Everything seemed to be perfect for Haley James lately. She and Lucas were on

the same page, she was finally with Nathan, and she didn't even fight with her

mother this morning. Even the walk to school seemed heavenly, despite the chill.

The air smelt of fall and apple pie. She loved being able to wear her favorite tan

sweater again. She was actually looking forward to school. This was the first day

that she and Nathan were officially a couple. Haley entered her English class and

was met with many glares. She ignored them and went to her usual seat in the

center of the room. The cheerleader, Tammy, who was sitting next to her,

leaned over.

"Hey you're Haley, right?" Tammy whispered.

"Yeah, I'm Haley"

Haley had no clue why Tammy was talking to her now considering the only time

she even acknowledged Haley's presence was once sophomore year when Haley

accidentally sat in her seat in geometry.

"I heard you were dating Nathan Scott," she said skeptically.

By this time everyone in class seemed to be looking at Haley. Waiting for her


"That's true, I am dating him."

"Oh" Tammy turned back to her friends and snickered.

'Great, this is all I need to ruin my day.' Haley thought.

All of her morning classes seemed to be a repeat of English class. Full of stares

and snickers.

She even heard on boy say "Must be out of pity."

She was never so glad to hear the bell ring

Haley saw Nathan just as she entered the cafeteria. He looked amazing in his red

sweater and jeans. He was being gushed over by the cheerleaders as usual. She

started to walk over to her usual table that she and Lucas sat at when Peyton

came up to her.

"Haley, How are you?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Well everyone is talking about you and Nathan, and I just wanted to see how

you were taking it."

Peyton knew all about the rigors of dating Nathan Scott.

"I have to admit it is really freaking me out."

"Well just remember that if you need to talk i'm available."

"Ok I will."

With that Peyton walked back over by Brooke. Haley felt as if everything was

changing and she was really worried about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nathan had seen Peyton go over and talk to Haley and wondered what they were

possibly talking about. After Peyton walked away Haley looked like a deer caught

in headlights. He got up from his table and walked up behind her. He gently

slipped his hand around her waist and turned her to face him.

"Hey Scott." she said.

"Hey James."

Haley smiled at him and is seemingly made everyone go away. He brought his

lips to hers ever so softly. At first she had some resistance but then she

completely relaxed in his arms.

"Will you come sit with me?" he asked.


She seemed anything but thrilled. When she saw who was sitting at "his" table

her stomach quenched. Every person sitting at the table had made her life HELL

at one point or another. Nathan felt her hesitate and stop once she saw the

table. He leaned over and whispered softly in her ear.

"It will be fine."