Standard disclaimers apply.

Story; Wutai Ninjas

Rating; PG-13 for minor swearing and blood.

Genre; Action/Adventure/???Romance???

Summary; Rikku is playing on a Blitz team in Wutai with Yuffie. Everything

is going great until Sephiroth arrives. Why is he after Rikku? How

is he still alive? Pairing? Rikku and Cloud . . . Yuffie and ???


Author's notes; Pre-chapter, please read to make story understandable. I'll answer

everything that I can about the reality that I'm creating, or rather, altering, here.

Thank-you for your time,



History of Spira:

1,002 years at the first emergence of Sin until 2 years ago at the defeat of Sin in Spira and Sephiroth on the Planet.


With the arrival of Sin, the remaining Summoner's of Zanarkand attempted to find a way to defeat Sin once and for all. While the majority favored battling him, a few of them were in favor of an entirely different plan. Led by the Lady Tomoe, several strong sorceress devised a plan to contain Sin, sealing it off from the mainland and protecting the people.

They eventually created a magical barrier, known simply as the Barrier. The magical divider was, in theory, supposed to magically transport Sin past all civilization and confine him to the ruins of Zanarkand. For example, if Sin headed North from the city, he was supposedly not supposed to be able to go more then ten miles from the city before being looped back around to the other side of the city.

However, the spell didn't come off without a hitch. It went wild, sealing off nearly half of the Planet and leaving Spira alone to cope with Sin.

Gradually, the people on both sides forgot about each other. The once united planet became known as two separate worlds -Spira and the Planet.

And then Yuna's Eternal Calm came. As she sent Sin, Yu Yevon, and all of the Aeon's and Fayth to the Farplane, the Barrier vanished, leaving the two world's free to explore each other.


Things that have happened in FFVII's world, Planet.

1. Midgar was rebuilt

2. Shinra was reestablished and seems to be legitement

3. Blitzball is a new popular sport and areas have been built in several towns.

4. Al Bhed energy is being studied as an alternate means of power.

5. Tifa reopened her bar in Midgar.

6. Barret and Marlene are in North Coral

7. Nanaki is at Cosmo Canyon, studying the Planet

8. Vincent disappeared, probably back to his coffin.

9. Cait Sith was permanently shut down; Reeve is an XO at Shinra.

10. Cid returned to Rocket Town and is cussing and swearing like usual.

11. Cloud vanished . . . . . . .

12. Yuffie returned to Wutai and is joining Wuati Ninjas (Blitz team).

13. And evil has once again began to show with the presence of Sephiroth.

Things that have happened in FFX's world, Spira.

1. They have grown more tolerant of the Al Bhed.

2. They despise most Guado.

3. The cities are all getting bigger and more are being planned.

4. Wakka rejoined the Aurochs.

5. Yuna became a Master of Spira (president, queen, ruler, representive).

6. Kimihri is her chief bodyguard.

7. Lulu is experimenting with Materia and Black Magic in Besaid.

8. Rikku has moved to Wutai and joined the Wutai Ninjas (Blitz team)

9. The followers of Yevon still have trouble forgetting their teachings.

10. Things only appear tranquil on the outside, religious zealots begin gathering with plan for destruction.

11. And evil once again surfaces in the form of Seymour.


So that's your background story. If you have any questions, email me and I will answer them as best as I can. Thank-you for your times, now on to the story:)

Thanks for reading,

