

Chap 8- - - - The Prophecy…




Coming events cast their shadows before




Red-head lord to the Female Slave trade leaned into the fur chair of the dimly lit chamber.

"Are you understanding me?"

No answer.

"Are you understanding me boy?"

'Boy? Ughh, you'll take that one back for sure'

"Yes, my lord"

"Good." He paused. "As you should know, what's happening to our kind is nothing short of the prophecy…"

"Prophecy?" eyes of gold averted, a smirk dancing on his features, "how mundane" he whispered…

"Battousai" his name was pronounced deeply in a cold warning. "These prophecies are no lie…"

"If you say so…" cocky was his reply…

"Battousai, goddamn it" he slammed his fists into the dark Mahogany table, "can't you behave your bloody self for once. For once this isn't a joke, this isn't about you…" the irate demon hissed out.

Battousai wore cold features. His face devoid and his eyes staring right back into the demon's face.

"I wasn't expecting it so Unix…I never did" Battousai added darkly, his eyes emphasizing his cold tongue.

"So you say," a pause of dreaded silence swept over the both. Unix sighed, leaning back into his chair, feeling a certain loss since he pictured the doom of the demon's race in a vision he couldn't quite say he understood. It was like a blur, with nothing clearly shown, or comprehensive.

"Battousai…" the deep voice continued, "you and the other demons may think this as some stupid little joke. But I don't. It's serious. It's dreaded. Maybe once and for all, this may be the end of the demons…" he paused to see the young demon's eyes open in flinch of shock.

"What?" Battousai leaned forward, not quite sure what he just heard

"You're hearing me right boy. The end of our kind. The rebellion of the human beings." He drew a long sigh before finding his eyes on the floor, "The little mortal girl ---didn't you see the anger, the way she looked back at me. It's like I had no effect on her, none what's so ever, and whose to say her kind wouldn't follow her and do likewise and rebel?" he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "recently Battousai, the demons have gotten a message from the deities and witches. They call it the end, I call it, the prophecy. The last days of our kind." He taunted the topic on the sensitive youth.

"What exactly Unix, did the deities and witches say?" Battousai asked uncertainly.

"Death," "Our death. There is going to be an uprising Battousai. One in which will be in the favour of the human beings, rebelling against all the evils of this earth. And my second guess tells me, it revolves strongly around the Consecrated Virgin." He pursed his lips leaning into the fur chair relentlessly.

Battousai swallowed deeply, "The Consecrated Virgin? What's she that whore, got to do with this?" Battousai lashed out, trying to feign the fact he wasn't interested in her.

"Everything…and then, just nothing. You see Battousai, the Consecrated Virgin, is a sacred vessel of goodness. Her body is the most enlightening of them all, she represents a flame of hope and life itself for people. I think, if I've read the blur I called a vision correctly, mankind will fight for their lady and she will fight for revenge…" Unix screwed his eyes, "it doesn't make sense, because the virgin doesn't possess hate, but revenge is form of hate itself, and for such a supreme body to do such a thing, it really says its our last days." He leaned forward.

"We have two options Battousai, and I swear you for one are not going to like them…the first, kill her"

"What? Kill her, why…i-its…we shouldn't…" Battousai snapped

"Two. We impregnate her body with the child of a demon itself. Nurturing her to rise on our defense. I however, will make her pregnant, and that means you and the other little demon-boys, will get your act together and restrain your dirty-minds. Rinse them clean from sensuality. I swear Battousai, I will kill you, if you touch her…and you will see this with ease if you ignore me…" the demon faltered not.

"How do you know of my crush on her Unix?" a cruel smirk danced his face.

"Knowing it's your filthy mind--knowing your hate for me and the devil, knowing your own dislike to share in the females…I wouldn't expect anything short of you. You survived death and reincarnated your own soul into a demon. Surely Battousai, nothing is more powerful…more sardonic, more betraying, than you and that soul of yours" he smirked to see Battousai grin.

"You'd like to touch and make her yours wouldn't you?" Unix broaden his smirk…

"Indeed, who wouldn't…" Battousai licked his lips at the thought.

