So here's what happened last time:

The guests were about to come shortly and Draco still was no where to be seen. The twins were cleaned and playing in the grass in the back yard with Hermione watching them. Draco walked through the door with a smile on his face and gifts in his hands. "Sorry it took me so long. The smaller one's from my parents and the bigger one's from me." He put the gifts on the table and took his wife into his arms and kissed her passionately.

She returned the kiss but pulled away shortly after and smacked him in the chest. "What was so important at work that you almost missed the twin's first birthday?"

"You really want to know?" He grinned and she nodded. "It actually wasn't really for work, but mostly visiting my parents, mother is fine and father is his usual self."

"Draco, answer my question, what took so long?"

"Ok, please don't freak out or be mad at me… but I actually got you a gift too." Hermione smiled eagerly. "I need you to put the twins in their play pen and come inside the house." She did as she was told with his help. "Don't worry they'll be fine for this short while." He put his hands over her eyes and guided her into the house and into the kitchen. He removed his hands. "Ok now open them."

Hermione opened her eyes like Draco had said and nearly screamed. Standing in front of her were the 'ghosts' of her two best friends. It couldn't be them, she thought, no… they were dead it wasn't just physically possible.


Nothing Like a Woman Scorned

"Harry… Ron…?" She looked from the both of them to Draco who had a giant grin on his face, thinking he did well and will be rewarded before going to sleep. "You lied to me! You told me they were dead, Draco I hate you!" She slipped out of his arms which were resting on her shoulders and she smacked him across the face.

"What the…" She had stormed off into the bedroom. He looked at the two and paused. "Um, you two just wait here I guess." He dashed down the hall after her and his face met with the bedroom door. "Hermione, open the door please." He tried the door handle she had locked it before he could even think about opening it.

"Why should I, you've lied to me the past two years that I've known you. You told me my two best friends were dead and now I find them standing in my kitchen alive with you seeming to be the hero as if you just rescued them…"

"Herm, love, please, I need to explain and I don't think I could do that from the hall. Let me in please. Please don't make me force my way in here." The door clicked and slowly opened. He poked his head in and to his surprise Hermione wasn't standing there waiting for an explanation, but a pillow was what he saw first. "Hermione, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, my father wouldn't let me."

"Oh and since when did you start listening to your father? Just get out of the room now let me cool off and when I'm ready I'll come out. This was supposed to be a special day for the kids and you went and ruined it!" Hermione sat on the chair next to the window with her back towards her husband.

"Love of my life, you know I would never lie to you, but this was important to keep a secret. I don't know what the Lord had planned for them but whatever it was it didn't involve you risking your life for them. Yes I'm sure if we weren't married now with kids and you were still my enemy they wouldn't have cared. But…" Draco was cut short due to the flower vase that was once sitting on the table next to the window when whizzing through the air and nearly hitting him in the head if it were not for him moving quickly. With an ear piercing shatter the vase broke into a few small pieces, flowers flung everywhere and a large wet spot now running down the wall.

"What did I say? Just get out and leave me be. I will out when I feel like I can stomach looking at your face again. Just do one thing for me." Hermione turned to stare him in the eyes.

"Anything 'Mione." Draco took a shaky step forward hoping to try to comfort his wife.

"Don't even think about it." He stopped dead in his tracks to the point of not even wanting to breathe for the fear of another flying object to decapitate him. "Actually be a father to your children they haven't seen you in almost a week."

"Yes dear." He knew there was nothing he would be able to say to get her to forgive her at that moment. With a subtle sigh he pivoted and walked to the door. He stopped and looked back to Hermione. She had turned back around to look out the window. Her right leg was crossed over her left leg and her foot was shaking from side to side. Even though her face was turned he could tell that she was in pain. No, not physical pain but the pain of knowing he had betrayed her. His only thought was how he could ever make it up to her. Before he turned to walk away he could see her eyes begin to well up. He shut the door and walked back to the kitchen.


