "Ahh yes. I also wished to discuss that with you but I feel that is something left between the three of you. Don't you agree?"

Only if I have to, thought Harry.

Harry swallowed the lump in his throat as another topic of discussion entered his thoughts, the incident with Hermione earlier in the day. Harry knew that Dumbledore would more than likely have valuable insights into what had happened but he dreaded speaking of it because he was fairly certain that it would embarrass Hermione greatly. Looking at her out of the corner of his eye, he saw her chewing at her lip nervously, then suddenly as if she knew he was looking at her, she turned her head and beamed a smile at him.

It needs to be discussed, he decided suddenly. He just hoped that she would understand. "Professor - there is another thing that I wish to ask you about."

Hermione's smile faded into a frown and she glanced apprehensively between Harry and Dumbledore as the old wizard leaned forward, "That is why I am here Harry."

This is not going to be pleasant at all...

Harry tightened his hold on Hermione's hand and fighting off the waves of embarrassment that had suddenly washed over him he continued, "Well - you see earlier today. Hermione and I, we sort of had an experience that neither of us can explain."

Hermione lowered her head and groaned, "Oh no, Harry..."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled in amusement, "What sort of experience Harry?"

The young wizard cleared his throat and stammered on, "Well - you see...before lunch this afternoon. Hermione and I t-touched and well...she and I had, or at least I think we had and she seems to agree - no wait, actually she thought of it first, but anyway...We touched each other and felt something that wasn't or that is, shouldn't have happened just by touching someone's arm."

Hermione groaned as she dropped her head to the table with a quiet thud and mumbled, "I cannot believe this is happening..."

Dumbledore looked between Harry and Hermione with an amused expression on his withered features, "You felt a physical reaction that shouldn't have occurred with the simple act of touching one another's this correct?"

Now why didn't I say it like that?

Hermione raised her head off the table, "What Harry is saying Professor, is that this afternoon, he gave me an - umm....Oh dear, this went so much smoother in my head a moment ago but I guess I'll just say it- he gave me an orgasm. There I said it! Now can I go now? I think there's a very tall building close by that I can throw myself off of."

Harry winced, "Don't say that."

Hermione looked into his eyes and her expression softened, "I'm sorry Harry - I didn't mean it. This is just extremely embarrassing..."

Dumbledore chuckled, "Ms. Granger, you have nothing to worry about. In fact - it is something that I have been expecting for many years now. I had just hoped that it would take a little while longer to manifest itself."

Harry gaped at Dumbledore, "What do you mean you've been expecting it? Expecting what exactly?"

"That's what I would like to know." Hermione added.

Dumbledore pursed his lips together and looked between the two of them, "Are you certain you wish to know now? It could drastically change things between the two of you?"

Hermione nodded almost immediately while Harry hesitated, I don't want her to leave. But then she promised me that she would always be by my side...Shouldn't I trust her?

Hermione regarded Harry closely, "You don't have to worry Harry - I'm not going anywhere."

Harry smiled at her, "Okay." He then turned to Dumbledore, "Tell us please."

Dumbledore nodded in resignation, "Alright then - it is quite simple Harry...for you see Hermione is your Bound."

Hermione squeaked, "I'm his what? He's not tying me up if that's what you think."

What the hell!?

Harry paled, "No! Not at all - I would know tie her up...." At least not without her permission, Harry thought to himself in amusement.

Dumbledore smiled warmly at them as his eyes twinkled in merriment, "No - it's not at all like that. You two share a deep emotional connection - you always seem to be aware when the other is in emotional I correct?"

Harry and Hermione held each others gaze for a moment before they both nodded and Dumbledore continued, "Well - there is more involved with the aspect of being someone's Bound, but each person is different. I could tell you things that might not have anything at all to do with either of you, and I don't wish to do that."

Hermione narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "You won't tell us or you can't Professor?" Her question caught Harry off guard; she had never spoken to the Headmaster like that before and he found it rather amusing.

Dumbledore apparently did as well because he laughed quietly, "A little of both Ms. Granger - every Bound is different, save for the Empathic abilities all of them seem to possess."

Harry ran that word around in his head - empathic - He knew it had something to do with the sensing or sharing of someone else's emotions.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at the Headmaster, "Are you saying that Harry and I are empaths?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Only when it comes to each other - you might be able to sense the surface emotions of others, but with each other you can not only sense the deepest and most guarded of emotions but if they are intense enough you can physically react to them as well."

Hermione's face flushed red, "Oh."

"That's one way of putting it..." Harry muttered.

Hermione perked up suddenly, "Professor - you said that you had been expecting this to happen. Why did you say that?"

Harry looked up at the Headmaster who was now frowning, "Ms. Granger - prophecy's aside; do you believe in destiny?"

Hermione mimicked the Headmaster's frown with one of her own, "You mean do I believe in a mysterious force that guides us along a path or towards a future that we have no say in or control over?"

One corner of the Headmasters lips quirked up, "No - that is fate Ms. Granger, despite the similarities, the two are distinctly different. Destiny is one road that we must travel - only one. We have no control over it, and no matter the choices we make in life, we are destined to take that road and follow it to the end. Fate is the over all picture of our future, it has one definite outcome and no matter what we do, that is the way it must be."

