Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to introduce to you the eight chapter of Bloody Coins. Enjoy and please read the A/N at the bottom.

Bloody Coins

By, Cherrygal3

The ride to the club was short and difficult, difficult because Kai couldn't seem to get into his outfit. Light laughter could be heard in the car.

"Hilary, shut up!" growled Kai

Laughing, Hilary replied, "I'm…hahaha… I'm sorry :snicker: but how can an outfit be so difficult?"

"Hilary, this is not an outfit, it is a bunch of leather straps." Her only reply was a smothered laugh.

The rest of the trip was short and sweet, with the occasional grunt and crash. Of course the end results were quite fantastic. Kai's outfit was nice, no it was better than nice. It was down right sexy. Kai had on a vest that was open with nothing underneath, showing off two dusty pink nipples; one with a silver hoop through it. His arms were an array of leather criss-crossed straps that showed off his biceps nicely. Tanned abs were displayed sexily. Six-pack clenching when a cool breeze blew by. Kai had on tight black leather shorts. Again these were slashed right above the hip down to his crotch showing a tantalizing amount of skin. The rest of his legs were wrapped in leather strips. When he moved a certain way you could see the milky white skin hidden beneath.

Hilary had on a blood red tube top and a black mini skirt. She had on black leather boots that accented her outfit nicely. The red top made her look pale so she had put on a little blush and pink lip gloss to give herself a healthy glow. She looked stunning.

Walking towards Posion Heat, Kai sighed, "Hilary the line goes on past two blocks, how are we getting in?"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." With that said, she walked straight to the front of the line.

"Hilary!" Kai shouted, "You can't just cut in front of all these people."

"I can and I will." She replied in a smug tone.

Tilting her head to the side, she showed the bouncer something on her neck. Holding up a black light he glanced at her neck. After a few seconds he motioned for her to go in. Glancing back at Kai, she smirked before signaling for him to follow her. Shocked Kai slipped into the building, ignoring the angry glares that were being thrown his way.

As soon as Kai walked in, he expected to be met with smoke, flashing lights, pounding music, and bodies grinding together. Instead he was met with silence. "Hilary?" He called out, noticing that he was alone. Suddenly Kai began to get nervous, and when he got nervous, he went into vamp mode. Vamp mode was basically when Kai went all stealthy and such. It occured when he was hunting vampires or raising the dead. Suddenly Kai whipped around, grabbing the hand that was reaching for his shoulder, while simultaneously going for his Browning. Two things happened at once. One he realized that the person was Hilary, and two he didn't have his Browning.

"Fuck!" he swore loudly.

"What…what is it?" Said Hilary

"I don't have my Browning."

"I know, you're not allowed to bring guns into this place."

Giving Hilary a glare that could melt steel, he growled out, "Then how the fuck am I supposed to hunt this thing that is supposed to be here?"

"Umm, I don't know…use your knives stupid."

"I didn't bring them."

"I know that's why I brought them instead."

"I hate you Hilary, you know that."

"Yep, you tell me everyday."

"Fuck you!"

"Sorry, I don't do family, it's to complicated."

Giving her a gross look, he walked down the hallway where he assumed the club was. As soon as he came to the end of the hallway, he faced a dead end. "Hilary." He whispered, confused out of his mind. Laughing she walked up to the wall and knocked on it three times. A voice broke through the quite atmosphere saying "What's worth more than gold?" Confused Kai looked at Hilary. She sent him a reassuring smile then said, "Bloody Coins" Once the words left her lips, the wall slid open to reveal four sets of stairs. One up, one down, one left, and one right.

Looking at the man she asked, "Where is the banker?" The man gave her a curious look before a smirk settled over his face as he glanced at Kai. Glaring at the man Kai growled, "What the fuck are you staring at?" Laughing the man said, "He's going to be a tough one and the bankers on the left." Nodding her head in gratitude Hilary headed for the stairs that led left.

"Hilary who is the banker and why the fuck was that guy smirking at me?"

"The banker is a friend of mine aka my master and that guy was smirking at you because you're going to have a tough time loosing up here."

"Whatever," he snarled, "Just give me my damn knives."

"Sure, but it's not like you're going to need them."

"What!" Kai said as he sheathed his knives.

"I just made up that story of you having to hunt something down so you would come here."

"You did fucking what!"

"I'm sorry ok, and don't even think about leaving because you can't leave or Miriam-san will kick you ass."

"You fucking whore!"

"Call me what you like but I still got you here." With that said, she walked of into the mass of moving bodies.

Glancing around Kai sighed. It wasn't that he was mad at Hilary; it was just that he had left Ozuma at his house all alone. In all honesty, Kai loved to club. Yes the Angel of Death was a serious clubber and used to do it every weekend until things got a little hectic. Deciding that he might as well enjoy himself, he moved into the crowd. Almost immedietly the crowd closed in on him and he felt bodies press up against him. Some techno music was being blasted over the speakers causing Kai's ears to ring. But they adjusted quickly enough. Taking a deep breath, Kai began to move his body to the music when a new song came on. It started of slowly then began to pick up the pace.

I'm more than a man and I don't fear falling.

I've fallen further than the eye can see.

Warm hands circled his waist drawing him against a taut body. Leaning slightly against the man, and yes it was a man because no girl could be that flat, he let out a sigh, sliding his arms up and around the person's neck. He gasped as warm hands settled on his stomach, abs clenching deliciously. Slowly he began to grind against this mysterious guy, moving his body sensually against his partner. Looking down at the hands carassing his stomach, he saw tanned hands travel across his skin. He let out an invouluntary shudder as the fingers skimmed across a sensitive piece of flesh. Suddenly warm air was being blown on his ear and it was all Kai could do to not moan out loud.

Something inside me, you body is calling.

