Authors Note: Does anyone actually read the author's notes? I know I do, but does anyone else, makes you wonder why we even put these bloody things here. Also, I've decided to make Ramiel a permanent character in this series. I would first off like to thank these people in particular for help in my writing

China Boy-whose review got me off my lazy but and back in to daily writing.

Danny le fou- He informed about what happened to the URL I put in the last chapter, it is now fixed, SO READ THE FICS OVER AT THAT SITE, THEY'RE DAMN GOOD!

NiteFlier-One of my pre-readers for this fic, he is also a good friend of mine, at least I like to think so, I realize I should get some more but I don't know if should ask through a fic, or through specific email.

Uliet- My ass kicking controller friend who commonly can be found in the company of his singularities the Bobs.

Zentrodie-Who I am honored to have as a pre-reader, thanks a lot Zen.

Disclaimer- Also why do we put these disclaimers here? I mean it's not as if the owners of an illustrious Anime company are going to be spending their time browsing fan fiction sites, looking for people who have not put in their disclaimers.

On that note, I do not own Xenogears, Ranma, or Evangelion.

My Guardian of Bloody eyes Chapter 7- The Chosen of God

"WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOW?!!!!!!" Yelled the dead spirit of Ryouga Hibiki who was lost within the confines of Ramiel's body, acting as the power source for the angel, which didn't look much like the inside of a person's body. With a person the insides normally contain organs, veins, a skeleton, muscles, etc; but that wasn't what Ryouga's spirit saw, no what he saw was something that looked a kin to a video game arcade, which from Ryouga's view out side didn't seem very big at all. Ironically what Ryouga did not see was that the only other thing besides the arcade was an Anime store sitting right next to it, and that everything else, was pure nothingness. Which despite how much emphasis this author is putting on it, meant only one thing.

Ramiel life was devoted only to Anime, and video games, which when you think about it, is really sad.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that yelling never solves anything?" The sound of another voice besides his own was not something Ryouga's soul had heard in quite sometime, however it was never able to register this fact as it was hit with a wine bottle upside the head. Of course this is the spirit of Ryouga right, so he's going to be fine right?


Ryouga was in amount of pain one only receives after a late night drinking binge proceeded by a dive into the sidewalk head first from the top of a three story building. Now many of you are wondering, why the hell would Ryouga be hurt by a bottle of wine, I mean come on the guys survived the Boxai Tenketsu Breaking Point training, it made his skin hard as rock, so why would wine hurt him? Well there in lies the answer, while the Breaking Point Technique may have made his skin rock hard, Ryougas spirit has never been very strong at all. I mean really you could snap it in two with a stuffed animal. Anyway back to the story.

Shaking his head free of the little stars that appeared inside his head Ryouga got a good look at his assailant. What greeted Ryouga was a 56 year old man in dire need of a hair cut and a shave, his clothes consisted of a pair of brick red pants and a wool jacket that had seen better days in the stone age, and were fairing even worse now. Ryouga almost expected his shoes to be half gone, he was wrong. The man didn't have shoes, though that didn't really matter; the man had a carpet layer of hair covering the tops feet.

Yet despite all this Ryouga did not find himself worried at the sight of the man, after all he'd been to California and New York plenty of times and had met his fair share of haggard people, heck he sometimes was one every now and then, depending upon how his fights with Ranma went, so he usually ended up being haggard a lot.

But that still didn't mean Ryouga wasn't angry for getting smashed with a wine bottle. Sliding one foot in front of the other Ryouga got into his battle stance with a practiced ease and prepared to pummel the old hobo out of his state of uncleanliness.

"Woa relax boy, I'm not here to fight you, and fact is I'm here to help you."

Ryouga began to study the hobo, time spent with Nabiki Tendo had taught Ryouga not to trust people all at once, and quite frankly this guy just didn't seem right, he didn't seem…….human.

"Look we can do this one of two ways, the easy way…….." The man never finished his sentence as Ryouga punched him in the sternum, causing the man to lose all his air and fall to the ground on his hands.