Hermione shook her head, clear confused by the Headmaster's words - and Harry found himself just as confused if not more so.

"They both sound the same Professor." Hermione argued.

Dumbledore nodded, "Indeed they do - but alas, fate is an illusion. We decide the end result of our lives, however as much as many of us like to believe, we have no control over the particular roads in which we take to get there, destiny throws those at us along the way. We are destined to take that road, follow it through and when we come to its end, we move on towards the end of our journey."

"But..." Hermione paused and looked at Harry with a worried expression, "The prophecy..."

Dumbledore raised his hand to halt her question, "Is Harry's destiny - it does not guarantee his death, because if it did, it would be false. No matter the power of the seer who foretold it, they could never truly see the outcome because that is left to the individual. That Ms. Granger - is destiny. Harry is destined to fight Voldemort, we do not know for certain if he will live or die. That - is up to Harry."

Harry nodded as he finally began to understand, "But what does that have to do with you expecting Hermione to be my bound?"

Dumbledore chuckled, "Hermione is an important part of your life Harry - maybe the most important part, ever since the day you both were sorted into Gryffindor. As for how I knew she would one day be your Bound well that is easy, your auras are perfectly attuned with each other, they have been since the two of you first met when you were but mere babies...nearly sixteen years ago."

Off their shocked expressions Dumbledore went on, "You both met quite by accident in Muggle London, your parents were having dinner at the same restaurant and it was your mother Harry who noticed how you two children, who were each on opposite sides of the room, were immediately drawn to one another."

Harry grinned at the image of the two of them in diapers trying to crawl along the restaurant floor to get to each other.

With a far away look in his eyes, Dumbledore laughed and went on, "I imagine your parents were quite surprised Hermione, when the first words out of your mouth were 'baby', you said them while you were pointing at Harry across the room. And Harry it was when your mother saw you pointing back at Hermione that she first saw the baby girl whose aura was a perfect reflection of her sons."

Oh...what does this mean?

Hermione leaned forward, "Professor - are you saying that Harry and I are destined to be together?"

Oh - that's what it means...

To Harry's disappointment, Dumbledore shook his head, "It only means that you are destined to be apart of each other's lives. What you do with that time together is entirely your choice. Many people believe that there is one true love out there for everyone - now I don't want to make any assumptions about the nature of your relationship, but it is obvious that you two are very close."

Harry smiled, "Yes - we are."

Hermione nodded and squeezed Harry's hand, "There is no doubt about that Professor. I just don't know if I believe in some sort of destined love. I know that we can't really help who we love, but we should be able to decide if pursuing that love is in our best interests."

Ahh Hermione...ever the rational one.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his long white beard, "You are correct Ms. Granger, love - true love between two people is nurtured and earned with loyalty and trust, and of course mutual attraction. In my experience it is often the love that grows from a deep and precious friendship that is the truest and most powerful of all loves and that is the type of love that lasts an eternity - even beyond death."

Harry was struck with a sudden image of his parents, " parents were they...?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes Harry - they were indeed Bound to one another. Of course they did not realize this until their final year but when they discovered it they were already very much in love and it made the transition much easier."

Harry turned his attention to Hermione when he felt her tug gently on his hand, she was smiling warmly at him; her soft brown eyes shined brightly and Harry could easily see that gentle flecks of gold that one usually only got to see when they were close enough and when there was much more light. He was stunned by their pure beauty, never in all his life had he seen such perfection and he forced himself to imprint this image in his mind forever.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "Well - it is rather late, and I would like to continue our discussion tomorrow. There are still a few things that we need to go over."

Hermione blinked and turned away from Harry, "Of course Professor, I am rather tired myself." She looked at Harry, "What about you Harry, you tired at all?"

Harry looked at Dumbledore who was now smiling at them, "Yes I am actually - it's been a long day."

Dumbledore rose from his seat with a grunt, "Then I bid you both goodnight, and I will see you tomorrow at lunch."

They watched the old wizard walk to the end of the porch and dissaparate with a soft pop. Harry turned his head to face Hermione a smile slowly spreading across his face, "Are you really tired Hermione?"

Hermione grinned, "Of course not. After everything he just told us I doubt I could sleep a wink. It's just too bloody exciting."

Harry laughed and pulled her hand along the top of the table until it rested in front of him, "Then what would you like to do?"

She tilted her head and winked at him, "A lot but at the moment I think that would be a mistake, I'm rather hungry...fancy some pumpkin pie? We could discuss a few things while we are eating."

I can deal with step at a time.

Harry pulled her up with him as he stood, "I think that sounds like a brilliant idea."

As Harry followed Hermione back into the kitchen his eyes traveled up to the second story patio, where he noticed a flock of red hair and what looked like an extendable ear before it quickly left his view. Wonder which Weasley that was...great - I suppose they heard everything. Harry knew that if he told Hermione what he saw right then it would have ruined any moment that they might have. Harry took a deep breath and closed the back door gently behind him.

To Be Continued...


In Chapter 5, we finally get a sense of what's wrong with Ron, Hermione and Harry get a lot closer, and the training begins.