The world seemed unmoving and quite, as they all approached a body of a young man. Jen took lead as she slowly walked over to Wes's body that lay limp against the side walk, faced down. The others followed right behind her keeping their distance with their heads down. Trip was by Ransiks side while Lucas had Nadira in custody and Katie still had the baby boy in her arms. Jen knelt down by Wes, tears were in her eyes. She never got to tell him, he'll never know. Jen slowly turned Wes over holding him in her lap. She could see the large cut on the side of his face; dry blood was all over, the mark on his eye where she had punched him puffy and red. His eyes were closed shut, she cold feel the warmth of his body going down to a bitter cold. Jen sniffled they hadn't been able to save him; he died just like Alex said he would, just like in her dream.

The others all stood back giving Jen her space. None of them knew what to say or do to make Jen feel better. All any of them could think was it wasn't fair. Wes shouldn't have been the one to die. It should have been them. Ransiks head hung low he was feeling shameful and regretful for what he had done, because of him Wes was gone. He could see the pain in Jen's eyes as she held Wes close to her. He watched as she ran her fingers through his hair. Ransik gulped heavily. "I know it won't mean anything to you, but I am sorry," said Ransik. Jen looked up at Ransik, upset and angry the pain ran through her eyes. She wanted so badly to take Ransik out for what he had done to Wes but she just couldn't do it. Her heart hurt too much to do anything else. She looked back down at Wes.

            "I'm sorry Wes, I'm so sorry," cried Jen. Nadira couldn't stand it she felt her heart breaking into a million pieces. And then as if she remembered something, a smile came upon her face.

            "Wait," said Nadira softly. Nadira opened a small pouch from her belt. Lucas watched as Nadira pulled out a small glowing ball. Nadira then looked Lucas in the eyes with smile as she held out the shiny ball to him. Lucas took it from her he nodded his head and left her side. Lucas then knelt down by Jen and held the shiny ball out to her.

"Jen," he said softly. Jen looked up at Lucas her eyes watery with tears. Jen looked at what he had in his hands, it was a life ball. It was the same thing Alex had used to save Wes's dad. Jen looked over at Nadira with questioning eyes. Nadira nodded her head and smiled. Jen then looked back at Lucas and the ball she then took it and placed it in Wes's palm. Now they all waited and watched all of them pray and hoping

Lucas got back up and went to Nadira side. All eyes were focused on Wes's pale face. Jen looked down at Wes holding his hand tightly. "Come on please…..please work," cried Jen softly. Seconds that seemed like minutes went by, and minutes felt like hours. Nothing was happening, Jen winced her eyes as tears ran down her face. She put her head down almost getting ready to give up on hope.

Trip watched trying to sense something and then he laughed. Everyone else must have seen the same because they all gave a chocking light laugh. The laughs startled Jen she looked back at Wes's face and saw a golden glow of sparkles surrounding his face. "Wes," said Jen softly, hoping she was seeing things right. First there was nothing, but then she saw him take a breath. She could hear everyone give a sign of relief and joy.  Wes was breathing, he was alive.

Wes, blinked his eyes a few times, his vision was blurry at first. Slowly everything started to come to. He was a little confused at first he had no idea where he was, how he got there or who any of the people standing around him were. But then as if a light bulb went off in his head everything seemed to come back to him.

"Oh no……..Jen," Wes shot up breathing deeply. The last thing he remembered was Ransik going after Jen.

            "I'm right here Wes," cried Jen softly smiling, happy to see that Wes was okay. Wes turned his head looking at Jen smiling at him, she was okay. Wes let out a deep breath and felt his heart rate slowly going back to normal. Jen was okay.

"The last thing I remember was Ransik going after you," said Wes softly after that everything else seemed to be blank and cloudily.

            "Yeah he did, but he turned himself in," said Jen turning her head looking over at Ransik. Wes followed her movement and looked over where he saw Trip standing by Ransik who had handcuffs around his wrists and Lucas was standing next to Nadira. Nadira was smiling brightly at Wes, she looked happy to see him moving around. Lucas was smiling back at him too, Wes could see that Lucas eyes looked a little red. The same with Trips and Ransik's looked seemed to be more respectfully, and understanding.

            Wes blinked his eyes he almost couldn't believe it. "Man, I most really be out of it," said Wes running his hand over his hair. Not a second later he felt crushing arms go around him. "Ahh," cried out Wes, as he cringed in pain.

            "Oh, Wes we're all so glade that you're okay," said Katie happily giving Wes a crushing hug. Katie had set the baby boy down in front of her as she hugged Wes.

"KATIE!" cried out Wes gasping for air. Katie slowly let go of Wes laughing lightly.

            "Oh sorry," said Katie pulling away from Wes. She then picked the baby boy back up. Once Wes recovered from Katie's hug he looked at the baby oddly. He didn't remember seeing a baby around before.

