Chronicles of the King: Episode 01
"Alpha Identity"
written by Shayne Thames
Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica ª and SEGA
Shalita Ranay, Shaetore Valcena and Piro Edge is ª 2003 S.R. Thames

Before we begin:
	I decided I wanted to rewrite this story. I didn't care for how I 
wrote it the first time and also decided I wanted to write this in the 
Sonic X universe. So here we go!

Chapter 1: Seeker of the Darkness There he stood in a field. There was a large bolder, the grass blowing gently in the night breeze. He watched as the moon began to rise. There was something strange about this night that he just couldn't put his finger on. He began to turn and head home. Behind him, a silent figure stood, suprising him. Before he could say a word, she stepped towards him. She was a beautiful chipmunk with long blond hair. Her eyes were strange to him, a piercing amber with slitted red pupils. He opened his mouth to say something, but was silenced by a kiss from her. He felt unable to move, enchanted by her somehow. Her head moved down, kissing his chin, and his neck. She opened her mouth, where two sharp fangs appeared, ready to sink into his heated flesh... Sonic sat up up in bed, waking up from the nightmare. His fur was saturated with his own sweat, and his hand patted along his neck, making sure that it was ONLY a nightmare. He panted a bit, his heart still racing. That was the 5th time in a row this week he's had that nightmare. This was starting to get monotonous, and he was sure his lack of sleep in the morning will earn him a bit of 'advice' from his friends... * * * Dr. Eggman was thinking. He just HAD to find a way to take over the world without his plans backfiring. So far, everytime he tried assembling the Chaos Emeralds, something would happen that would endanger his own life. The first time was when the power of the Emeralds took over his E-99 robot that practicly killed Sonic. If it wasn't for that kid Chris, Sonic might of still been dead, but then so would the rest of the world. The second time was when the monster, Chaos, that he had released from the Master Emerald, turned upon him and destroyed all of Station Square. But it took Sonic's pure heart to heal the beast of all his anger. And the last time, that wretched Shadow betrayed him and tried to kill EVERYONE on the Earth, including himself. But once again, it took the kind hearts of Sonic and his friends to make Shadow see the error of his ways and save everyone. But now Eggman had to think, running a search on his computers. His absolute genius HAD to come up with SOMETHING. Even the petty squabbling of his two robots, Decoe and Bocoe, did not help matters, and tried to ignore them as much as possible. "Perhaps Dr. Eggman should build a space station large enough to take over the planet," Bocoe suggested. "He's already done that! Twice!" Decoe pointed out, poking Bocoe's head. Perhaps what Dr. Eggman needs is a GIANT phoenix to try and take over." "A giant phoenix?! What, a giant water lizard wasn't bad enough? That's even worse!" Bocoe argued. An oil can smashed into Bocoe's head. "SILENCE!!!!" Eggman yelled. Having been the one to throw the can, he sat back down, rubbing at his temples. Here he was, high in the mountians, just trying to get away from all the commotion of his past schemes. He didn't need those two to make things any worse. At that moment, an alarm went off, and tghe room started to flash with red alert lights. Bocoe and Decoe looked up at the lights and rushed to their stations. "Dr. Eggman, sir! There's an intruder entering through corridor 5-B!" Decoe told him. "Send out the E-1000s, make sure the fool is obliterated! Bocoe, display corridor images on screen," Eggman ordered. Bocoe input some commands, and multiple images appear on the main viewer. There wasn't any movement at first. Then, E-1000 robots entered the halls. They stood, as if waiting for something that wasn't there. Suddenly, an E-1000 turned and fired at something in the darkness. There was nothing, and then Eggman caught a glimsp of a shadow, moving very swiftly across one of the monitors. In seconds, the robots in that section of the corridors was destroyed. Eggman wondered if Sonic has here on an assult to his base, but he quickly shook that thought out of his head. No, that was not in the hedgehog's nature to attack his base unprovoked. But who else could move so quickly? More and more robots fell between each camera view. "Dr. Eggman!" Decoe called to him. "The intruder is making his way up the mechalift. He's headed for the control room!" The doors of the control room practicly exploded off its hydralics and went sailing across the room. Eggman yelled and ducked out of the way as it smashed into the control panel. He got up, staring towards the doorway very angrily. "WHO'S THERE?! How DARE YOU?!" A female chipmunk with blond hair and amber eyes stepped forward. "I'd care to watch your mouth if I were you, Dr. Eggman." "How dare you speak to Dr Eggman like that!" Decoe retorted. "Yea, who do you think you are, lady?" Bocoe demanded. She chuckled ever so softly. "I am Lady Valcena of the Eternal Darkness kingdom." Eggman's face faultered ever so slightly. "The...." His face became unreadable by anyone, but he did seem to turn a shade paler. "That makes you-" "A vampire?" she