"You're right." Unix facial expression changed into a serious grim one, "that's exactly why I'll kill you to emphasize my rules…from now on, all the blue and different coloured eye women will come straight to me. You my friend, will receive the green-eyes and the dirty bloods. Understood?" the demon stood from his chair.

Battousai's eyes cast low into Unix's own. Bubbling amber eyes felt the hate and sin of allowing this disgrace take what was rightfully his. Battousai felt his hands shake in anger and his brows sweat from erratic anger. 'You take what isn't yours…and I'll take what will soon be mine…'

Battousai stood to his feet, "you'll see Unix…" his whispered through gritted teeth, "the end…"

"Really, and are you the one who will put me to my doom?" Unix laughed at the thought.

"Maybe…you never know" Battousai left, storming out in all his rage.

Unix simply laughed hysterically, his laughter taunting the young demon as he walked down the dark hall.

'We'll see Unix whose laughing at the end of this…oh that we will' a smirk dancing on his serious-irate face.




In the East a warrior rode his trusty stead through the rain.

His black stallion darted across wet lands that resembled cemeteries as he came closer and closer to his future bride. His eyes, a colour of grey mixed with a hint of blue-green, came alive as the rain embossed those daring eyes. His middle path already destroyed from the rain, seem to fall in any direction he rode. With the wind and rain beating like daggers of silver on his trimmed body, he laced through the lands and provinces with nothing but his lady on his mind.

According to his kingdom, she was the one chosen for him, chosen to be the lady of his land and all the lands. Indeed it was an honour for him to accept his fairest lady's hand in marriage. They would propagate good and lead armies to victory. They would be meant, and be great for their good beliefs.

Aoshi Shinamori, the man that would take the hand of the Consecrated Virgin in marriage, was moving in full speed to meet the king and his bride. According to Aoshi, once the Consecrated Virgin is married and shares the first kiss of her husband, her attractive aura is broken, and any man can look at her without wanting to take her. Aoshi would share the first kiss and everything more with her. From a little boy, he waited all his life to see her. Most of his life was like a preparation just to have her hand in marriage. It was a tedious business being a prince and a lord.

But now, looking back at it, it was all worth it. He would have her hand, be happy, even in time to come have children and lead a life of nirvana. Such things were only thoughts and yet to come, thought Aoshi, for now he was only at the first quarter of his journey, and if fate wasn't a beast to him, just maybe this would work out flawless.

Aoshi rode under dark skies, making his horse splash through fields of water and debris. His horse was filthy and so was he. But there was no time to be clean, he needed to come forth and present himself to the king and his awaiting wife, Kamiya Kaoru.

Looking in the distance he could make out the scene of a town. Aoshi rode closer until he alas slowed the stallion to a halt.

Many young children hid from the hooded stranger. His horse restlessly stood on its position.

Aoshi waited for someone of a little age to speak on. He found no such one.

Aoshi strained his eyes through the rain searching for an adult.

"You there…" came a male voice.

Aoshi halted his horse.

"What's it that you want?" the man came forward a piece of wood in his hand.

"Are you going to smack me?" his spoke in a deep cold voice.

"If its money you want, we ain't giving you any stinkin' more. We're fedup of paying you thieves all the money we got. It's hard you know…but what's a lad like you know about a hard life? B'sides, even if you did come for money, there's only one of you, and thirty of us…" the man ended

Aoshi remained silent. He tried sorting the man's words, the man must have thought him to be a thief.

"So what are you lad…answer me" the man shouted.

Aoshi deciphered weather he should tell them he was a prince. If he did, they may rob him of all his money or worst, try to kill him. But they looked friendly, but not everyone seems the way they look.

"I am just a humble stranger on my way. I ask you landlord a place to sleep, some food and dry clothes…can you or can you not provide me?" Aoshi never turned to look at the man. His face was always kept to the North of him.

"You're not a thief?" the man lowered his piece of wood.

"No. Why would I be?" he asked interested.

"We've been plagued with thieves and scoundrels, there's nothing here for us but massacre and brokenness. All our livestock and produce from the fields are sold or stolen. Our little cash and few tools are robbed of us. Women and children, raped and killed, while the men of this village left to burry the bodies of the deceased. It's hard lad to determine whose friend or foe in this village. But as rough as it is, I can't deny a man a place to sleep and some food. Please young man…come down and I'll help you to some food and clothes." The man spoke.

