Chapter One

To Find a Gift

The wind blew softly scattering the white flakes as they danced downwards slowly through the mountains. Snow-capped even in the hottest of summers, the mountains were no more than white frosted mounds amidst the lower drifts of hills. In the scarce forest lay a small house, with warm light from the windows spilling into the chilly afternoon. Inside the kitchen stood a woman, her dark hair pulled into a bun behind her head as she pressed the cookie dough before her into several shapes. She smiled as she worked humming softly her hands moving easily on the soft dough. The kitchen smelled of baking as two trays of cookies cooled atop the counter. A string of green holly made a doubled arc above the entrance to the hallway, another over the kitchen doorway from outside.

Past the kitchen sat the rearranged living room, having sons with such strength did have its advantages, the startling beauty of the room had surprised her when Gohan had said he was decorating. Elegant in its simplicity the room had wreaths on two of the walls with silver ribbons while the tree held the plain white bulbs in simple strings circling the green branches. A hundred ornaments of various colors, shapes and sizes filled the empty spaces and, above all, was a light dusting of fake snow that gave it a quality of being at home. Below the tree were several packages wrapped in bright colors with colorful bows and tagged with simple tags marking who they were for and from. All the family's friends had left gifts for Chi-chi and her sons.

Chi-chi gave a small sigh as her eyes glanced at all the packages; this year was going to be a quieter Christmas than years past. Her father had traveled with master Roshi to train this year, Krillin and his wife were taking their daughter to his parents, the Briefs were going to a mountain lodge for their holiday, and Yamcha was out of town as well. So this year seemed to leave the Son family to celebrate their holiday alone. Chi-chi straightened her coat as her dark eyes turned to gaze through the window and a smile quirked her lips as she peered through the whiteness towards two figures in the snow.

Gohan's taller form stood in mid-knee high snow as he grinned widely and threw a snowball towards his brother's much smaller form. Goten dodged easily enough despite being in waist high snow himself, his pants were made to resist dampness and cold, which was just as well since his older brother was intent on making him feel it. Goten, who looked so like his father that it still tugged Chi-chi's heart, was the epitome if childhood innocence with not a negative thought about him. He reminded his mother of the reason Christmas was such a wonderful time of the year.

The older of the two boys was another reason she felt like smiling, while more serious than his brother, the young man was very into the holidays. He had always loved the meaning of giving to others and joy to everyone. She sighed softly watching her sons for another few minutes. Gohan had grown up from the simple, studious boy that she had always loved. His sayjin heritage granted him extraordinary strength and fighting skills. And now women were beginning to notice his muscular form, especially one Videl Satan. The girl was a wonderful addition to Gohan's life, and she was able to see more than just his strength and for that Chi-Chi welcomed the girl like a daughter.

Checking the clock the woman smiled a bit and made her way to the door shivering at the sudden change from the kitchen's heat. Loudly she called out, "Gohan! Goten! It's about time for you to be heading to the mall…Goten needs to see Santa remember?"

Her call brought Gohan's head up to look at her, but this had the adverse effect of causing him to lose sight of his brother. As he opened his mouth to reply he was suddenly thrown several feet backwards with the force of a good-sized ball of snow as Goten gave a triumphant cry. For a moment the older half-sayjin lay prone in a bank of snow and his mother grew concerned, but when he stood, shaking snow from his coat, she joined her younger son in laughing. Gohan gave a rueful smirk, silently promising payback to come.

Goten smiled at his mother as Gohan soon joined them as Chi-chi giggled softly, she asked if Goten was ready and smiled softly. But her youngest son looked up frantically, "My list…my list mom, I need that or else Santa will never know what I want for Christmas."

His mom smiled and handed him a folded piece of paper with a gentle smile and she was rewarded with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The list, a modest one page where it had begun as nearly twenty, had been edited many times with both Goten's mother and his brother helping to tone it down. The older of the brothers smiled as well and nodded to his mom adjusting the scarf around his neck slightly. He looked to the path they had cleared in the snow then nodded as his mother gave him a few last minute instructions. Soon they lifted into the air streaking into the gray sky heedless of the cold. Chi-chi smiled warmly watching them vanish in the distance shaking her head slowly, if there were two purer hearts than those two she didn't know where they could be found as she returned to the warmth of the kitchen to return to her cooking.

Gohan and his brother soon landed at the mall and a once over of the parking lot encircling the mall made the older half-sayjin glad that they did not drive. Indeed even as they settled to the ground in the back of the two storied building he could see several cars hopelessly circling the parking lot for a place. Taking his brother by the hand he smiled gently as Goten looked around shaking snow from his dark hair and practically hopping with excitement. The brothers weaved a path through the sea of shoppers somehow able to avoid jostling too many and offering sincere apologies to anyone they did shoulder. Goten frowned seeing the long line of kids waiting for their chance to share their list with Santa.

