
Lauren's eyes scanned the rotunda thoroughly, checking the nooks and crannies visually, searching for any sign of him. He was due back today, as well as Sydney, a fact that she noted with a particular air of disgust. It was common knowledge that they went on their "well deserved vacation" to recover from the events of the African search mission, but why they needed to go together was something she didn't exactly agree with.

At long last, her searching was rewarded by the sight of Michael Vaughn, striding through the security checkpoint, pinning his identification card back to his suit jacket. The slight smile that had been creeping up her face sank down again when she saw Sydney follow right after, and she glared hatefully in her direction.

She watched, fuming, as the couple fought to suppress grins and replace them with the thin lipped poker faces expected of them. When they turned and glanced at each other, however, they burst out laughing. Now, with an uncaring attitude, they continued towards their desks and, unknowingly towards a venomous Lauren, with bright smiles stretched across their faces.

Lauren intervened once they were within an audible range, blocking their path. "Ah, Agent Vaughn," she cooed, then fixed a glare at an unaffected Sydney and practically spat out, "Agent Bristow." She turned back to Vaughn, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "So glad to see you've returned. I hope all went well with your time away."

"It was excellent, thank you, Agent Reed," Vaughn answered honestly, accidentally letting his eyes meet Sydney's as they shared another smile. The secrets it seemed to hold sent Lauren into an even deeper state of frustration.

Weiss practically ran over when he caught sight of Vaughn, smiling and giving him the one arm 'manly friend' hug. "Dude!" he exclaimed, "Donovan's been going nuts! Why didn't you come pick him up last night?"

The color rose along Vaughn's neck as he stuttered a little. "Um...yea, about that..."

Laughing, Weiss gave him a huge wink. "Don't worry about it, man. I got you covered. Good to see you, Syd," he added, still grinning. "So...have a relaxing vacation? Didn't strain yourself too much, did you?"

Vaughn grabbed Weiss's arm roughly. "Show me what's happened since we've been gone," he ordered, steering him away from Sydney. Lauren's molars were beginning to throb from grinding them together so hard.

Sydney let out a soft, content sigh as she surveyed her surroundings. She looked back at Lauren and observed, "You know, I usually hate this place when I'm here. But it's good to be back." She meant much more by the statement than just her return from her vacation, but of course Lauren didn't know that.

Lauren only knew that Sydney had waltzed in from a getaway with Michael Vaughn glowing so happily that she might as well have been radioactive, which made her seethe, but she managed to maintain her cool exterior.

She merely nodded at Sydney and said nothing in reply.

Sydney offered a tiny smile anyway. "Well, it's good to see you again, Agent Reed. Good luck once again in your investigation here," she held out her left hand for Lauren to shake.

Lauren raised her eyebrow at Sydney's left hand, but, deciding that she had decidedly lost her mind, she decided to humor the overworked agent. However, when her fingers closed around Sydney's, she felt the unmistakable prick of a doubtlessly expensive diamond. Behind the smile, Lauren saw a glint of malice, but when Sydney opened her mouth again, it was evilness with a sickeningly sweet coating. "Don't worry, I'm not going to change my name. Things would just get too confusing!"

Turning away before Lauren could lash out, Sydney walked over to Vaughn and Weiss, smiling broadly. She tapped Vaughn's shoulder firmly, and he moved so that she could see what they were doing. Reports were spread across Vaughn's desk, taking up every inch of the surface. "So," she whispered so that Weiss couldn't hear, "guess the whole thing about taking advantage of me on your desk is not gonna happen, huh?"

"What are you two whispering about?" Weiss demanded, looking up from a report.

Vaughn's color was back, and he just shook his head. "Nothing you need to know."

Still feeling out of the loop, he scowled at Sydney. "What are you grinning about?"

"I'm just...happy, that's all."

A/N: That's all folks! Dani and I worked on this story for over seven months, and we're sad to see it end. Thanks for all the reviews, and hope we haven't confused you too much. ;)