The Dark Side of Life

By: LaLunegirl


November 26, 2003

Revised: January 1, 2008

He was hungry. The hunger that ate his stomach had become familiar over the centuries. If he didn't feed soon he would go crazy. It surprised him that he had actually gone two days without blood. Now the hunger raged in his veins. His clan had been worried about him for many weeks. They had never seen him look so sullen. But he was not worried. As the sun went down he prepared to rise Beware world…the undead is hungry!

The end of Epilogue

AN: Ive been gone for a really long time havent i? I guess life was just passing me by too fast. Sorry guys. Well anyways I finally sat down and decided that I have to finish my stories. Starting with this one. Im going to revise my chapters because im not really happy with the layout. Hopefully the story becomes better and more enjoyable for all of you. Thanks and enjoy.

Ja Ne