Disclaimer: I don't own nuthin.

Last Time:

"Oh, Setsuna-chan woke me up. Last I remember, she was explaining to everyone what was happening to me." She said.

"Shouldn't you be listening to the explanation?" Trunks asked with a raised eyebrow.

Suddenly, Usagi went stiff and vanished from his grasp.




Chapter Five: Dating Briefs Trunks

"Gomen, gomen, gomen!!!!" Usagi wailed as she kneeled before Rei, hands rubbing together as if in prayer.

"Usagi, we're having all this trouble and you're not even paying attention!" Rei scolded.

"I know, I know, I know!!! Gomen!!!" Usagi pleaded.

Rei rubbed her temples with her fingers and sighed.

"Usagi, this is a really big problem." Rei said.

This made Usagi look up.

"I thought this was a good thing?" Usagi said. "I found someone that I can get married to…AND he's real!"

"Baka odango-atama." Rei said as she shook her head. "He's in another dimension! How are you going to be with him? Do you think he'll just leave his home and his family and friends to live here? Are you going to leave your family and all of us to be with him?"

Usagi's face immediately sobered.

"I…I hadn't thought of that." She said quietly as she hung her head.

Rei felt guilt settle onto her. She placed a hand on Usagi's shoulder and made her look up.

"Forget it Odango, you're not smart enough to help solve this problem anyway. You just go have fun with him and we'll figure something out, I promise." She said with a small smile.

"Arigatou Rei-chan!" Usagi beamed as she stumbled out of the temple. "Wait, what am I gonna wear?!"

"I don't think it matters, he's already seen you in your pajamas. Nothing you wear could repair the damage."



Moonlight streamed in through Usagi's attic, bedroom window and she looked down to inspect her outfit. Nice, light colors for the spring – check. Comfortable flats that are just dressy enough – check. Light make up applied by Mina-chan – check. Hair in a high ponytail – check. Overall, she looked good.

'Dressed well enough to go clubbing but comfortable enough to go…I dunno…hiking.' Usagi thought to herself. Then she looked down at her flats. 'Well, maybe just strolling…'

Finished scrutinizing herself, Usagi jumped into bed and turned off the lamp. She had one last thought before she fell asleep.

'I hope Tru-kun has some food, I'm hungry…'


Trunks was hiding behind a bush, hunched over something. He kept looking around with a maniacal gleam in his eye as if expecting someone to attack him and take what was his. Finally, he calmed down and looked down at the treasure held in his hand...a white-powdered doughnut. With tears streaming from his eyes, he looked at it with pride and love. Goku had come over for breakfast unexpectedly and this was all he had managed to take from the massacre that was Goku, Vegeta, and not enough food.

"Tru-kun, you read my mind!"

Trunks looked over to the noise and saw Usagi eating a white-powdered doughnut. With an affectionate smile, he was about to raise his hand and eat his own doughnut but did a double take at his empty hand. He looked over to Usagi who had just finished HIS doughnut and was now wiping the powder off her hands and mouth. Suddenly, he burst into bitter sobs.

"Eh...Tru-kun? ....Tru-kun?" Asked a startled Usagi.


"Did I say I was sorry?" Usagi asked again hesitantly.

Trunks was sitting at the kitchen table with what seemed to be an ominous grey cloud, complete with mini thunderbolts, over his head.

"Don't worry, it was nothing." Trunks said before bursting into bitter tears again. Usagi looked appalled. So this was what happened when you got between a Saiyan and his food...

"Trunks! I just got back from the Grocery store!" Bulma yelled from an enormous truck.

Usagi blinked in surprise. Trunks had disappeared!

Moments later, Trunks returned, arms laden with food. He began shoveling items into his mouth without looking to see what it was. Usagi thought she just saw him eat toilet paper. Bulma entered the room and Trunks looked at her with such adoration in his eyes that Usagi was glad they were related. On Bulma's way out, she leaned into Usagi.

"Aren't saiyans just the most romantic things?" She whispered sarcastically.

Usagi laughed.


It had been half an hour and Trunks was still eating at the same rapid pace. Usagi decided to talk to Bulma about her findings with Setsuna. Actually, about Ami's findings with Setsuna.

"So your soul's being dragged to meet with Trunks?" She asked.

"That's what I understood." Usagi said.

"But why isn't Trunks being dragged to meet you? Or why aren't you both being dragged to meet halfway in some unknown world?" Bulma asked.

"Well, in my dimension, we have a lot of magic...I have a lot of magic. I think Tru-kun has more physical strength so he probably can't be dragged." Usagi answered.

"Hmm...that is a very interesting theory. I wonder what would happen if you fell asleep here?" Bulma asked her. "Come with me to my lab."

"Eh...you wouldn't put a needle in me, would you?"


