Disclaimer: I own nothing, I'm just barrowing the characters. They all belong to Tolkien Estate and whoever else holds the rights.

Author's Note: This is just my take on the small exchange between Aragorn and Eowyn right before he rides off to fight the wargs. This is an Aragorn/Eowyn short piece.

A Last Glance

Aragorn reins the horse in. He raises himself up in the saddle slightly, trying to get a better view of the people fleeing before him. Everything is in motion, and it is hard to find what he seeks. The riders race past him up the hill to meet the oncoming wargs; the women and children run, full of panic of what may befall them. Many shades of blond hair whip about in the wind. Their faces are a blur. Aragorn does not know if the one for whom he searches anxiously has already passed by or not. His search may be in vain. But he does not turn to ride off yet. His stomach does a flip-flop, and his heart sinks. He cannot ride off without seeing her a final time. Just one glance is all he wants to reassure himself, and then he will go.

Where is…?

Aragorn's eyes narrow. A figure with long golden hair seems not to be a part of the fear and quickness that is in the air. She stands still and firm, directing the way for the women and children to go. He looks at the back of her head, caught between relief and uncertainty. If only I can see her face, he wishes to himself.

As though hearing his silent plea, the person turns to watch the men riding off and then looks directly at him and meets his gaze. Aragorn's breathe catches in his throat, and his heart jumps. The look Lady Eowyn gives him is of complete openness. There is no panic in her eyes. She looks surprised when she sees he is already watching her intently. He can see a hint of bitterness in her eyes, and the silent understanding between them is clear: she desires to be in his place, not to run from danger. There is fear in her eyes – for him. That he might fall. He wants to reassure her, but he himself does not know what his fate will be in this fight. Her heart is in her eyes.

Aragorn stares back at Eowyn, imprinting the image of her face in his mind. He does not think of failing. He, too, does not hide his emotions from her as they both have done in the past. His heart he does not keep concealed. Silently he speaks with his eyes. Eowyn's lips part slightly in amazement and understanding.

A wave of emotion washes over Aragorn. He vows to himself no harm shall come to Eowyn as long as he draws breath and sword. With his being and soul he will protect her. Their eyes, gray and pale blue pools, continue to mix together for a moment before they separate.

Aragorn allows the horse to turn, and he gallops off with the men, leaving the Shieldmaiden of Rohan – along with his heart – behind. No harm shall befall her…


Please let me know what you think.