Disclaimer: I obviously don't own anyone who is a famous wrestler.

Rating: R for language and possible sexual situations later on.

A/N: For the purpose of this story, there is no roster split. Stupid roster split was a dumb idea to begin with!

Chapter 1.

"Please don't go!" She pleaded. "I love you! Please don't leave me!"

"You don't want me to leave? Well, you should have thought of that before you slept with the other guy!" He shouted.

"There was no other guy! I have never cheated on you! I love you! You have to stay!"

"I don't have to do shit, except leave because the sight of you is making me sick!" With that he walked out of the house and slammed the door hard behind him. She sank to the floor and cried as hard as she could for what seemed like forever.

5 years later.

"Ana, come on girl! You want to see uncle Mark don't you?" Gaby called to her daughter. "Kurt will be there too!" Gaby laughed as her daughter came running down the stairs full speed ahead.

"Kurt? Really?"

"Yeah. It's been a while since you've seen Kurt, I thought you might like too. Uncle Mark is just a bonus."

"Ok, Mommy, let's go."

Mark had been on the road, and it had been several months since he had been in her town where Gaby and Ana could come see him. Sara might have been her sister in law, but Gaby just didn't like going over there if Mark wasn't there. Sara could be a real bitch, and Gaby hated dealing with it.

They arrived at the arena and asked the security where Mark's dressing room was. He gave her the directions and she walked in with out knocking.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" He asked when she walked into the room.

"This is my brother's dressing room, I don't have to knock. What are you doing in here Glen?"

"He is my best friend. I have every right to be in here. Who's that?" He asked pointing to the little girl standing behind her.

"My daughter. She's 5. Her name is Ana, short for Anastasia. Say hi to Glen, sweetheart."

"Hi." She said so quiet he almost didn't hear her. "Mommy, where's Uncle Mark?"

"He'll be back in a few minutes. He went to get some food. His match made him hungry." Glen said smiling.

"Ok." She whispered.

"Hey sis!" Mark said as he walked back into the room.

"Uncle Mark!" Ana shouted at she jumped up for him to pick her up.

"Hey baby girl! How are you?"

"I'm ok Uncle Mark. Did you win your match?"

"Of course. The Deadman always wins!"

"Yeah, but the American Bad Ass isn't always that lucky." Gaby said as she laughed.

"Shut up!" Mark said as he laughed back.

"How have you been Gabs?"

"Pretty good. How are you and Sara? When am I going to get a niece or nephew of my own?"

"In about 3 months. We don't know if it's a boy or girl yet."

"That's awesome Mark. Congratulations! I can't wait!"

"I see you've met Glen."

"Yeah, Ana's scared of him."

"He is a pretty scary guy." Mark said with a smile. "He's really nice. You'll like him."

Ana hugged closer to Mark as he sat down next to Glen. She was scared of him, even though he was about as huge as her Uncle Mark.

"Gaby, when was the last time you saw Glen?" Mark asked.

"Man, it's been about what- 5 years? Is that right Glen?"

"That was about the time you got pregnant wasn't it Gaby?" Mark responded.

"Yeah, Mark, it was. Interesting."

"If I ever find the guy that ran out on you when you got pregnant, I'll tear his ass apart." Mark said through clenched teeth.

"Well, Mark, you'd better get to tearing." Gaby replied calmly.

"What do you mean?"

A/N: Please Read and Review.