By CrystalBlueSeraph
Disclaimer: I don't own characters and settings from sailormoon and inuyasha.
Chapter 8
Sesshoumaru, taiyoukai of the Western Land sat alone in his study pondering. He was thinking about the actions he had to take in regards of the request his guest, the messenger from the Northern Lands, had petitioned.
He also pondered about the quarrel he had with his brother, an act that he greatly disdained because of the long time battle he had been fighting within him in regards of his feelings or, he thought but doubt, lack thereof for his only blood relative, although half, who were still living.
He fought with his brother, something that always occurred whenever they were within close proximity of each other because of their differences that seemed to always clash with frightful intensity, only to be disturbed by his faithful toad youkai servant - Jaken.
Sesshoumaru walked through the empty hallways of his castle, his footsteps unnaturally absent and unheard in his wake, his servant following obediently but noisily at his heels. The toad had been stomping his little feet and staff as he walked, coupled with faint muttering and wining that was caused by his hurt pride of not being trusted enough to deliver a what the toad thought was a measly message.
Sesshoumaru ignored his servant, steady with his languid gait as he approached the main door of his castle to meet this messenger that his servant swore to have urgent news from his allied neighboring kingdom.
As he stepped through the doors opened by Jaken, he felt his brother's rapid flight from the castle grounds which he ignored just as well. He would deal with him at a later time, preferably when this business was dealt with.
From across the vast courtyard, he saw a small figure, roughly the size of a human young man, in a rough looking cloak that covered from head to toe. He watched impassionedly as his servant went ahead of him to intercept the messenger who was walking in his direction.
Inwardly, he was slightly curious as to the identity of the messenger because when he tried to probe the said stranger, he wasn't able to acquire any information; not a scent was traced, not a race unveiled, and not an energy or power level revealed.
With his fine and superior hearing, he listened to the one sided conversation his servant and the messenger was having.
"Who let you in past the gate?" Jaken asked in an irritated tone, brandishing his gnarled two-headed staff in front of the cloaked messenger.
"You were supposed to wait for Sesshoumaru – sama and I over there." He pointed at the direction of the looming high gate. "No one gave you the permission to step in this castle grounds with your soiled and dirty..." He glanced down at the messenger's feet just to grunt in disapproval and disdain at seeing only the end of a dusty cloak. "...feet."
"You could have just given me the message moments before and not make me disturb Sesshoumaru – sama on his discussion with his brother." Jaken continued. He did not notice the slight and barely heard snort the messenger let out, an action that was not overlooked by the taiyoukai of the Western Lands. The sound was slightly familiar to Sesshoumaru but was too faint and short to be recognized.
The messenger sidestepped the toad youkai and walked straight at Sesshoumaru who was standing just ten feet from them. Jaken sputtered in outrage and intercepted the impetuous advancing stranger.
"You, you impertinent fool! I was talking to you, you lowly sack of dirt. No one had given you permission to progress and be at the presence of my Lord Sesshoumaru..." Jaken rambled on in a high pitched and gritty voice, unheeded of the growing danger he was in, of the rapidly decreasing temperature that slowly caused the puffs of breath to be visible to those present within a wide radius of the messenger's surrounding.
Tiny icicles spread through the grounds, originating from where the messenger was standing, freezing the soil, the grass, and some of the plants it encountered. An icy chilling wind swept past through the courtyard, further silencing all the living creatures that were currently present within the surrounding. This entire changes still unnoticed by the ranting toad.
"...Didn't they teach you the proper way of..." Jaken rambled on and would have continued if not by his master's cold address, his tone of voice implying displeasure.
"Jaken." Sesshoumaru called out in his usual cold and disapproving voice. Silencing the servant before the said servant looses his life from the wrath of the messenger who by now he recognized. He didn't want to bother using his sword to revive his servant just because of ignorance.
The said messenger who knew by now that her identity was already recognized by the taiyoukai, pushed her hood off to reveal a beautiful flawless face with a set of vivid light blue eyes, so alike her brother's, fringed by dark, thick and long lashes, beneath an elegant arc of eyebrows. She also possessed a delicate and graceful straight nose and red luscious lips that were currently in a pout sporting a slight tinged of humor.
"Ah. Sesshoumaru – sama. I wasn't going to kill him. I was just going to encase him in ice...just as long as my period of stay here within your castle." Amy, princess of the Northern Lands and sister to its current ruler, voiced in cold humor...her eyes betraying her desire to execute what she had just conveyed. She looked perfectly calm and composed as she conversed, a composure that was ingrained in her through all the training and basic living she underwent.