"You are very humble. Yet, very stupid. You blindly accept me into your village though the consequences of a man like myself, killing your village is a huge possibility, yet your goodness blinds you by the things you do…why?" Aoshi was not sure why a man, who saw such death and pain, would allow this!

"Because there are some good people, and I can tell, you're one of them." The man spoke.

"What would you like humble landlord in return for your kindness?" Aoshi asked, still in a cold voice.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing" the man spoke.

"I can not give you nothing. I am a man, I am made of something, so it is sure, I can give something. Let me teach your people defense and how to fend your lives and your produce…" Aoshi volunteered.

"You would do such a thing…?" the man asked.

"I would" he answered.

"Very well. Descend from your stallion and follow on." The man spoke

Aoshi did as he was told. He followed some of the children who lead him to a deserted barn. He got off the horse and tied him to a pole. Petting the horse, he saw some small children peeking from the end of the door. Aoshi saw them and they hide. A small smirk played Aoshi's features.

"It's alright, you can come out." Aoshi spoke.

A little girl peeped her head. "It's okay, I'm not going to bite" Aoshi reassured.

The little girl came out from behind the door, she slowly approached with tiny steps.

Her big eyes stared at Aoshi who was petting the black horse. She swallowed. Not sure if she should trust the stranger.

"Come on" he called to her.

She walked a little further until she was a few feet from Aoshi.

Her eyes swept over the large animal. It was a bit intimidating for her, but she recited, it was okay.

"You like the horse?" he asked

She nodded cutely.

"You want to touch Lightning?" he asked a little softer.

She nodded no.

"Come on, its easy…" he demonstrated by petting the horse.

The horse, lay down, where the little girl moved back.

"See, he won't harm you…he couldn't harm a fly. Come on, try it" Aoshi spoke.

The little girl, uneasily approached the horse, until she was a few inches from the horse.

"Now gently, touch him" Aoshi spoke

She stooped down, placing her hand out. Closer she drew in until she withdrew her hand in a quick snap.

"Gently that's all, see" he took her hand and she panicked a bit, closing her eyes in fear.

Soft fur touched her skin, cracking open one of her eyes she saw she was touching the animal. She opened her two eyes, a smile forming on her face. Aoshi removed his hand, where she touched the horses hair, which she liked a lot since it resembled human's hair. Before Aoshi knew it, her little friends came running in, playing with the horse. The horse grew uneasy of its lying position, until it rose to its feet, shaking itself from the water. The little children squealed.

"Mister, I want to go on the horsie" a little boy said.

Aoshi lifted the bold little boy and placed him on the horse.

"Geddi up horse!" the little boy shook the reigns.

The horse never paid attention to one of them. Aoshi smiled before descending the child.

Aoshi saw at the entrance the landlord.

"I see the children like you already" the man spoke.

"Are you sure its me, or my horse?" Aoshi asked in a joke.

Both men laughed.

"I never had a chance to properly introduce myself, my name is Kang Sang, and this is my village, as you can see I'm a man who cares for my village, so I apologize for being rather rude using the piece wood in my hand to erhh um"

"It's okay…" Aoshi waved off.

"And who are you?" he asked

"My name is Aoshi…" he spoke.

"Alright Aoshi, follow me" he handed him an umbrella and they walked across to a huge establishment where noise could be heard. Actually it sounded like singing and partying.

The man closed the umbrella, opening the door for Aoshi. "Welcome to my village"

Aoshi entered, seeing many new faces. Men, women and children all ate and danced and singed. It was a warm feeling of home he got. So many days had gone that he forgot about his home.

"You must be dying for a good drink." The man escorted Aoshi to the bar counter.

"Let the man have a cup of sake. Well brewed" the landlord said.

"One cup of sake coming up" the bartender spoke

"So Aoshi, where do come from?" Kang asked.

"No where originally I guess. I'm like a wanderer." Aoshi spoke

"A wanderer aye?" the man spoke aloud.


