Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Final Fantasy X, Teletubbies( for sure), and anything else copyrighted or so on, so forth.

FFX: Duelists' Fate

Chapter 11: Ambush! Unexpected Foe!

By KokoroHikaru

A/N: Wow, how long? Nearly over a year? I ask for pardon, but I hope this does make up for the lost time and for anyone who is waiting. I can't guarantee another update soon, but I will try if anyone is still reading. . ;

Outside the locker room, Yuna had a brief chat with Tidus, and with a nod went off to the stands with Kimahri following her. Alone in the corridors, Tidus returns into the locker room, strolling right next to Wakka who sits up. "Game starts soon, no time for warm-ups."

"Lemme at 'em!" Tidus gave a cheery jab to the air with Malik giving him a dull gaze.

"I don't see why you're so hyped up on this. Playing this game is a pain!" He gives a low groan, stretching his aching back from the mass of tackles he had received.

Bakura gave a scoff, twirling his lock of hair in boredom. "I don't see what you have to complain about, bakana… pulling out a teamate's hair from sheer blindness. You surely ask for death by my hand, don't you? Luckily for you, I don't want to dirty them on such pathetic waste."

"WHAT! You're asking for it!" With a lunge, Malik flies towards Bakura, who in turn, gathered mana in his hand, pulling together a red ember.

Yugi groaned, then cast a glance at what Bakura was doing. "Oh no, not again!"

The Egyptian opened his eyes wide, half way in flight… there was no stopping a lunge, even when the crazed thief held a fireball in his hand, or more accurately hovering upon his palm. The tombrobber's face was clear, malicious intent and one of his most sinister grins plastered on his mouth. His teeth gleamed as he cautiously whispered. "Foolish mortals. Now payback."

Fixated to get revenge on Malik, Yami Bakura was about to launch his attack, when unfortunately for him, Tidus interfered with a tackle. This threw Bakura off, cursing to his little ol' self. "Stupid meddling mortals… why do they always do this… bothering… gah…."

Getting up after crashing himself past them, the Ishtal stood up, grinning nervously. "Hehehe thanks Tidus. Bakura here just likes messing around… though with this new technique, he's just rearing to test it…(mutters) and kill someone with it. Almost lost my face for crying out loud…"

Soon the room grows quiet, tension soon stirring for the ill quiet thinking over each member. The original players of the Aurochs sit around in utter silence, each trying to mentally encourage themselves and their mates. Yugi sat down, twittling his fingers on his pendant, next to Malik who gazed dully at his hand and even to the pacing whitehead to the speck on the ceiling.

For the thief, he was nervous which he denied to himself to admit. His lighter half acknowledged it but remained silent. It was a matter of trust between the two; they made no signs to deal with the past, but had agreed silently on a mutual bond of working together in their own ways. The two could switch body time usage, Ryou at time still able to see what happens, though only when his Yami was in the mood. Bakura had settled down from his plots, but it didn't mean he wasn't going to stop attempts. It's just for now, and the two knew it. It's just the dreaded suspense 'til next time.

Nonetheless Ryou was interested at what was ticking the robber off, as he paced so irritably around, mentally mumbling to himself. Bakura noticed it though and quickly threw of his Hikaru's gaze with daggers. He broke off his tempo, and leaned against a wall. The whole tournament was just pissing him off further. Bah, stupid… it's just a game, but why is there some kind of bad feeling I'm getting? Aren't I'm the one suppose to reek this fear among others, and not myself? Or is there someone who will do that to me in this world? He growled at the thought. Hmph! Just wait until they meet me…Ugh, I'm saying that too much now…

The Egyptian blonde raised his head to look at his friend whose twisted smile rose into a vampiric smirk. He was plotting something, wasn't he? Or maybe it was just his paranoia. Malik sighed, thinking of the final match. Those pre-jitter things, but no cheating or using items here. Damn, this is what I get for that folly crap on becoming too dependent on these items. We SHOULD do fine right? Right? Well the sennen rod is helping me in breathing underwater, but that's pretty much… but could thing's get out of hand? His eyes glanced over to Bakura who returned the gesture with an unclear view, making Malik shiver. Ok… This will just have to be a thing of chance then.

Soon the scene changes with Yugi and Yuna leaving for the stands with Kimahri following. Tidus walks up to Wakka, who sits up, getting the other two's attention. "The game starts soon. No time for warm-ups. Ready?"

"Lemme at 'em." He said with a funky cheer.

"All right!" The captain stands up, being followed by Malik who had a perplexed feeling. "I got something to tell you boys. After this game... I'm retiring. I promised myself this would be my last tournament. Win or lose, I'm quitting blitzball. But you know... Since we're here, we might as well win!"

