Chapter 3:

Disclaimer I do not own dbz/GT

Trunks flew as fast as he could, if he knew his father, he would chase after him and probably beat him up for saying such things then drag him home. Trunks face was freezing from all the tears he had been crying and the fast blow of wind on his face; he saw some woods below and decided to stop near to a lake.

Bulma collapsed to the floor her face in her hands, crying her heart out, vegeta felt sorry for her and sat next to her on the floor, he took her hands away from her face and she clung to him. A few minuets later she slowed down with her crying and looked up to vegeta

"Wh ... what are . are we going to do?" she sounded muffled, vegeta stood up and picked her up placing her on the sofa lying down

"I'm going after him! He shouldn't upset you like this he needs to be taught a lesson!" vegeta spoke distantly as if he were talking over her

"please don't hurt him vegeta, he may be in a fragile state right now emotionally" but vegeta ignored her plea and left the house taking to the air after his son.

Trunks looked down in to the lake; the moon shone off it and it glistened beautifully. The tears came and they ran down his cheeks into the lake, he leaned back against a tree and took out the hard object in his pocket, staring at it he opened up the pocket knife. He rolled up one of the sleeves on his shirt and held the knife to his wrist, he cried hard now and the blood came, he dug it deep into his wrist thinking of all the pain he was feeling in his heart

"I HATE YOU!" he screamed letting the knife slice once again through another part of his wrist, tears stung his face now and he let the knife go, it fell to his side and the blood poured from his wrist.

"Trunks!" vegeta spoke harshly seeing his son leaning against the tree on the floor, but no response came "I'm talking to you brat!" vegeta said walking over to his son and looking down at him. Trunks had his wrist in his lap and was holding the other hand over the cuts but the blood poured through his fingers, even in the dark it was un mislabel by sayjin eyes.

Vegeta leaned down to trunks and moved his hand away from his wrist, trunks screamed out in pain as vegeta grabbed his arm and lifted it up for a closer view

"what the hell have you done brat?" vegeta asked but trunks stared out on to the lake. Vegeta turned trunks face to meet his own and he noticed the tear stained face, was this his son? Was this what he had become? But worst of all he thought to himself, was he doing exactly what his father had done to him? Pushing his son away, ignoring him and making him feel worthless. Vegeta put a hand to his son's face and trunks backed away

"trunks I'm not going to hurt you!" he spoke gently, trunks eyes flickered, he was loosing a lot of blood

"father" he whispered and vegeta came to him,

"what is it my son?"

"tell mom I love her and that I'm sorry I shouted at her"

"trunks" vegeta whispered "you not going to die I'm going to get a zenzu bean hold on." Vegeta disappeared and re appeared a few minuets later, he popped a bean into trunks mouth and he ate it. Trunks sat up and vegeta embraced him in a hug, kissing the top of his head gently

"I'm sorry dad" he whispered pulling away from vegeta, vegeta looked at him

"I'm sorry too son, I didn't realise I was becoming my father, I spent so long trying not to be like him I didn't realise I already had become him, I promise I'll try to be a better father for you trunks but just promise me you wont try this again" he said picking up the pocket knife and throwing it into the lake

"you would've broken your mother's heart if I hadn't got here in time"

"well what about you?" trunks asked curious as to why she would be upset and not him

"well you wouldn't be my son if you took the cowards way out, would you?"

"guess not" trunks replied solemn

"do you love me father? You don't really think I'm a mistake do you?"

"trunks, you're my son of course I do!"

"do what? Think I'm a mistake? Or love me?"

"you figure it out!" vegeta said getting up and hovering in the air "if you can beat me home I might tell you!" challenged vegeta

"huh! Alright then" trunks said hovering into the air

"ready..steady..HEY!" Vegeta shouted as trunks took off into the air

"see ya at home father!" he shouted back, vegeta smirked "that kid's becoming more like me everyday!" he chuckled and flew off after trunks.