"You look just like your father…"
Chapter 12
Harry was flying over the Quidditch pitch. He had just gotten sight of the snitch and dived towards it, when…
Sirius and Harry were laughing at a joke Lupin had just told them. Damn it!
Harry was back at Snape's office.
"Still not enough, Potter." Snape sneered at him. But the sneer didn't seem to have that much edge in it. Actually, if Harry hadn't know the Potions master better, he would have sworn he saw some pride in Snape's black eyes.
Snape himself would never admit it, but Harry had been making good progress ever since the professor had told Harry to concentrate on a particular memory instead of trying to block out the Potions master. Harry still couldn't block Snape completely, but it now took the Potions master more than 15 minutes to break through.
Harry usually tried to think about Quidditch, because he could really remember the matches vividly (though he didn't think about matches he had played against Slytherin, as Harry thought that might be too much for Snape). This caused Harry a little pang of sorrow though, as he had indeed quit playing Quidditch. The Gryffindor Quidditch team had already lost their first game against Ravenclaw because of this. Ginny was an excellent seeker, but she simply hadn't had enough time to practice before the match, since Harry had quit so abruptly. The team had also been forced to find another chaser to replace Ginny. Ron was still a bit angry at Harry for this, but at least Harry finally got enough sleep and he was doing much better in classes including those he had with Lupin and Snape.
"Eww. Harry, there's a hair in my soup!" Hermione said to Harry pulling a long black hair out of her soup bowl. "You need a haircut. I can do it if you'll let me."
Harry pulled a hand trough his hair that was now below his shoulders and tied it to a ponytail. "Yeah, I suppose I could do with a haircut." He admitted.
"Come on, we're going to be late for DADA." Ron said to the two of them.
Because they we're running a bit late the only places left in the class were in front of Malfoy. Ron and Harry began rummaging through their bags to get their books.
"So. Too scared to play Quidditch, Potter?" Malfoy whispered gleefully to Harry.
"At least he doesn't have to see your ugly face when you're trying to figure out what to do with the snitch." Ron spat at Malfoy.
"Shut it, Weasley. You might just end up with one less in your family… I hear your sister is practising alone in the evenings?" Malfoy sneered.
Harry had to use all his might to hold Ron back as he was trying to attack Malfoy. Luckily Tonks entered the class at that point.
"It's not time for your practical lessons yet, boys." She said and looked pointedly at the three of them. Harry and Ron turned to face her desk. Malfoy was still sneering at them.
"I have to tell Ginny to watch her back…" Ron muttered to Harry.
"Malfoy was just trying to show off. Besides Ginny can more than handle herself." Harry reassured Ron. Though he still thought they'd best tell her about Malfoy.
"Today we shall go through the basic blocking spells. Can anyone name some?" Tonks started the lessons.
Lupin already taught me all these… But Harry didn't raise his hand. Instead he decided to practice for Occlumency. I'll show Snape, I can be hardworking
His mind clearing practice was interrupted by a voice drawling in his ear. "What did your girlfriend think about you quitting Quidditch, Potter? Bet she was disappointed. Bet she's wondering if you're man enough for her…"
"You leave Adel out of this!" Harry hissed at Malfoy fury rising inside him, his Occlumency training forgotten completely.
"Perhaps she needs someone to show him what a real man is like…" Malfoy continued with an evil smile. The smile didn't last long though, as Harry lunged himself at Malfoy.
"Harry!" Tonks shouted and separated the fighting pair. "Detention! Both of you. This Friday." She glared at them.
Later that evening Harry was admiring Hermione's handiwork in the mirror.
"You shouldn't have attacked Malfoy, Harry. He's always baiting you. You just have to let it go." Hermione berated him. Harry decided to ignore this.
"Hermione! Why did you give Harry Snape-hair for?" Ron asked staring at Harry reflexion.
"I think Harry looks really nice with this cut. It makes him look a bit older. And it's not a 'Snape-hair', Ron!" Hermione said indignantly.
Harry rather liked his new hair. It was now shoulder length and parted in the middle. She's right it does make me look a bit older. And Ron's right too.. It does look a bit like Snape's though.Except it's not greasy.
"…But he does look like Snape, Hermione! I mean the hair, his stature..." Harry heard Ron argue with Hermione.
"Are you calling me a greasy git?" Harry asked feigning mock angry.
"Nah, sorry Harry. But you know you could give the first years a big scare…" Ron said with a gleeful glint in his eyes. Hermione slapped him in the arm. "Ron!"
"What? I'm just saying." But Ron still looked a bit wistful.
Do I really look that much like Snape? Maybe I should start wearing more colours… I wonder if Hermione knows any spells that I could use to change the colours of my old clothes. Harry thought bemused.
Later that week…
"So, who are you going to ask to the ball with you?" Ron asked sitting down next to Harry in the breakfast table.
"Who am I going to ask..? To the what?" Harry asked confused.
"Harry! Don't tell me you've forgotten. We're having a Halloween masquerade ball this year. Dumbledore told us about it at the Sorting feast." Hermione said incredulously.
"Oh yeah." Harry replied. He had actually forgotten everything about it, but wasn't going to tell Hermione that.
"So, who are you going to ask?" Ron asked a second time.
"Umm.. I don't know. Who are you going to ask?" Harry replied as images of Adel flashed through his mind.
"Dunno. I'll have to figure something out. Still got two weeks until the ball. " Ron said while stuffing bread into his mouth.
"You could ask Adel, Harry. I'm sure she'd love to come with you." Hermione said to Harry quietly.
"Huh? Umm. Yeah, maybe I should." Harry said and felt his cheeks burn a bit.
"I understand that Harry has improved in Occlumency, Severus?" Dumbledore asked Snape one evening during their meeting.
"Ha-Potter is able to block me now almost every time, yes." Snape said ignoring the Headmaster smile as he stumbled with Potter's name.
"Ah, good. Good. Once again you have proven most efficient in completing your tasks." Dumbledore said brightly.
"I'd rather continue teaching occlumency to the boy." Snape said quickly.
"Really? I thought you didn't want anything to do with him. You have fulfilled your duty now that Harry's able to block his mind. There's really no need…" Dumbledore said now positively beaming.
"I simply think Potter needs to learn more if he wishes to survive the Dark Lord. Besides he should have plenty of time now that he's quit Quidditch."
"Do I sense some pride in you tone, Severus?" The Headmaster asked his eyes twinkling so brightly Snape thought he might go blind.
"Will you stop that!" Snape said glaring at Dumbledore.
"What?" Dumbledore said innocently.
Deciding to ignore him, Snape asked neutrally "How's Lupin doing teaching Potter duelling?"
"I think they've covered all the basics now."
"What ? They've covered all the different types of ducking and running away? I'm impressed." Snape said his voice full of sarcasm.
"Now, now Severus. You know Lupin's an excellent teacher. Besides, need I remind you who I asked for that job at first?" Dumbledore said smiling. "If you'd rather spend more time with your son, I'm sure Lupin would understand..."
"I think that was all." Snape said and left Dumbledore's office without another glance at the Headmaster.
That stupid old man with his permanent smile! Think he knows so much about me and Ha-Potter! Potter, his name is Potter! GrrSnape thought angrily and hexed every armour and painting in his way to the dungeons.
Thank you for reading! Reviews are appreciated :) Also, if you're interested, there's an excellent picture made by flo-moshi that we think looks like the Harry in our story as we imagine him. (actually the picture is about Severus, but still.) You can find the picture at deviantart, it's called severus.