Hermione sat in the chair for what seemed like hours but was really less than five minutes when she decided to clean up the now broken vase and flowers. She could have magically repaired the vase as she used to with Harry's glasses she thought, but she opted to just throw the pieces out. Just even thinking of how it seemed like when they were younger Harry had always needed her to repair his glasses for him. At first she chuckled at it but then she had so many memories of him come flooding back her. She ended up falling to the floor in the middle of the room crying and shaking. ~*How could he do this to me? He was the one who sat there with me after everything that had gone on two years ago while I cried all night long. He knew how much I missed them and wished they were still here. How can I ever forgive him?*~

No sooner had she stopped crying there was a knock on the door. "Draco I told you to leave me the hell alone to give me time to think about all this." She yelled at the door.

At that moment she had realized she never locked the door. Slowly the door opened and a little body was being held in the air in the gap between the door and frame. There flying in mid air was her little girl, Emily Mae. ~*Draco must have brought her to the door and levitated her into the room; he always knew once I see her beautiful face I can't stay mad for long.*~ She stood up and grasped at her baby just in case his charm would wear off. Holding her little girl she went back to the window after shutting the door. Peering out she saw Draco holding Drake and talking to Ron. What she didn't see, or perhaps I should say who she didn't see, was Harry.

There was another knock at the door. This time when the door opened there was a clean shaven, black haired man standing in the door way. "Hermione…" Harry stood in the doorway fearing to venture any farther considering he had heard the vase shatter against the wall when Draco ended the room, what would she do to him? Hermione turned and just stared for a moment. She couldn't believe how much he's changed in the past two years. He hadn't grown much, at least no more than an inch or two, but the change was in his eyes more than looks. She had noticed it when she had first seen the pair of men standing in her kitchen. "Hermione, you're probably mad at…"

Hermione had laid the baby on the bed and grabbed another pillow and took aim. Before Harry realized what was happening he was doubled over with a pillow hitting him in the gut. "I probably deserve that. Well, actually I deserve a lot more. I deserved everything I got the past two years. But please don't be mad at Mal… I mean Draco. It wasn't fully his fault." She had picked the baby back up and began to rock her softly.

"You're right; you did deserve everything you got in the past two years. I don't know what happened to you but whatever it was; you got what came to you." At that moment Harry's jaw dropped. For the first time since being stuck in the dungeon he had forgotten the fact that Hermione had changed. It was always there in the back of his head but now it was there in the front. He never would have assumed she had changed this much though. "I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but if you would have listened to me and not have gone to see your dead godfather none of this would have happened! You never listened to me before but I had hoped that this one time you would have listened." She walked out of the room and into the conjoining nursery.

Harry had debated on following and slowly he walked into the next room. Hermione put the baby in the play pen and turned around to face him. Harry had stopped walking and surveyed what is in arms reach of throwing. He would be safe for now unless she would walk a little further to her left and then there would be a whole slew of hard object she could throw. "I know I should have listened to you, but if you were me then and you received a letter like that you would have done the same thing. Don't lie to me Hermione, you know you would." Harry ventured to take a few more steps closer to her. By this time she had moved to the rocker and sat down.

"I would have shown it to someone other than me and Ron! I would have gone to McGonagall at the very least! Even if I wasn't able to she might have been able to talk to sense into the both of you. I'm sorry Sirius is really dead and I am sorry for what you went through the past two years but I have a birthday party that must go on no matter how angry I am at my husband. If you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving." She stood up and started towards the door when she felt Harry's hand on her arm. He had known from previous experiences not to try to stop her from walking away but this time was different. He needed her to understand.

"Please don't blame Draco. Yes he lied to you but he had a reason to." He had stepped in front of her and stared into her eyes. "You know as well as I do if you would have known we were alive you would have been out looking for us the very next day. Draco loves you, very much. And as that kills me to say, he does. You are very lucky to have a man who cares only half as much as him. But he is was willing to sacrifice your trust in him to keep you from running off and doing something stupid like trying to find us. He knew if you went looking for us you wouldn't come back to him alive. He almost lost you once; he couldn't go through it again. Yes I know about your suicide attempt, don't look shocked. Draco and I had a nice talk after I tore Ron off him so he wouldn't kill Draco." At the memory of Ron attacking Draco came back, Harry couldn't help but smirk. As soon as he saw the look on Hermione's face, that was another story and a whole other look. "Please forgive him. If not you're the sake of your marriage, but for the sake of your kids."