            "Where did the baby come from?" asked Wes confused. Everyone started laughing. Ransik even laughed a little he was actually happy that Wes was okay. Jen couldn't take her eyes off of Wes she was just so happy that he was okay, that they were able to save him. Wes turned his head looking at her, he smiled back at her. He was just so happy that Ransik hadn't harmed her he was so worried when Ransik started to go after her.

            Alex was sitting on his bed, in deep thought. He had just gotten the call that Ransik was captured and the rangers would be returning tomorrow. Alex bit his lips he wasn't sure if he could face Jen or even if she would be able to face him. He knew it probably would be very difficult for Jen to be around him, after everything that had happened. And then there was the thing about Wes, she loved him and he loved her. Alex sighed he didn't know what to do. He ran his hands over his hair. His eyes then wondered over to the crumpled piece of paper, it was the letter Wes wrote to him that was passed down by generation to generation. Alex got up and walked over to it picking it up. He slowly un-crumbled the letter he felt he should read the letter, to find out just who it was Jen had fallen in love with. Maybe it help to know why, to see what kind of guy he really was.

            Alex slowly began to read the letter and a weird look came over his face, confused, shocked not sure what to make out it.

The next day came sooner than anyone wanted it to, but it was time for them to go back. Wes stood outside by his father's side. He had a few visible stitches on the side of his head. His eye where Jen had punched him with was a blackish red, and he also had a few bandages on both of his hands. Wes was doing all he could do from not breaking down in tears as he looked at the time ship, his friends were in there getting ready to leave. Behind Wes stood a number of the Silver Guardians and Eric, who's left arm was in a sling. Eric didn't look nearly as bad as Wes did, but he too had a few marks on his face bright red in color.

            Slowly the time force rangers came out walking together. They held their heads partly high, none of them really wanted to say goodbye. Especially Jen she didn't want to say goodbye, not at all. The four time force officers stopped just a few feet away from where Wes was. Wes sighed this wasn't going to be easy to say goodbye to any of them. Collins patted his son on the shoulder. Wes turned looking at his father. Collins nodded his head encouraging his son to go through with this. Wes sighed heavily as he approached Lucas.

            The two were silent for a moment. They both had become pretty good friends. "Take it easy on those racetracks Lucas," said Wes trying to keep conversation to a minim he didn't want to say the word goodbye, he couldn't get himself to say it. Lucas smiled lightly he hated having to leave Wes behind but he wanted to get back home, back to his family.

"Well, at least I have a driver's license now, but I'm going to have to get it renewed. Where I'm going it will be a thousands years expired," Lucas laughs lightly, Wes joins in. There's the Lucas he's know always trying to be cool. The two then hugged and patted each other lightly on their backs. Lucas slowly backed away, he looked at Wes once more in the eyes before turning around and heading to the time ship.

Wes watched as Lucas is teleported back on the time ship. One down, three to go. A second later he feels Katie giving him one of her monster bears hugs. Wes winced in pain his ribs hadn't quite healed yet, from yesterdays hug. "Katie…Katie..let go," Wes struggled to say, Katie pulled away looking at Wes sadly.

"I'm sorry I forgot," she said softly. Wes smiled lighting and hugged Katie lightly pulling her close to him. She was almost like a sister to him, someone he would miss very much.

"No don't be sorry I'm actually going to miss your hugs," said Wes, the two pull apart looking at each other in the eyes.

            "Goodbye Wes," said Katie sadly. Katie then backed away and started for the time ship. Wes stands there until Katie is teleported up to the ship to join Lucas. Wes sighed heavily he still had two more goodbyes to go through and one of them he wasn't looking forward to. Wes walked over to Trip the two faced each other.

                        The two had almost a brotherly bond with each other. The two of them usually goofed off with each other, which at most times got them in trouble with Jen. And if it hadn't been for Trip, Wes may never have had the courage to come to Jen a second time in an attempt to join them as rangers. "I'm…I'mmm..." Wes could get the words out. It was starting to get very difficult and part of him knew once he said goodbye to Trip, Jen would be next.

            "I know, I'm going to miss you too," Wes smiled. "Can I keep my hat?" asked Trip softly putting to the hat he wore on his head. He couldn't think of anything else to say, so he said the first thing that came to his mind. And he could sense that Wes wasn't ready to say goodbye to Jen.

                        "Yeah," said Wes softly as he hugged Trip goodbye.

                        "Tell her Wes," whispered Trip softly. Once the two pulled apart, Wes looked at Trip partly wondering what his friend meant by that. All Trip did was smile and nod his head. Trip then turned around and started making his way over to the time ship, but not before Circuit popped his head out from Trip's book bag


            "Bye Wes," said Circuit sadly.