teased with a hiss in her voice, fangs gleaming in the red flashing light. "I'm most known as Queen Shaetore." "And what business do you have here, Lady Valcena?" Eggman swallowed, trying to get a grip. "A partnership, an agreement," she told him. Eggman, Bocoe and Decoe blinked at her, confused. She sighed. "You want global domination? I want food. You and I can both benifent mutually from a partnership." "And what can I possibly do that would help YOU?" Eggman asked, perfectly aware of a Queen Vampire's abilities, as much as he hated to admit it. "Simple," she said, and held out her hand. In it formed a glowing pink ball. "This orb belonged to the former Alpha leader of my vampires. Now unlike myself, the Alphas are a line of goody two-shoes that feed off the sick or dying. My people deserve better. Now here's where things get a little hairy. The little blinklight here recently detected the existance of another Alpha, yet to be revealed. This could be trouble for both of us unless I get to him first." "And you need me because..." Shaetore smirked. "The only canidates capable of containing Alpha genes are in a small band of furries that appeared on this planet." Dr. Eggman slammed his fist against his chair. "Sonic or one of his friends is an Alpha vampire?!" Shaetore smirked. "Yes, and if you can provide the location of their wherabouts, I shall personally find them, and take them back to the Eternal Darkness. And this world will be yours." Dr. Eggman smirked, intrigued by the idea. What did he have to lose? * * * Sonic's head fell face down in his bowl of cerial, and he sputtered awake, coughing a bit. Crispy rice and milk stuck to his face and he grabbed a power towel to wipe off the stuff. "Sonic, are you okay?" Chris Thorndyke asked. Chris was a human boy, about 12 years old, and felt like the luckiest kid alive, because his best friend in the world was Sonic the Hedgehog, who lived with him in his mansion home. Sonic stifled a yawn. "Yea, I'm fine, Chris. just-" Sonic yawned again. "-need to wake up..." Across the table, Amy Rose glared at him. "Sonic, have you been up all night watching the TV again?" Sonic opened his mouth to say something with Tails walked right by behind him saying, "Naw, he had another nightmare. Heard him yelping." "Tails!" Sonic glared at him. Many of the others looked at him groaning in exasperation. "Again?!" Amy complained. "That's the 5th time this week!" Ella scolded. "You really need to lay off the late-night snacking, Sonic," Chuck told him. "Guys guys!" Sonic waved his hands up in defense. "Its no big deal, geez!" "Maybe one night, but this is the 5th TIME," Chris pointed out. "SO what am I supposed to do about it?" Sonic asked. Chuck got up and sat closer to Sonic. "You can tell us what the dream was about. Was it the same dream? Or multiple dreams?" Sonic sighed, giving up. He knew his friends would only push the subject until he talked. "Its the same dream every night...this woman appears in a moonlit field...and she comes so close to me....I can't run... she's a bloodsucking monster...when she tries to bite, I wake up." Amy gasped. "That's awful!" "That's scary!" Cream shivered. "Chaaao," Cheese agreed. A sudden chill ran up Sonic's spine, one noticable enough to grab Chris's attention. "Hey Sonic, you okay?" "I'm fine!" Sonic snapped. Chris was taken aback but his sudden attitude change. Sonic realized what he did and bowed his head. "I'm sorry, Chris. I'm....I'm just tired..." Sonic excused himself and went outside to perch on his favorite sunning spot on the roof. "Um...did anyone else find that a little weird?" Chris asked. "That WAS weird. I never seen Sonic act like that. Its as if he was....uh..." Tails said, trying to think of the right word to finish that statement. "...'spooked'?" Chris ventured. They all looked at each other. What was it that could spook SONIC THE HEDGEHOG? Sonio dozed off for about an hour, and woke when he felt the air turn cooler and realized that the sky was turning dark. He looked up, expecting maybe a raincloud or two, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. He then saw where a celestrial event was occuring: a solar eclipes. Sonic leaped off from the roof and ran inside. "Hey guys, check this out! Solar Eclipes!" Chuck, Chris, Amy, Tails, Chream and Cheese ran outside with Sonic to see for themselves. "This is strange! There was no such event forcasted anytime soon!" Chuck pointed out. "Maybe it's Dr. Eggman with another doomsday device!" Amy suggested. Cream and Cheese hid behind Sonic, whimpering at such a thought. Sonic was watching the ground for a moment, as if deep in thought, and slowly looked up, staring at the eclipes. Amy looked at Sonic and shook his arm. "Sonic, what are you doing?? You'll hurt your eyes that way!" Amy's statement was met by a wicked laugh that sounded from all around. Shaetore Valcena appeared right before Sonic's field of vision. "So I found you at last, Sonic the Hedgehog! And your little friends too!" Sonic stared transfixed on Shaetore, almost completely zoned out, his mouth hanging open slightly. Chris shook at Sonic. "Sonic, wake up! Who is that?!" Sonic blinked, barely able to hear Chris, as if he were a long distance away. "The...woman....from my nightmares..." he murmured. "The vampire lady?!" Amy screeched. Shaetore