Hey this is my first serious attempt at writing a Halloween Fanfic. Its my idea of how to continue the series and it picks up after Resurrection. Please Review and lemme know what you think so far!

Halloween: Bloodline-Prologue

Black Screen.

We hear the haunting Halloween theme music start. The quick slashing of a gleaming butchers' knife across the screen.

Dr. Loomis VO:

I met this six year old boy with this blank, expressionless face. And the blackest eyes, the devils' eyes.

Show clips from Halloween I, and II. Judith Myers being stabbed.

Loomis VO:

I knew at that moment that I was not dealing with a simple boy. But with evil in its purest form.

Show clips from ending of Halloween. Michael strangling Laurie. Loomis shooting Michael.


He really was the boogeyman.

Loomis: As a matter of fact, it was.

Michael in the hospital. Michael collapsing to the ground, engulfed in flames.

Loomis VO:

I prayed that he would burn in hell, but in my heart I knew that hell would not have him.

Scenes from Halloween IV, V, and VI. Michael escaping the ambulance. Michael chasing Jamie through the Meeker mansion. Michael grabbing at Rachael in the pickup.

Rachael: Die, you, son of a bitch!

Michael falling down the mine shaft and escaping down the river. Michael killing Rachael Corruthers. Michael impaling Jamie on farming equipment.

Jamie: You can't have the baby Michael.

Michael stalking Kara and Danny in the Strode household.

Loomis VO:

He isn't Human.

Show clips from Halloween H2O and Resurrection. Michael slitting Marion Whittington's throat. Michael slashing his knife at John and Molly through the gate. Michael confronted face to face with Laurie through the door. Michael stabbing Laurie.


I'll see you in hell. (falls to her death.)

Scenes from Resurrection. Show Michael caught in the electrical wires. Show Freddy and Sara escaping the fire. Show Michael caught in the fire. We begin with the conclusion of Halloween: Resurrection. Firefighters are putting out the remaining flames of the Myers's garage. Sara watches as the paramedics carry Michael zipped in a body bag off on a gurney.


That's him isn't it. I wanna see his face.


I gotta warn you ma'am, it aint a pretty sight.

Sara's face is determined. The firefighter doesn't argue any further.



The firefighter unzips the body bag. We do not see Michaels face but only the expressions on Sara's and Freddy's faces. They are disgusted with the sight. The firefighter shoves a cameraman back.


Looking a little crispy there Mikey, like some chicken friend motherfucker! Well may he never EVER rest in peace.

The body bag is pulled away.

EXT: Hospital Morgue. Two paramedics push the gurney into the morgue while the CORONER finishes prepping a body.

Paramedic 1: Hey, how's it going.

Coroner: You gotta be kidding me, another one?

Paramedic 1: Hey, you got a celebrity here.

Coroner: Oh, let me get my autograph book.

Paramedic 1: I'm serious, it's Michael Myers.

Coroner looks worriedly up: What?

The paramedics turn to wheel the now empty gurney out the door.

Paramedic 1: Get me a copy of that autograph ok?

Coroner: Yeah, sure.

Paramedic 1: she cracks me up.

The coroner stares at the body bag lying on a table at the other end of the room. She looks around the room and then walks away from the first body. She slowly walks over to the body bag and cautiously unzips it. We see the burned mask of Michael Myers. His eyes are closed. She goes to pull Michael's mask off when his eyes suddenly pop open!

Coroner: Jesus!

She jumps back as Michael continues to lie on the table, still in the body bag. She walks over and peers over the white mask and sees the eyes are wide open, but not moving. She gives a sigh of relief as she pulls her visor off.

Coroner: Guess you're my date for the evening.

She walks back over to the first table and wheels her medical stand back over to Michael where she slowly picks up a scalpel. As she's about to cut the mask off she screams as Michaels arm falls off the table and hangs limply next to her leg.

She turns around and runs over the sink to try and compose herself. She's getting pretty freaked out.

Zoom in behind Coroner as Michael slowly sits up and looks at her. Her back is to him. He slowly swings his legs down on to the tile floor. The coroner doesn't notice. Michael doesn't make a sound. The coroner smiles to herself and turns back around ready to perform the autopsy.

She bumps right into Michael who is standing right behind her. Before she has a chance to scream, he grabs her by the throat and throws her onto the medical table that he was just on. She struggles in vain as he continues to hold her down by the throat.

He looks over to the medical stand and peers at the array of sharp objects. She looks over in horror as he picks up a scalpel. She looks up to him in fright but he puts the scalpel down. They lock eyes, hers' confused, his black. He picks up the electric bone saw and turns it on.

