Wild-Roze : I suppose your wondering why this fic was even taken down yeah
? Well, it was removed because the summary wasnt G rated , eventhough this
fic is an R which I see as a pretty stupid rule, but hey, shit happens, it
might take a while to track down all the chapters, but I will slowly
reupload all the chapters, and Chris, if you are reading this, then I am SO
sorry for not writing chapter 4 of our fic sooner. But I was sooooooo
pissed off when this was removed, its 1 of my most successful fics, OVER
120 reviews, grrrrrrrrrr ! I recon they should have given me a warning, and
whats worse, I was about to update the summary and change it.
Summary : Kai is the leader of a group of Gangsters called the Bladebreakers who are the most important people on the sub-levels of underground New York ( The year 2050 , the city has several layers the normal Bladebreakers gang are the ones in KaiÆs inner circle , but he has loads of followers ) Their group has many enemies , but not too many people try and take them on , because anyone who does normally dies at the hands of their . But one day an assassination attempt is made on Kai àààààà..
Disclaimer : I don't own Beyblade, only Aruna and this plot, oh and Chase who will come in later chapters.
The SubRitz
The Deal
Since the year 2000 the world has slowly evolved , as the population of the world steadily grew , so did our cities . At first only the first underground level was built to accommodate the tide of people that swamped New York . But steadily more and more levels have had to be erected going down and down , lower and lower , and slowly as you go from level to sub- level , the living conditions get worse . Beyblading became more than just a game , it became , for some , the means of survival .
Until finally , three levels were formed , there may have been a meagre few who lived even further down , but no one ever paid it any bother . The top level was just known as New York , but to those below it was called Zone 1 . Then there was the Sub-New York , also known as Zone 2 . Then deep below the surface , was the Sub-Urban-New York , also called Zone 3 .
People who were mugged , were threatened with a beyblade launcher and bit beasts . And inevitably different groups formed , protesters who were always trying to revolt and cause trouble , demanding better living conditions and more jobs and education for their children . They were called the Idealists .
There was a police force too , they had to try and quell the uprising of Idealists who often raided the sub-levels food supplies and sabotaged the water mains , trying to get their point across . But the police force , who were referred to as the Hardies were fighting a two way battle . For the third group which was formed were the Gangsters .
There were countless different mobs , all responsible for the muggings and the vandalising in Zone 2 and 3 , but the most famous and biggest of the Mafia's was the one owned by the biggest Phatt Cat on the streets . Kai Hiwitari .
Their Headquarters was situated inside the Sub Ritz . By far the largest building on Zone 2 , it was both huge and glamorous . Kai Hiwitari was almost as desirable as the building , he was swimming in money and he would sell his services to the highest bidder . All of his men were highly trained in weaponry skills , and if they failed at a job , then they were killed , and that was that . They were all trained , and deadly assassins . With the possible exception of Max , Tyson and Kenny
Kai had inherited the Mafia from his father, as well as his disliking for Idealists and Hardies, eventhough the Hardies sometimes hired him for jobs they couldnt handle , but at the same time he was one of the most wanted criminals in Sub-New York . Every person knew that the Sub Ritz was the Headquarters of Kai's Mafia , but eventhough the Hardies could get in easily enough, they just had no way of overthrowing the SubRitz and arresting Kai, there was just too much security, and besides, they may need him in the future.
To be able to get into the Sub Ritz , you had to know Kai , and know him well, or you had to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get in , he was know among the lower class as Big-K . And those who were able to get into his club always had the time of their lives . There was a live brass band , dancing girls , singers , and enough drinks and to keep any one happy . Also Kai had his own Harem which he would loan out to anyone , he personally never used it , it just wasn't his style , but it came in useful when he needed to bribe someone .
No one ever dared to complain about anything , not that there WAS anything to complain about , Kai , seven years ago when he was fourteen had been a member of the toughest Beyblade team in the World , the Bladebreakers , so , that was what his Mafia was called, although no one really bothered to use the name, whenever someone heard the words Kai Hiwitari, they knew who was being refered to , and in his inner circle of Phatt Cats were his old team mates .
Ray was his right hand man , and the only one smart enough for him to ever ask advice from . Max and Tyson , who had been toughened up considerably since their teens , were his two body guards who followed him around , cracking their knuckles and when they wanted to , looking very intimidating , in matching black suits . At conferences or deals they both smoked chunky cigars trying to look intimidating. Kenny was his hacker , a few years ago , he had lost the stupid glasses and now wore contacts , he had also cut his hair so it was spiky and short , his eyes had turned out to be a slate grey colour , and his voice had broken and was no longer girlish and squeaky, now when he was twenty he was actually rather good looking . Though not a patch on Kai .
