Disclaimer: Don't own CCS or Naruto. I'd be stupid for even trying to
claim them.
Author's Note: Okay, so this is set (in CCS time) in my own warped dimension of CCS. It's all normal, except that Syaoran hasn't told Sakura that he loves her, and he's all embarrassed around her. The reason why that's twisted around is because I have it set AFTER Sakura is the most powerful mage. And Eriol is still around. For Naruto time, it's set sometime...um...I'm not exactly sure. How about in the same time frame as Ichiraku Ramen? Cuz I like Sakura (Haruno, this time) better with short hair, and Sasuke and Naruto don't have as many cool powers before then. That's all for now!
-- Sakura Kaijuu
A Twist in the Mission
The 11-year-old Sakura Kinomoto lay on the bed of her best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji, as Tomoyo flew around the room looking for material to make Sakura's newest costume out of. Sakura sighed, and glanced at a chestnut haired boy sitting across the room from her. She wasn't sure why Syaoran was there, but she didn't mind.
Syaoran blushed. He had, in fact, been blackmailed by Tomoyo to come that day, because of the knowledge she held. Tomoyo knew that Syaoran was completely and totally in love with her best friend. Syaoran knew that she wouldn't really tell Sakura that, but it was better safe than sorry.
As Tomoyo buzzed around the room, Sakura, growing bored, began to doze off. Before too long, she was completely asleep. Syaoran and the violet-eyed girl just smiled at her, and let her sleep.
Sakura was dreaming.
This was different from her other dreams. This time she wasn't just seeing a normal vision. She was flying through space and time, past entire galaxies, and when she was dumped in front of three children of her own age, she realized that she wasn't in her own world.
"Hoe..." Sakura looked at the three. They apparently could not see her, for they seemed to be looking straight through her. There was one girl, and two boys. The girl had short pink hair and green eyes a lighter shade than her own. The boy right next to her had jet black hair, and eyes to match. His stance seemed to say that he didn't care. Sakura saw that the girl was watching this boy with loving eyes. The last boy said something. Sakura wasn't sure what it was, because she couldn't hear him. The last boy's statement apparently angered the girl's, because she was now glaring at him. This last boy had blond hair and blue eyes, and looked very carefree. The one thing they all had in common was their headbands; all of which were pieces of blue cloth, with a metal plate with a leaf engraved on it attached.
Before she could examine them further, she seemed to be pulled back from the dream...There was a moment's time and then --
"-- Sakura-chan!!" Tomoyo shook her friend awake. "Sakura, it's time for you to try this on!" She shook a very frilly dress, made of rainbow cloth. "Go on, and then you have to model it for us!"
Syaoran blushed, though Sakura didn't notice. Tomoyo giggled, and Syaoran's blush deepened. He hated this kind of situation. Ever since Yue had talked to him...
"Actually," said Sakura, interrupting the boy's thoughts, "I have something to tell you guys...I just had a really weird dream..."
Syaoran's attention was caught, this time not by Sakura's face, but by her words, "Hmm? What was it about?"
Even Kero, who was normally glued to the TV screen in Tomoyo's room, looked back, "Eh, Sakura? Another dream?"
"Yeah..." she replied, sounding confused. She rubbed her eyes, "This one was a lot weirder than the others, though. It was like I traveled to another dimension...It was just so weird...I saw these three kids about our age, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about..."
Tomoyo and Syaoran exchanged glances. "I think this is a good time to visit Eriol," Syaoran said. He wasn't too pleased with the suggestion, but there were no other options.
Tomoyo, Sakura, and Kero all nodded, and Tomoyo made arrangements to visit Eriol's huge home.
As soon as the three rang the bell at the gate, Ruby Moon, as Nakuru was there to greet them. "Sakura-chan!!!!" She snatched up the little girl, basking in her adorableness. Spinel Sun flew out quietly and slowly. He looked at Kero, and then spoke to the others, "Eriol was expecting you four. Come along."
When they entered Eriol's study, the boy stood. His blue-black hair fell gracefully in his face. His dark eyes smiled at them along with his mouth. "Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Cerberus, I'm glad you could come."
"Hoe?" Sakura was confused.
"I was watching you," he smiled and pointed to a mark on the floor. It was his magic circle, and next to his chair lay his staff. Sakura blinked, and touched her own key. She didn't know that Eriol still had that power. "But you have come to me for answers."
"Yes Eriol," Sakura replied. "You knew what my dream was. What was it though?"
"It was your next duty. You know that it was not this world where that place was. Use your magic, and follow your heart."
Sakura took the star key from under her shirt. "Key that holds the power of the stars, I, Sakura, under the covenant, command you -- RELEASE!" The key glowed and flashed, becoming the staff that Sakura used so often. She concentrated all of her magic on the star, and it began to twirl. Her eyes glazed over as she spoke, "Staff that holds the power of the stars, release your magic to take us to the place in my dreams..." The magic circle that had appeared on the floor glowed, and with a flash, Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Kero were gone.
Eriol smiled, "I hope they'll be all right..."
Nakuru grinned, "Of course they'll be all right. You forgot that this is Sakura!"
Eriol stared at the spot where the four visitors had just disappeared from, "I hope you're right."
