Disclaimer (expanded from acronym style): I don't own shit!

My Favorite Day

Saturday night, after the party, Tohru, Yuki, Kyou, and Shigure sat around the table, eating a quickly prepared dinner of riceballs, ice cream, and cake. Ayame, the last remaining party guest, had left about an hour ago, and only because of Yuki's insisting it. None of them believed the snake would voluntarily pass up a chance to sleep over.

"Tohru-kun," Shigure broke the silence. "I hope you had fun today?" Tohru started; no one had spoken in a while. All were somewhat tired as a result of many party games played earlier.

"H-hai!" the riceball chirped. "Today was so wonderful!"

"I'm glad to hear that," Shigure smiled. "I can't take credit though," the inu sighed. "It was all Yuki." Glancing at the clock, he continued. "Ten already? I'm going to bed. You three don't stay up too long!"

The onigiri, nezumi, and neko all nodded, and the dog left. After a minute, Yuki stood up as well.

"I'm going up to the roof to get some fresh air."

"Would you like some company?" Tohru ventured.

Yuki smiled and said, "If you'd like to come."

Tohru nodded. "Would Kyou-kun like to come as well?"

Kyou looked up, looking slightly surprised. "A-ano...I'll just go to bed. You know I hate being around that kuso nezumi." The comment annoyed Yuki, but he was glad the cat wouldn't be tagging along as he often did. Tohru looked a little disappointed, but nodded, and Kyou walked out.

Yuki and Tohru walked outside and to the ladder reaching up to the roof.

"I didn't know you like to go on the roof," Tohru commented as Yuki started up the ladder.

"It's nice for relaxing and getting out of the house," Yuki told her. Tohru began to climb as Yuki reached the top.

When Tohru was nearing the top of the ladder, Yuki reached down to help her onto the roof. In one of her clumsy moments, however, Tohru's foot slipped on the ladder rung.

Yuki, seeing Tohru begin to fall, thrust his hand toward her, and felt it close on her wrist. Seconds later, the ladder clattered to the ground.

Tohru felt her body jerk as something broke her fall. As she'd felt the support of the ladder disappear, Tohru had closed her eyes. Thoughts now raced through her head: 'I fell. I hit. I'm badly hurt. Maybe dead. My arm, it hurts. Please, Mother, help me...'

A voice broke through her panicked thoughts. "H-honda-san...Tohru? It.it's okay. Open your eyes." Tohru gingerly opened one eye. She was suspended in air and the ladder lay on the ground some twelve feet below.

Yuki gripped Tohru's wrist like a vise. There was no way in hell he would let go. He could feel Tohru trembling, and could not keep the shaking from his own voice as Tohru looked up.

"G-give me your other h-hand," Yuki gasped. The hand he held her up with was sweaty. Tohru swung her free hand up, and he made sure he had a firm hold before beginning to pull her up.

Once Tohru was pulled halfway up, Yuki released one had, grasped Tohru's waist, and tugged her the rest of the way up.

Once the riceball was safe, she and the rat lay side by side on their backs, still holding hands and gasping.

Yuki recovered first. "Almost falling off the roof, and on your birthday...not a nice way to go." Tohru choked out a small laugh.

The two continued to lie there silently for about ten minutes.

"We're not going to get down tonight with the ladder gone," Yuki commented. "We'll have to wait for Shigure or that stupid cat to come outside tomorrow. (AN: I THINK that in the anime, they get onto the roof through a hole in the roof, but we'll just pretend, for the sake of convenience, that the only way is up the ladder)

"Hai..." Tohru said. Once again, it was silent.

After a while, Tohru spoke. "Did Sohma-kun really plan that whole party?"

Yuki felt his face go a little red. "Well...I had help from Shigure and the cat and everyone else..." He turned his head to see Tohru smiling.

"Still, it must have been hard work." She let go of his had to sit up, hugging her knees. Yuki looked up at her. The moon's pale light seemed to give her skin and hair a soft glow.

"Thank you for all your effort. Today was the best birthday I've ever had," Tohru said. Yuki stared at her.

"Really?" he asked.

"Really!" Tohru giggled. Yuki let out a small laugh.