Hermione just stared at him through his speech. Nobody has spoken to her like that in years. Near the end she was starting to realize he was right. If Draco didn't lie to her she probably would be dead on numerous accounts. He was always looking out for her and saving her. It was her turn to save him. "I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. It's just been so hard lately. It's nearly two years since you two disappeared and Draco's been working way too much. On top of all that the twin's are turning one and the party I've planned for them… Oh no, the party! In my anger I had forgotten about the party and the guests, they should be here any minute." She leaned in and gave Harry a big hug. "Thank you for showing me what was important to me. I really have missed you. Guess who's coming to the party today." Harry had smiled realizing she was talking about Ginny but then frowned almost immediately.

"Did she ever get over my 'death'? Does she still think about me? Probably not, she's more than likely moved on. I mean I know secretly she fancied Neville but when I was around… well you know the rest. Let go down stairs so you two can make up. Can I carry Emily Mae? I mean after all I'm sort of her uncle and all." Hermione shot Harry a look of confusion. "Well I'm also her Godfather. Draco told me how even though he told you I was dead you never believed it and had always wished for me to come back and be her godfather. And since you never asked anyone else to be that roll, I thought I might step in?" Harry smirked as he picked up the baby and walked over to Hermione. She was impressed at how well he handled a baby considering she never remembered him ever being around a baby in his life. "So is Ginny really coming today?"

Hermione just smiled and walked out of the room. She never told Harry that he was in for the biggest surprise of his life. She had just hoped Draco didn't ruin it for him, but then again he never knew the whole truth to the story himself.


Hermione and Harry walked out to the yard as Draco looked up. He had passed Drake to Ron and went to greet his wife. "Are you…" He was cut short by her wrapping her thin arms around him and kissing him passionately. "So that answers that question… Are we ok?" She just smiled, nodded her head and then laid it on his chest.

Ron walked over with the baby and gave Draco a dirty look and stood next to Harry. "Draco, the kids are safe with the godfathers right now can we go inside and talk?" Hermione looked into Draco's slightly cold silver eyes. He just nodded and started walking. "And by the way, welcome back the two of you. I know everyone here today will be glad to see you, alive and in one piece."

They continued into one of the many bedrooms of the house. She walked in first and sat on the bed. When he walked in he shut the door and stood in front of her. On pulling him closer she kissed his stomach and pulled him down to eye level. "You know I love you right?" He stared. She smiled and nodded. "Good. You also know that I would not have lied to you unless it was beyond necessary. Right?" Again she nodded. "Again, good. If I didn't lie to you, you wouldn't be here right now about to celebrate this joyous day. Not only are the twins turning one, but our family is back together." Hermione turned her head slanted and crinkled her nose in confusion. "I know you're confused, but I know you always thought of those two ninny's and your family an since I'm married to you I guess they're my family now too."

Her expression changed, she was now happy and content. She moved her hands to grasp the front of his shirt and pulled him on top of her. "Oh really now?" was all he could say. Shaking her head yes he kissed her intensely on the lips and giggled. She hadn't felt this happy since her wedding night. Needless to say almost an hour later they surfaced when the first guest arrived at the front door.


The first guest had been ringing the door bell for a good five minutes before Draco and Hermione had heard it. They were lying in the bed under the covers cuddling when the sound finally resonated to the room they were in. As quickly as they could they threw their clothed on and straightened up they opened the door to see her parents standing with at least six presents.

A/N: Ok so again sorry it has taken me so long to up date this story. I'm sort of glad it did though. When I was rereading more story to try and figure where in the world I left off at I had to laugh. There were so many horribly stupid mistakes such as spelling, grammar and flat out missing words in a few spots. Um, if any one's going to ask, no I'm not going back to fix them I'm leaving as is. The next question I'm going to answer is why is Chapter 21 rather than 20 and that's simple. Because when I upload it to the site it will be in the Chapter 21 spot and I'm just going to confuse myself at a later date with chapter numbers. Also there were a few questions left in the comments about how she knew she was instantly pregnant on the night of the dance. The answer is they didn't actually conceive that night she had already been pregnant for about a month or so already it was just the earth shattering sex they had that triggered that chain of events. I also started writing this before the last few books so I know much of this doesn't make sense especially with Dumbledore and all but we'll assume it was a picture or the spirit of Dumbledore was present. I really don't want to go back and change everything that's all. I hope all enjoy this, and it a good as I think it is.