Kai himself often went around in a black suit , he normally didn't wear the jacket , but had it slung over his shoulder and the sleeves of the shirt rolled up and the top buttons undone . Unlike other gangsters , he didn't go for all the gold jewellery , gold wasn't his colour , he still had his old clothes in his wardrobe , for when he didn't want to get noticed in the streets, or when he was ust in a casual mood .
Being one of the most wanted criminals , and in the hit list of hundreds of Idealists and other gangsters was pretty dangerous , often a random gun would be fired at him out of nowhere , and his men would have to make a sweep of the whole area , because Tyson was normally glued to the buffet , and Max was normally trying to pry him away to help with the search . Ray could often only come in a few days a week , the Chinese assassin was married to Mariah and she was heavily pregnant with their first baby .
All of the smaller gang leaders wanted Kai dead , he made them look bad , he had too much money , followers and women , of course Kai's assassins weren't the only ones on the market , there were others .
One of the most famous of these was one called the Shadow , who had never yet failed in a job . Many people came up with stories about how The Shadow would steal the tie from around a mans neck without him noticing , and she would hit a butterfly's wing with a bullet from 150 yards . Held no loyalties , and no ties , the best and her services always emptied their employers pockets down to the last dollar .
Also it was said that she was an awesome blader , and that she was on a par , if not better that Big-K . Of course , no one had ever said THAT in his presence and lived more than three seconds .
This was the way of life , those above felt somehow better , and more important than those who lived under their feet , and in all three Zones , more 2 and 3 , than Zone 1 , the motto was , Survival of the Fittest . Or in some cases , the wealthiest .
"I take it you have heard of Kai Hiwitari ?"
"Who hasn't ?!"
"Well , I am told you are the best at what you do .."
"Get to the point tough guy ."
"How much ? How much will it take to kill that blue haired bastard !"
"On what ?!?"
" I always need to know why , why do you want Kai dead . As far as I can see , he hasn't done anything to you ."
" I don't see how you can say that ! All you need to do is look at the guy , rolling in cash , and women, that should have been me ! He gets all the glory and he has outlived his time as The Big Man On Top . I want him dead !"
"Heh heh heh , all you Cats thing about is more power , look at me , I have fame and fortune , and I'm a loner . Why should I help ?"
"2 million !"
"Hah ! I could steal twice that while I am there , sorry , not interested ."
" 3 !"
"Crank it up to 4 million dollars and you have a deal !"
"DONE !"
" A pleasure doing business with you Mr. Valkov , The Shadow will see Mr.Hiwitari dead by the end of the month !"
Wild-Roze: Well if u read carefully, you will have noticed I made a few small adjustments, but nothing much, PLEASE I WANT ALL MY REVIEWS BACK !!!!!! *Sobs* Well, bai, I'll try and get chapt 2 back up as soon as I can.
Summary : Kai is the leader of a group of Gangsters called the Bladebreakers who are the most important people on the sub-levels of underground New York ( The year 2050 , the city has several layers the normal Bladebreakers gang are the ones in KaiÆs inner circle , but he has loads of followers ) Their group has many enemies , but not too many people try and take them on , because anyone who does normally dies at the hands of their . But one day an assassination attempt is made on Kai àààààà..
Disclaimer : I don't own Beyblade, only Aruna and this plot, oh and Chase who will come in later chapters.
The SubRitz
The Deal
Since the year 2000 the world has slowly evolved , as the population of the world steadily grew , so did our cities . At first only the first underground level was built to accommodate the tide of people that swamped New York . But steadily more and more levels have had to be erected going down and down , lower and lower , and slowly as you go from level to sub- level , the living conditions get worse . Beyblading became more than just a game , it became , for some , the means of survival .
Until finally , three levels were formed , there may have been a meagre few who lived even further down , but no one ever paid it any bother . The top level was just known as New York , but to those below it was called Zone 1 . Then there was the Sub-New York , also known as Zone 2 . Then deep below the surface , was the Sub-Urban-New York , also called Zone 3 .
People who were mugged , were threatened with a beyblade launcher and bit beasts . And inevitably different groups formed , protesters who were always trying to revolt and cause trouble , demanding better living conditions and more jobs and education for their children . They were called the Idealists .
There was a police force too , they had to try and quell the uprising of Idealists who often raided the sub-levels food supplies and sabotaged the water mains , trying to get their point across . But the police force , who were referred to as the Hardies were fighting a two way battle . For the third group which was formed were the Gangsters .
There were countless different mobs , all responsible for the muggings and the vandalising in Zone 2 and 3 , but the most famous and biggest of the Mafia's was the one owned by the biggest Phatt Cat on the streets . Kai Hiwitari .
