This story will cover the spring when Arwen is twelve and her brothers are 123 years old (TA 253). There will be a third age story that involves the three children of Elrond and Celebrían, and a variety of second age stories told by members of Elrond's household who lived through the Second Age. The second age lasted from the founding of Lindon in the first year, and ended with the Battle of the Last Alliance of Men and Elves in II 3441, the deaths of Elendil and Gil-Galad, and the cutting of the Ring of the Power from Sauron's hand.
Obviously, this story cannot cover the second age in depth, so the focus will be on only several major areas: the forging of the rings of power, Celebrían's birth, Glorfindel's return, the founding of Imladris, and the war of the Last Alliance (although I won't tell the story of the war; Tolkien did that - instead the story will focus on the impact to these characters). As much as it would be fun to focus on the rise and fall of Númenor, sadly there is not time to do that here.
You do not have to have read the original story 'History Lessons' to understand this story, although it would help in understanding some of the humor and background I have given to these characters.
I will again point out what is canon and what I have made up as I go along.
For those kind enough to have asked, I do have another little 'Legles' story planned - right now it is a vignette, and I am deciding if it fits into a larger story before moving on with it.
Feedback is appreciated!!
Thanks to daw the minstrel for beta reading this chapter
Prologue: Arwen
Year 241 of the Third Age
Elrond and Celebrían's suite of rooms in Imladris.
Elrond knelt between his wife's knees, his ear resting against her belly as he listened intently. His fingers moved about the expanded surface, gently pushing and prodding. He sat back on his heels, but did not remove his hands, as Celebrían giggled and squirmed.
"You are an impossible patient," he scolded her.
"That tickles!" she protested.
Grinning, Elrond moved his finger into the thin skin over her ribs and began tickling her purposefully, holding her firmly in place as she tried to squirm away. "Where? There? Or here?"
"Elrond, behave!" she scolded him back. "What will our daughter think?"
Elrond pressed his ear back to her belly. "She thinks it is time she joined us in this world. She is tired of being cooped up in there all alone, when it sounds so much more exciting out here," he informed her.
Celebrían's hands covered his suddenly and she moved them to a different spot. "Feel her kick! She must have your feet."
"She wants out," repeated Elrond. He moved to sit next to Celebrían on the couch and kissed her. "It is nearly time."
"My parents are here, our sons are here. I suppose this is a good time," she agreed.
"The whole house is here and waiting. Her begetting day was yesterday. I hope this lateness is not going to be a habit," spoke a voice from the door.
"Elladan! Come and you can feel her kick," Celebrían called to him, her hand held out in welcome and her face lit with joy at the sight of him.
Elladan took his mother's hand in his own, and kissed it before moving to kneel on the floor at her side. He allowed her to place his hands on her belly, and he smiled as he felt a kick through the thin silk of his mother's gown.
"Why, that must be her heel!" he exclaimed. "Adar, is that her foot?"
"Yes," answered Elrond. "She is in position to be born."
"Oh, dear," Celebrían suddenly said, her hands moving suddenly to the lower part of her abdomen as her eyes opened wide.
"Naneth?" Elladan asked, worried. "Are you well?"
Elrond laughed aloud, though, as his hands covered Celebrían's reassuringly. "Your sister plans to make her grand entrance soon. Where is Elrohir?"
"He is with Daeradar in the library," replied Elladan.
"There is time, but go deliver the news and find your grandmother too."
Elladan kissed his mother on the cheek, and left to do his father's bidding.
"I think she might come sooner than you think," Celebrían suddenly informed Elrond as warm liquid puddled beneath her on the floor. She laughed aloud at Elrond as he jumped to his feet before his trousers became soaked, then kissed her before going to obtain a towel to mop up the floor. She stood when he was finished, still graceful despite her expanded form, and her brow furrowed. "I think I shall walk a bit and then she will come."
Elrond merely smiled as he aided her in shedding the damp gown and replacing it with a short robe, then offered her his arm. They strolled out the open doors leading outside and through the quiet garden, Celebrían's hands moving slowly over her large belly as their daughter shifted and moved. Elrond recalled this experience over a century earlier, but then Celebrían's discomfort was far greater. She had become so large that she had had difficult rising of her own accord. But never, except for the begetting of their children, had he felt this level of communion with his wife. He could feel her joy and her pain, and as each contraction hit he opened his mind to help her bear it, willing some of the pain to flow through her to him.
"You are stubborn," he chided her softly, as he felt a contraction pulse through her, but not reach him. They stopped walking and he moved behind her, his hands covering hers on her belly, her head lying against his shoulder as she relaxed into him, allowing him to hold her up.
