"Come in, Major Briggs, this is Lieutenant Sonya Blade, over." Sonya radioed from the cliff. She didn't see Jarek climbing back up, but Johnny did.
"JOHNNY!" Sonya's scream echoed, as she fell.

Johnny Cage bolted out of the king sized, unmade bed. He glanced at his clock on the cluttered nightstand. 4:33 AM. The same time, every night. All of his speed, all of his training couldn't envelope ten feet, and save her. In two years, he has not slept a night without seeing her. Nor has he spent a minute without blaming himself. He got out of bed, and stumbled past all of the junk on the floor to the kitchen. He made a cup of tea, and sat on his balcony, staring at the stars.
When he returned from Outworld, nothing mattered anymore. He made one more movie, Mortal Kombat 4, before retiring to his beachfront condo. He had more than enough money to live comfortably out of the spotlight. He had all the money he could ask for. He had every object he desired. Yet, something was missing. "She" was missing. Dead, and he could do nothing but watch. Every night. He sighed lethargically, sipping the tea, looking out on the moonlit water.
"You look well, Johnny Cage." Johnny looked to his right, to see Raiden.
"Yeah, well."
"You gave up, didn't you?" Johnny sighs.
"What would you do when the single person in the entire world that makes you feel like you're something other than a fake suddenly falls out of your life, and it's because you failed her."
"Failed her? She took care of herself, Johnny. She died because of a mistake she made, not you."
"She saw me, and dropped her guard. If I hadn't distracted her . . ."
"Your arrogance. You truly believe that you could've stopped this?"
"Yeah, I do." Raiden laughs.
"Five years ago, no one existed in your world but you. You made millions of dollars turning out bullshit movies, and you were perfectly content and happy. Now, I see this sad little boy. What happened?"
"You loose your soul mate, then you tell me."
"You love her, don't you?"
"Yeah, Raiden. I love her." Raiden laughs.
"Then I've come to the right place. What would you say if I told you she was alive?"
"I'd say you're a sadistic sonuvabitch. I saw her die."
"Did you? Did you see the body?" A glimmer of hope appeared in his tear filled eyes. Could it be? Could it really be?
"Then I can tell you, she is alive. If you can call what she's been going through alive." Johnny could feel his stomach turn and his blood boil.
"Come with me, Johnny. Let's take a little trip." Raiden opens a portal. Johnny lowers his head for a moment, sending up a silent prayer, and follows him through.
"Where are we?"
"Outworld. You're only an observer here. No matter what you see, no matter how much you want to, you can do nothing." Johnny felt his skin crawl.
"You want to tell me what's going on?"
"Shang Tsung is what's going on. He found her badly injured, on the verge of death. He had his servants tend to her, until she was well. Her memory was wiped clean in the process. She has been his servant ever since."
"His WHAT?" Johnny said, his fists in balls at his side.
"His servant. She doesn't remember who Sonya Blade was. She was told her name is Miet, and she has been his servant since childhood. Johnny, I'm not sure you can handle seeing her like this."
"I can handle it."
"Are you sure?" He nods, slowly, sadly. Raiden leads him through the wall of the palace. On the other side, he finds Sonya scrubbing a wall, chains around her wrists and feet. She looked so weak, it moved Johnny to tears.
"God, Sonya . . ." He whispers, trying to touch her. His hand goes straight through her. Exhausted, Sonya lays her head against the wall, closing her eyes. The guard watching her from across the room, waits until she's out, and walks over. He brings an electrified rod down hard across her back.
"AUUGH!" She cried in agony, falling flat.
"NO!!" Johnny screamed, trying to hit the guard. His fists go through him.
"You KNOW Master Tsung left orders, slave."
"Please, I must rest." She tries to pull herself up, and the guard viciously kicks her in the ribs, sending her flying across the room. She lays there, crying.
"BACK TO WORK!" He demanded, walking to her.
"Please . . . I . . . . Can't." The guard kicks her again, causing her to cry out. Johnny falls to his knees, sobbing. Raiden gently touches his shoulder. When he finally looks back up, he's on his balcony.
"I know this is hard for you to understand." Johnny looks up at him, a completely blank expression on his face.
"Understand?" Johnny didn't attempt to hide the sarcasm and rage in his voice.
"Yes, under . . ." He grabs Raiden by the throat, slamming him against the glass door.
"I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU LEFT HER THERE FOR TWO FUCKING YEARS!" Raiden shocks Johnny, who falls to his knees.
"If I didn't like you, I'd kill you for that. Find Jax. You'll need his help. If he needs convincing, just shout. You have two days to find him."
Johnny bolts out of bed, gasping. It took him about an hour to stop shaking. When he finally does, he grabs his wallet and keys. He bolts out of the door, sprinting to his car.
Jax sits behind his desk, a stack of paperwork in front of him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't concentrate on the tasks at hand. He knew he wouldn't be able to. He lost his partner, and closest friend, two years ago today. And no amount of paperwork was gonna make him feel better. He got up from his desk, lethargically, and slowly walked down the hall. He turned the handle on the door, and slowly opened it. It was mostly empty now. A single office chair sat behind a big, dust covered desk. She used the small space well, he remembered. A paper rarely out of place. He began chuckling, remembering how she used to chew him out about organization. He lowers his head, crying.
