Chapter 1

The Party

            It was around three o'clock in the morning. She was at a house party. As a matter of fact it was the last one before the summer would end and she would have to go back to Hogwarts. She would go back and see all her friends and somebody else…

            Everyone was dancing. The air smelled like alcohol and people kept on trying to get her to drink, but she promised herself that she wouldn't.

            The lights were dim. She kept on bumping into everybody,  not  even noticing when a man slipped something into her diet Pepsi, but it wasn't going to take long before it went straight to her head.

            Suddenly two hands grabbed her around the waist. Quickly jumping around, she looked at the man. He was tall, just about 6'2, she guessed. He had a muscular and lean body, wide shoulders. That must be the hottest guy I've ever seen, she thought to herself.  He had the most gorgeous light hair. I have seen him before, but I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe if she wasn't drunk, she would have recognized him.

            The guy pressed himself up against her and said, "Hey baby." Why does his voice sound so familiar? It was deep and sexy; you could just melt when he was talking to you.

            And then it came to her. Fair hair, muscular build, tall, handsome, this can only be one man! She thought in surprise.

            "I knew you'd come around!" she said. He was still holding her around her waist.

            They started moving their bodies to the beat. She ran her hands down, from her breasts to her hips. She looked so hot in her high heels, a jean miniskirt and a red tank top. She gently bit on her lower lip and looked at him straight in the eyes from underneath her eyelashes.  Now, if that look doesn't turn him on, then I don't know what will. He took his hand off her waist and ran it through her curly, brown hair. Then he put a finger on her lips and felt them. She sucked it in her mouth. He took it out and kissed her.

            She was standing up on her toes to make things easier, being only 5'6. Man, isn't he the best kisser…ever?

            They kept on kissing. It felt so good and she never wanted it to end. It made her feel lightheaded.

            His hands gradually moved down her back and eventually settled on her butt. He squeezed it tightly. I love you so much that I would do anything to have you, she thought but would never have the courage to say it. He picked her up with his strong body and carried her through the crowd, up the stairs and into another room.

I know that this chapter is short, but it's only a prologue.  The other chapters will be longer.

Please review on your way out! Constructive criticism is always welcome!!! Reviews are inspiring, so usually the more there are, the faster I tend to write.