Her usual demeanor and self-control was the only thing that was stopping her on acting what she had always felt like doing with the particular toad youkai whom she thought should be taught a lesson on keeping his beak-mouth shut at all times. She had always prided herself on keeping cool and not acting out on her feelings, so unlike her brash brother, and she was not going to loose that now.
She swept her fingers through her short-cropped blue hair to reveal a small sign at the center of her forehead. It was a blue heart shaped symbol with two antennas at its top and a small cross at its base.
"Greetings Sesshoumaru – sama. I apologize for not informing you of my arrival today. As you can see, I came here in secrecy." Amy stated and bowed gracefully, subtly indicating her dusty cloak.
"A - Amy – sama. Forgive this lowly servant. I did not recognize you because of that cloak you wear. Please forgive this Jaken. Please Amy – sama. Forgive me." Jaken stuttered in fear and impassioned apology, all the while bowing consecutively in a kneeling position.
Amy rolled her eyes at the display, further ticking off the reason why she really wanted to enclose the said toad youkai in ice. It was the groveling and the butt-kissing attitude that the youkai always seemed to execute in her presence. She often wondered the reason why Sesshoumaru kept the servant at all, which left her grumbling inside because of the blinding reason she already knew by heart; Jaken was a very loyal servant. Never had she seen a servant so loyal, even with all the abuse the said servant always suffered in the hands of his own master.
She deigned no discern at the profusely apologizing youkai and set her eyes at the lord whom she wanted to converse with...alone preferably.
"Amy – sama. You're presence is always welcome within my castle walls and lands. I believe you have a matter you wanted to discuss with me but in the meantime, would you like to rest and partake sustenance?" Sesshoumaru inquired, as he observed his guest's physical well being.
He observed that she was slightly dusty caused by traveling on foot, the wolf youkai's preferred mode of travel, but other than that and the rumpled cloak she was wearing, she looked perfectly well and very capable of defending herself in case of an unwanted battle.
"Thank you for the offer, Sesshoumaru – sama. But I would like to speak with you first before basking on all the comforts you could provide. If we could proceed to your study?..." Amy replied decorously. She wanted to finish what she came for as soon as possible. Time spent waylaying would be time wasted which she could not afford.
"As you lady." Sesshoumaru intoned and proceeded on leading the way to his study, Jaken scrambling through ahead of them to open the doors for his master and the lady he greatly insulted and offended moments before.
Oh Jaken was in quite a dilemma. He did not intend to offend Amy – sama, but he did not know that the messenger was her in the first place. If only Amy – sama revealed her identity sooner, then he wouldn't have mistaken her for a lowly youkai messenger.
For Jaken, Amy – sama was a few of the youkais he truly respected. Being of royal blood and her outstanding position in all youkai society because of her brilliant mind and her show of unique power, she was among the individuals no one would want to come across with. Being one of his Lord Sesshoumaru's few friends gave her in second position of the pedestal to worship he created, next to his Sesshoumaru – sama of course.
She and his master had been friends since they were little cubs, studying together, training in combat together, and basically growing up together. Both had brilliant and unmatched minds, both studious and disciplined, unlike each of their brothers – Lord Inuyasha, half-brother of Sesshoumaru – sama, and Lord Kouga, brother of Amy – sama and the current taiyoukai of the Northern Lands, who had always wasted their time fighting each other.
'I will make it up to her...somehow.' Jaken thought with determination, thinking of all the comforts he could serve while she reside at his master's castle.
Upon entering the study, Sesshoumaru commanded his servant. "Jaken, Prepare a room for Amy – sama. Upon the conclusion of our meeting, I expect that all the things she needs for a bath and sustenance would be available and prepared. Leave us. I will call for you when we are done." He dismissed Jaken with the wave of his hand and proceeded on walking across the room to stop by the tall opened window that overlooked a magnificent scene of lush green forest of tall trees and rich mountains.
Jaken hurried out of the study to do his master's bidding, more than grateful at his master for allowing him to redeem himself for the mistake he had done.
Silence reigned in the study, Sesshoumaru waiting for his friend to speak, and Amy thinking of the best way to word her need. Amy was not one to ask for help whenever she needed one. She had always solved all her problems on her own.
Sesshoumaru decided to break the silence with his own inquiry. Having grown up with his friend, he knew that it would be hard for her to ask for help for she possessed as high a pride as his own. He had an inkling of what her arrival was about. There had been news of a problem with a particular race of youkai who wanted to usurp the throne - the Birds of Paradise.