Her eyes grow wide with terror and she squirms like mad as Michael jams the bone saw into her stomach and proceeds to cut upwards to her chest. Blood spatters all over his charred mask and her face an she tries to let out a sound. Her eyes go blank as she dies.

Michael lets go of her throat and puts the bone saw back, His breathing is heavy. We pull back on the medical table which the now dead coroner is lying on. Michael walks of screen and his breathing can still be heard as we fade out.

Chapter One: Family Ties

John Tate, or Strode as was apparently his family's name had grown much since his encounter with pure evil over five years ago. His mother had always carried the burden of knowing the face of fear, her brother…his uncle.

Evil runs through his lineage. After his mothers death he had devoted his life to uncovering her secrets. He wanted to know why, why she had been stalked by her brother. Then one day he finally got his answer.

October 28th 2004, Santa Monica, CA

John entered his apartment looking exhausted. It had been a very long week at work and he and Molly still had to go over their seating arrangement for the wedding. Molly was in the kitchen chatting on the phone. John lumbered over to her and gave her a quick kiss.

"Hey babe, how was work today?" she asked cheerfully. She had been in a constant state of joy since they had bought her wedding dress two weeks prior. "Busy as usual." He replied. He unpacked his briefcase and undid his tie, then he lounged over to his computer and flicked on the monitor. "Hey Beth, I'll call you later ok? Yeah, I know, we'll go over those flower arrangements this weekend. Ok, bye."

She hung up the phone and slinked over to wrap her arms around her fiancé' "What's wrong hun, I know we've been stressing over the wedding and all but you seem even more stressed then me, and I'm the one who has to walk down the isle."

John looked up at her with tired eyes. "Molly, do you regret meeting me?"

She mocked outrage," Well you know if I hadn't I could be a cover girl for Vogue so I guess you did hold me back," she laughed," No John, I've never regretted having you in my life, despite everything I still know we can live happily ever after, but only if you stop moping!" He smirked and kissed her.

"Hey I have to call Beth back, I forgot to tell her to call the caterers! She's been such a help." Molly bounced back to the kitchen and John returned his attention to the computer screen. He looked at his mail box and noticed that he had one new message. He opened it:

John Tate,

I know you are looking for answers about your mother's death. My name is Thomas Doyle and I believe I can help you find out what happened to her. You have to go where it all began. To learn about Laurie Strode's past…and about Michael Myers, you must go to Haddonfield Illinois. You must get here before October 31st or you might not live long enough to learn the secrets of your family history.

Best Regards my friend,

Thomas Doyle

John stared in shock and blinked a few times. He broke out in a cold sweat as memories swept over him.

He remembered getting the phone call at work and finding out his mother had been murdered by another patient at Grace Anderson Hospital. He remembered knowing it was not another patient, but that it was him.

He ran his hands through his hair and stood up. He looked at Molly with love in his eyes. They were to be married in four short months. He was ready to get on with his life and forget the tainted need to know his mother's secrets. But he had to know.

He had to know what would drive someone to devote their lives to slaughtering you the way her brother had. And he knew Michael wouldn't stop until he was dead too. He had to find a way to stop him, for Molly.

John apprehensively moved towards his lover and put a hand on her shoulder. She was jus finishing up on the phone so he waited. "Yeah babe?" She asked, she could tell he was upset about something.

"Molly, I, uh, I have to take a trip." She hung the phone up and put her head on his shoulder. "Where do you need to go? What's so urgent?" He responded dryly." I need to go to Illinois. A town called Haddonfield, its where my mom grew up."

Molly bit her lip at the mention of his mother. She didn't want to go there, it was still too soon for him and she knew it. "John what's all this about? Why do you need to go to your mothers home town?"

John took her by the hand and led her over to the computer where she read the email and gasped, "What the hell is this! Who sent this, you can't believe him John!" She was very upset now.

"Mol…I have to go because if we're going to be married I need to know that I can sped the rest of my life with you safely. I can't live with the knowledge that he is still out there."

"Wait John, your seriously going to drop everything and fly down to suburbia?" Molly was nervous as he put his hand up to her face.

"Yeah Molly, I gotta do this, for our sake, and don't even try to come along because I want you to stay right here. I'll only be gone a few days, I should be back by the first of the month, I promise." She looked at him with pleading eyes, her last resort at compromise. "Please don't fight me on this Molly."

She knew it was pointless to argue. "Fine John Tate. You go to that little town and find your answers and then you get your ass back her and marry me." He smiled and kissed her. "Promise Molly, I'll be back soon."

He ran to their room to start packing. Within the hour he was out the door and on his way to the airport. Molly got on the phone as soon as she saw his car drive off. "Hello, when's your next flight to Illinois?"