Disclaimer: Please. Would I be writing a fanfic if I owned it? I think not.

My Favorite Day

Yuki glanced down at the class agenda for the week. His violet eyes flitted over the page, barely reading it. He was very bored. The teacher would be absent on Thursday; that was today. The fencing club would have a meeting after school today as well. None of it interested him. There was still an agonizing three minutes left in the school day. The sub was terrible: she'd left several times to take a smoke, and had given them a very dull book to take notes on all day. She allowed no talking, so the room had been absolutely silent for over an hour since the last break.

Yuki, looking through half-closed eyelids, suddenly spotted a familiar name, which caused him to start, and give full attention to the slip of paper. "Saturday. Birthday: Honda Tohru," the paper said. He looked over at Tohru, who was staring out the window with a stupid grin on her face. Yuki could not help smiling, but at the same time wondered why she'd not told anyone her birthday was approaching.

At last, the bell rang, and Yuki hurried to put his things in his bag so he could catch up with Tohru and Kyou, who were already half-way to the door. He found them outside, waiting for him.

"Kuso nezumi, you should go faster!" Kyou told him, glaring. He started walking away, so fast that Tohru and Yuki had to run to keep up.

"You walk too fast, baka neko!" Yuki said, a block and a half later. "Honda- san will get tired trying to keep up!" It was true: Tohru was breathing hard and her face was flushed. Kyou's face flushed as well, and he shot Yuki a death glare as if it was Yuki's fault for letting Tohru run, but he slowed his pace the rest of the way home.

On the way, Yuki drew level with Tohru. "Honda-san, are you happy?" he asked her. 'She must be exited about her birthday,' he thought.

"Yes!" Tohru said, "Shigure-san and Sohma-kun and Kyou-kun are all very good to me-"

"No, I meant about Saturday!" Yuki laughed. All he got in return was a blank stare. Then, "Oh, I remember! I have to go to the store that day! Thank you for reminding me!" She smiled; it would have been bad if she'd not been reminded and skipped it. Yuki stared at Tohru. Had she really forgotten her own birthday? They walked in silence the rest of the way home.

Once they arrived at the house, Yuki went to find Shigure. He explained how he'd seen Tohru's birthday on the announcements passed out at school, and how Tohru didn't seem to be aware of it. "And it's in two days!" Yuki finished. "I want to do something for her that day, but it'll be impossible to arrange a birthday party in only two days!"

Shigure thought for a few minutes before saying, "No worries, Yuki. I think we can arrange something. We really should do something special for my little flower on her birthday, it's only right. How about this..."

AN: Yay! My second ficcie started! How's you all like it? What will Yuki and Shigure do for Tohru-chan's birthday? Is it really Tohru's birthday at all? Will anyone tell Kyou what the hell is going on? Please review, and find out next time!!