"Dddddduuuuuhhhhh, you ALWAYS gotta go out with a bang, right Bakura?" Malik said with a smirk as Bakura only mumbled and scoffed.

"Yeah!" Were the Aurochs' cheer. Botta, however, came to a though and asked, "A-Am I on the bench?"

Wakka only shook his head, placing a hand on the blonde blitz player's shoulder. "I'm warming the bench. He's taking my place." His eyes turned to each player, hair as ever fluffed up and orange. "All right, boys, let's win this one! Let's make the Goers goners!"

Tidus whooped with a jab of his fist. "Let's blitz!"

Only Malik and Bakura gave a hefty sputter. "Easy for you to say!"

In a brief moment, Lulu and Wakka were talking. Mostly the blage mage talking, then catching the tired Wakka as he nearly fell. "You really gave it your all, didn't you?"

Briefly outside the dressing room were the blitzers with Bakura absolutely refusing to join their cheers. Malik only laughed at him, trying to pestering him to join it. Tidus was still doing his co-captain like thing. "All right, boys, what're we gonna do?"

"Win!" With a jab in the air by the Aurochs.

Pestering more, Malik ushered Bakura, again and again. "C'mon, just say it as if it's one of your psychotic speeches."

He narrowed his eyes, maliciously at the blonde, but that kid just doesn't give up. "C'mon, Bakura… what're we gonna do?"

His lips came to a smirk as the thief laugh, annoying the Egyptian. "Kick ass… preferably yours when there's chance."

"Such a riot…" He replied sarcastically.

The screen fades as the announcers appear, crowds cheering as a red figure passes the stands. Bobba expressed the shock of the last game, waving his hands at the event to come to this. "But who could have imagined... A championship game between these two teams? Our legendary Luca Goers going against... the horrendously ill-fated Besaid Aurochs!" The red-cloaked man took a seat.

Jimma smiled. "This looks like history in the making, Bobba." The waters in the sphere churned, the players all make their entrance. Both the Goers and Aurochs. Bickson meet face-to-face with Tidus who is between his two forwards, which the Goers know as the odd dressed kids. The Goer leader laughs while the other side glares at him. Bickson lends out his hand for a handshake, which Tidus took up, but immediately withdrew as the handshake from the man became an attempted punch.

Bobba gave a snort, watching the scene. "They're already going at it, folks! The Goers are taunting the Aurochs!" The blare sounded with the ball launched up. "And there they go, with the Goers take the initiative!"

He was immediately followed into a pincher attack by the three heads on the Besaid team. Bakura came at him first with a swinging momentum, connecting his shoulder and elbow to the neck of his victim. The Goer was surprised, and the pain caused him to drop the ball which he got mad about, evident on his face. Tidus swam up as Malik swoop under to grab the ball, and with a swim passed it across the globe to his fellow player on the other side. Through a small knit series of passes, the ball came to the original Zanarkand player who came to his signature goal shot.

A gasp ran throughout the crowds soon followed with a humungous cheer. Bobba lurches back, "SCORE! Hahaha, can you believe that! A sudden comeback this year… geez, but even now the Goers shouldn't underestimate them, eh?"

Jimma only chuckled back to his partner. "Well, seems so, doesn't it? Maybe it's the three new fellas there. Or this is just a lucky little shot, but hey, as one just said, possibly 'history in the making.'"

The screen changes, 1-0 with the Aurochs in the lead. The ball is zoomed up into the air again, Bickson getting it again. He dives off onto the side, running into Malik who gives an impressive lunge at the man. But the Goer ducks and partially dodges; managing to keep his hands to the ball and continues on. Before running into more trouble, he sends it to a neighboring teammate. Unfortunately for that person came face-to-face with Bakura and Botta. He gave a rush through Botta managing the ball still. The player hesitated at the smirking thief, but he returned it much to Bakura's surprise. The pass was tipped by the white-haired youth, but he gave a sudden recoil to the touch.

Bakura squirmed to the touch, feeling a weakening feeling to his body as if it had been twisted or restricted. He pushed aside the pain and continued on swimming to a position. One of his fellow players manage a hold of the Blitzball, but was suddenly pummeled and reclaimed to the Goers again. The ball then came to a series of zooming before tackled into the goal. 1-1 with both teams in a tie.

The battle continues as the two sides struggles for the ball, ending with another score from the Goers giving them the one point lead at the end of the first part of the game. Bobba gets up and says, "And it's halftime!"