As the contraction passed, she turned her head to his and caught his lips in a kiss, her tongue probing his mouth as she tasted him. He pulled back, surprised.
"Stubborn and full of surprises!"
Celebrían smiled and continued their walk, breathing through each contraction that followed, allowing the pain to overflow to Elrond. As the contractions increased in frequency, he steered her back in the direction of their rooms. "Unless I am to catch this child here in the garden, it is time to go inside."
They entered their suite to find the bedroom prepared for birth. Elrohir stood beaming next to a tray of tools that could be needed, should any difficulty occur. Celeborn sat next to a stack of clean cloths, one already in his hands, that he would use to clean and wrap the babe in; and Elladan paced. Galadriel waited serenely, and as soon as they entered she took loving charge of her daughter, helping Celebrían to prepare herself in her dressing room even as she imparted her own comfort and strength into her daughter. She smiled as she saw the pain decrease, and then led Celebrían to her husband.
Elrond was already seated at end of the couch, and he helped Celebrían nestle in between his legs. She rested her arms on his thighs, allowing him to support most of her weight as she squatted, then sighed and rested her head against his broad chest. She looked up at him and smiled, kissing him, for she had asked him to support her rather than deliver their daughter. She had told him she felt selfish asking such a thing, but Elrond had decided if anything her request only made him love her more. He would know if there was a problem before it occurred, and others could catch the infant, but none could support Celebrían and the infant in the way that he could.
"Celebrían, you are ready," Galadriel informed them as she knelt on the floor in front of her daughter. "Begin to push when you feel the need."
The next contraction came hard and fast, and Celebrían leaned forward as she bore down, trusting Elrond to hold her and keep her from falling. She felt her braids being pinned up, and then a cool cloth brush her neck, forehead and cheeks. She smiled her thanks to Elladan, who knelt at her side.
"She has dark hair," encouraged Galadriel. She placed her hand on the crowning head, concentrating all her strength to ease the child's passage. "Push, Celebrían!"
As Elrond poured his strength into Celebrían, she poured it all into birthing their child, and suddenly the pain stopped.
"She's here!" Elrohir breathed as he held the special knife for cutting the cord.
Elrond watched the miracle before him as Celebrían drew in her breath and Galadriel caught the baby girl as she slid from his wife's body and then laid her in Celeborn's hands, on the towel he had been holding for the last hour. Elrohir handed Galadriel the knife, but she instead held up the birthing cord, and with a huge grin Elrohir cut the cord.
Elrond watched as Celeborn stood with the child in his hands, gently wiping her clean. He seemed mesmerized by the child. After a moment, Celeborn moved to sit at Elrond's other side, holding the child out so they all could see her. Celebrían leaned back against Elrond and her eyes were on the infant even as her own mother tended her.
A beautiful child with blue eyes in a pale pink face framed by dark hair met the gazes of her family with a coo. She seemed as a princess holding court, looking upon them all as if she were indeed the center of their world.
"She is the image of Lúthien," Celeborn finally said. "She is a most beautiful child."
At his pronouncement the baby cooed again, and all watching would swear she smiled at that moment. Her tiny hand curled around her grandfather's finger, and Elrond knew that she would soon have them all wrapped around her little finger.
Galadriel had finished tending Celebrían, and Elrond helped his wife to stand and then wrapped her in a clean robe. Elrohir piled cushions about the couch, and Celebrían settled into the nest he had made for her with a contented sigh. He sat down next to her and kissed her on the cheek, his eyes bright.
"Naneth, that was the most wonderful and beautiful thing I have ever seen," Elrohir whispered.
Celebrían brushed the back of her hand against his cheek, then smoothed the dark hair away from his face. Her gaze seemed far away, as if in remembrance of days past. She pulled her son close, but where normally she would have drawn him into her arms, this time Elrohir deftly turned her so that she rested in his powerful arms.
"I have only ever seen one other wondrous occasion that could compare," she agreed, "and that was when you and Elladan entered the world."
Elladan moved to sit on the other side of his mother, and the three watched in amusement as Elrond attempted to wash his daughter and swaddle her in soft blankets. The child's grandfather, however, did not wish to release her. Each time Elrond removed his touch from the babe, Celeborn would reclaim her.
"They are fighting over our sister," said Elrohir indignantly.
"Perhaps we had better rescue her," replied Elladan, with a gleam in his eye.