Whee! Well, that's the end of chapter one. I know that it was short, but y'know what? It doesn't matter, because there'll still be more chapters to come!! I know I should update my other stories before starting a new one, but who cares? It'll get done eventually :)
-- Sakura Kaijuu
Author's Note: Okay, so this is set (in CCS time) in my own warped dimension of CCS. It's all normal, except that Syaoran hasn't told Sakura that he loves her, and he's all embarrassed around her. The reason why that's twisted around is because I have it set AFTER Sakura is the most powerful mage. And Eriol is still around. For Naruto time, it's set sometime...um...I'm not exactly sure. How about in the same time frame as Ichiraku Ramen? Cuz I like Sakura (Haruno, this time) better with short hair, and Sasuke and Naruto don't have as many cool powers before then. That's all for now!
-- Sakura Kaijuu
A Twist in the Mission
The 11-year-old Sakura Kinomoto lay on the bed of her best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji, as Tomoyo flew around the room looking for material to make Sakura's newest costume out of. Sakura sighed, and glanced at a chestnut haired boy sitting across the room from her. She wasn't sure why Syaoran was there, but she didn't mind.
Syaoran blushed. He had, in fact, been blackmailed by Tomoyo to come that day, because of the knowledge she held. Tomoyo knew that Syaoran was completely and totally in love with her best friend. Syaoran knew that she wouldn't really tell Sakura that, but it was better safe than sorry.
As Tomoyo buzzed around the room, Sakura, growing bored, began to doze off. Before too long, she was completely asleep. Syaoran and the violet-eyed girl just smiled at her, and let her sleep.
Sakura was dreaming.
This was different from her other dreams. This time she wasn't just seeing a normal vision. She was flying through space and time, past entire galaxies, and when she was dumped in front of three children of her own age, she realized that she wasn't in her own world.
"Hoe..." Sakura looked at the three. They apparently could not see her, for they seemed to be looking straight through her. There was one girl, and two boys. The girl had short pink hair and green eyes a lighter shade than her own. The boy right next to her had jet black hair, and eyes to match. His stance seemed to say that he didn't care. Sakura saw that the girl was watching this boy with loving eyes. The last boy said something. Sakura wasn't sure what it was, because she couldn't hear him. The last boy's statement apparently angered the girl's, because she was now glaring at him. This last boy had blond hair and blue eyes, and looked very carefree. The one thing they all had in common was their headbands; all of which were pieces of blue cloth, with a metal plate with a leaf engraved on it attached.
Before she could examine them further, she seemed to be pulled back from the dream...There was a moment's time and then --
"-- Sakura-chan!!" Tomoyo shook her friend awake. "Sakura, it's time for you to try this on!" She shook a very frilly dress, made of rainbow cloth. "Go on, and then you have to model it for us!"
Syaoran blushed, though Sakura didn't notice. Tomoyo giggled, and Syaoran's blush deepened. He hated this kind of situation. Ever since Yue had talked to him...
"Actually," said Sakura, interrupting the boy's thoughts, "I have something to tell you guys...I just had a really weird dream..."
Syaoran's attention was caught, this time not by Sakura's face, but by her words, "Hmm? What was it about?"
Even Kero, who was normally glued to the TV screen in Tomoyo's room, looked back, "Eh, Sakura? Another dream?"
"Yeah..." she replied, sounding confused. She rubbed her eyes, "This one was a lot weirder than the others, though. It was like I traveled to another dimension...It was just so weird...I saw these three kids about our age, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about..."
Tomoyo and Syaoran exchanged glances. "I think this is a good time to visit Eriol," Syaoran said. He wasn't too pleased with the suggestion, but there were no other options.
Tomoyo, Sakura, and Kero all nodded, and Tomoyo made arrangements to visit Eriol's huge home.
As soon as the three rang the bell at the gate, Ruby Moon, as Nakuru was there to greet them. "Sakura-chan!!!!" She snatched up the little girl, basking in her adorableness. Spinel Sun flew out quietly and slowly. He looked at Kero, and then spoke to the others, "Eriol was expecting you four. Come along."
When they entered Eriol's study, the boy stood. His blue-black hair fell gracefully in his face. His dark eyes smiled at them along with his mouth. "Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Cerberus, I'm glad you could come."
"Hoe?" Sakura was confused.
"I was watching you," he smiled and pointed to a mark on the floor. It was his magic circle, and next to his chair lay his staff. Sakura blinked, and touched her own key. She didn't know that Eriol still had that power. "But you have come to me for answers."
"Yes Eriol," Sakura replied. "You knew what my dream was. What was it though?"
"It was your next duty. You know that it was not this world where that place was. Use your magic, and follow your heart."
Sakura took the star key from under her shirt. "Key that holds the power of the stars, I, Sakura, under the covenant, command you -- RELEASE!" The key glowed and flashed, becoming the staff that Sakura used so often. She concentrated all of her magic on the star, and it began to twirl. Her eyes glazed over as she spoke, "Staff that holds the power of the stars, release your magic to take us to the place in my dreams..." The magic circle that had appeared on the floor glowed, and with a flash, Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Kero were gone.
Eriol smiled, "I hope they'll be all right..."
Nakuru grinned, "Of course they'll be all right. You forgot that this is Sakura!"
Eriol stared at the spot where the four visitors had just disappeared from, "I hope you're right."
Whee! Well, that's the end of chapter one. I know that it was short, but y'know what? It doesn't matter, because there'll still be more chapters to come!! I know I should update my other stories before starting a new one, but who cares? It'll get done eventually :)
-- Sakura Kaijuu