            "You take care of Trip Circuit," said Wes, he knew he would even miss his little robot friend.

                        "Always have, always will" said Circuit proudly. Wes watched as Trip and Circuit were both teleported up to the ship. Wes took a deep breath just one more goodbye left. The goodbye he didn't want to give, he would give anything not to say goodbye to Jen. Anything in the world, but he knew all the money in the world wouldn't be enough to keep Jen from leaving. Wes took a deep breath.

                        'Might as well get this over with'

                        Wes walked over to Jen stepping in front of her. Jen looked at Wes sadly she wanted so badly to stay here with him. She wanted so badly to tell him she loved him with all her heart and if she could she would be with him forever. Jen sighed deeply, that wouldn't be possible this wasn't her time. "I wish you could stay," said Wes sadly looking Jen in the eyes. He could feel himself on the verge of tears.

                        "Me too, but we both know I can't," she said softly, She felt like she was going to break down in tears at any moment. Wes nodded his head sadly, he knew she couldn't, but he could wish. Jen takes a deep breath, doing all she could do to pull back her tears. "Besides, you probably wouldn't miss having me around. I might punch you in the eyes again," There was a pause of silence. "I want you to know I'm sorry about that," said Jen softly. She really was sorry. Wes's face was really banged up from fighting all of those cyclobots, then Jen punching him in the face and fighting with Ransik.

            Wes smiled lightly, "Well I guess I kind of deserved it. I'm sorry for sending you guys back, really sorry. I hope you're still not made at me for doing that," said Wes as he sighed. Jen nodded her head as she took a deep breath.

            "No, I'm not made anymore," She then reached in her pocket and pulled out a time force badge. She then grabbed a hold of Wes's hand and placed the badge in his hands. "I want you to have this Wes. Don't ever forget me," said Jen looking at him, pleading he wouldn't forget her.

"Never could," said Wes looking into her eyes. There was no way he could ever forget her. There was so much he wanted to tell her, but they had run out of time a long time ago. Jen's hand brushed against his and she backed away she then turned around and started running towards the time ship.

Wes put his head down as he watched her leave, so that's how it all ends. He would give anything just to be able to hold her once in his arms, to tell her he loved her.

Jen didn't get very far, she stopped dead right in her tracks. She couldn't leave not without telling him everything, no matter how badly it hurt. She had to tell him. Jen quickly turned around and started running back over to Wes. Before Wes knew it Jen had ran right into his arms throwing her arms around him.

Wes held her tightly in his arms. He could no longer hold back his tears. Tears ran down Jens face as she held onto Wes for dear life. Slowly the two pulled back, but their arms still locked with each other. They looked each other in the eyes, seeing the very visible tears. Jen took at deep breath, as tears trailed down her cheeks. Here was her chance.

"I should have told you this a long time ago," Wes's eyes widened, could she reall?. "I love you," she cried. Wes almost couldn't believe it, Jen loved him.

"I love you too, I wish I could live a thousand so we could together again," cried Wes as he chocked on his tears. The two then hugged each other again. Holding on to one another tightly, not wanting to ever let go. After all this time they both had loved each other. They wished they would have told each other sooner. Then maybe it wouldn't be so hard.

The two then slowly pulled apart looking each other in the eyes. They didn't want it to end, but time had run out on them. Jen knew she would have to be the one let go, she slowly back away still holding onto his hand. She looked at Wes once more, and then she turned around and ran to the time ship.

Wes hoped that by some chance she would turn around again, but she didn't. He felt his heart breaking as he watched her be teleported up to the ship. A second later he watched as the ship was lifted up in the air. A time hole opened in the sky and he watched as the time ship started for it, taking away his friends and the woman he knew he would love forever.

"Salute!" yelled Eric as him and the Silver Guardians saluted as the rangers left to go back to their time.

Wes sighed as he looked up to the sky. "Take care," he said softly, he watched as the time hole disappeared out of sight taking the time ship. It was all over, they were gone. Wes put his head down he couldn't believe it was all over, it seemed just like yesterday he had meant them.

Wes's dad slowly walked over to his son placing his hand on Wes's shoulder. He knew he son was hurting. "You okay," he asked softly. Wes turned his head looking at his father.

"Not yet," said Wes softly. He knew it would take time for his heart to heal. Collins nodded his head and smiled lightly.

"What now son?" asked Collins, he knew he would have to find something for his son to do to get over the loss he was feeling. Wes shrugged he didn't know, what to do.

"I don't know," said Wes softly. He turned his head looking up to sky. Part of him hoping he would see the time ship coming back, but it didn't. All he saw was the light blue sky, white clouds and a flock of birds. Collins lightly pulled Wes closer to him and started making their way over to the Guardians.  

