Tears of Doubt
Disclaimer: Still don't own Inuyasha, oh well.
Okays thank ya for the reviews. I looked at the review number thingy and saw that I have over 70 reviews. WOW!!! I totally never expected it. thank you. thank you. thank you.
sesshomarus-lady12- Sorry I didn't get to thank you for your review last time. So many thanks now. I so feel like I should say ommmm. what does that mean anyway ???
Dogdemoness88- Aww your so nice. I'm sorry I'm a little slow on updating lately. My days seems so booked up. Well thanx anyway for the reviews.
bloodbunny- yes cliffy, sorry bout that. Glad ya liked my joke though. I got it out of a humor newspaper.
guy- of course I'll write more chappies. thanks for reviewing.
nightmareofcat- Thank you for the review. By the way I really like your name it's cool. You probably think I'm an idiot now huh?
RougesHeart- Wow a really long review. I totally agree. anime is soo awsome. You have to tell me when you get your manga online so I can read it. What's Mungi mean anyway? What's it about? You got me curious now.
shinkudragon- Yes, I'm evil though not on purpose. I've said before that my brain stops working at times. It almost started back up again, but like an old car it died.
jerry- hello, jerry, I'm glad ya thought my story was interesting. thank ye. Doesn't that remind you of Kaede?
serenity971- Awwww thank you so much. Your really trying to make me cry aren't you. That's so nice. I just love your reviews.
unknown- For some reason I get the feeling you didn't like my joke. Sorry. smile at the camera. just kidding, thanks for reviewing. In answer to your question, I have no answer. Sorry I wasn't much help.
The Lunitic- Sorry Sesshie seems a bit out of character. He just kinda turned out that way. I've tried to make the chapters longer. It just doesn't work out that way. Thanks for the review though.
kitsune-chan3- Thank you for telling me you liked this chapter. I'm glad. Sometimes I think 'should I post this chapter or rewrite it?'
sesshybaby- I'm glad ya liked the joke, and yes, I'm evil. thank you for telling me though. Me like reviews.
Night of the Raven- Thank you for reviewing, by the way I like your name too. I heard from someone that ravens can talk. Is that true I wonder?
Many thank to you reviewers. Sorry if my words to you were a bit odd but I just ate chocolate and am in a weird mood. I have the sudden urge to Moo. anyway I have to tell ya'll about this great website. totally awsome. I think it's www.inuyashaworld.com but any way totally worth visiting. they have every episode summary so far. They have just about everything.
Chapter 15
Kagome froze, 'Did I just hear Inuyasha?'
Sesshomaru growled and turned to face Inuyasha, "You can discuss this later with Kagome, but right now find something else to do for a few hours." He turned back towards Kagome fully intending to finish where they left off.
Inuyasha walked out of the room in a daze. 'How long has she liked Sesshomaru?' he wondered to himself, 'Did she ever truly care about me?' He shook his head and smiled a grim smile, 'she was only doing to me what I did to her.' Coming to an abrubt halt his smile turned into a true grin. 'They aren't actually going to do that, she just wants to make me jealous.' He continued to smile as he went into the forest looking for Kikyo. Thinking that he had two women who loved him.
Sesshomaru leaned in towards Kagome, but she placed her hands in front of her and looked at him seriously. "Sesshomaru, do you love me?" He stopped and wondered why women had to know this answer now instead of later. Finally he said, "What does it matter whether I do or not. I want you and you want me."
He started to lean in again, but was stopped by her cold glare, "What do you mean it doesn't matter. It may not matter to you but it matters to me." Today was the day she was going to talk to Sesshomaru about how she feels toward him. 'Well now I know how he feels about me,' She quickly stood up and walked out of the room.
Sesshomaru watched her leave then he stood up, 'Perhaps she does still care for the half breed.' He didn't try to contemplate why that thought made him so angry. He walked outside and went to where Arashi was.
Arashi was sitting down calmly with a red handprint on his face. He faced Sesshomaru and grinned as he said, "Thought you and girlie were busy." Then he frowned, "I was just coming to watch too."
Sesshomaru glared at him, but Arashi continued talking and smirked, "I saw Kagome leave and she looked pissed. So you either said something stupid and you didn't mate or you were really bad at mating." He grinned, "Though I'd be very happy to teach the girl some tricks if it was she who didn't know much about mating."
Sesshomaru glared as he said, "I thought you said we shouldn't mate, so why do you keep urging us to?"
Arashi nodded and said, "I've been thinking alot about that and the way I got it figured they didn't mean you and Kagome, well at least I don't think so, but perhaps they meant claypot and halfbreed. No offense or anything but I don't really care what happens to them."
