A/N: Hello, this is my very first fan fiction. Just recently, I finally saw Spirited Away, and I fell absolutely in love with it. So, today, I decided to sit down and write a little fanfiction about the story. I hope you enjoy it.
A little background information: I have this story set around the time Chihiro is 21 years old, working as a child's fiction author. She doesn't recall her time in the Spirit World at all. Here's the brief little prologue to set up the story. I'll be sure to post more in the near future.
A Scribe's Tale
By E.D.Spencer
On the inside back cover of a child's book, a blurb about the author waited for its turn to be read. A woman's delicate hand picked up the book, sitting on the large round table in the book store. The woman turned the to the back and opened the book.
About the Author:
Chihiro Ogino: At the young age of 18, Chihiro Ogino had her first novel in the "Her White Dragon" series published. The fantasy book became an instant hit with children and parents alike. Eventually, her novel was translated into thirty languages and sold in almost every country of the world! Writers eagerly await the fifth and final novel in the series.
Chihiro placed the book back on the table. She started writing her stories sometime after her family moved into that small blue house in that little obscure town. She had a lot of happy memories in that house. That town gave her so much inspiration, even that creepy shrine her family found that one day filtered into her mind as she wrote. Eight years later, she let one of her friend's father read some of the stories, not knowing that the man worked for one of the lead publishers in Japan. Soon, he convinced the young woman to write a novel based on the stories. Almost as soon as she had the story published, her novel became an International success.
The stories seemed to write themselves. A young girl named Sen, spoiled and prissy, lost in a fairytale world meets a little dragon boy that lost his way home. The young girl, after a few mishaps that the dragon boy saved her from, she agreed to help him find his way. Soon Sen and the dragon, named Haku became the best of friends. Now, the adventures in "Her White Dragon" captured the hearts of countless children (and some parents). Chihiro never felt prouder of herself.
Ever since she left that town, though, inspiration left her. When she came into her sudden wealth, Chihiro moved out to explore the rest of Japan. She found a small apartment in Tokyo, bought a lot of things she enjoyed, especially statuettes of dragons. But as soon as she settled in to write the final novel of the series, she couldn't. Her mind drew a blank. The stories that once flowed from her fingers as gentle as a stream were blocked.
The publishers steamed when Chihiro told them she could not meet the deadline set for her. They practically brought her to tears with their anger. She had only a few months time before she they considered her acts a breech of contract and they'd sue.
Chihiro fell into a funk. Feeling frightened and alone, she called her mother for a chat.
"Why don't you come home for a visit, dear? Maybe the environment is stressing you. Being here at home might get your creativity a boost." her mother told her on the phone the night before
Chihiro thought that was quite possibly the best advice her mother ever gave her. As soon as the conversation ended, Chihiro gathered up enough clothes to last her at least a week. Then, as soon as the sun rose the very next morning, she headed back to that blue house she'd called home for a decade.
Hopefully, she was heading back to inspiration as well.
Well, that's the end of the Prologue. Please read and review if you have time. Thanks! E.D.S