"So what exactly do you have in mind to fight off our rebels?" Kang asked

"I'm a strategist Mr. Sang, and I can't seem to say I know much about your enemies. Only that that the steal, kill and rape. I will however guarantee you I will work hard, so don't worry" Aoshi was handed the sake.

He took off the hood from his head, where the faces now seem to look at him from everywhere. Aoshi closed his eyes, whispering something under his lips before drinking the sake in a flush shot.

"Is it possible I may take a bath now?" Aoshi asked.

"No but of course." He paused, "Maleen, heat some water for Mr. Aoshi please. He is going to take a bath…"

Immediately several of the young girls stood.

Aoshi turned to the crowd, his handsome face greeting everyone. Girls felt as if their little hearts hurt from just the mere sight of him. Before Aoshi knew it, several women and girls swooned around him, holding his hands and gushing around him in flirtation.

"Mr. Aoshi, your bath is ready" the girl called Maleen spoke.

Aoshi stood, the group of females following him.

Aoshi followed the young woman where he thanked her lightly before entering the bath-house. "If you ladies would excuse me" Aoshi told the group. The girls smiled and giggled.

Aoshi lightly blushed when he heard one of them call him, 'material for loving'

Closing the door he went to his bath.

Stripping his clothes off, he entered the hot bath. He lightly sighed in relief.

Aoshi allowed his thoughts to trail from the ride through the lands to this new place, and as quick as it came, he found solace in thinking of his pretty bride. Aoshi smiled at thought of their marriage. 'I want kids…' thought Aoshi, 'I'm way too serious…' he thought.

Yeah, kids would do him well.

Aoshi rested in his bath, feeling like the future held more than what he anticipated.




That Morning…

"You know when I was small Kaoru, I wanted to get married to a prince" Misao spoke…

"Really, well that's nice…" Kaoru answered.

"But not any and any kind of a prince, a tall and handsome, scrumptious, sizzling dark haired man. You know I like them tall and lean, fine and divine" she giggled.

"Well at least you're not goofing off on demons anymore, that's good" spoke Kaoru.

"Actually Kaoru, I still think Battousai is hot, and that Sesshamarou one. They would be so fine if they were mine…" Misao went into a day-dream world

"Misao" Kaoru snapped her fingers, "they're evil, get that through your head. No friend of mine is going to like evil lords" Kaoru spoke

Misao pouted, "well you're no fun"

"Tough luck" Kaoru teased back

Kaoru and Misao was lead to an area where meals were served. They were in a long line, which made both girls a bit irritable.

"Can't we push in somewhere, oh I dunno, in the 'front?'" Misao shrieked

"No Misao, we can't. That's wrong" Kaoru spoke…

"Oh goodie, just what I need, somebody to burst my bubble" she stuck out her tongue.

"Misao, I'm hungry too, but come on…we can't exactly do anything" Kaoru explained

"Actually we can, and its called pushing in" she said flatly.

Kaoru rolled her eyes.

As the line kept going 'very' slowly, Kaoru heard more of Misao's whining.

She sang everything from her ABC's to her favourite love-sick poems. Then there were times she would go into her fantasy bishouhen world, and times she would act out plays, acting different voices of different characters.

"Misao, oh Misao, please stop it already" Kaoru begged.

To Kaoru Misao wasn't annoying, she was pestering.

Kaoru waited uneasily in the line afraid Misao would get them kicked out to the back of the line.

"Hey you, shut up!" somebody finally shouted out.

Misao stopped alright, stopped singing but not talking.

"Who you telling to shut up dog face?" Misao asked

"Ouuu" the crowd recited.

"You want to tell that to my face?" the woman asked

"No honey I want to tell that to your busted-ass face" Misao addressed scandalously.

"Misao stop" Kaoru spoke, moving in front of Misao to avoid her from lashing out.

"Look we're quite sorry…it won't happen again" Kaoru apologized.

"Ohh, and look who it is…the famous demon-hater. What's the matter, they kicked you out trance star because you're not good enough like your little friend behind you?" the woman knew how to brew trouble.

"Listen madam, I do not wish to be rattled so please stop" Kaoru spoke.