They were interupted by Kagome who walked up to Sesshomaru and coldly said, "Are we ready to leave?"
He barely glanced at her as he nodded. "You may tell everyone that we are leaving."
She growled slightly under her breath and mumbled "asshole." As she walked away she heard Arashi say, "If you don't want her I'll take her."
She stomped slightly as she walked to Shippo and Jaken. "We're leaving, where's Inuyasha?"
Shippo pointed to the forest and said, "He's over there Kagome but I don't ......" She didn't hear the rest of what he was saying because she was walking toward Inuyasha. As she got deeper in the forest she heard him and Kikyo together. Not really caring she kept walking straight towards them.
When she reached them she saw Inuyasha on top of Kikyo with her legs wrapped around him. She reached down and picked up Inuyasha's clothes of the ground and threw them toward him. "We are leaving. If your coming with us hurry up and finish." Then she turned and walked back toward the cabin leaving a very stunned Inuyasha.
When she reached the cabin Shippo and Jaken were ready and waiting with Sesshomaru. She could hear arguing coming from the cabin. She gave a questioning look to Shippo.
"Mei wants to go with us but Arashi wants her to stay here." He shook his head, "He even said he'd stay with her if that's all she wanted."
Just then Inuyasha came out of the forest with his hair mused up. He walked up beside Kagome and looked at her strangly. 'She looks angry,' he thought, 'it must be because me and Kikyo.'
Arashi came out of the cabin and threw his hands up in the air, "I give up, why am I attracted to such danger loving women." He then turned to Kagome and said, "You tell her that she can't come. Women never listen to men but maybe she'll listen to you. Tell her it's too dangerous. No wait...." He shook his head, "Don't tell her that or she'll definatly come."
Kagome looked at him softly and said, "You really care about her don't you?"
Arashi looked at her strangly for a moment then quickly shook his head, "No," He paused for a moment, smirked, and then continued, "I just don't want my favorite bed partner dead." He heard a low growl behind him and slowly turned around knowing full well who was standing there.
Mei stood there looking like she was going to slowly kill him and enjoy every second of it. "I'm going and that's final." She looked him full in the eyes and said, "Oh by the way, you are the worst I've ever had in my bed."
As she started to walk by him, he smartly said, "That's not what you said the morning after."
She quickly spun around and slapped him hard across the cheek. Then she quietly said, "I lied."
Sesshomaru tired of wasting time began walking toward the Western lands. He knew they would follow.
Kagome glared at Arashi then glared at Sesshomaru. At that moment she was angry at the entire male population. She was angry with Sesshomaru because he felt nothing but lust for her while she was beginning to love him and she was angry with Arashi for being such a insensitive jerk.
Mei walked up beside Kagome and avoided looking at Arashi.
They all walked in silence for hours. The farther they walked, the thicker the air seemed to become. The feeling of death was all around them. The metalic smell of fresh blood was apparent in the air. Even though it was still day time, there wasn't much light.
Inuyasha pulled out his tetusaiga. Arashi rolled his eyes at this move and muttered under his breath, "Idiot thinks he can fight off immortals with a sword."
Inuyasha glared at him and loudly said, "It's better than nothing."
Sesshomaru ignored them and smelled the air. He smelled Rin, but did not smell any of her blood. He walked in towards the direction of Rin. He could hear the whispers of the immortals but he couldn't understand them because they spoke in their native words.
Kagome's heart was pounding so hard she was sure the others could hear it. She tried to think positive but still felt that lingering doubt. She discretly glanced at Sesshomaru. 'If I died, would he care?' She bit her bottom lip and she could feel all the doubt. She could almost hear him saying that he didn't care about her.
Looking in front of her she couldn't see Sesshomaru or anyone else. She stopped and wirled around. The words seemed to whisper around her but she couldn't see anyone.
"No one's here."
"No one cares for you."
"We will show you how things will happen."
Mists swirled around her. She squinted to see throught the fog. There she saw herself and Sesshomru. In horror she watched as Sesshomaru plunged his sword deep in her heart. She gazed at him with disbelief.
Sesshomaru stood over her with a cold expression on his face. He reached down and pulled the sword out. Without the least bit of guilt or horror he sheathed his sword back at his side and calmly walked away as if he had only just killed an annoying little fly.
Kagome stared with disbelief and spoke, "You lie, he would never hurt me."
The voices laughter surrounded her. "Foolish girl, we do not lie."
"This is your fate."
"Now that you have been warned, what path will you choose?"