The twins abandoned their mother with kisses and Celebrían relaxed into the cushions with a smile as she watched her sons stalk their baby sister. They approached with Elladan moving to Elrond's side and Elrohir beside his grandfather. As soon as Elrond finished wrapping her in swaddling, Elrohir clapped his hands over his grandfather's, preventing him from reclaiming his granddaughter, and Elladan swooped in to claim the child. A moment later, the twins had their sister to themselves, and they sat on the edge of the bed as they introduced themselves to her.
"Adar, Naneth, we cannot properly introduce ourselves without knowing her name," Elladan informed them. As he spoke he pressed against Elrohir's side, preventing Celeborn from squeezing in between them.
Elrond looked to Celebrían, and at her nod he spoke. "Her name is Arwen."
Elrohir stroked the downy head and lifting the babe, kissed her on the forehead. "You seem a bit small to be a noble lady, little sister, but I am sure you will quickly grow into that name. Welcome to the family, Arwen. I am your brother, Elrohir."
Elladan nuzzled her next, and the bright blue eyes looked intently at the dark haired twins facing her, their heads touching. "And I am Elladan, and do not worry that you are having double vision. We are twins. It is wonderful to have a twin, Arwen. I am sorry you do not have one. But it just means all of our attention will go to you."
Arwen cooed and waved a small arm that she had freed from her swaddling. It was quickly caught by her grandfather, who had perched near his grandsons.
Across the room Celebrían sighed and smiled. Her mother had moved to sit next to her, and Celebrían rested her head against Galadriel's shoulder briefly.
"Naneth, I am so thankful only I can feed her, or I would never get to hold my daughter. Will you go rescue Arwen?"
Galadriel rose gracefully and walked to stand in front of the four males competing for Arwen's attention, four sets of hands that vied to capture the tiny fingers that waved at them, or stroke the dark hair, and when possible, actually remove the child from Elladan's arms.
"Give me my granddaughter," Galadriel instructed in a soft yet commanding tone. "Her mother has yet to hold her, and Arwen needs to nurse."
Elladan reluctantly relinquished his hold on the small bundle and Galadriel took advantage of the opportunity herself to meet the child. She spoke no words, but Arwen seemed to communicate with her as well, and the tiny mouth began to move as if she were suckling.
She placed the child in Celebrían's arms, and none heard what the mother spoke to her much awaited and longed for daughter, but moments later the infant latched on to her mother's breast and Celebrían relaxed into the cushions with a sigh of utter contentment.
Elrond sat next to her, drawing Celebrían and Arwen comfortably into his arms, so that Celebrían need not even support the weight of the infant. She relaxed against him, turning her face slightly to capture his lips in a kiss.
"Thank you, meleth-nín, for my daughter," she murmured.
Elladan and Elrohir laughed as Elrond kissed his wife deeply, and they knew their father would take his time to find the perfect words and actions that would speak his gratitude to Celebrían for bearing him another child. Elrohir winked at Elladan, and then spoke.
"Well, I must say that practice surely made for perfection, Adar. I cannot imagine a more perfect child than Arwen."
Elrond looked up sharply and Celebrían laughed aloud, as did Galadriel. As Elrond contemplated scolding his son, he saw the glints of humor in their eyes.
"When, exactly, did you overhear that, Elrohir?" Elrond finally asked.
Elladan laughed too then. "Adar, even I have heard that you and Naneth have been practicing making Arwen for some time."
An arched brow from his sire made Elrohir finally cease laughing and answer the question.
"The summer we were injured at the waterfall, Adar," he finally answered. "I did not know for some time why you had to practice whatever you were doing in the privacy of your own chambers, but when I asked Glorfindel he assured me it was the best place for that kind of practice."
Elrond felt color rising in his cheeks, but Celebrían was not embarrassed in the least, and continued to laugh.
"Really, Adar, it is rather an old family joke. Whenever our grandparents or Glorfindel or Erestor asked where the two of you were, the answer was that you were practicing," Elladan chimed in.
Celebrían finally ceased laughing, and kissed Elrond again. He looked into her eyes and saw weariness beneath her pride and joy.
"Well, I would say the practice was put good to use, then, for our daughter is perfect," Elrond agreed ruefully. He unpinned the braids that were still atop Celebrían's head and stroked the silver hair gently.
"Elladan, Elrohir, would you go share the news of Arwen's safe arrival with the rest of the house? We will come to the Hall of Fire this evening to present her, after your naneth has had time to rest."
The twins kissed their parents and little sister, and then left the room. Even within their sanctuary, Elrond and Celebrían could hear voices raised in joy as their sons spread the news.