"How about we do it my way." Ryouga said grinning as the man coughed as he tried to regain his air. "Look pal, I don't hate you, but no one orders me around, now tell me where I am, then beat it." Ryouga was not happy, Akane wasn't anywhere nearby, and so that meant he couldn't tell her he loved her. And Ranma wasn't around, so he couldn't fight him. And that made Ryouga frustrated, which inevitably lead to depression, but right now he was frustrated, and there was this old guy here, acting like he could tell him what to do. So all in all, it was a very typical reaction from him.

After the hobo was done coughing, he stood up, and began to speak. "Not surprised you're so strong; if God put you here then you gotta be good." Ryouga looked at the man with a careful eye, trying figure out what the heck the hobo was talking about. "It's no wonder the boss wanted to recruit you, I mean, with the war going on, we need all the help we can get." The hobo wiped his brow with a dirty hanky, covered in snot, grime and well just plain ugly stuff.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ryouga asked with a 'Tell me now or you dead tone.'

"I guess I should start over from the beginning." The man said grinning from ear to ear. "I Ryouga am Sam the Demon Poverty; I've come on behalf of lord Lucifer to recruit you for the legions of hell."

In the year 2015 there is a very strong belief among the common people of the world that all the great cities, towns, and civilizations pre-dating the fall of Rome had vanished with the coming of 2nd Impact. They believed that there were no longer any people who believed in Gods, magic or universal forces, it was just fairy tales to make the world seem a lot simpler. And to them their beliefs seemed just. I mean after all how can something exist if there isn't proof of it?

But as it is known to those who tend to think out side of the norm, things are proven because people think they exist, just because no one thinks there are any civilizations or people that believe in Higher Forces, doesn't mean they don't exist. And right now, in a room that in it self does not exist a meeting is taking place between a set of people whose very existence goes against the belief of the common people.

12 rectangular monoliths appear inside the room which does not exist, each of them the same except for the numbers in red labeling them. "We have a problem." Monolith number 8 says using a synthetic voice module used to hide who he or she is.

"Indeed, the Dead Sea Scrolls never said anything about this, after he came in contact with the Zohar Modifier Fei should not have split into his alternate persona, something has gone wrong!" States the monolith known as 9 the voice of an old woman permeating from it.

A cough resounded through out the room, turning towards the sound of the cough all of the monoliths came face to face, err face to hologram? Whatever any way most of them looked at him. "Gentlemen it is known by this committee, that Fei was re-united as one by the Supreme Being, there for, whatever caused him to be 'split' again, must have been so devastating to him, that not even Gods power could prevent it. All we have to do is mend this problem, then Fei will be re-united, and Id will no longer exist." As usual Gendos face was a mask unreadable by the greatest poker player alive, but still you could not help but notice the amount of fear permeating his voice. None could blame him; after all if you knew that there was a man with the powers of God at his disposal, no less a very vindictive, if not psychotic man, you wouldn't be all that confident either.

"Ikari is right," Gendo and 11 of the monoliths turned to Seele 01, also known as Keel Lorenz, who had on this occasion turned off his hologram, revealing himself before the committee. Keel was old, very very very very old; one of the oldest living humans on earth, bionic implants had sustained his life well beyond the limitations of normal people. The visor placed over his eyes, which made him look very much like Jordy Laforge, and the metallic hands showed for fact that Keel was more machine than human. "We can not let our selves lose our calm; Id has not won yet, and most likely does not know of our existence. Our best chance is to find a way to revert him back as Fei, we will strike. This meeting is adjourned."

As one the monoliths and Keel disappeared, leaving Gendo alone in the room. "Id………..what has brought you back?"

"You're a what?" Ryouga said slowly backing away from Sam and going into a loose battle stance. In his living life Ryouga had tangled with magic a lot, big understatement, and had long since grown weary of approaching anything that involved magic, voodoo, hocus pocus or any such thing normal in Nerima.

"A demon," Sam said exasperatedly. "you know Hell, eternal suffering, evil, darkness, CNN; you get what I'm talking about, right?" Hesitantly Ryouga nodded, though he did not get out of his stance, continuing to appraise the demon. "Look kid I know you know some of that martial arts stuff but trust me it isn't gonna count for shit here."