All around the red suited figure people streamed by bags in hands and heavy coats on, while in every store there seemed to be glittering lights and ornaments adorning each window. In the middle of the central plaza, glowing like a symbol of peace and hope for the season stood a ten foot tall Christmas tree that the local community had decorated with silver ornaments and white lights. Gohan turned to regard the tree and bumped into someone walking the other way. Instinctively his strong hands went to the person's shoulders and he blinked staring into the lavender eyes of Videl Satan.

For once she was as flustered and surprised as he but her lips curved into a slow smile as she found who had her. For the space of several heartbeats, neither moved as Goten blinked curiously and anxiously looked towards the line for Santa. Finally a cough from nearby made the young man set Videl on her feet and he turned his head to regard Erasa who giggled a bit.

But Videl spoke slowly, pushing her silver scarf back behind her, "So…imagine finding you here." She gave a smile wave to Goten which was received by a warm hug as Gohan explained what brought them to the mall on this day. Videl smiled nodding as she explained she was just here to finish her shopping and help her blonde friend finish hers. For a moment she regarded Gohan's light coat and scarf and smiled.

"Umm Videl could I get you to do me a big favor, I know it's a lot to ask but could you wait with Goten?" Gohan leaned close to whisper, "I've got to finish up my shopping and I can't take him with me for….obvious reasons right?"

She chuckled softly looking at Goten's anxious bouncing for a moment, "Oh alright, but you owe me lunch Gohan and you'd better pay up." But she smiled kissing him on the cheek and making her way to the back of the line, Goten already talking excitedly about anything and everything and Videl listening with a patient ear. Erasa shook her head slightly regarding Gohan with those bright eyes and a knowing smile.

"The gift's not for Goten is it?" she grinned, Erasa had become close to Gohan's family as she was usually around with Videl. Gohan shook his head confirming her suspicions.

"It's Videl's….although I am not totally sure what to get her, I have an idea but…any ideas?"

Erasa's eyes turned to her friend and they grew a little sad, "Well, Videl's a tough one to buy for since what she really wants is something money can't buy. You see twelve years ago her mom died in a car accident. I remember they used to love Christmas and her dad was really into it, but when her mom died….well he got into drinking, women…and her Christmases just became lonely save for her friends."

"Oh I never knew…Videl never mentions her mom…" Gohan looked back knowing well what it felt like to lose a parent.

"She'll like anything you get for her Gohan, as long you put your heart into it," but Gohan had stopped at one window for a moment looking at what was inside. This was something he had thought about weeks ago. Erasa blinked looking at the velvet black dress with the uneven hem and slender shoulder meeting long sleeves. There were silver sequins on the breasts; all in all it was classy, exotic and something that the blonde could see her friend wearing.

"Now that would be totally wild if you could manage to get tom-boy Videl into a dress!" Erasa giggled as Gohan went into the store. He hadn't been sure thinking Videl was an eight but Erasa confirmed his mother's suggested size of a six. He smiled a bit, he had gotten an idea now and the dress was just the beginning. He kissed Erasa on the cheek smiling as he went to a jewelry store next and collected the ring he had ordered weeks back. Once that was done he told Erasa to wait at the food court and made his way outside flying home hurriedly. There was still much to be done before Christmas came and he wanted to be ready. He returned from his flight just as Videl and Goten were leaving the line from Santa.

"So…you get what you needed Gohan?" she asked as they went to where Erasa had already ordered two pizzas for the promised lunch. They sat down silently eating for a while before anyone said anything. Then they discussed their plans for Christmas and Gohan invited Videl for dinner two days before Christmas to which she gladly accepted. Then Gohan noticed the time and frowned.

"We have to go Videl; my mom will want us home soon."

She smiled knowing full well how Chi-chi could be and she kissed him gently, "Alright Gohan, I'll see you later I hope."

"More than likely love," he kissed her once more, said good bye to Erasa and soon took off, still much to do in four days.

The next morning was cold and the heavy gray clouds held the promise of more snow in the coming hours. Small drifts lined the curbs of the streets, some overflowing onto the nearby sidewalk. At the Satin mansion the iron gates were closed and the long driveway leading to the mansion was an unmarked snow trail leading to the large double doors. Wreaths of holly leaf with red bows rested on the door ways while electric candles burned in the upper windows. Inside the mansion was quiet as Videl sighed walking down the hallway where her and her father had their rooms. One glance at the slightly ajar doorway was enough to tell the young woman that she wanted to avoid it as her lavender eyes spied discarded clothing near the doorway.

Snores from the bedroom, sounding for like a saw against a large tree, were the only break from the silence. It was three days before Christmas and she had let the servants in the house go home for the holiday, truly she didn't really understand the need for them, but her father insisted on it. Coming down the red carpeted stairs the young woman walked into the den and sighed for a long moment. The great tree, ten feet high and very wide, filled one corner of the room with it's assortment of ornaments and lights it glittered in the room, but Videl didn't like it a bit. The tree had been bought as it was and had been decorated before being delivered which made it impersonal to Videl. Memories came of her mother and father decorating a modest tree and Hercule holding her on his shoulders as she happily put the star on the top…but that was years ago.