"Well I have a business proposition for you," said Collins happily. Wes looked at his father partly annoyed but too hurt to be too offended by it.

"Dad, come on," complained Wes. Collins laughed there was the Wes he knew.

"Just hear me out, I'm going to make some changes in the Silver Guardians," Wes and his father stopped right in front of Eric and the Guardians. "We will protect the whole city for free. But I need a good leader. What about it son?" asked Collins as he faced his son smiling.

Wes's eyes widened, his father really had changed back into the man Wes used to look up to. "I'll do it," Wes looked over at Eric, smiling. "But I want Eric as my partner. What do you say?" asked Wes looking right at Eric holding out his hand.

Eric couldn't believe it. He never expected this to happen. But that was Wes for you he would surprise you just about when ever he felt like it. "Sure, someone has to keep you in line," said Eric as the two shook each others hands. Collins smiled as he placed his hand on their shoulders.

"Would have been my choice," said Collins smiling, he had gained his son back and in a way he had gained another. Wes then looked at the badge Jen had given him, he stared at it smiling. Maybe everything would be okay?

"Well I say the future look's pretty bright," said Wes. A smile came upon Eric's face. Collins turned his head over where Eric was looking a big smile came upon his face.

"I have to say your right Wes, and it looks like your future is about to get brighter," said Eric smiling back at Wes. Wes looked confused what could that mean. Eric laughed lighting and pointed over to what was behind Wes. Wes wasn't quite sure what that meant slowly he turned around out of curiosity.

Wes felt like his heart had stopped, it was Jen. Wes just seemed frozen he thought he was seeing things. Collins laughed lightly as he pushed his son forward. "Well go get her son," said Collins. He didn't have to tell Wes twice. Wes went running as fast as his feet would carry him right into Jen's arms. Wes wrapped his arms tightly around her and Jen wrapped her arms around his. Tears were in both of their eyes. Slowly the two pulled apart looking each other in the eyes.

"But I thought….." cried Wes.

"Well I guess you're not the only one who can change their destiny," said Jen as tears ran down her cheeks. Wes didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He felt like doing both.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" asked Wes hoping that it was true, that this just isn't a dream. Jen smiled nodding her head.

"Yes, yes I'm staying. That is if you still want me to," said Jen looking deeply into his eyes. Wes got the biggest grin on his face, he started laughing out of joy and tears ran down his face, tears of joy.

"Oh I want you," said Wes happily. Wes and Jen looked up as they watched as the time ship disappeared out of sight into the time hole, both of them waved goodbye to their friends. Wes and Jen looked each other in the eyes smiling. "You know, there's been something I've wanted to do for a long, long time," said Wes as he started leaning closer to Jen. Jen smiled back at Wes.

"Yeah and what would that be?" said Jen leaning closer to Wes, as their lips meant in their first kiss. Neither of them could believe this was happening, they both thought it was a dream. But it felt too real to be only a dream. The two broke from the kiss looking each other in the eyes, full of love.

"I love you Jen," said Wes softly.

"I love you too," smiled Jen as she leaned closer and gave him a kiss of her own. Wes wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer to him.

Collins smiled as he watched his son be reunited with the love of his life. "Eric let's get the Guardians back to the base, it might be a while until those two are ready," laughed Collins. Eric looked at his boss smiling.

"I couldn't agree more with you sir," Eric turned looking at the Guardians. "Alright Guardians let's move out," yelled Eric.

Wes and Jen stood in the sand, feeling the wind blow against them as they held onto each other. They hadn't heard the Guardians or Collins leave. They were content only with each other. The two smiled as they looked each other in the eyes, laughing lightly. Wes kissed Jen softly on the lips and then looked her in the eyes. "How bout we go home," said Wes smiling.

"Home that sounds pretty good to me" said Jen smiling back at Wes. Wes then grabbed a hold of her hand and started heading for home, to start their lives together.

In a dark room, Alex watched on a screen. Watching as Jen and Wes got onto Wes's bike and drive off. Alex then leaned over and turned off the screen. "Goodbye Jennifer," said Alex softly he then left the room leaving behind the ring he had given her and the very note that Wes had written, or was it.

Dear Alex,

I'm sorry for hurting you. A lot had happened, I had changed so much and so have you. I never meant to hurt you Alex that was the last thing I ever wanted to do. But I had to fallow my heart, I hope you can understand. But I guess you do, because thanks to you my wish came true. I don't know how you did it, maybe I'll never know. I want you to know that both Wes and I want to thank you for everything. You will never know how grateful the both of us are for what you have done for us. I hope that someday you will find someone who will love you as much as I had. Goodbye Alex, take care.

Oh, P.S. please take care of the gang for us, their going to need a good leader to look out for them. We know you'll do a good job.


 Jen & Wes