AN/ This is a prologue of sorts for my next spirit fic. This is an attempt to tie the two stories together a tiny bit. As you all know by now, I own absolutely nothing except for the spirit. I don't even really own the masters. I bet you can guess whom the masters represent. Also guess where the spirit's id number is from. ;)

"Number 426291?" A voice called. I looked up from the National Geographic magazine I was flipping through.


"Master Fox will see you now," the assistant told me.

"Thanks." I got up, pushed some stray strands of my long, red hair out of my face, and went to the master's office. I knocked on his door.

"Come in," a muffled voice called. I opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind me. I smiled at the master. "Ah! Spirit 426291, is it?" he asked in a cheerful tone, looking at my records and files.

"Yes, sir," I confirmed.

"Karen, Calypso, Morph, Injara, Reepa, Nikita and Bastet?" I smiled and nodded as he read off all my chosen names.

"Yes, sir."

"Well, come, take a seat." The master gestured to a large beanbag chair. I flopped down in it. "I would like to congratulate you on the good job you did with Nightcrawler," Master Fox said, looking me in the eyes. "Considering you're still kind of new at this, you didn't do too badly. Master Marvel also sends his regards to you."

I grinned. "Thank you, sir!"

"Did you enjoy X2?" the master asked me.

"Yes, I did sir," I replied. "However, I thought that the ending was a bit sad and I didn't really like that part where the mutants are being attacked by Cerebro."

"Hmm, I see," Master Fox mumbled. He scanned my files for a moment and a smile creeped across his warm face. "Well, how would you like to go to a movie where only the bad guy dies at the end so it's a happy ending?" he asked.

I smiled hopefully. "I would like that sir," I said.

"And it looks as though there's definitely going to be a sequel," Master Fox continued.

"That's good. Which movie is it?" I asked, feeling curious. "Who is going to be my next assignment?"

"I'm afraid this movie and the character that goes with it does not belong in my section," the master said. He began to write a note on a page in my report. "I'm sending you over to Master Disney."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Of course Disney would have a happy ending," I thought to myself. Master Fox noticed my actions, although I tied to hide them. He didn't seem to mind though.

"Don't worry, I think you're going to like this," he said with a playful smirk on his face. I got up and he handed me my papers.

"Thank you, sir," I said, and I turned to go.

I was half way out the door when Master Fox called, "Have fun in the Caribbean!" I gasped and froze in my tracks, my heart pounding as I realized what my next assignment would be. I whipped around and grinned excitedly at the master.

"Thank you, sir! I will!"