Better to have loved and lust than to never have loved at all.

Disclaimer: I do not own and of the character used in this story they all belong to J.K Rowling. And it I had the talent to make more money that the queen, I wouldn't be publishing my work on the internet would I?

It was the last time that he would board this train on the way to Hogwarts. His seventh year and his last had come so fast. As he boarded the train with his mates Sirius, Remus and Peter, he felt sad but excited at the same time.

"Cya guys later" he yelled to his friends who were scrambling over luggage, cages and other junk that always ended up in the corridor of the train. For this year he would not be joining them. He was head boy and got a compartment all to himself.. Well almost all to himself, he had to share with the head girl but he still got a better deal than his mates. As he walked up towards the head of the train he wondered who the head girl could be. He finally decided just before he got to his compartment that it was probably Gemma McCoy, a snooty girl in Hufflepuff that was a favourite among the teachers. He opened the door to find his crush of 4 years Lily Evans wearing a shiny head girl badge. In James eyes Lily was an angel, she had long red wavy hair, that swayed when she walked. She was around 5'6" compared to his 6'. Her fair complexion was flawless and made her hair look even redder than it was. But by far the most captivating things about Lily Evans were her eyes, they were deep green like two shining emeralds, they really were the windows to her soul, they held such emotion, usually dislike when she was looking at James, but the sparkled an made her look so beautiful.

"What are you staring at Potter?" Lily questioned as she seated herself opposite James.

"I had forgotten how beautiful you are" he smiled his charming smile as he spoke. Either that or you just got prettier over the hols."

"Very nice Potter," she said with a disapproving tone in her voice. She drove him crazy, she really had gotten prettier over the hols, her breasts were more developed and she was more curvy that the last time he saw her. He had liked her for years but for some reason he was never good at showing it. He always played tricks on her with his mates, and he tried the same old techniques that he managed to get other girls into bed with, but none of it worked on Lily. This of course wasn't going to stop him from trying to get her in the sack, no, he hadn't given up yet.

"We should get changed into our robes now so we can set a good example when we have to patrol the train" Lily said.

"When is that?" James asked.

"In about five minutes" she replied.

"Well we better get changed then," he said with a cheeky smile as he got comfortable on the seat and crossing his arms on his chest.

"If you think that I am going to get changed in front of you you're a sadly mistaken" she scowled, before casting a spell to make a wall between them while she changed.

James smiled to himself; she was so cute when she is angry. He started to get changed with thought of Lily swirling is his head.

(A/N: hey guys this is my first fan fic so please review, I would be so grateful, I am going to try and update once a week, especially over the holidays, so I hope you like this and if you have any ideas please either put them in a review or email me at [email protected] thanking you in advance,

Goddess of gorgeousness, AKA steph (