Jimma nods just saying back, "The Goers are just playing great, Bobba. Really great."

The players go to their locker rooms to rest a bit. The Aurochs were being coached on by Wakka who kept encouraging to shoot like crazy. Though two weren't listening in a corner. Bakura had finally recovered from his painful withering jab, while Malik was nursing himself from a bloody nose he received from a foul playing Goer. If that was considered foul play since he was dismissed, but all the Egyptian could get back him was a flip of his finger if it meant anything in this world. The thief scolded to himself, annoyed at the offense he had gotten. "I swear these damned humans… gahh, he thinks he could restrict me! If they push me further, playing fair… humph!"

Dabbing his nose with a tissue, Malik gives him an annoyed look too. "Well, always going with the revenge and crap. You know what; lay off it for at least once in your life! You know how screwy it could be if you let hint of something too obvious. And we're not the only ones with magic here… you saw how some of the sennen powers don't work too well against some particular foe…"

"You don't have to badger me like a mother, baka. Like I'll prance around shooting flowers in the air next time they try tackling the shit out of me." His voice echoed with sarcasm, while the blonde just rolled his eyes.

"That'll be the day. I suggest you just kept your cool, or you might be somehow expelled in terms. Let's not see the great tomb robber damage his reputation over measly things. Compromise instead to kick their asses instead, hmm?" He gave an eery smile, looking innocently as he close his eyes and lend out a hand of friendship.

Bakura only gave a contort of his face, feeling icky over the light side of Malik. He was a hikaru but… yeesh, not so much of him unless he was trying to be. He resigned with a sigh. "FINE. Only this time… But. But if they do go out of line, don't say I didn't warn you, moron."

"Yahh… got'cha." He said, standing up with his nose not bleeding anymore.

Wakka gave a final enthusiastic cheer and concluded his pep talk. "Al'right! Hustle!"

But even though, it felt a bit strange. Malik and Bakura came to a calm settlement for now. Yet for Tidus, he was at unease. By the 3 o'clock mark of the second half, the game seemed to have come to a stop. Bobba again goes on to explain the displeasurement. "The fans are getting impatient! They're calling for some action! The Aurochs' spirits are fading quickly! Are they going down without a fight? …Everyone seems to be calling for Wakka, folks!" Tidus looks around a bit in the sphere. Malik glances over to his moving figure as he headed back; Malik tapped his companion at the odd sight. Bobba looked baffled. "Say... Where is that player going? He's leaving the sphere pool! He may be injured!"

After a brief confrontation, Wakka walks out with Tidus waving at him with a small smile. To be honest, I did kind of feel left out, but... It really was the Aurochs' and Wakka's show, after all. And for those two guys… well seems like they enjoy it, right? Anyway it would be fine to just watch them since they have to do this anyway. But they'll do fine. Yup.

The announcer widens his eyes as Wakka appears in. "I wonder what's happening? The crowd is going wild! ...Ah! It's Wakka! He's back on the field and ready to go! The Aurochs seem glad to have him back."

The buzzer rings and the ball goes flying, if you call it so in water. Being shot up, it was immediately grabbed by the Aurochs who passes to the quickest driving character on the field. Malik passed through an opening between two Goers, successfully volleying it to Wakka. The Aurochs defended him well, Bakura on his tail interfering with those try to sneak their way to the Blitzball holder. The Sennen Ring holder took aggression for revenge as he socked it hard his offender on the previous attack, sending them both down for a moment. The time whizzes by as the player get tense in the fight, and their adrenaline flies. Suddenly Wakka shoots. Silence is held in the very breaths of the crowd. Players halt in their swimming, knowing none could block the ball.

Down to the goalie and the ball. He tries to make a pressure play, lunging in his swim towards the hurling target. His fingers extend, but too late, a centimeter's length too late, and it passes by. The buzzer rang, and the stunned crowd just quiet, before clapping breaks and utter cheering rings out. Bobba from his stand jumps out, crying, "Unbelievable! The Aurochs win, folks! This one is for the record books!"

From the locker rooms to the pool came a familiar blonde player, greeting Wakka as he relaxes himself in the waters. The other two, relieved of their boredom with exhilaration, swam nearby. Malik was punching Bakura on the shoulder, but he disregarded it for the moment oddly enough; Wakka gave the lot of them thumbs up. Yet moments of victory disturbed so quickly with the crowd suddenly screaming. Their faces are sketched with panic and arms pointing into the sphere pool. The problem: Sahagin Chiefs. The scaly massive fishes circled about, eyes wide alert. A four-man fight, they can take it. Malik slipped one hand to his pocket and nodded at Wakka who got the picture.