I'm tumbling, like a doom prophecy.

"Sensitive huh?" the man said while chuckling lightly. Kai could only nod his head as he felt the fingers skin the spot again. Suddenly he was turned around and his face was met with the guy's chest. And boy was it a nice chest, Kai thought with a smirk. Tanned skin, with a scar running from the collarbone, through his left nipple, to rest on his abs. His abs lay glistening with sweat as he continued to grind and dance with Kai. Looking up Kai couldn't help but let out a shock. He couldn't believe he was dancing with Him.

The guy was tall, taller than Kai at least, which isn't saying much. He looked about 5'7-5'8 and had gorgeous red hair that slipped over his face, causing his eyes to be hidden. When he was able to catch a glimpse of his eyes he was pleasantly shocked. They were the richest blue that he had ever scene and the sent shivers down his spine.

Suddenly his observations were pulled to a halt as he was once again flipped around with his back pressed tightly against the guy. At first Kai was a little shocked. He normally never let anyone dance this long with him, or touch him the way this guy did. But for some strange reason, he didn't mind that this guy was caressing his skin and making him shiver in delight. A gasp quickly left his throat as he threw his head back in silent pleasure. Mouth opened, releasing a quiet moan. Body arched tight, head resting on the man's shoulder as a hand continued to trace his nipple. His breath deepened as the red head hottie found his nipple ring and gave it a slight tug.

"Feel good?" The red head asked. His only reply was a quick intake of air and a sharp hiss as it was released.

I want you to run, make me give chase.

Beg for mercy when caught, tears staining your face.

The song continued to play and broke off into a nice bridge where the guitarist took over. It was sensual and sexy and turned Kai on even more. O yes, Kai was bi or at least he thought he was. He was beginning to drift just toward gay, because this guy was turning him on more than any woman ever had. Another tug on his nipple ring caused Kai to press himself against the guy harder. He felt the red-head gasp before spinning Kai away from him before reeling him back in.

"What's you name?" he whispered huskily in Kai's ear.

Repressing a shudder of delight Kai answered, "Kai, and yours?"

"Brooklyn." Was the only answer he got before warm hands grasped his ass and pulled him flush against Brooklyn. Shockwaves upon shockwaves of pleasure ripped through Kai's body and he let the gorgeous red head know. A soft chuckle was his answer as he continued to move against this Greek god of a body. Sliding and caressing, Kai let his hands wonder wherever they wanted to. Through the crimson red hair, down the strong muscular back, to squeeze a delectable ass, it was all Kai could do to hold back the urges to just kiss the guy. Kiss the guy, Kai mentally screamed. Where the hell did that idea come from? But Kai couldn't help but look up and stare at Brooklyn's mouth and wonder how it would feel to have it cover his own? As if sensing Kai's thoughts, he lifted Kai's chin and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. It only took a second for Kai to respond and deepen the kiss. As soon as he opened his mouth Brooklyn pushed in. Kai could feel Brooklyn's tongue tracing his teeth searching for something. And that something was Kai's tongue. A duel began between the two, and as soon as tongues touched, Kai saw stars.

Then succumb to desire, see with eyes open wide.

As I tear into your chest and slide deep inside.

He felt it more than saw it. Bodies tangled together, limbs intertwined. Mouths latched onto each other as tongues fought a never ending battle. Hands searched for any skin in its reach. Desperate to feel the heat that only a lover could give off. A scream pierces the night as the pleasure beings to build until it's too painful to contain. With one last kiss, one last shove, the pleasure is released, sending both boys over the edge.

Just as the vision faded, so did the kiss. Breathing deeply, Kai could faintly hear the ending notes to the song called "From a Fallen Angel". It took all of Kai's power not to collapse into this guy's arms. "You're amazing." Brooklyn whispered, breath tickling Kai's ear. Suddenly Kai could hear laughter as he leaned against the strong chest. Hands bunched tightly in Brooklyn's vest. Turning his head slightly, he managed to growl out, "Don't say a fucking word Hilary."

"Ok Kai, ok…it's just whatever happened to I want to fucking leave?"

"Go the hell away Hilary." Kai mumbled; face still resting against Brooklyn's chest. He could feel Brooklyn's hands tracing circles on his back. Startled Kai wondered when had Brooklyn's hands gotten under my vest. But suddenly that didn't matter to Kai as he felt warm lips close over his ear.

"What can I do for you Hilary?"

"Nothing Banker, except for the fact that I have been looking all over for you." Looking at Brooklyn he glared.

"No way, no fucking way…you can't be the Banker."

"Why not Kai?" He whispered seductively.

"No way, your human," Kai whispered, "If you weren't I would have sensed you."

"Not always Kai."

"There's no way, you have to be human." There was no way this guy was the vampire who owned Hilary. This guy, the one who caused him to shiver in pleasure and long to just surrender was Rei.

"No way, I don't believe it." With that said he turned towards Hilary and gave her a look. Getting the hint she whispered she would talk to Rei later. As she walked towards the exit, she knew she was in for it when they got back home. But yet she couldn't get the look Kai gave her out of her mind. It was a look of hopelessness, like Kai couldn't believe she had betrayed him. O yeah she was in for it.

Well there you guys go, 10 pages of action. And yes I realized it took my along time and I have to say sorry. I was beginning to doubt the Kai/Rei pairing. While watching the show I kept thinking that maybe Kai would be better of with Tyson. But then I realized No way, Kai is meant for Rei and vice versa. So yeah after I got over that funk, I typed up over 8 pages. And it was WICKED AWSOME. Thanks to everyone who stood by my this whole time. Much love.

Preview/questions: What exactly is the banker and what is Kai going to do now that he realized the Banker is Rei. And how was the red haired guy Rei. Find out next time in the next episode of Bloody Coins.

See you later Space Cowboy