Author's Note: A friendly Warning - This really can't be put on the G Gundam time line because it is different from the anime. If you want to read some fanfiction that sticks with the G Gundam that we all know and love, and you enjoy some Domon and Rain fluff; should you get the time - check out my other G Gundam stories. Thanks!

Believe it or not, I actually got the idea for the story below while listening to a song from the 80's by the group Duran Duran called "Save a Prayer".

DISCLAIMER: I do no claim to own G Gundam or any of the characters.


CHAPTER 1: The Rule

The Neo-Japan team, which consisted of Domon Kasshu and Rain Mikamura, had been doing better than well as the Neo-Japan gundam fight team, and though neither admitted it to each other, they had been experiencing stronger feelings than just friendship for each other. Unfortunately feeling affection that went beyond friendship was forbidden by the Neo-Japan government. The main rule presented by their government was that under no circumstances could the team members become physically involved. Falling in love with each other was totally out of the question.

The rule came about because the government officials felt a love between any team would only cause complications. The main complication was as follows: On the female's part; especially the female's part, she would become too scared to let her male partner continue to fight with every part of his being in fear that he'd get hurt or lose his life. On the other hand if she didn't feel love for him, she'd push him to fight with his life for Neo-Japan. That is what the government wanted. To them ruling the earth and the colonies was worth a fighter's life or two.

The male being in love with his female partner wasn't a good idea either. He'd start to have other things on his mind rather than the fight so that was considered bad as well. They were convinced that sometimes a man's needs had him not thinking straight.

The two Neo-Japan partners who had also been childhood friends; Domon and Rain, were considered a perfect match for a successful team. With Domon's strength and fighting skills and Rain's brains, doctor skills and mechanical talents, there was no way the team could lose. Neo-Japan could surely continue to rule the colonies with the two of them working together.

From the beginning the team knew that under no circumstances could they get physically involved with each other. Rain said this wouldn't be a problem because she had been a friend to Domon when they were children. She insisted that they could just pick up from there.

Domon too insisted that he could control himself since she was just his friend from his childhood. Surely he could control his emotions and his physical needs with her. In his late teens while with Master Asia, Domon had been introduced to a couple of women and never did he once have any feelings what's so ever for them even though they had shared some physical experiences. He doubted he'd ever have loving feelings for anyone ever.

For half of a year now, the childhood friends had been partners and quite a team. After some time alone together in the Guyana Highlands they each denied to themselves that they were starting to feel more for each other than they should since it couldn't happen. Neither wanted to suffer a strong punishment from the Neo-Japan government.

Two months later, they had achieved even more success at being a superb team, and the Neo-Japan government was quite pleased.

"Domon," Commissioner Karato said to him while in a small meeting amongst themselves, "I am quite pleased with you and Rain and..."

"And, what?" Domon asked not as fond as he should be for the government official.

"I have to admit that I'm glad that you have managed to control yourself with Rain."

"What do you mean?" Domon asked calmly. Control his self? He wasn't an animal that was just going to attack her whether she liked it or not. He knew obeying the rule meant he couldn't get close to her as more than a friend; that nothing physical could ever happen between them.

"Since you and Rain cannot have your physical needs fulfilled; at least not with each other, I am here to let you know that I can arrange for you to be with a woman as a gift for your hard work."

"What?" Domon asked surprised. The fighter knew that eight months ago he would have said 'okay' easily, but now for some reason he couldn't and didn't want to. It didn't sit right with him. "Are you offering Rain this as well?" Domon asked realizing how jealous he was becoming just from the thought of her with another man.

"We did, and she turned us down," Karato said completely understanding. "From what her father says, she's a good girl." With a laugh, Karato added, "You can imagine that her father wasn't happy when he found out that we offered her a night with a man."

Domon didn't know why, but he felt relief that Rain wasn't going to be intimate with someone anytime soon.

"We're more worried about you, Domon."

"Why?" the fighter asked confused. He knew that Rain couldn't have said that he tried anything on her because he hadn't.

"You're a man with physical needs, Domon, and I'm sure you noticed that your childhood friend Rain has turned into a very beautiful woman."

Domon didn't say anything even though he knew it was true. He had found himself staring at her quite often when she didn't know it. She had long, probably smooth legs, the tiniest waist and he knew he could stare at her curves for hours. But it was her beautiful, bright, blue eyes that he found himself attracted to the most. Maybe she's more like a sister he thought but Domon quickly dismissed that idea because he was too attracted to her.

" can control yourself with her?" Karato asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes," Domon quickly said. "I have already, haven't I?"

"Well...other Neo-Japan government officials have noticed that lately you two get along very well; maybe too well."

"Don't you think that's one of the reasons that we are such a good team?"

"Yes. I suppose so, but stay out of her pants," Karato said about to laugh till Domon picked him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Do not talk about Rain that way." After dropping Karato, Domon added, "I will not take her to bed, and I don't want the offered time with someone else."

Domon then walked out of the room leaving Karato to wonder why the fighter had gotten so upset. The commander would have let the young fighter have a night with a beautiful woman. But Domon didn't want it? Oh no, Karato thought. Domon couldn't be feeling something for Rain, could he? That's forbidden!

Thanks for reading, Jen