All of this really belongs to J.K. Rowling

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Montague

I am writing to inform you of your son's disappearance from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Mr. Montague was last seen in Charms two days ago.  I have no leads as to where he might be.  However, I am confident that he will be found soon.  I will send word as soon as I know more. 


Prof. Severus S. Snape

Head of Slytherin House

It would have to do.  I didn't have another hour to fuss over a letter and I was out of parchment.  Hopefully Montague's parents wouldn't realize I was lying, that I was simply buying time before irate parents came thumping on my door.  I was not at all confident that Montague would be found soon.  The locating spells indicated that he was still in the castle, but even Filch had been unable to find him.   

If Dumbledore had stayed he would have been able to locate the young man in seconds.  If Dumbledore had stayed he would most likely know why my Quidditch captain was missing.  But Dumbledore had not, and for the first time as Slytherin Head of House I had a missing student.   

Umbridge had been her normal self when informed; flattering, condescending, and entirely unhelpful. "Missing?" she had said, quite cheerfully, "Well, I'm sure he'll show up sooner or later."

"I'm not entirely sure he will.  I have my suspicions that students took offence at him docking points."  I did not add that if he showed up later rather than sooner, I would have to deal with a very unprepared N.E.W.T. student and both of us would have to deal with irate parents.

"Really, Professor Snape, do you think the students would attack a member of the Inquisitorial Squad?  It would be like attacking a member of the faculty." 

Bringing up my first difficult years of teaching, when many students were convinced I was a Death Eater, and several attacks had occurred, seemed unwise.  The more recent attack of three third years she probably had heard about about, but I wasn't going to remind her.   

"I'm sure, Professor Snape," she had continued, with a sweet smile, "that a wizard of your abilities should be able to find a missing student.  Just as I'm sure that any potential Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would be able to find a missing student quite quickly."

I'm glad she was sure, because I was beginning to have my doubts.  Helpful of her, really, considering that the Inquisitorial Squad had been her idea.  Let's make a squad of students with more power than the teachers, sure to be hated by the rest of the school.  Let's make them all Slytherin students, and let's not tell their Head of House until after the squad has already been formed.   

I made one more attempt.  As much as I dislike Umbridge, only she could authorize someone to professionally search for the student.  "I was hoping that, perhaps, the current Defense Against the Dark Arts might know locating spells that I might not.  If not..."

"Professor Snape, no!  I refuse to call in the Ministry.  He hasn't been missing for more than a week.  It is most likely a joke that Montague and his friends are playing.  I will not waste the Ministry's time on some juvenile prank!"  

She indicated the discussion was over and I left her office to speak to Minerva, who, while aggravating, was convinced that a missing student was no joking matter.