Their Headquarters was situated inside the Sub Ritz . By far the largest building on Zone 2 , it was both huge and glamorous . Kai Hiwitari was almost as desirable as the building , he was swimming in money and he would sell his services to the highest bidder . All of his men were highly trained in weaponry skills , and if they failed at a job , then they were killed , and that was that . They were all trained , and deadly assassins . With the possible exception of Max , Tyson and Kenny
Kai had inherited the Mafia from his father, as well as his disliking for Idealists and Hardies, eventhough the Hardies sometimes hired him for jobs they couldnt handle , but at the same time he was one of the most wanted criminals in Sub-New York . Every person knew that the Sub Ritz was the Headquarters of Kai's Mafia , but eventhough the Hardies could get in easily enough, they just had no way of overthrowing the SubRitz and arresting Kai, there was just too much security, and besides, they may need him in the future.
To be able to get into the Sub Ritz , you had to know Kai , and know him well, or you had to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get in , he was know among the lower class as Big-K . And those who were able to get into his club always had the time of their lives . There was a live brass band , dancing girls , singers , and enough drinks and to keep any one happy . Also Kai had his own Harem which he would loan out to anyone , he personally never used it , it just wasn't his style , but it came in useful when he needed to bribe someone .
No one ever dared to complain about anything , not that there WAS anything to complain about , Kai , seven years ago when he was fourteen had been a member of the toughest Beyblade team in the World , the Bladebreakers , so , that was what his Mafia was called, although no one really bothered to use the name, whenever someone heard the words Kai Hiwitari, they knew who was being refered to , and in his inner circle of Phatt Cats were his old team mates .
Ray was his right hand man , and the only one smart enough for him to ever ask advice from . Max and Tyson , who had been toughened up considerably since their teens , were his two body guards who followed him around , cracking their knuckles and when they wanted to , looking very intimidating , in matching black suits . At conferences or deals they both smoked chunky cigars trying to look intimidating. Kenny was his hacker , a few years ago , he had lost the stupid glasses and now wore contacts , he had also cut his hair so it was spiky and short , his eyes had turned out to be a slate grey colour , and his voice had broken and was no longer girlish and squeaky, now when he was twenty he was actually rather good looking . Though not a patch on Kai .
Kai himself often went around in a black suit , he normally didn't wear the jacket , but had it slung over his shoulder and the sleeves of the shirt rolled up and the top buttons undone . Unlike other gangsters , he didn't go for all the gold jewellery , gold wasn't his colour , he still had his old clothes in his wardrobe , for when he didn't want to get noticed in the streets, or when he was ust in a casual mood .
Being one of the most wanted criminals , and in the hit list of hundreds of Idealists and other gangsters was pretty dangerous , often a random gun would be fired at him out of nowhere , and his men would have to make a sweep of the whole area , because Tyson was normally glued to the buffet , and Max was normally trying to pry him away to help with the search . Ray could often only come in a few days a week , the Chinese assassin was married to Mariah and she was heavily pregnant with their first baby .
All of the smaller gang leaders wanted Kai dead , he made them look bad , he had too much money , followers and women , of course Kai's assassins weren't the only ones on the market , there were others .
One of the most famous of these was one called the Shadow , who had never yet failed in a job . Many people came up with stories about how The Shadow would steal the tie from around a mans neck without him noticing , and she would hit a butterfly's wing with a bullet from 150 yards . Held no loyalties , and no ties , the best and her services always emptied their employers pockets down to the last dollar .
Also it was said that she was an awesome blader , and that she was on a par , if not better that Big-K . Of course , no one had ever said THAT in his presence and lived more than three seconds .
This was the way of life , those above felt somehow better , and more important than those who lived under their feet , and in all three Zones , more 2 and 3 , than Zone 1 , the motto was , Survival of the Fittest . Or in some cases , the wealthiest .
"I take it you have heard of Kai Hiwitari ?"
"Who hasn't ?!"
"Well , I am told you are the best at what you do .."
"Get to the point tough guy ."
"How much ? How much will it take to kill that blue haired bastard !"
"On what ?!?"
" I always need to know why , why do you want Kai dead . As far as I can see , he hasn't done anything to you ."
" I don't see how you can say that ! All you need to do is look at the guy , rolling in cash , and women, that should have been me ! He gets all the glory and he has outlived his time as The Big Man On Top . I want him dead !"
"Heh heh heh , all you Cats thing about is more power , look at me , I have fame and fortune , and I'm a loner . Why should I help ?"
"2 million !"
"Hah ! I could steal twice that while I am there , sorry , not interested ."
" 3 !"
"Crank it up to 4 million dollars and you have a deal !"
"DONE !"
" A pleasure doing business with you Mr. Valkov , The Shadow will see Mr.Hiwitari dead by the end of the month !"
Wild-Roze: Well if u read carefully, you will have noticed I made a few small adjustments, but nothing much, PLEASE I WANT ALL MY REVIEWS BACK !!!!!! *Sobs* Well, bai, I'll try and get chapt 2 back up as soon as I can.