Little Sister: Well hello again! This is the final chapter. Or the epilogue. Whatever. Actually, this wasn't really planned. The story was supposed to end in the last chapter, and it seemed like that too, right? So this is just because I forgot a little teensy detail that I only remembered after. Hehe…

Disclaimer: Noooo! I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or any of the characters therein. Although, if I owned Kenshin and Saitou….well, you'd never see them again would you:grins like a maniac:


Hidden Feelings Epilogue…


It was past sunrise before either Kenshin or Saito moved. They had talked all night, learning more and more about each other, occasionally stopping to share long, slow kisses. So much time had passed already, there was really no need to rush into things.

Kenshin finally stood up and stretched languidly, blushing when he caught Saito staring at him appreciatively. The older man stood gracefully, glancing up to check the position of the sun.

"We'd better get back. I have to go to work soon," he said, pulling the red-head up for another kiss.

"Mmmm," Kenshin moaned. He would never get tired of this, being kissed and held as if he was someone worth loving.

"You're thinking too much again," Saito muttered in-between kisses. "I will never leave or change my mind about you. Didn't I warn you how possessive I am?"

Kenshin sighed. "I know. It's just…I've been hiding for so long, I'm afraid I'm going to wake up and find it's all been a dream."

"Perhaps you might wish it was when you're little friends find out," Saito said teasingly.

Kenshin gasped, hand flying to his mouth. He looked at Saito with a horrified expression on his face. "Oh, dear…I think…I hope they didn't…!" He wrung his hands anxiously.

"What? What is it?"

"Hajime, I left them a note yesterday telling them…well, I didn't think I would still be in Tokyo this morning!"

Saito nodded in understanding. "You expected me to reject you." He sighed and rubbed his face wearily. "Life with you is never dull, is it?"

An embarrassed silence was his only answer.

"Come then," he said, pulling Kenshin towards him. "I suppose we must go and sort it out."

"But your job…?"

He smirked. "I'm not Chief Inspector for nothing, you know."

They set off for the dojo, Saito's arm resting comfortably around Kenshin's shoulders, ensuring that the smaller man was kept close. They walked at a leisurely pace, enjoying each other's presence. There would be lots of yelling and explanations and apologies before the day was done, but for now they had each other, and it was enough.

Kenshin looked up at the sky and smiled. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful summer day.



So…did you guess what I forgot? Yes! The stupid note that Kenshin left. Argh. I could have just cut that part out, but then…it was already in there…and…and…I'm not a very good writer. :sigh: But if you forgot all about the existence of the note, well then good for you. I wish I could have forgotten about it too. Well, that is the final, final part. There will be no more. Of this story anyway. It's been a long…was it four years? Or three?...but I had fun. This is my first "chaptered" story, so it was a real experience for me. If you've read this far, thank you so much. Send me some reviews so that I can improve and write better (hopefully…) in the future. Anyway, so long for now, minna!