As Celebrían drifted into sleep, Celeborn reclaimed his granddaughter, allowing Elrond and Galadriel to move Celebrían to her bed and tend her before she slept. To Elrond's surprise, Galadriel motioned for him to join Celebrían.
"You gave much of yourself in Arwen's arrival, too. Rest, Elrond."
Elrond drifted quickly into sleep, his hands unconsciously moving to cover Celebrían's belly as they had for so many months, and the two slept deeply.
Galadriel sat down next to Celeborn.
"I saw Lúthien when she was just a few days in this world. A beautiful child in body and spirit, she charmed all who knew her. It is no wonder Elu-Thingol would hold her captive from the outside world," said Celeborn thoughtfully.
Galadriel laughed softly. "Arwen will have a father and brothers to ensure that no one steals her heart. She is a descendent of Lúthien; it is of no great surprise that she bears a resemblance to her foremother."
"Why do I fear for her?" whispered Celeborn.
Galadriel was silent for a long moment, watching her husband tenderly hold the now sleeping child. He had reacted in a similar protective manner when Celebrían was born.
"I do not know," Galadriel replied truthfully. "Enjoy her now, hervenn, and do not let fear rob you of your grandfatherly joy. Even if there is grief in the future for any of our daughter's family, that is only reason to treasure each of them more now."
Celeborn met his wife's eyes, and when he probed through their bond he felt only truth in her words. He placed Arwen into Galadriel's arms, and then pulled them both close. No further words did they speak aloud, but in their minds they recalled and relived the joy they had felt when Celebrían was born, and then the twins, and they contented themselves for the several hours Elrond and Celebrían slept by reliving their memories of these ones they held dear.
* * *
All of Imladris had gathered in the Hall of Fire. The minstrels made soft music that others accompanied with song. A sense of lightness and joy pervaded the hall, with ready smiles on the faces of all present.
Elrond and his sons entered the Hall dressed in colors of midnight blue edged with silver, their dark hair offset by narrow silver circlets on their foreheads. They surrounded Celebrían, who dressed in silver this evening. Throughout her pregnancy she had glowed, but this night as she walked with her daughter in her arms the light seemed more brilliant, reflecting off the silver of her gown and her silver hair and offset with the fire of sapphires that Elrond had placed about her neck and in her hair.
In her arms was a child of the evening. Arwen was wrapped in a midnight blue blanket trimmed in silver, framing her face, and her blue eyes were wide open and serene.
Elrond led Celebrían through the Hall to their chairs. They did not sit, but stood before the gathered elves with their sons on either side of them.
"We are greatly honored by the presence of each of you here this evening," Elrond greeted them. "It has been of great joy to us to know that all of Imladris has waited as expectantly for the arrival of our daughter as we have."
He took Arwen from Celebrían's arms, and held her before him so that all could see her.
"I present to you our daughter, Arwen."
Lindir stepped forward amidst the murmur of greetings, and bowed before Elrond, Celebrían and Arwen.
"Lady Arwen, we welcome you to life in Imladris," he said softly as he strummed his harp.
The room grew silent, and Lindir stepped back to the group of musicians and singers. With an almost imperceptible nod of his head, Lindir motioned for the group to begin and soft music arose in the Hall. Meant to soothe and welcome the newly born child, it had been written and prepared especially for her.
When it was completed, Celebrían sat on her chair, thoughtfully cushioned by someone, and Elrond placed Arwen back in her arms. He sat next to her and their sons stood behind her as individuals from Imladris began to approach them, bearing gifts and kind words. Arwen neither cried nor fussed, but looked wide-eyed at all who passed her. Small gowns and beautiful blankets, rattles and dolls, hair ribbons and gems, and even small furniture crafted especially for Arwen were gifted to them.
To Elrond's surprise, Glorfindel and Erestor approached last. Erestor sank to his knees before Celebrían, kissing her hand and then touching Arwen's palm and grinning unabashedly as her tiny fingers wrapped around his.
"Lady Celebrían, she is as exquisite as her mother."
Elladan and Elrohir nudged each other and their shoulders shook with silent laughter. They had driven Erestor to distraction from the time they could walk, but clearly their sister had already conquered his heart. As Erestor rose his gaze settled on the brothers and his eyes narrowed slightly, but the smile did not leave his face.
"I am sure she will be an utter delight," he whispered in Elladan's ear as he moved past.
Elladan grinned back. "We shall teach her all we know."