"Damn, I miss you, partner," He takes one last look at the desk. The sunlight flittered through the window, falling gently on the desk and chair. He could see her, looking up from a stack of paper, flashing him one of those all elusive smiles. He had to go. He needed a drink, "Good- bye, partner." Jax sighs, closing the door. He turns around, to find his CO standing there.
"Taking a break?"
"Yes, Sir."
"We all miss her, Major."
"Not me." Jax looks behind him, to see one of the men.
"Yes, sir." Jax replied, ignoring the comment.
"Come on, Colonel. She was the biggest bitch I'd ever met."
"Shut up, Lieutenant." The Colonel barked.
"I mean it. She was a total bitch, and she wasn't even that good." Jax grinned.
"Colonel, dismiss me."
"What, I'm just telling the truth here."
"Major, you're dismissed."
"Thank you, sir." Jax walks past the Colonel, who stays eyes forward. He lands a hard punch, sending the Lieutenant to his knees.
"Colonel?" Jax grabs him by the neck, and pins him against the wall.
"Y-y-y-yes, sir." Jax lets him down, as he turns to the Colonel, "Colonel, aren't you gonna do something about this?" The Colonel finally turns around.
"As a matter of fact, I am," Jax turns around, "Lieutenant, I'm recommending that you be taken down in rank, and transferred to another unit. You don't have the maturity to handle this one." Jax chuckles.
"You can't . . ."
"Dismissed, Major." Jax salutes, walking off.
Two hours later, Johnny is working on his third beer at a local bar. It was one of Sonya's favorite hangouts. A little bar and grill off base called Charlie's. Her DI from officer school owned it, and Johnny came to truly enjoy the place. Pictures lined the walls, and a picture of Sonya, Jax, and Charlie held the place of honor behind the bar. Charlie moved it there when she died. He took it harder than even Johnny had. As soon as Johnny finishes one beer, Charlie comes over with another.
"Don't sweat it. How you doing?" Charlie leans in, looking him over.
"I'm here."
"Since you haven't been here in two years, that's a start. Sonya would kick the shit out of you if she saw you like this." Johnny slams the beer.
"I saw her tonight. I don't think she has the strength to kick anything."
"What are you talking about?"
"Raiden took me to her last night. She looked so weak. So fucking weak." Johnny couldn't hold his tears, as they streamed down his face.
"I miss her, too, Johnny. The girl was like a daughter to me. I see her in my dreams every night . . ."
"This wasn't a dream, Charlie. This was real. She was as real as you are." Charlie shakes his head.
"Don't let Jax hear you talking that shit. You might get hurt."
"I need his help to get her out."
"I'm tempted to throw you out of my bar right now for talking that shit." Charlie said, seeing Jax walk in. Jax looks at Johnny.
"Well, if it isn't the phantom of the cinema." Jax said, walking over. He hugs Johnny tightly.
"Good to see you, Jax."
"Good to see you, too. You know, when you disappear, you could let SOMEONE know where you're going."
"I needed some time alone."
"I know. I took a couple of months off, too. Stayed drunk in my cabin. No matter how drunk I got, I still saw her. Charlie, can I get a bud and a shot of Tequila?"
"Coming up." Charlie got them, sitting them in front of Jax, and opens a bud for himself.
"To Sonya, rest in peace." Charlie said, raising the beer. Jax takes the toast, and is shocked when Johnny doesn't.
"You tripping on something? Toast her." Jax growled.
"She's alive."
"How many of these has he had?" Jax asked Charlie, who lowers his head sadly.
"No tolerance for alcohol?"
"Jax, I saw her last night. She's alive." Jax looks into his eyes, looking for something to make him believe.
"No. She's dead. My partner, my best friend, is dead." Johnny sighs, frustrated.
"RAIDEN!" Raiden appears in front of Jax.
"Hiya, Sparky. What's shaking?" Jax's voice drips with rage.
"Sonya's shaking. She's alive, and she needs your help, Major."
"You the one that fed him that line of shit?"
"Come with me. I'll show you."
"Last time you said that, you led us to outworld. Only I came back. She died following you."
"She fell chasing Jarek. She caught a cliff hard about halfway down. She survived the fall, but barely. Come with me, and I'll prove it." Jax looks at Charlie.
"You follow him, or I'm going to." Jax sighs.
"This better be good, or you're gonna be the headless horseman." Raiden opens the portal, and they step through. Minutes later, the portal reopens, and Jax steps back through. His face was death white.
"Jesus Christ." Charlie whispered, pouring him a shot. Jax takes it, trying to steady his hands.
"Now, do you . . ." Jax puts up his hand, silencing Johnny.
"Are you ready to take care of business?"
"Oh, yeah."
"Then let's make that shape shifting sonuvabitch pay." Johnny nods, picking up the beer.
"To Sonya." The three take the toast.