Title: A Moment In Winter
Copyright: Yu-Gi-Oh and its characters © Kazuki Takahashi. Leaves Of Grass © Walt Whitman. The only copyright I stake is intellectual. Thank you, drive through.
Notes: It's a bit vague, even for my fics, but I like it. More Jounouchi/Yugi fluff, this time with snow and the kiss I couldn't work into Up, Over, Under. This is set post-Battle City, meaning it's after the "daisuki da" scene. I like it when the creators throw canon not-so-subtext at us.
All forces have been steadily employ'd to complete and delight me
Now on this spot I stand with my robust soul.
--Walt Whitman, Leaves Of Grass

The gently falling snow had sufficiently blanketed downtown Domino City. Yugi struggled to keep his boots from being swallowed by the crystal white, and to keep up with the seemingly unaffected Jounouchi.

"Lookit this one!" Jounouchi cried, new prize held triumphantly above his head.

Yugi, now only steps behind, smiled up at his happy companion. Yugi had seen the card before, but couldn't remember exactly what it did. "I haven't seen one of those since Battle City!" he added, laughing lightly.

Memories flashed through Jounouchi's mind as he safely tucked his new card away. He didn't realize that he had stopped his lanky walk through the snow until Yugi asked if he was all right. Jounouchi turned to regard his friend; forming words were abruptly lost when the snowflake freshly-landed on Yugi's nose caught his attention.

In a moment of classic Jounouchi-bravado, the blonde leaned down and kissed the snow off the curve of Yugi's small nose, eliciting a blush from shorter boy.

"Yeah, Yug, I'm just fine," he grinned.