"Tell me Amy – sama. Does this visit pertain to the problem of rebels you have right now in your lands?"
Amy looked squarely at him and smiled a small smile. She was grateful that he broached the subject himself. "Yes...Yes. As usual, you are well informed my Lord. As you must have known, the Birds of Paradise have been a constant thorn in our kingdom. I advised my brother a long time ago to put a stop on those youkais and clip their wings...literally, but he did not heed. Now, their numbers had grown and they had been too bold as of late, ravaging and killing not only human villages but also the different packs of wolf youkais living in groups within our lands. They had become much too powerful a force to recon with on our own, having the advantage of avoiding our attacks in air."
"If you need help in eliminating the pests, I would gladly oblige." Sesshoumaru informed, taking it into his hands to suggest what he predicted she would ask. He was very disappointed in Lord Kouga. His judgement on him as an incompetent ruler further increased his disdain. 'Lady Amy would have been a far more capable ruler than that brother of hers.' He thought.
"I would be very grateful, Sesshoumaru – sama." Amy replied in relief. She knew she could count on him. Now, all she had to do was convince her brother to allow Sesshoumaru help him in his quest to destroy the Birds of Paradise, loathsome youkai specie that caused great destruction and chaos within their lands.
"Now, would you explain why you came to me in secrecy?" Sesshoumaru asked, curious as to what had made her disguise as a messenger when she could just travel as herself. The only reason he could think of was because she was hiding from the Birds of Paradise, but even disguised as a messenger, the Birds of Paradise would have attacked her...messenger or not...because of just being a wolf youkai.
"Well, I..." Amy flushed. She didn't really want to tell him that she came without the approval of her brother. He didn't really want to ask for help from anybody else. Her advice of acquiring help from any of their neighboring allied kingdoms which would be of great advantage over their enemy was dismissed just like the other advises and suggestions she proposed in the past.
Thinking that since Sesshoumaru already gave his word that he would help and was honor-bound not to back up, she decided to tell the truth.
"The fact is, Kouga have no knowledge of my coming here. If he got a word of my travel here when I was on my way, he would have intercepted me, hindering me from seeking you out."
"I see." Sesshoumaru nodded in understanding, knowing how much faster Kouga was in comparison to her speed.
Amy wandered through Sesshoumaru's study, pulling and reading some scrolls that piqued her attention every now and then. Everything she wanted to discuss at this time had been dealt with, so she was just waiting to be dismissed. She wanted to take that bath she knew was already prepared for her. Traveling on foot tends to leave said traveler covered in dust and filth, a state she was not accustomed to.
"I will inform General Malachite to prepare a group of my warriors. I plan on accompanying you and participating in the upcoming battle." Sesshoumaru informed. He saw the grateful look she had in her eyes and was greatly pleased.
"Jaken." Sesshoumaru called. He knew that his servant had been in a quiet vigil just outside the door.
The toad youkai obediently opened the door and waited for his instruction.
"Escort Amy – sama to her room."
"It would be an honor, my Lord. My Lady?" Jaken bowed in respect and opened the door wide enough for Amy to pass.
"Once again...I thank you." Amy conveyed graciously before stepping out of the room. She followed Jaken into what she knew would be a very relaxing experience, well, as long as Jaken kept his mouth shut, like what he was currently doing now.
After a while, Sesshoumaru left his study, heading towards the battlements and training grounds where he knew he would find his general.
Arriving at the place he seeked, he looked around in approval. The warriors under his rule, a group of diverse loyal youkais with great fighting skills, were currently in training headed by General Malachite.
General Malachite was an inuyoukai, sporting shoulder length silver hair, and silver eyes. He was as tall and as built as Sesshoumaru. His skill in combat was outstanding, worthy of his title, trained by Sesshoumaru himself.
"Sesshoumaru – sama." General Malachite greeted in respect, bowing with his arms straight as his sides. He straitened up after a while and waited for his orders stoically.
Sesshoumaru eyed his General and the trainees, who were currently bowing in respect, present in the vast training ground.
Addressing General Malachite, he informed him authoritatively in a monotone voice. "Have 20 of our best warriors ready. 10 will be responsible for guarding the castle grounds and the other 10 will accompany me in the Northern Lands for a included. We will leave before the sun is at its peak – noon."
General Malachite bowed in silent compliance.
"Proceed." Sesshoumaru commanded as he turned to go. He had to inform Amy of their departure.
To be continued.............................