The Auroch captain passed the Rod user the ball, who gives it an impressive volley back. Wakka used the force of the ball and kicked it at the Sahagins, knocking out two. At the same time, one of the Sahagin did the strangest thing and attacked one of its fellows. Bakura took the advantage to take out the inflicted one as it destroyed it's teammate. Tidus was at his tail, turning around to cover his back as another fish fiend came about. The Millenium Ring holder noticed, only acknowledging it with eye contact before moving on.

Even with the dispatch of eliminating the fiends in the pool, the fiends on ground raided the crowds above. Lulu watched as the pandemonium here unraveled. "What is happening?"

From a distance, a cladded warrior appears, calm and collected as he strolls in. His sunglasses were perched carefully on his nose, semi-hiding the face of one scarred eye. His red clothes waver as people pass by, trying to escape the large fire-breathing monster near him. The Vouivre challenges him, growling, almost perplexed at the human that actually stands ground. He smirks, slipping one hand out by his side as he fall to stance. Then he moved, sword drawn, and gashes down the monster in one hit.

"Auron!" Tidus runs up to him, gaping as the other three arrived. Bakura and Malik are totally lost. Like who the hell is Auron? Like some old warrior monk with an oversized sword would be one reply.

"Sir Auron!" Wakka shouted, getting a look from Tidus.

"So you know him?"

"Yeah. Best guardian there ever was."

"Ha, so mind explaining to us what the hell?" Malik inquired, eyeing them to both ask what the two thought, an arched brow accompanying him.

"Woah! Later." The other blonde said, before any answers could come. A Garuda had appeared. Almost amazing how a naked skinned creature of such magnitude could fly. Either way, it provided a challenge already, aiming for the seemingly off-guard Bakura. But the boy dodged, snapping down on the monster, and gashed it across the head. The others took its recoil as the chance, combining four more attacks. They backed up from the out lash of the fiend; Tidus jumped back for another slash, when from the sky a bright green winged being broke through the sky. The dragon tumbled down towards, Wakka already tensed down to do a long ranged attack.

Malik stopped him, muttering a wait. They watched the moment – the Emerald Dragon hovered over the air, tossing its head back, then a figure came down right over the massive fiend, embedding two blades down the neck. The creature fell, spiraling flames disappeared to the sky, and the finisher fell to the ground on her bum. Tsuki waved a hello, a bit peachy on her bad landing. "Hey, good finish move for a rich gal, no? I got this good deal from a merchant for these daggers!" She said with a cheer, doing a little jab.

Though their luck was bad as another group of fiends came in with Tidus tightening his grasp on his sword, "Hey, gimme a break!"

Tsuki eyed her dragon as it faded away in small lights. It would be better if it went down then later. Since someone might accidentally kill it. If you call accident. She played this game, she knew the events, but she wouldn't want to ruin the matters… yet. If they weren't already messed with them just being there. Over to the stand, the safety of the box where the Maestors were, Seymour had stood. Lights surround him, globes marking a summoning around him. The sky darkens to a horrible color, from the sky the anchor falls, breaking the ground as it drags out a monstrous figure, enshrouded in chains like to restrict it. In short blasts, originating from its eye, the creatures all about fell and dispersed in pyreflies. The Aeon began to fade, pyreflies scattering into the sky. And up on his balcony, Maestor Seymour smiled to the crowd, his proud beast gone with the fiends.

But the crowds who upheld Seymour in awe and almost cheers had that emotion faded away just as quick. An uproar. Not from crowds, but the sky. A dragon. No, a three headed silvery dragon appeared. Its very self gleamed in the sky, peering down into the sphere dome. An awkward silence as they upheld this beast, shimmering lights gathering in its mouths. Tsuki stumbled to her knees, eyes wide. It was aiming for the Maestors!

The blue-headed Maestor turned around, gesturing them to move quickly, and at the same time he cast a barrier over his area. The white lighting beam slammed right down onto the box, trembling the stadium. Bakura cursed aloud, angry at such a change. "What the hell is that THING doing here!"

Tsuki turned to him angrily. "I don't know. It shouldn't even be HERE!"

Malik, fighting the crowds as they continued a run from the blast, muttered, "Well, is Kaiba here too? I mean… you better hope the pharaoh won't do anything drastic."

As if on cue, Yami appeared eyes about, with Lulu and the others behind her. Tsuki coughed, after an attempt to laugh and scream at the same time. "Ack, good timing. See, another problem." She jerked towards the flying disaster.

"No time for jokes. How the hell do we get rid of a Blue Eyes Ultimate now!"

To be continued….