AN: We do not own anything that is Harry Potter. Sorry I would love it if we did but we don't.

Where Loyalties Lie

Chapter 1

"The Beginning"

It was finally here, the seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The train had just departed from Platform 9¾ and was now steaming through England's country side. Sounds of talking rang through the compartments as old friends greeted each other and first years introduced themselves to their fellow classmates. However there was one voice that did not float through the air. The voice belonged to Hermione Granger, this year's Head Girl.

Silently, Hermione sat within the compartment, reserved especially for the Head Girl and Boy, and stared out the window, waiting for this year's Head Boy to enter. She was a little upset because she wasn't permitted to sit with her two friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, however, she was equally glad to be away from them. Over the summer the boys were hit by one of the most powerful spells, love. Ron was dating Lavender now, and Harry hooked up with Ron's little sister Ginny. Hermione had to admit that they did make a cute couple, although, the two boys had stopped giving her as much attention ad the normally would.

A depressed sighs escaped her strawberry colored lips as the compartment doors slid open and the Head Boy walked in. "Well, well if it isn't the famous Mudblood Head Girl, moping around in her compartment." The deep and stern voice made Hermione look to the door. "And on the first day of school, I must say, Granger, you've shocked me! I would have thought you'd beaming with joy with this being the first day of school, and you being Head Girl, none the less."

"Stuff it Malfoy. I'm not in the mood to trade insults right now." Hermione replied coldly, keeping her brown eyes away from his intense glare. Feeling his eyes on her, she averted her gaze out the window.

"Aww, what's wrong Granger? Are there no more books left in the world that you could read?" Draco smirked before sitting down near the door, propping his feet on the seat across from him. His black robe was open, exposing his silk shirt, which was also open and his well built chest. He was sure he's get some sort of an insult for that, but none came.

Hermione's eyes were locked on the window and wouldn't move for anything. She never heard Draco's comment or acknowledged him until he waved his hand in front of her face. A soft 'hmm' was her response as she snapped out of her daydream. "Are you feeling alright Granger? You're certainly not yourself today." Although was still cocky she could sense some concern, which she simply ignored.

"I'm tired, that's all." She went back to looking out the window but turned her head back when she felt a strong hand grip her wrist.

"You're a terrible liar Granger! You're holding something, what is it?" Draco's voice was filled with anger, which made her wonder; she stopped worrying as his grip on her tightened to the point of pain.

"Stop it! You're hurting me! Let go Malfoy!" Hermione struggled to free herself from his grasp but not to prevail. Pulling his feet of the seat he leaned closer to her, which frightened her more.

"I'll let go as soon as you tell me what's on your mind. If I'm to live with you for this school year then you'd better learn to answer me when I ask you a question!" His voice was bitter and sent chills up and down her spine. A moment of silence passed between then as his grey eyes stared deeply into hers.

Hermione swallowed hard as she blinked her attention to the floor. "Harry and Ron don't seem to notice me anymore now that they have girlfriends." She tried her hardest to keep her voice calm but her fear and abandonment prevailed.

Another chilling silence was between them before he released his grip on her and sat back in his seat. "Maybe for the best." His voice was softer than he intended.

"What's the supposed to mean?" Hermione asked with a calm questioning tone.

"You're always hanging around with those two. Lord Voldermort is rising and it doesn't look good to be the best friend to his worst enemy." Draco scolded roughly while directing his attention to the door.

"And you expect me to stop being friends with them and worship that thing you call a Lord?" Hermione's voice now carried its own swell of anger as she brought her full attention down upon Draco, while leaning forward in her seat. She expected to be simply told to shut up but what happened next scared her nearly to death.

Draco grabbed her throat and forced her backwards, pressing himself almost to her body. She could feel his hot breath on her cheek as she gasped desperately for air. "Don't you ever insult Lord Voldermort like that again or I will not hesitate to kill you. Do I make myself clear?"

She nodded as best she could as she helplessly stared up at his handsome face.

*Why must Dumbledore plague me with making Malfoy the Head Boy? He's so mean, cruel and handsome. 'Mione! What are you thinking don't you dare let him get to you! You are Head Girl and he. he is cute. stop that he is Head Boy, don't cause any problems this early in the year.*

*Stupid Moodblood! She'll see the ways of darkness soon enough!*

The rest of the train ride was left in utter silence, Hermione kept her eyes focused on the quickly moving countryside while Draco had his eyes locked on his book: Transfiguration: One Step Further. The silence was broken only once with the lady coming around with the trolley.

Time passed swiftly and night had set in. Hermione hadn't even noticed the train had stopped until Draco kicked her foot. "Come on Granger, Professor McGonagall wants us up in the Great Hall first."

Tightly holding her robe around her she followed Draco off the train. She felt like a puppet, or a lost puppy, following him like that. With her mind occupied again she wasn't watching where she was walking and walking into Draco. "Watch it Granger."

Hermione muffled a sorry before climbing into the black pumpkin shaped carriage. The bumpy ride was rather short and silent. Hermione kept her eyes focused out the window again trying her hardest to avoid the deadly glare that Draco was giving her. She could almost feel his eyes going up and down her body, watching her every move.

Within no time at all the carriage arrived at the school. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape greeted the two and hurried them into the Great Hall where all the teachers were. Draco and Hermione were seated at the special table, just to the right of the Head Table which was made just for the Head Boy and Girl.

Their table was well decorated in an amazing assortment of colors. The two had no time to notice this or marvel at it because their fellow class mates started to file in and sat at the respectable houses. Not soon after the first years began to come in lead by Professor McGonagall, all of which were marveling at the ceiling which was bewitched to look like the night sky with floating candles.

The first years were sorted then sat with their house; Gryfindor, the ones with the brave heart, daring nerve, and good manners, Hufflepuff, who are loyal, patience and true to the end, Ravenclaw who have the smarts needed to win in the forum, and then there is the dreaded Slytherin, who are deadly to the core.

"Welcome to the start of another new term. First, and foremost I must stress that the forest is strictly forbidden! I also regret to inform you that due to some disturbing happenings lately all trips to Hogsmeade are canceled, for the time being." All the students permitted to go groaned. "No student is allowed to leave Hogwarts' ground. But now on a lighter note, I'd like to introduce this years Head Boy and Girl, Draco Malfoy, from the house of Slytherin and Hermione Granger, from the house of Gryfindor." The Great Hall erupted with cheers and applauds. "Now with our any further hesitation, let's eat." With a wave of his hand the four tables filled with a large assortment of food and drinks.

Dinner was soon over and the prefects were escorting the first years to their houses. Professor McGonagall led Draco and Hermione to their own private common room. She stopped in front of the painting and said "Monkin" and they watched the painting swing open revealing a huge common room.

Draco and Hermione followed Professor McGonagall into the room. "This is your common room. You each have your own bedroom and one bathroom." She motioned to the rooms ad they were said. "I hope you two will be able to get along."

"Don't worry Professor we will. Won't we Draco?"

"Not with one bath room." Hermione threw a glare toward him. "Ummm. yes Professor we will get along I promise." He added a quiet "Somehow" to himself.

"What was that Mr. Malfoy?"

"Nothing Professor."