Ryouga looked at Sam disbelievingly, as far as he had seen martial art could do anything it wanted, especially in Nerima. But he was more interested this time in where he was now, though it wouldn't matter, he'd just get lost again. "Where is here any way?"

Sam reached into his coat pulling out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes, after opening up the pack and pulling one the mini cigars out of the packaging, he placed its butt in his mouth lighting the front without using his other hand to guard the flame. "We Ryouga," He said in a slightly muffled voice, since he refused to take the cigarette out to speak. "are inside the consciousness of the 5th arch Angel, also known as Ramiel, partly known as the angel of thunder, but better known for his choice of worldly fulfillment." Ryouga understood every word Sam said, except for the last part, at which point his face turned into a frown of confusion. Sam hung his head low, taking a deep breath and sucking in the smoke from his cigarette.

"He only likes video games, and anime, hence he is better known as the Otaku Angel, Angel O, or the more comical name Glass Ass, don't ask where it came from because no one knows. Anyway, Ryouga, you have unfortunately become the power source for this angels S2 organ, which basically turns the souls of the dead into unlimited energy. You Ryouga are the soul they chose. Now based upon your earlier reactions, I'm guessing you had no idea about all this?" The rather blank nod Ryouga gave Sam was more than a sufficient answer. "Okay kid, I'm going to give the facts to you straight. There is another great war about to take place, between Heaven and Hell, to decide the fate of humanity. On one side you have God and his Arch angels, who are pissed at the humans for ruining the Earth, even though he gave them total access to it in the first place, he wants to destroy humanity and restart. Then there's Hell, led by Satan, the dark lord, master of destruction, husband of God-" Ryouga chose that point to interrupt.

"Wait; did you just say 'Husband of God'?" Ryouga looked at Sam like he was nuts, most avid Christians would have agreed.

"Oh geeze kid don't tell me you don't know about Satan and God being married? Oh wait, in Earth what gender is God?"

"Well if I remember from my visit at a Christian church, they seemed to act like God was a man."

This however seemed to send Sam into a fit of laughter, the man keeled over on his side, loud guffaws exiting from his mouth. "Sorry, but that's the funniest thing I've heard since Martin Luther made his 95 thesis. No, God is a woman, Satan is her husband and the entire war between Heaven and Hell is simply what you might call a 'Lovers Quarrel'. You see some how Satan pissed God off to the point where she banished him to Hell, which in this case is the equivalent of being sent to sleep on the couch for a month." After finishing off his cigarette, Sam mysteriously pulled another one from behind his back and began to smoke it as well. "Now in order to make sure Satan stayed in Hell, God created the 17 Arc Angels, and Gods Chosen One. What we are inside of is Ramiel the 5th Angel of the 17."

"You Ryouga, against your will, have been denied paradise in Heaven, and are now being used as a power source for Ramiel. Now here's what is known so far about the wars current status. So far the Score is 1 to 2, with Satans Angels in the lead. However something has occurred that no one ever expected to arise. I spoke of a person known as the Great Chosen warrior, what that is Ryouga, is the title of being Gods Avatar."

"However, years ago, by making his life eternal suffering, Satan corrupted Gods Chosen One. In doing so he turned him into a monster, a beast with only 1 desire, to destroy everything around him. Well over a million years ago, it was thought that the Chosen One had gotten over his hatred of the world, and had returned to being a servitor of God. However when the final great battle is about to commence, he returns and with an apprentice, once again angry, but no one knows why." Taking a deep sigh Sam extinguished his 2nd cigarette. "And that Ryouga is why we want to recruit you; we want you to find out why the Chosen one is back."

Pausing a moment to take a deep breath Ryouga weighed the pros and cons of joining Hells army. He had already been denied paradise, which meant there was no chance of him going to Heaven, which made his choice obvious. "Before I sign up I want to know one thing." Sims head perked up showing that he was all ears to Ryouga questions. "What is the name of the Chosen One, and his apprentice?"

"The Chosen One is called Fei, or once was, now he's called Id, as for his apprentice, he's called Shinji Ikari."