"Aww, she's a little baby…"

"Why don't you shut that mouth of yours you ugly witch" Misao shot back

"You want a piece of me?" the woman asked coldly.

"No ugly, I want the whole the thing, come on, let me teach you what it means to respect your superiors" Misao rattled

"I hope you don't mean yourself, look at you, you're not tall enough to fight against me"

"Oh bitch you're going down" Misao was pushing past Kaoru until a gong was lashed out.

'Saved by the gong' thought Kaoru.

There standing on the high steps was Lord Battousai.

His face was very serious and grim. Actually a little too serious.

"Good morning" he started in somewhat drained manner.

His eyes lost of its sensual-devious life. Licking his crackled lips, his blinked slowly over the field of females.

"Good morning Lord Battousai" the females dropped to their knees. Kaoru was left as the only one standing, since she didn't quite understand the routines here.

Getting the kinks out his neck, he rolled his neck around until he turned his head to the standing Kaoru. He growled lightly, it was because of her everything happened. He stared at her, his eyes looking deeply down into hers. He hissed out in anger, before exhaling the frustration.

Kaoru looked at Battousai a bit unsure of his facial expression. They way his eyes had lost its fire to burn her depths, made her look at him harder. His red hair and devoid face against the grey dark sky, sent shivers down her spine. She saw him clench his fists and then unclench them. He blinked his eyes, breaking the contact.

Misao pulled Kaoru's hand, who came crashing down.

"Bow to him…" Misao whispered.

Kaoru obliged.

Battousai took a few minutes before signaling the females to chant.

Raising two steady fingers, they chanted.

To Kaoru it was foreign. Battousai stood center and square listening to them. His soul became strong, on hearing the words:

From the shadow we come, we burn our way through, we sit and indulge in aphrodisiacs, letting them feed our dead souls with life. Racing through our hollow bodies, we feast in sin, and enjoy the bliss of black tasting lust. Arise they shall…our lords…

Battousai felt powered.

"Rise" he spoke proudly.

They stood to their feet looking onward that their lord.

"This morning you ladies will be given new lords" he stopped to sour a bit.

"Lord Unix, has told me the instructions in which he would like. So listen carefully. All blue and different eyed women will be in one group. This will be Lord Unix's group. My group will be the green, brown and black eyes women. They dirty bloods therefore. Please remember these instructions. If there is any room for nonsense I will see to it personally that the trouble-maker pays…" his eyes fell on Kaoru.

"That means you too maggot" he sardonically added.

Kaoru glared at him in a disgusted manner.

"Dismiss" he ended.

Kaoru found herself looking at Battousai who just watched over the females.

The line kept going, but Kaoru just stood watching him. Mesmerized by his filth, wanting so badly to smack him for the things he did, wanting to show him that he could not win against the side of good.

Battousai saw a hold up, gazing down at the line, he saw Kaoru.

She smiled at him. And then she began laughing.

Misao backed up.

Battousai arched a brow.

"Little mortal girl…" he called.

Kaoru looked up from her laughter-filled eyes…

"What's so funny?" he asked

She laughed aloud, "your death…" she kept giggling.

'That little rotten maggot! Ugggh! Oh today is her last day.'

"I just had about it with you little mortal. That was your last straw. Come here girl…right now" he shouted loudly, completely ticked off by her comment.

And as if things couldn't get any better, it did.

A grin came to Kaoru's face. Speaking like silver she retorted, "make me"




An: Okay peeps, I did another update and I'm very happy. I like updating now. It's fun, not boring. And I can do it as much I want now. Okay, back to the story, the story, is drawing to its center and you'll realize before the end, this story is a pretty short story. Not very long and hard to understand, so unlike the Bakumastu fanfiction I have. Anyways, I do hope that you like what's happening, I mean Kaoru can't only be a goodie-goodie, she's gotta have some spunk too, right? Well, I hope you like it and I thank everyone who reviewed my last chapter.

Thank you all of you and Juliet, I hope you like the update chica. I always think of you when I'm updating this story.

So thanks so much for reading and I can't wait to do another update for you guys.

Much love and peace to all. Remember spread some peace, it brings nations closer!

Please review sweet darling people…