Bulma finished tightening the last of Usagi's straps.

"There, that should keep you from falling off the chair while you're asleep." She said.

"Bulma, I just want to tell you that I'm extremely vulnerable right now and if you decide to poke me with a needle, you'll be hurting a defenseless innocent." Usagi said quickly.

"Don't worry, Usagi. I'm just going to give you some sleeping pills." Bulma answered with a laugh.

"Oh, all right then." Usagi said, cheerful once again.

"Say 'AH'!" Bulma said as she dropped a pill into Usagi's mouth. She tipped a little water into her mouth and just as Usagi swallowed...she vanished.

"And I worked so hard on those straps..." Bulma said.

Then Usagi came running into the lab, slamming the door behind her. She whipped around to face the blue-haired scientist.

"I landed on Tru-kun's food!"


Usagi was tired. She had just finished telling, and re-telling, Ami and Setsuna what Bulma had figured out while she was asleep. She really wished there was a way Ami-chan and Setsuna-san could speak to Bulma-san directly because Usagi got half the facts wrong and kept getting yelled at.

"Okay, what Bulma said was that my soul is tied to Tru-kun's for the time being and that only a crystal with a larger attraction towards one of our's could change it. That's why I keep going back to Tru-kun. If I fall asleep in his world, my soul vanishes and ends up near him." Usagi said.

"But why is your soul tangible? Why can anyone touch it, or see it for that matter?" Ami asked.

"Bulma said that a soul is very vulnerable and that's why we have bodies. She thinks the Ginzuishou is using its energy to create a temporary shell for me, or something like that. She has all the numbers worked out." Usagi said.

Setsuna sighed. "It would really be a big help if I could see those calculations. We really must work something out. Perhaps she can design something that can enable us to communicate across dimensions?"

Usagi shrugged. "I'll ask."


"Usagi, do you know why I'm in the past?" Trunks asked when he was finally well-fed and in his right state of mind.

"Setsuna-san just said the way you were going to change the past would only be good." Usagi said, her head on his shoulder.

Trunks sighed.

"In my world, these two androids were created. They were created from the genes of the strongest fighters in the world including my father and Goku-san. And their only purpose was to kill. They just kept killing. They killed my father, all the Z-senshi, and even Gohan, my best friend and trainer. Then my mom built a time machine. She said that I could go back in time and stop Goku from dying by giving him these pills. She said Goku would definitely be able to stop the androids."

"Tru-kun, I understand why you're here, but why are you telling me this?" Usagi asked softly.

"I don't know if Goku can beat these androids. He's been training for three years and I don't know if it's enough." Trunks said wearily.

"I understand your concern, but you should have faith." Usagi said, looking up at him. "Setsuna-san said that no matter what you changed in the past, it wouldn't end up as bad as your own future. That makes me believe that everything will turn out all right."

He smiled down at her and looked into her wide blue eyes, so full of hope, and kissed her forehead.

"I hope so."


Bulma worked furiously in her lab. She was making calculations for the logistics of a communicator that would be able to travel across dimensions. But she still didn't know how she was going to get her calculations to this "Setsuna" and "Ami". With a sigh, she focused entirely on her work. She had enough to worry about now.


"Usagi-chan! Get in here!!!!" Bulma shouted from her lab.

Usagi ran into the house and down the steps.

"Did you find anything?" She asked.

Bulma nodded. "I think I've figured it out but I'm going to have to tap into your crystal for the energy. I also don't know how I'm going to send this model over to your friends."

"Well, why don't you just tell them how to build it?" Usagi said.

"Do you think you could memorize how to build it and explain everything to them?" Bulma asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Good point." Usagi said sheepishly, hand scratching the back of her head.

The two lapsed into silence where Bulma tried to think of another way and Usagi thought about the ice cream she had left upstairs with Trunks.

"Could you somehow use the Ginzuishou to send the message over by itself?" Trunks asked, half empty ice cream carton in hand.


Ready, Setsuna?

Setsuna was slightly creeped out that Usagi was using the Ginzuishou to project thoughts directly into her MIND, but she'd get over it. Bulma had figured out that Usagi probably had a very strong, though not romantic, connection with all her senshi. It would be able to tap into that bond from this dimension and simply read information off a paper and onto Setsuna's brain.

Go ahead.

As Usagi started rambling on and Setsuna typed as fast as she could, she began to realize what a brillant woman this "Bulma" was. She had developed a cross-dimensional communicator in less than a day and her son had figured out a way to transmit this information to her. Absolutely brillant.

Finally, all the information was passed on and Usagi signed off so to speak. Setsuna looked over all the information.






I'm SO sorry it took so long to update this chapter, but hopefully I'll have more, and longer, chapters on the way. Thank you so much for your patience!