.Disclaimer: I don't own ANYTHING!!! Uh. except maybe a hat that I knitted that came out about two inches two small (stomps on hat.) And a whole lot of chi (Sp?) tea. I'm not an addict. Of course I'm not. (Mine!)

AN: Thanksgiving! I'm currently trying to escape my parents and grandma, all of whom are preparing stuff. Scary.

I had sushi last night. YUM!

Sorry, that was kind of random.

Uh, if you want to be on tech (basically the people who work the lights and the curtains and all that crap.) just say so in your review. I'm not going to be excepting everyone, just the people that review a lot. (You peoples definatley know who you are.)

This chapter is going to be pretty much all a drama game.

Oh, and all you people, watch out for rampant turkeys.

Those things will peck your eyes out.

What Are You Doing?

Sanosuke sauntered into the room.

All of the other occupants just stared.

One of them piped up. "I think that you might be a the wrong place. Football practice is down on the field." This raised a few snickers.

Sanosuke scowled and sat down in on of the assembly seats.

A few moments later, Mr. Malprin entered.

"Okay! Guys! To get ourselves warmed up, we're going to play a few improvisation games." Mr. Malprin proceeded to put the shrinking group of actors into pairs. He was almost finished, and only two people remained.

Sanosuke found himself staring into the somewhat angry face of Megumi.

He felt a familiar rage and hate rise up in his mind again.

"Do I really have to be with him/her?" The both shouted at the same time.

Mr. Malprin nodded. "Since you're the two leads of the play, it's best that you practice as much together as is possible."

The rest of the room fell silent, only to stare at the pair of teens.

Sanosuke eye started to twitch.

Megumi turned bright red.

"WHAT?!?" They both screamed.

The rest of the cast and the tech crew that was perched in the senior section started to laugh.

Very softly at first, then louder.

In particular, one girl with long brown hair with gold highlights and blue-grey eyes was rolling on the ground.

Her name was Monigue.

The rest of the tech crew turned around and stared at her.

Two of them had very knowing looks on their faces.

She stopped then looked around. She shrugged.

The rest of them turned around to watch the show that was going down on the stage.

A red faced Megumi and Sanosuke were both trying to quit the play at the same time.

Mr. Malprin just stared at them.

He raised a hand.

They both looked at him.

"You are ACTORS!"


"You do NOT let personal relationships affect your performances!"


"You may quit this play. But I STRONGLY advise against it. And you will not be allowed to perform in any of the other performances that this school performs."

The two disgruntled teens sat, considering this.

Mr. Malprin really hoped that they didn't see through his bluff. If they quit, he was royally and totally screwed.

Neither of the two leads said anything.

"Now that that issue is resolved, lets get on with practice. We're going to play 'what are you doing'."

Mr. Malprin explained the game. ( For those of you that have not played 'What are you doing?' it goes something like this: two people start out. One person asks the other what they are doing. The other person then replies whatever first springs to their minds. For example: Sky diving. The first person then has to act out doing whatever it is. Then the other person asks the skydiving person what they are doing, and so on, and so forth. If you get creative, it's really fun. And we're going to get really creative. Heheh.)

Sanosuke stared angrily at Megumi, as if blaming her for all of his problems.

'Damn prep.' He thought.

'Damn thug.' She thought.

(AN. Well, isn't this going to be an interesting relationship? No worries, opinions change.)

The pairs around them started to play.

Mr. Malprin gave them a glare that meant play or face the consequences, and with a sigh Sanosuke started.

"What are you doing?"

"Banging my head against the wall."

Megumi watched with a satisfied little smile as Sanosuke smashed his head against the wall of the auditorium.

This is how their game went.

"What are you doing?"

"Falling down a flight of stairs."

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to wrestle with a cactus."

"What are you doing?"

"Stabbing myself to death."

"What are you doing?"

"Putting my foot behind my head."

"What are you doing?"

"Making out with myself."

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to put out the fire enveloping my hair."

"What are you doing?"

"Tangoing with a monkey."

"What are you doing?"

"Eating a printer."

"What are you doing?"

"Seducing a chihuahua."

"What are you doing?" Asked Sanosuke.

"Kissing Megumi."

Sanosuke stared at a bewildered looking Megumi.

If he had looked up a moment earlier, he would have noticed that her mouth hadn't moved.

And that there was a somewhat deranged looking girl from tech that darted away quickly after doing an eerily accurate Megumi impression.

Her name was Monigue.

Sanosuke started turning red as Megumi tried to find an explination as to why she just asked him to kiss her.

Without talking of course.

"Come on guys! We're going to do a read through of the script." Mr. Malprin called.

Monigue croutched in the shadows, a demonic grin on her face.

This was going to be an entertaining play.