This fic takes place during/after Message in A Bottle and proceeds into my version of Season 3, mostly centered around Sean and Craig.  I'm picking up right at the point where Emma calls her mom to pick up her and Sean from Jimmy's party.


Sean and Emma were sitting on the fence outside of Jimmy's party.  They were both silent for a minute until Sean finally stood up.  "I don't feel good.  I have to go home."  Without even looking at him, Emma reached out one arm and pushed him back into a sitting position. He hung his head in disgust.  "Why do you even bother?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked, shaking her head.

"I'm just a big stupid loser.  My – My parents are drunks, my brother's out of work.  I'm just a big stupid loser like them."

"Yah so is that what you want me to say?  Do you want me to call you a big stupid loser Sean?  Is that what you want?"  Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

            He stared at the ground, wondering how he had managed to screw things up so badly.  He heard Emma dialing her cell phone and looked up, confused. "Who are you calling?"

"My mom."

"What? No! hang up!"

She completely ignored him.  "Mom? You know you said if I ever needed you'd pick me up no questions asked? Great. We're outside Jimmy's."


            Christine Nelson hung up the phone and grabbed her car keys from the table.

            "Where are you going?  Who was on the phone?"  Archie was concerned.

            "It was Emma.  She needs a ride.  Something must be wrong."

            Snake grabbed his coat and followed Spike out the door.  "I'm coming too."


            It seemed like an eternity before Emma's mom showed up.  But Sean hadn't given up his crusade about being no good;  He was obsessing about it.

            "Sean, it's all in your head.  You made a mistake.  It's okay."

            He felt too sick to respond.  He couldn't believe his girlfriend's mom was about to pick him up, drunk.  He was such a loser.

            "Finally!  She's here, Sean.  Come on."  Emma leaned down and grabbed Sean's arm to help him into the car. 

When Archie saw her struggle, he jumped out to help.  "Sean?  Are you okay?" 

            "Snake!" warned Emma, "no questions asked, remember?  Just help me get him into the car and get him home."

            "Here, let's put him in the front seat, in case… in case he gets sick."


            The car ride home was filled with awkward silence.  No one said a word until they were just outside Sean's apartment.  Emma helped him out of the car, and with Archie's help, got him up to the front door.

            "I don't know where his keys are.  Just ring the bell for number 3.  Tracker should be home."  Emma was trying to shift Sean's weight off of her.  "Sean, don't pass out yet!"

            The door suddenly flew open, revealing an impatient looking Tracker.  "What's going on Emma?"  It didn't take him long to piece it together.  "Sean, are you drunk?" 

            "Yes, he his," Emma stated matter-of-factly.     

            "Thanks for bringing him home.  I've got him from here."  Tracker threw Sean's left arm over his shoulder and led him up the stairs, slamming the door in Archie and Emma's face.

            "Well, that went well," Emma pointed out, scornfully.

            "Come on Em, let's get home."  She nodded and Archie led her back to the car where her mother was waiting.