"In that case," he said, sitting up, "I'm glad! It was no trouble." At these words, Tohru leaned over and kissed Yuki's cheek.

"It was very thoughtful," she said. Yuki sat in silent surprise for a minute.

"Honda-san," he finally said, "You know, I really like this day." Tohru looked across at him, questioningly.

"Is today a special day for you? You threw me a party so if it holds importance for you I feel I should do something for you as well!" Tohru said, stoutly.

Yuki could not help laughing now. "Honda-san, today is important to me because it's your birthday! I'm very grateful for the day Honda-san was born." He took a breath. "You're very important to me."

It was now Tohru's turn to say, "Really?"

"Really," Yuki said.

Tohru thought for a minute. "I'm glad then, because Sohma-kun is very important to me as well." She laid her head on his shoulder and leaned toward him. Yuki smiled. He'd been afraid Tohru might not feel the same way he did. (AN: Silly Yuki, everybody loves you!)

"It's good it's summer," Yuki said. "Otherwise it might get really cold out here."

"Mmm," Tohru agreed. "The temperature's very comfortable tonight though." She yawned. "It must be late...I'm so tired."

Yuki said, "You should go to sleep then." Tohru giggled and closed her eyes. Yuki put his arm around her shoulders, loose enough that it wasn't a hug.

Several minutes later, Tohru's breathing became even and light. Yuki leaned gently against her. He felt as if a load had been lifted off his chest. It really hadn't been so hard to tell Tohru she was so important to him. She'd even said he was important to her as well. (AN: I'm sorry, I don't really know what the hell I was on when I thought up that bit...of course he's important to Tohru, ain't that the most obvious thing in the world....)

Someday, Yuki knew, he would tell Tohru that he loved her. He could only hope for a response similar to tonight's. For now, Yuki was happy and content.

"Honda-san," Yuki said quietly, "You are the most important to me...and today is my favorite day."

The End!

AN: Waaaaah!" I had so much fun writing this! I'm kinda sad it's over ;.; Well, is minna-san happy with it? I don't know if anyone besides Amy read Three's a Crowd, but if they did, I hope this was MUCH better. If you haven't read it, please don't even bother. Anyhoo, muchos gracias to all who read and reviewed! I never got a negative review from anyone, which makes me happy! ^_^ Thankies all! OoooK....I hope nobody's mad I didn't develop a really strong relationship between Yuki and Tohru! I thought it was cute to leave things where I did, but I know some are more into the kissy love-love stuff. ^_^ I can go for that too, I just don't think I'm all that good at writing it myself, KK? Shoutouts! (So many reviews!! Yay!)

Sugar High Yusukeholic: Your fav list?! Wooo! Thankies!

A girl and her muses: Haha, you noticed when chap. 3 was all screwed up!

inu87yasha: Arigato gozaimasu!

Minamino-chan: Well, here's the last chappie, how you like? Thank you again; both your reviews have been big confidence (and ego ^_^) boosters for me! I know! Aren't Yuki and Tohru both sooo cute?

TK Crossbow: *eats cookie* OKAY! ^_^

Animalmagix: New to FB? Welcome to the cult! ~_^ Glad you like the fic!

Hikari Rioki: I know, Akito IS kinda cool ^_^ Thank you so much; you've been my most faithful reviewer! You've been here every chapter, I think! Love ya! Also, the ice cream all sounds yummy! I can now appreciate the hard work it would take to give me all of that after reading the 2nd chappie of Living w/the Sohmas...

trc: Arigato! But...it's BEEN Yukiru ^_^

Atsuki: Aww, thanks!

Again, thankies to all my reviewers! I love you guys! Ooh! Guess what! I'm starting another fic (Fruits Basket again) and the 1st chapter is UP! It's called In Honor of Kyoko. I'm hoping it'll be as good as this turned out! Also, I hope everybody will come check it out!! ^_^ It's AU, more action than this, and no pairing going on (at least not toward the beginning, but it's not completely laid out and set in stone yet!), it'll be the same kind of triangle going on in the anime, not much else...So please come check in on it, and Mi-chan out!!