Kagome looked over to where her cold lifeless body laid. "I choose to stay and fight."
She heard hisses around her. "Foolish, very foolish." They chanted together. Everything around her went dark.
She felt someone shaking her hard. Opening her eyes she looked into the golden eyes of Sesshomaru. She thought she saw a flicker of worry in his eyes but just as quickly as it came, it was gone. Leaving her to wonder if it had been there at all.
"How long was I out?" She asked Sesshomaru.
Before Sesshomaru could say anything, Shippo jumped up and gave her a hug, "You were out for a few seconds. Are you okay?"
She stood up and brushed the leaves off her uniform and nodded her head. "I'm fine." She looked over at Sesshomaru and said, "I guess we should get going."
Before they could take another step a loud slap echoed through the forest.
"Don't touch me again," Mei said in a deadly calm voice.
Arashi looked at her innocently, "Their such a nice size though," Then he wolfishly said," we could always stay behind and catch up to everyone later."
Kagome rolled her eyes, 'even right before a battle, all he can think of is sex.'
Inuyasha shook his head, "You remind me of Miroku."
The wind picked up slightly bringing with it the scent of rotten corpse. Sesshomaru calmly said, "They've arrived."
Gotta end it there. Sorry I'm a day late. I usually try to update on Thursday but I was way busy. I actually meant for this chappie to be happier but it didn't turn out that way.
No quote but I do have something to tell you that I think is funny. On one of the episodes of Inuyasha that I read about. Kagome gets mad at Inuyasha and gets a stick and says "fetch boy." and he does. LOL. At least I think it was a stick. I read about it on Inuyashaworld.com.
It was on the episode titled, "The woman who loved Sesshomaru part.1" I bet ya wanna read it now.
I have a joke if ya wanna read it or if not scroll on down. The jokes kinda mean. here it is. Quoted from the Southern humor papers, yep I'm from the south.
"A funeral service is being held in a church for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service, the pall bearers are carrying the casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall, jarring the casket.
They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the woman is actually still alive!
She lives for ten years and then dies. A ceremony is again held at the same church and at the end of the ceremony, the pall bearers are again carrying out the casket. As they are walking the husband cries out, "Watch out for that wall!!""
Mean, Ne? Next week, Unless ya'll are angry with me about that joke, I'll put another one down. It's mean too though, mean to men.
Ja Ne.
Disclaimer: Still don't own Inuyasha, oh well.
Okays thank ya for the reviews. I looked at the review number thingy and saw that I have over 70 reviews. WOW!!! I totally never expected it. thank you. thank you. thank you.
sesshomarus-lady12- Sorry I didn't get to thank you for your review last time. So many thanks now. I so feel like I should say ommmm. what does that mean anyway ???
Dogdemoness88- Aww your so nice. I'm sorry I'm a little slow on updating lately. My days seems so booked up. Well thanx anyway for the reviews.
bloodbunny- yes cliffy, sorry bout that. Glad ya liked my joke though. I got it out of a humor newspaper.
guy- of course I'll write more chappies. thanks for reviewing.
nightmareofcat- Thank you for the review. By the way I really like your name it's cool. You probably think I'm an idiot now huh?
RougesHeart- Wow a really long review. I totally agree. anime is soo awsome. You have to tell me when you get your manga online so I can read it. What's Mungi mean anyway? What's it about? You got me curious now.
shinkudragon- Yes, I'm evil though not on purpose. I've said before that my brain stops working at times. It almost started back up again, but like an old car it died.
jerry- hello, jerry, I'm glad ya thought my story was interesting. thank ye. Doesn't that remind you of Kaede?
serenity971- Awwww thank you so much. Your really trying to make me cry aren't you. That's so nice. I just love your reviews.
unknown- For some reason I get the feeling you didn't like my joke. Sorry. smile at the camera. just kidding, thanks for reviewing. In answer to your question, I have no answer. Sorry I wasn't much help.
The Lunitic- Sorry Sesshie seems a bit out of character. He just kinda turned out that way. I've tried to make the chapters longer. It just doesn't work out that way. Thanks for the review though.
kitsune-chan3- Thank you for telling me you liked this chapter. I'm glad. Sometimes I think 'should I post this chapter or rewrite it?'
sesshybaby- I'm glad ya liked the joke, and yes, I'm evil. thank you for telling me though. Me like reviews.
Night of the Raven- Thank you for reviewing, by the way I like your name too. I heard from someone that ravens can talk. Is that true I wonder?
