Here it is. I bet everyone hates me now. Heh. I'm sure there are plenty of errors but...

10 - 4/05

Chapter XXXI: Possess Me

"I play..," Joey paused looking at his card. "Pregnant Dinosaur!"

"Pregnant.. dinosaur?" Kaiba asked taking a large sip from his beer.

"Well.. it looks kinda like a dinosaur…don't it?" Joey asked, looking at the card in confusion. He grinned. "See, it looks like a dinosaur right?"

"I cant.. see it."

Joey crawled over to Kaiba bringing the card up to his face. "Can ya see?" he slurred.

"That's not a dinosaur Joey."

"What's it then?"

"It's a… stop shaking it, I cant see."

"I'm not shakin' it! Yu'r just wasted man.." Joey laughed crawling into Kaiba's lap, resting his body against the taller boy's. "Who cares.. lets fuck.."

Kaiba brought his beer to his lips. "I don't think I've had enough beer for that yet.."

Joey ripped the beer out of Kaiba's hand and tossed it across the room, shattering it against the mini-bar counter. He grabbed Kaiba by the back of his hair and kissed him roughly. "Lets.. get on the couch.."

They stood up slowly, using each other to balance. Kaiba stumbled backwards, falling against the wall taking Joey with him. Kaiba giggled hysterically.

"Why're you laughin'?"

Kaiba continued to laugh.

"Stop laughin' at me." Joey slurred angrily. Kaiba kept giggling. "I said shut up!" Joey screamed smacking Kaiba in the face. Joey hit him again. "Don't laugh when I say stop!"

Kaiba covered up his face with his arms. "I'm sorry!"

"Don't laugh at me!" Joey punched Kaiba in the stomach causing the taller boy to crumble to the ground. Joey stared down at him. "Kaiba!" Joey saw that Kaiba was crying. "Kaiba, I didn't mean it. Kaiba, I'm so sorry!"

Kaiba turned away when Joey tried to touch him. "Don't.. don't touch me.."

"Kaiba 'm sorry.. I didn't mean ta hit ya." Joey tried to touch him again, this time Kaiba didn't refuse him, he still flinched though. "I'm not gonna hit you again.. 'm sorry Kaiba."

Kaiba looked at him with tears in his eyes. "Why did you hit me?"

"I dunno.. I'm sorry.." Joey kissed Kaiba slow and gentle. He pulled him up and held him in a tight embrace. "Lets get on the couch 'kay."

Kaiba nodded and they slowly made their way to the light yellow sofa. Kaiba laid down slowly on his side, laying his head against the armrest and letting his feet fall onto the ground. Joey sat down by Kaiba's backside and slowly ran his fingers along Kaiba's hip.

"Very beautiful.." Joey leaned down and bit Kaiba's ass playfully. Kaiba yelped in response. "Let's.. do it.."

Kaiba didn't answer.

Joey woke up slowly, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looked around. Beneath him lie Kaiba, wide awake.

"Hey, you okay?" Joey asked studying Kaiba's response.

"You jackass.."

"What'd I do?" Joey should have known better. The past had already shown him that he wasn't good with alcohol in his system and Kaiba so easy to access.

"You fucking moron, you forgot to use a condom.."


"So! SO!" Kaiba screamed sitting up. "What are you? Dense? Haven't you ever heard of STD's and HIV? What if either of us had it? We'd both be royally fucked!"

Joey was quiet for a while. Then, "Well.. how was it?"


"The sex. Good? Alright? …bad?"

Kaiba glared at Joey. "Get out of my room."

"What? Why?"

"Get out of my room!" Kaiba screamed throwing a pillow at him. "Get the fuck out of my room!"

Joey didn't have to be told a third time, he was out of there.

"Ryou?" Dylan asked poking his head out into the living room.


"Could I speak with you for a moment."

"Sure," Ryou said setting his book down. "What's up?" he asked stepping into the kitchen.

"Um, well.. I was wondering.." Dylan fidgeted with a pan while he spoke. "You're quite young, and with what kind of work you have been in, in the past.. I suppose you haven't given it much thought but.." Dylan went quiet.

"Given what much thought?"

"Well, .. I was wondering.. have you been tested?"

"Tested? Tested for what?" Of course he knew what Dylan was asking, he just wished that he meant something else.

"Have you ever gotten tested for HIV?"

Now Ryou fidgeted. "No.. I couldn't.. I would have to have Bakura sign for me."

"Right, well, I have some friends at the hospital and I worked something out. I think that it would be very important if you got tested."

Ryou looked at his feet. "What if.. I..was positive? And we.." Ryou's eyes widened slightly. What if he gave it to Dylan.. or what if Dylan gave it to him. That was it, it had to be. Why would Dylan ask if he had been tested if he wasn't implying that he was positive himself? He probably felt bad that he had had sex with a minor and given him HIV in one go. "Are you..?"

"I tested negative. Hopefully you will test the same. Um, how many guys have you slept with since me?"

"Um.." Ryou paused to think. "Only two or three.. maybe…"

"Well, its possible that you could have gotten infected after me.. maybe even before me."

"Then how could you not have gotten it?"

"Well, I did use a condom, they aren't guaranteed to protect you but.."

Ryou nodded his head sullenly. He tried to remember to use them, sometimes he forgot.. mostly his costumers forgot. He was always too afraid to mention it, afraid they would refuse him or think about the situation too much.

