The sequel is up! Click on my profile thingy and you can get the link there! Thanks for all of your reviews!!!


Dancinquyn The sequel is up so no need to scream! Lol. You can now find out what happens. Thanks for reviewing/reading all my chapters!

Nat I got a bit teary-eyed thinking about that too. It's a sad thing, you know?

Kessanch Wow, that's a really nice compliment. The sequel is up!

LCH8292 Thanks so much. I don't care if I get long reviews or short reviews, I just love getting a review! So thanks!

Shan Thanks for reviewing. Its okay you didn't review before, because you reviewed now and let me know what you thought about it! Thanks for the great compliment, I'm glad I could make you day better because you made my day better by reviewing!

Thanks sooo much to everyone who reviewed! Hopefully I'll see all of ya'll at the sequel! TTYL!