Many thank to you reviewers. Sorry if my words to you were a bit odd but I just ate chocolate and am in a weird mood. I have the sudden urge to Moo. anyway I have to tell ya'll about this great website. totally awsome. I think it's www.inuyashaworld.com but any way totally worth visiting. they have every episode summary so far. They have just about everything.
Chapter 15
Kagome froze, 'Did I just hear Inuyasha?'
Sesshomaru growled and turned to face Inuyasha, "You can discuss this later with Kagome, but right now find something else to do for a few hours." He turned back towards Kagome fully intending to finish where they left off.
Inuyasha walked out of the room in a daze. 'How long has she liked Sesshomaru?' he wondered to himself, 'Did she ever truly care about me?' He shook his head and smiled a grim smile, 'she was only doing to me what I did to her.' Coming to an abrubt halt his smile turned into a true grin. 'They aren't actually going to do that, she just wants to make me jealous.' He continued to smile as he went into the forest looking for Kikyo. Thinking that he had two women who loved him.
Sesshomaru leaned in towards Kagome, but she placed her hands in front of her and looked at him seriously. "Sesshomaru, do you love me?" He stopped and wondered why women had to know this answer now instead of later. Finally he said, "What does it matter whether I do or not. I want you and you want me."
He started to lean in again, but was stopped by her cold glare, "What do you mean it doesn't matter. It may not matter to you but it matters to me." Today was the day she was going to talk to Sesshomaru about how she feels toward him. 'Well now I know how he feels about me,' She quickly stood up and walked out of the room.
Sesshomaru watched her leave then he stood up, 'Perhaps she does still care for the half breed.' He didn't try to contemplate why that thought made him so angry. He walked outside and went to where Arashi was.
Arashi was sitting down calmly with a red handprint on his face. He faced Sesshomaru and grinned as he said, "Thought you and girlie were busy." Then he frowned, "I was just coming to watch too."
Sesshomaru glared at him, but Arashi continued talking and smirked, "I saw Kagome leave and she looked pissed. So you either said something stupid and you didn't mate or you were really bad at mating." He grinned, "Though I'd be very happy to teach the girl some tricks if it was she who didn't know much about mating."
Sesshomaru glared as he said, "I thought you said we shouldn't mate, so why do you keep urging us to?"
Arashi nodded and said, "I've been thinking alot about that and the way I got it figured they didn't mean you and Kagome, well at least I don't think so, but perhaps they meant claypot and halfbreed. No offense or anything but I don't really care what happens to them."
They were interupted by Kagome who walked up to Sesshomaru and coldly said, "Are we ready to leave?"
He barely glanced at her as he nodded. "You may tell everyone that we are leaving."
She growled slightly under her breath and mumbled "asshole." As she walked away she heard Arashi say, "If you don't want her I'll take her."
She stomped slightly as she walked to Shippo and Jaken. "We're leaving, where's Inuyasha?"
Shippo pointed to the forest and said, "He's over there Kagome but I don't ......" She didn't hear the rest of what he was saying because she was walking toward Inuyasha. As she got deeper in the forest she heard him and Kikyo together. Not really caring she kept walking straight towards them.
When she reached them she saw Inuyasha on top of Kikyo with her legs wrapped around him. She reached down and picked up Inuyasha's clothes of the ground and threw them toward him. "We are leaving. If your coming with us hurry up and finish." Then she turned and walked back toward the cabin leaving a very stunned Inuyasha.
When she reached the cabin Shippo and Jaken were ready and waiting with Sesshomaru. She could hear arguing coming from the cabin. She gave a questioning look to Shippo.
"Mei wants to go with us but Arashi wants her to stay here." He shook his head, "He even said he'd stay with her if that's all she wanted."
Just then Inuyasha came out of the forest with his hair mused up. He walked up beside Kagome and looked at her strangly. 'She looks angry,' he thought, 'it must be because me and Kikyo.'
Arashi came out of the cabin and threw his hands up in the air, "I give up, why am I attracted to such danger loving women." He then turned to Kagome and said, "You tell her that she can't come. Women never listen to men but maybe she'll listen to you. Tell her it's too dangerous. No wait...." He shook his head, "Don't tell her that or she'll definatly come."
Kagome looked at him softly and said, "You really care about her don't you?"
Arashi looked at her strangly for a moment then quickly shook his head, "No," He paused for a moment, smirked, and then continued, "I just don't want my favorite bed partner dead." He heard a low growl behind him and slowly turned around knowing full well who was standing there.
Mei stood there looking like she was going to slowly kill him and enjoy every second of it. "I'm going and that's final." She looked him full in the eyes and said, "Oh by the way, you are the worst I've ever had in my bed."
As she started to walk by him, he smartly said, "That's not what you said the morning after."