"I'm gonna go lay down for awhile.." Ryou said quietly.

"Do you want me.. to come too?"

Ryou looked back at Dylan. No, he didn't want him to be there.. but, he did. "Please."

Ryou woke up slowly. There was a soft warmth at his back, he knew it was Dylan. Not too long ago it was Tristan at his back.. before that, Bakura. Countless others had held him, but not soft like this. Possessive. Razor had owned him, even Tristan had tried to. But Dylan wasn't possessive, not like them. He held on knowing he would have to let go. He kissed knowing he would never own what was on the inside, and loved, never expecting to be loved back.

This was a man afraid of his own shadow, yet he was stronger than the rest.

Ryou pushed his head under Dylan's chin, accidentally knocking him awake. Ryou leaned up and kissed the stubble on his chin. "Thank you."

Dylan shifted and Ryou could feel the smile against his hair. "I'm glad.. that I could make you happy, even if its only for a moment."

"You always make me happy." It was true. All the while he had been living here Dylan had never hurt him, never asked anything of him. He just let him be.

Dylan said nothing, Ryou said nothing. There was nothing to say.

"Hello?" Malik asked answering the phone.

"Hey, it's me."

"Bakura! Where the hell are you? Come home already, its getting late."

"I still have some things to finish up."

"Bakura, you tell me where you are, I'm coming to get you." Malik grabbed his coat and started to pull it on.

"It's okay, I'll be home in an hour."

"What are you doing? What's going on? Who's with you? I can hear some voices."

"Malik, I'll tell you when I get home, but I really need to go now. Don't worry, nothing's happening. I'm fine."

"You better not be lying to me." Malik's voice cracked as he was on the verge of hysteria. "Please, please come home.."

Malik heard the phone disconnect.

"You fucking jerk!" he screamed. He sank down to the floor, the phone cradled on his shoulder. "I love you.."

Bakura came home to find Malik asleep on the couch amid the remnants of the rest of the living room. Malik must have been pretty pissed after Bakura hung up on him. Speaking of which, the phone was in his hands still. Bakura smiled slightly at this, it was kind of cute how much of a housewife Malik proved to be, waiting up late for her husband to come home. It was stupid to play into this fantasy, but Bakura couldn't help but lean down to give Malik a quick kiss on the cheek.

Something wasn't right.


The telephone cord was wrapped around Malik's neck tightly.

'Hell no! This cant be happening. Malik, Malik, you cant be serious..'

Bakura slipped his fingers under the cord, loosening it quickly.

'Good, he's still breath.. what the..?'

Malik's arms were tied up with the cords, and there was ductape over his mouth and a slight gash on his head. This wasn't a suicide attempt.. someone had done this. And that someone could still be in the house.

Bakura untied Malik while keeping his eyes on the kitchen door and the hallway. He took off his coat and wrapped it around Malik. With all the movement Malik opened his eyes. He had a slightly confused look on this face but quickly recognized Bakura. His eyes became large and teary, full of fear. Bakura motioned for him to remain silent as he helped Malik with the tape. Malik couldn't help uttering a whimper. Bakura held him close and whispered into his ear. "It's okay, I'm here. Who did this, are they still here?" Malik shrugged. Just as Bakura was going to tell him that he was going to check, they heard a loud crash from upstairs. "Stay here. If anyone comes near you, you scream okay. But only if they are coming at you, if they are paying you no attention, stay quiet okay." Malik nodded. Bakura gave Malik a soothing kiss on his forehead. "Its okay."

Bakura grabbed a large carving knife from the gutted kitchen and climbed the stairs quietly. He sidled along the wall, knife at his side. Rummaging noises came from Ryou's room. The door was closed most of the way, only cracked open a little bit. Bakura crouched down on the floor, trying to peek into the room through the crack. He couldn't see anyone, they were and the other side of the room. He would poke the door open some more if Ryou's door didn't squeak. Instead he placed the knife on the ground and used it as a mirror. He could see two people in the room, they were digging through Ryou's clothes.

He needed a plan. He could burst into the room, but then what? Stab them? Threaten them? What would he do? They didn't appear to be armed, but what if they were? Malik wasn't shot through with bullet holes, but maybe they just didn't need to kill him.

But.. what were they even here for? Although everything was a mess, everything was still there. The TV, the stereo, even dinner was still on the table.

Ryou. They must be looking for Ryou. Razor's thugs maybe?

Bakura needed to make his entrance as scary as hell. Maybe he could pump them for information as well.

Slowly Bakura pushed the door open. The two idiots, now preoccupied with Ryou's underwear drawer, didn't notice him enter.

"Hey man, look, lace! Razor sure has got one weird fuck-toy."

"Oh my god, he's even got a bra. What the fuck is wrong with this kid?"

Bakura leaned over them and said, "He may be weird but at least he's got more brains than the two of you."

To be continued...

I am a lowlife. I'm sorry I've let so much time come in between updates, how horrid. I dont really watch Yugioh anymore.. so I've lost a great deal of interest. But, rereading it, I find that I still like the.. drama and that I also owe all of you guys, my fans of sorts, an end. I promise to update, I have a very.. persistant friend (you know who ya are) who will not let me do anything other than die to keep me from updating further.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed last chapter. I'm sorry I've let you down, please forgive me, I'm really sorry. (I also got into a fight with someone on gaiaonline so, I'm feeling pretty low right now)