Glorfindel was dressed as splendidly as Elrond had ever seen him, and Elrond was immediately reminded of two prior occasions when Glorfindel had appeared in his finery and with such a serious demeanor. Emotion welled up in him as he recalled the way that Glorfindel had welcomed Celebrían as his wife and Lady of Imladris, and then the way he had greeted Elladan and Elrohir on the day they were born. He knew that in Glorfindel's mind a ceremony was being played out, a vow and commitment were being made, perhaps similar to the ones he had made in Valinor before returning to Middle-earth.
Glorfindel first grasped Elrond's arm in the way of warriors, and then bowed before him. He then kissed Celebrían's hand, and bowed before her. Elrond watched Glorfindel as the golden-haired warrior then stood silently before them for some minutes, his hand over his heart, as he gazed upon the child in Celebrían's arms. Arwen met his gaze serenely. Finally his hand dropped again to his side and he knelt before Celebrían. Like Erestor before him, he touched the tiny palm with one fingertip and a smile of adoration spread across his face as the tiny fingers wrapped around his. He gently raised the small hand to his lips and kissed it, his eyes growing bright as Arwen cooed at him.
At Elrond's motion, Elrohir brought a low stool and set it beside his mother. Elrond nudged Glorfindel to sit, and then placed Arwen in his arms.
As Glorfindel introduced himself to the infant, he became aware that the twins were leaning one over each shoulder and he turned to smile at each of them.
"Glorfindel, have you fallen to her charms already?" Elladan asked, teasing.
"Yes," answered Glorfindel immediately. He motioned for them to sit, and they did so on cushions before him. "Just as I fell for your charms the first time I held each of you."
Celebrían laughed in remembrance. "He held you both in one arm, for you were each slightly smaller than Arwen, and Elladan had a hand wrapped about his thumb while Elrohir had taken hold of his small finger, and neither of you was about to let go. Glorfindel thought that Elladan's grip would lead to more skill with the sword, while Elrohir would prefer the bow."
Elladan and Elrohir laughed, for indeed Elladan excelled with the sword and Elrohir preferred the bow! But their eyes were bright and they both found themselves unconsciously moving to lean against Glorfindel's legs as they considered that he had looked at them the same way that he looked at Arwen now - with intense pride and adoration and love.
Arwen yawned, and drew her hand, still wrapped about Glorfindel's finger, to her face and began to suckle on the tip of his finger. A doting smile crossed Glorfindel's face, but he acceded gracefully to the child's demands and returned her to her mother's arms.
"Goodnight, Arwen," Glorfindel said as he kissed the dark head.
Elrohir took Arwen from his mother's arms and carried her from the Hall, Elladan at his side, while Elrond escorted Celebrían. Once the door had closed behind them, Elrond whispered in Celebrían's ear, and then scooped her up into his arms and carried her the rest of the way. He could feel her weariness as she wrapped her arms about his neck and relaxed against him, and he poured his strength into her, replenishing her.
Unsurprisingly, Galadriel was waiting for them in their rooms, and she tended to Celebrían then dressed her for bed while Elrond undressed Arwen from her finery and swaddled her comfortably in soft cloths and blankets. She had just started to fuss when Elrond placed her at Celebrían's breast. A few moments later he crawled in next to them, cuddling them to him and gently rocking them until both were asleep.
As he held them, tears of joy slid down his cheeks as feelings of love overflowed from him. He had not known that he could be this content and full of joy, but as he thought back over the day, to the dignity and beauty of his wife, and how she had given him a daughter he would cherish until the end of Arda; to the mature and wonderful sons who had assisted, and to their extended family and all of the household of Imladris, he felt a good kind of pain as he thought his heart might burst.
* * * * *
Author's Notes:
Use of Elvish: I continue to use bits of Sindarin for forms of address and terms of endearment. It helps in not shocking the Brits by using 'Mommy' and the Americans by using 'Mum'. I can write 'Nana' and everyone can translate it however they want. It also reminds me that these are elves, not humans.
Ada/Adar---------------------diminutive of father/Father
Nana/Naneth-----------------diminutive of mother/ Mother
Meleth-nín--------------------my love
Hervenn/hervess-------------husband/ wife
Regarding child development: Elves choose the begetting day of their child, and the child is born usually exactly to the day a year later. If baby Arwen seems a little more alert than what you have recalled in newborns, I am doing that on purpose. She has had three more months in the womb than a human child, and elvish children develop many skills faster than a human child in that first year of life. Laws and Customs of the Eldar (HoME Vol X, Morgoth's Ring) suggests that an elf-child learns to walk and talk before one year of age, and that they gain mastery of their bodies quite early.