She quickly spun around and slapped him hard across the cheek. Then she quietly said, "I lied."
Sesshomaru tired of wasting time began walking toward the Western lands. He knew they would follow.
Kagome glared at Arashi then glared at Sesshomaru. At that moment she was angry at the entire male population. She was angry with Sesshomaru because he felt nothing but lust for her while she was beginning to love him and she was angry with Arashi for being such a insensitive jerk.
Mei walked up beside Kagome and avoided looking at Arashi.
They all walked in silence for hours. The farther they walked, the thicker the air seemed to become. The feeling of death was all around them. The metalic smell of fresh blood was apparent in the air. Even though it was still day time, there wasn't much light.
Inuyasha pulled out his tetusaiga. Arashi rolled his eyes at this move and muttered under his breath, "Idiot thinks he can fight off immortals with a sword."
Inuyasha glared at him and loudly said, "It's better than nothing."
Sesshomaru ignored them and smelled the air. He smelled Rin, but did not smell any of her blood. He walked in towards the direction of Rin. He could hear the whispers of the immortals but he couldn't understand them because they spoke in their native words.
Kagome's heart was pounding so hard she was sure the others could hear it. She tried to think positive but still felt that lingering doubt. She discretly glanced at Sesshomaru. 'If I died, would he care?' She bit her bottom lip and she could feel all the doubt. She could almost hear him saying that he didn't care about her.
Looking in front of her she couldn't see Sesshomaru or anyone else. She stopped and wirled around. The words seemed to whisper around her but she couldn't see anyone.
"No one's here."
"No one cares for you."
"We will show you how things will happen."
Mists swirled around her. She squinted to see throught the fog. There she saw herself and Sesshomru. In horror she watched as Sesshomaru plunged his sword deep in her heart. She gazed at him with disbelief.
Sesshomaru stood over her with a cold expression on his face. He reached down and pulled the sword out. Without the least bit of guilt or horror he sheathed his sword back at his side and calmly walked away as if he had only just killed an annoying little fly.
Kagome stared with disbelief and spoke, "You lie, he would never hurt me."
The voices laughter surrounded her. "Foolish girl, we do not lie."
"This is your fate."
"Now that you have been warned, what path will you choose?"
Kagome looked over to where her cold lifeless body laid. "I choose to stay and fight."
She heard hisses around her. "Foolish, very foolish." They chanted together. Everything around her went dark.
She felt someone shaking her hard. Opening her eyes she looked into the golden eyes of Sesshomaru. She thought she saw a flicker of worry in his eyes but just as quickly as it came, it was gone. Leaving her to wonder if it had been there at all.
"How long was I out?" She asked Sesshomaru.
Before Sesshomaru could say anything, Shippo jumped up and gave her a hug, "You were out for a few seconds. Are you okay?"
She stood up and brushed the leaves off her uniform and nodded her head. "I'm fine." She looked over at Sesshomaru and said, "I guess we should get going."
Before they could take another step a loud slap echoed through the forest.
"Don't touch me again," Mei said in a deadly calm voice.
Arashi looked at her innocently, "Their such a nice size though," Then he wolfishly said," we could always stay behind and catch up to everyone later."
Kagome rolled her eyes, 'even right before a battle, all he can think of is sex.'
Inuyasha shook his head, "You remind me of Miroku."
The wind picked up slightly bringing with it the scent of rotten corpse. Sesshomaru calmly said, "They've arrived."
Gotta end it there. Sorry I'm a day late. I usually try to update on Thursday but I was way busy. I actually meant for this chappie to be happier but it didn't turn out that way.
No quote but I do have something to tell you that I think is funny. On one of the episodes of Inuyasha that I read about. Kagome gets mad at Inuyasha and gets a stick and says "fetch boy." and he does. LOL. At least I think it was a stick. I read about it on Inuyashaworld.com.
It was on the episode titled, "The woman who loved Sesshomaru part.1" I bet ya wanna read it now.
I have a joke if ya wanna read it or if not scroll on down. The jokes kinda mean. here it is. Quoted from the Southern humor papers, yep I'm from the south.
"A funeral service is being held in a church for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service, the pall bearers are carrying the casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall, jarring the casket.
They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the woman is actually still alive!
She lives for ten years and then dies. A ceremony is again held at the same church and at the end of the ceremony, the pall bearers are again carrying out the casket. As they are walking the husband cries out, "Watch out for that wall!!""
Mean, Ne? Next week, Unless ya'll are angry with me about that joke, I'll put another one down. It's mean too though, mean to men.
Ja Ne.