merely smirked, humorously. "So, I see your powers have manifested a lot further than I was left to believe." Sonic shook his head, trying to clear it. "I...what? What's going ON here? Who are you?!" Shaetore laughed, totally amused by the entire situation. "So you HAVE been raised as a mortal being all this time. And here I assumed you would of been trained with some Hunter skills! In that case, allow me to introduce myself, I am Shaetore Valcena, Queen of the Enternal Darkness." Chuck growled lowly and ran up beside Sonic. "Enough of this! Why are you here?" "What's the Eternal Darkness?" Chris whispered to Tails. Before Tails could reply, Shaetore spoke for him, sending a visible shiver down his spine. "Why my dear boy, why not ask me? I'll show you to my home!" Shaetore grinned. She looked back at Chuck. "As for you, old man, I am only after one thing! But why tell when I can show what I'm after?!" She laughed and dissappeared, and at once a great gaping black hole opened in midair, starting to suck them in like a vacuum cleaner. "RUN!!!!" Sonic yelled and grabbed Amy and Tails. They all tried to escape, but the force of the pull was greater than Sonic's speed. "Chris, get outta there!" Chuck yelled. "Grandpa, Sonic, help!" Chris yelled, grabbing a rock. He slipped and was being pulled into the hole. "CHRIS!" Sonic yelled and instictively grabbed his hand. They both were began to be pulled into the black gateway. "Sonic!" Amy yelled and leaped up after them, becoming airborne. "Chris!" Chuck called and followed the others. "Wait for me!!!" Tails yelled, chasing after them. "Us too!" Cream cried, grabbing Tails' hand and holding Cheese tightly as they soared through the air and in through the gateway. The portal closed as soon as the last one was pulled through. * * * "Sonic..." a whisper hissed. Sonic groaned as he was shook away. He opened his eyes to find Chris. "He's waking up," Chris told the others as Sonic sat up. "My head..." Sonic moaned, rubbing at it. "Where are we?" A voice laughed from all around. Shaetore's laugh. Sonic got to his feet, growling. "What do you WANT with us?!" Shaetore stepped from the shadows, grinning. "As I said, why tell..." She reached out to touch his cheek but he flinched away, noting her icy touch. She merely smiled, amused by the notion. "...when I can show you?" Sonic glared and backed up, pulling Chris with him. "Its me, isn't it?" Shaetore grinned. "Smart boy, Sonic." "Why Sonic? Why are you after only Sonic?" Amy demanded. Shaetore pretended to be interested in her long fingernails. "That business is only between Sonic and I. But if you want AN answer...let's just say Dr. Eggman needed you out of THE WAY." Sonic shook visibly with anger now. "Eggman is IN ON THIS?" "Not directly. He provides me with the information I need, and I let him keep that awful place called Earth." "And where are WE?" Sonic demanded. "The Kingdom of Eternal Darkness-" "WHERE? WHAT PLANET?!" There was a long silence, Sonic glaring death at the vampire. "...Mobius." Murmurs of "What?" "It can't be!" whispered among the animals. Sonic stared blankly at Shaetore for the longest time, somewhat in shock. Chris put a hand on Sonic's shoulder. " that....does that mean-" Sonic looked down, his mind reeling in shock. "...yea Chris..." he murmured. "...we're back world." "And none of you will leave anytime soon," Shaetore smirked. Chris glared at her, getting into a defensive stance. "You won't get away with this!" Shaetore laughed. "Of course I will! This is my kingdom, I can get away with EVERYTHING here." A THOCK rang throughout the hall of the gothic styled room, and an arrow pierced Shaetore right in the chest. She merely looked down at it, as the others also stared at it, and a female voice cut the silence with a cool calm voice. "Guess tonight's a bad night then, huh Shaetore?" From behind the group, a white female hedgehog stepped from the shadows, bearing a crossbow. Shaetore grasped the arrow and pulled it from her chest, the wound healing shut. "Hello Shalita. I wasn't expecting you so soon." She flicked the arrow back at Shalita, and she caught it midair. "Quite alright Shaetore. I heard you were having guests anyway," she replied, reloading the arrow. "What's the occasion?" "Just some business with the male cobalt here," Shaetore replied calmly, gestering to Sonic. "And the others?" "Take them or leave them, they're none of my concern," Shaetore said, rather dully. "When I leave here, they're ALL coming with me, including the cobalt," Shalita told her. Shaetore hissed in anger and suprised Sonic by grabbing his arm and holding him with a grip like death. "You can't have him! I waited too long for him!" "Shaetooore...." Shalita spoke warningly, pulling out a sword. "The cobalt, or your head." Shaetore growled and pushed Sonic at her. "Fine, take him, but don't think I won't be coming after him." Shalita gestered Sonic to the door. "You know me better than that, Shaetore," she smirked. She looked at the others. "Come on." They looked at each other, a little hesitant to be going with a stranger. "Come ON, guys, you wanna live or you wanna die?" Shalita growled. "That settles it for me," tails said, walking towards her and Sonic. The others mutually agreed, and together, they left the room, and Shaetore to fume silently.