Author notes : well another chapter without prereader ok my English isn't good but I am improving I wrote this chapter some time ago so it must be bad

Also I'll answer my reviews

Grokill thank you when I revised the first version I think you are right I am still learning to write an was a big honor to get a review from you also you help me to improve a lot I used to write short chapters and the – talking- method I changed that

SpikeyKun also thanks I know my grammar isn't shining but consider that English is my second language and I am still learning but still I read your advice

Mz-Kitty-Kat another personality of the Ranma/Nabiki match ups really I loved your stories and is a honor that you read this one maybe you could contact me I have a few ideas and maybe we can work a fic between us

To the rest of the reviewers thank you I read all my reviews and I slowly improve

so on the story

Chapter 3

Teen years later Juuban

Ranma was a great cook now his okonomiyaki was in par with the old Ucchan and now he was a master of okonomiyaki martial arts and anything goes even if Ukyo didn't know how he learned anything goes.

Ukyo was proud of her son, his abilities were far beyond her hopes and he continued to improve he even was capable of a ki blast, but with his father that was logical, although he could love more to make okonomiyaki , at least Ucchan's was generating a lot of income.

Sometimes Ukyo wondered if Ranma was alive but she hadn't heard of him in a long time but he promised to return one day, Ukyo haven't said nothing to little Ranma he was too young and she surely despised his grandfather although she wanted her boy to grow healthy she didn't want little Ranma to be tainted by the fat panda

One day Ukyo received a letter her eyes grew big as saucers "son, pack your things we are moving" Ukyo said and dragged an unhappy Ranma to the airport "the bimbo kidnapped Ranma I am sure of this" she thought while buying the tickets "wait a moment Ranma your cute fiancee will come for you" she mentally added

Meanwhile in Joketsuzoku the annual tournament was taking place and Nabiki aka Pur fum was having lots of troubles mainly because she didn't like to fight physically, usually she prefer an approach more intellectual but now that wasn't going to happen because the law states that every maiden must enter the tournament unless the maiden is crippled or dead.

she didn't like the laws but she now understand some of them like the law abut dunking someone on purpose in jusenkyo (only elders have that privilege and still half of the council must approve) that was barbaric a little girl life was screwed up some time ago because a dumb amazon submerged her little girl in the spring of drowned fish (how can a fish drown was something that Nabiki wondered) the girl now was resting in a tank believing that she is a fish and the mother was condemned to spend the rest of her life locked in the ring of her mother. Nabiki shuddered now understanding why Shampoo was so keen in get Ranma

but that wasn't her worst problem at least her grandmother gave her a temporally solution and in this tournament she only have to worry about the fight. she could beat her opponents without effort she had lots of techniques and with the bakutsai tenketsu training that she had, few amazons were capable of break her defenses.

There was the last fight Kyra, everybody thought she was in the way to become a mage, her grandmother elder Tou well trained her well, a mage could beat the best fighter if she was careful "good luck Pur fum" Kyra said, Kyra really liked her, Pur fum didn't tease her because she was weaker physically, and she was one of her few friends, Kyra felt grateful for that but that don't mean that she was going to thrown the fight.

Nabiki began with a charge and Kyra dodged her velocity was really awesome even at amaguriken speed Nabiki couldn't hit her, Kyra was well versed in fighting opponents faster and stronger than her but even if Kira's magical aura was bigger than Nabiki's still she couldn't drop her guard because she needed all the concentration to got the right moves

Just when Kyra was about to attack suddenly a cry resounding in the nearest wall, Nabiki recognized it although the battle cry was a bit off coming from Ukyo unfortunately that distraction made Kyra sloppy enough to fall of the challenge log Nabiki didn't noticed that she was the new champion all her senses were in the voice

"Shampoo prepare to die" Ukyo said with anger "how could you steal Ran-chan" she added when began to throw mini spatulas Shampoo dodged all the mini spatulas. Shampoo was not the immature fighter that she was once, now she was the youngest matriarch and her skills improved a lot in the years.

Ranma recognized were they were heading and tried to discourage his new mother to run but when she hired the jusenkyo guide he knew that she was serious "I wonder how can she still love my past self when she got another guy" he thought when Ukyo went to the battle he knew that was going to cause troubles he needed to look for a way to escape.

Unfortunately he didn't knew anything that could save them short of interrupting the fight and Ranma knew that Ukyo and Shampoo wouldn't give up unless something big happen then he spotted something, she was familiar so he approached her "hello Nabiki " he greeted.

"Ranma what are you doing here" Nabiki asked, she was surprised Ranma was here and he looked exactly like sixteen years

"I could ask you the same question" he replied "good to see you I never thought the mirror would do this to us" he said suddenly they were approached by Kyra

"hey Pur Fum this guy is bothering you" she asked in chinese because she saw him with the crazy woman who attacked the matriarch

Ranma could be clueless and don't have the barely idea of chinese but he understood a word perfume and he put two and two together and began to laugh so that was Nabiki's new name "cool name Perfume" he said between laughs.

"shut up it isn't funny Saotome" she replied

"actually is Kuonji now" Ranma said

"you got married with Ukyo?" Nabiki asked she recognized her mistake when Ranma turned green

"man that was sick" Ranma replied "who you think I am, Uchaan is my mother now" Ranma explained, Nabiki then realized that the same thing that occurred to her occurred to him probably he waked up some day remembering all of his past life

Kyra was confused she didn't knew japanese but Pur fum was talking in flawless japanese and she didn't studied "maybe she is using a translating spell"

"so what about your life" Ranma asked

"not much but now I understand a little better mother and grandmother trained me to be the best warrior of all the amazons" Nabiki replied

"care to test it against a master" Ranma said "I challenge you" Ranma said without thinking in the consequences

"ok" she said and then she took a battle stance Ranma also took a battle stance

Kyra was confused about this turn of events "she must have challenged him she wanted him to become her airen" she mused with a bit of envy he was a hunk and for his stance he was a great fighter

When Ranma began to practice with Ukyo he wasn't so keen in fight women but after years of practice he lost that feeling and now he could defend himself from women attacks but now Nabiki was a better fighter than the old shampoo he evaded her initial kick but that was really close.

Nabiki saw when he evaded her kick "good but not enough kashu tenshin amaguriken" she shouted when she performed her technique Ranma barely could evade her attack and that's only because he improved his own amaguriken technique

He could use the shiryu shoten ha but that would endanger her so he lunched a ki blast Nabiki concentrated her own ki and returned the blast Ranma evaded it but the ki blast hit his arm then he launched himself to Nabiki in a flying kick

The sounds of fight interrupted Shampoo and Ukyo they went to check about what was that noise they were speechless their children were fighting Shampoo was calm, she was sure that Pur fum would be the victorious.

Nabiki saw the kick that was easy to dodge she jumped but when she landed she tripped with a stone and fell in a small pond and disappeared from view

Ranma was worried where Nabiki went then he saw that he was being observed by all the amazons in a mix of wonder and desire that's was the cue for Ukyo for grab him out the hell of here it looked that Ranma(father) wasn't here and she didn't want little Ranma pass for the same troubles, so they ran.

Nabiki cursed her luck "just this time to the effect to wear off" she meowed angrily she hated her curse who could think that jusenkyo curses could be hereditable she used waterproof soap for events but since that soap wasn't cheap she used as little as possible so the effect wear off a little soon.

Cologne saw all this she shook her head "this was unexpected" she considered "I think its time to talk with Pur fum about her origins" she thought then she grabbed the angry cat and took her to the nearest hut.