Shinji awoke to the sound of rampant squawking the morning after his ingestion of Misatos cooking; he felt quite good considering the events of last night. But when taking those events into account, he really was lucky to have even lasted the night. Rolling over in his bed he saw an irate Pen-Pen standing beside his bed. How do you tell a bird is irate you ask? Quite simple, when a fowl waves a clever at your face squawking "GET THE HELL UP AND MAKE MA FOOD DAMMIT!" then it isn't that hard a thing to infer. Of course it sounded more like "WARK WARK WARK WARK WARK WARK WARK."

Groaning as only one can from ingesting Misato's cooking the night before Shinji stood straight and tall like only an un-hardened penis does after seeing an 80 year old person strip naked. Walking in an almost zombie like fashion Shinji walked out of his room and into the kitchen. Pen-Pen followed him every step of the way, making sure he did not wander off in a daze or fall asleep. Because after all Pen-Pen wanted food, and what Pen-Pen wants, Pen-Pen gets, regardless of what side effects the boy might feel.

Pen-Pen watched in rapt attention as Shinji opened up a can of sardines, poured them out onto a frying pan, and expertly added a few seasonings and soon a masterpiece of the culinary arts was brewing in the pan. A sudden loud and obnoxious noise filled the air, a noise that we all know and hate; it was an alarm clock, more specifically Misato's. "Shut up damn it!" Followed by the sound of an alarm clock hitting a wall, followed soon by a base ball bat being implemented to finish off whatever might be left of the clock. And out from her room stepped Misato, who looked as ravishing as a newly made dog turd. Her hair in disarray and heavy circles under eyes, all due to a hangover incurred the previous day.

Walking over to the table, and grabbing a beer along the way, Misato sat down to enjoy her morning ritual, the drinking of the beer. Finishing the golden liquid with an un-maidenly cry of "YEAH!" Misato proved once again, just because you're an adult, doesn't mean you have to act like one.

Returning his attention to the sardines Shinji placed them on a paper plate and onto the table. 'At last,' Pen Pen thought to himself, 'sweet fishy delight, you are mine!' Unfortunately for Pen Pen, and the stove which hadn't been turned off, at that moment the Angel alarm went off. Knowing that there was work to be done and Angel ass to beat, Misato ran from the kitchen, to her room, got dressed, and ran out the door with Shinji, without getting another beer on the way out. Of course this leaves Pen Pen, our beloved fowl with a problem, the sardines are on the table, and his flippers weren't strong enough to lift him to the chair. This left Pen Pen with only one possible reaction.

"DAMN IT!" Or "WARK!" Either one fits.(That was actaully a tribute to Wark Wars, love your fic man.)

Girding his loins(Who the hell came up with that one?) Shinji mentally prepared himself for the fight that would ensue. 'Did I leave the stove on?'

Once again unto the breech, once again to fight the forces of evil/Heaven, once again in his Evangelion.

And once again in a metal tube filled with a fruit juice mixed liquid.

Oh yeah, Earth is doomed.

Catapulted up into the air, going through G-forces that without the FJML, Shinji would have been crushed. As he reached the surface he came face to face with Ramiel.

Ramiel was not having a good day, he'd gotten lost so many times he was now offered frequent flyer miles by the Air plane companies, which he'd promptly blew up, damn money grubbing lilum. But as it were, some how some way, Ramiel had found a loop hole in the curse, you see the directional curse given to him by Ryouga's soul, you see if he tried to go someplace else, like say a Star Trek con, he'd end up going to another place. However, he thought "That's it I quit, I'm going to the William Shattner memorial convention in Mississippi." Well as you know Ryouga's curse takes you every where BUT the place you want to go, so he ended up in Tokyo 3, so now he was itching for some Trek merchandise, girls dressed as Klingons. So what do you think he does when he sees a purple horned freak shoot up from the ground, a certain freak he has to kill? That's right, he shouts a cheesy one liner. "FIRE ALL PHAZERS!" And well for Shinji all was…

Authors note 2:Awsome finally done, sorry about the long wait, CoH really is addicting, I'll get on Watcher in the Dark now, thanks for being patient. By the way, that whole sardine bit with Pen Pen was an homage to PenWars, that fic rules man.