Since her mother died her Christmas' had been very lonely affairs with the World Champion away more often than not with one of his multiple girlfriends. Rebecca was the latest of the women to grace the mansion, but Videl refused adamantly to think of the person in her father's bed at the moment. Garlands of holly had been put atop the mantle as well as the banisters to the second floor. Of course her father had little to do with the decorating of the house. Several gifts lay under the tree from her to her father….but he hadn't put any beneath the tree. She wasn't even sure he'd remember the holiday this year.

Hearing a rustling sound from the upper floors the young woman frowned thinking, 'so Scrooge is awake at last'. As if to accent the point the bear like champion emerged from the bedroom wearing a white robe with gold embroidered 'H' on the left breast. His dark hair was unkempt…worse than usual, and he seemed unsteady as he made his way down the stairs. Seeing his daughter he hesitated, unable to meet the lavender gaze. That could only mean he was going to say something and she was not going to like it.

"Videl…listen Rebecca's invited me to go with her to New York…and well…you know Christmas was never my thing…"

Videl just raised a hand to stop him, only her force of will preventing the stinging tears from falling then and there. True she had somewhat expected it, but it still hurt as she glared daggers at her father, "Don't be concerned with me dad…you never have before! If you want to go with Rebecca be my guest! I'll spend Christmas alone as usual!"

With that she stormed up to opposite staircase without a backward glance, her back straight her eyes lying upon the door. She knew if she stopped, or looked at anything but the door she would break down. And she refused to even consider the idea of letting him see how badly she was hurting now. Finally entering the room she shut and locked the door falling to sit with her knees cradled in her arms. Only then did she let the tears flow slowly down her cheeks, she hated to cry, but more than that she hated that her father was the cause. Silently she cried until she had no tears left, and then she sniffed making her way to her dresser slowly.

The room was cleaned, with only the soft bed unmade, her dresser bore many small things but it was a picture she kept in the top drawer that she sought now. Pulling it out she stared at a much younger Hercule, and at his side, her ebony hair blowing in the breeze, stood a willowy woman with lavender shaded eyes and a gentle smile. Videl's mother had been a gentle woman who had always been a comfort when her daughter was hurting. Between the two, a bright smile and a gleam in her eye, was a young Videl, even then she wore pants when most girls wore dresses. Seeing the picture she sighed remembering better days when her family had enjoyed walks in the snow filled park, or caroling at the hospital on Christmas Eve.

She sighed and slowly put the picture back, it was one of the things that had drawn her to Gohan in the first place. His gentle heart and soul were much like her mother's, and she knew he was most likely the only one who could make her feel better. Gathering up her coat and gloves she exited her room. The door down the hall was closed again and she shook her head exiting into the cold morning.

Hours later she arrived at Gohan's house, even the mere sight of the small cottage was heartwarming. With smoke billowing out of the chimney and a single wreath of holly on the door, it felt more like home than the large, empty mansion. Knocking on the door she shivered and waited until Chi-chi opened the door. Seeing Videl she hurried the girl in and took her coat. While she was doing this Videl took a moment to look around at the modest decorations. The six foot tree was just decorated enough to be tasteful, and the packages beneath were wrapped in beautiful papers. She looked over the names knowing some from Gohan's friends. The Sayjin's mother returned and shortly had her seated in the warm kitchen holding a steaming mug of hot cocoa as she baked.

"So dear, what brings you here on such a cold morning?" Chi-chi spoke as she checked a batch of cookies in the oven.

So Videl began at the beginning, and Chi-chi listened as she sat letting the cookies cool. She listened as Videl told about her mother's death and her father's steady decline into fighting, drinking, and womanizing. Chi-chi listened to it silently and nodded once or twice, but when Videl was finished she was surprised to feel the woman's embrace around her. But she sighed, Chi-chi might not be her mother, but she was close enough for it not to matter. For a moment the older woman stayed like that hugging the younger gently then she smiled stepping back.

"Unfortunately the boys are out and won't be back until sometime tomorrow, but you're welcome to stay," Chi-chi smiled gently, "I'd really welcome the company."

For a moment Videl merely sipped her cocoa then she smiled gently, "I'd like that Chi-chi."

"Good, now let's see if you and I can prepare a dinner for two sayjins…" and with that the two women fell into conversation. But Videl wondered where Gohan could be.

Videl blinked in curiosity, "But they won't be back until tomorrow, why start cooking now?" But Chi-chi merely smiled at the younger woman knowingly.

"Have you seen how much those two eat? When they get back they'll be ravished…you do the math."

"Oh…yea," she giggled softly and rubbed her hands, "alright let's get started. And so the bake-off began and Videl found that she was able to forget, at least for now, the troubles of her heart.