Author:              Kiarene

Pairings:            Radditz/Vegeta

Warnings:            AU, yaoi, drug abuse, bit of angst, bit of sap

Disclaimer:            Don't own DBZ

Published:             13th April 2003

Archive?             Please ask first

Many thanks to Lully for picking over any mistakes and helping me work through the tangled motivations. Credit for the snappy title goes to her as well; I was going to call this 'Fun with Pharmaceuticals' or something as corny. 



…flashbacks of another scene…


Love Potion 1

Grind together three flowers of belladonna, three earliest unfurled leafs of erythroxylon and root of the papaver. Add a dash of testosterone and musk of the Saiyajin tail.

"It was a good training session, ouji-sama."

"Hn." He turned his head to look at his taller guard, raking a hand through the tangles of his sweat-soaked upswept hair. "You should have taken part today."

"Uh…" Radditz smiled nervously, hoping Vegeta would buy his excuse. "I pulled a calf muscle yesterday and I didn't want to tear it further."

"Hmph." Vegeta's tone was derisive as he snorts. They came to a stop outside his personal quarters. He placed his hand on the indigo-gray scanner and the heavy door slid open silently. "You seem all right to me."

Radditz swallowed, racking his brain for a reply. Luckily for him, Vegeta was more interested in getting clean than he was in his bodyguard's pulled calf muscle. He started peeling off his soaked training outfit as he strode to his room. "Get me a drink, Radditz."

"Hai." Radditz tore his eyes away reluctantly from the tempting sight and walked over to the water dispenser in the kitchenette. As the prince, Vegeta had a luxurious suite of rooms, including a small but well-stocked kitchenette, a personal training room and even his own regeneration tank. Glancing over his shoulder as he filled a glass of cold water, he noticed the tip of a royal tail disappearing past a doorframe.

Quickly, he took out a small cylindrical container from a pocket in his armor and removing the glass from the dispenser, he squirted something into the half-filled glass. Pocketing the container, he took a cautious sniff of the water. Good, it was as odorless as the old man assured him it would be. He filled the glass to the brim and carried the water to the bathroom.

Inside the spacious tiled bathroom, Vegeta had already stripped off his clothes and was busy in front of a mirror examining a couple of bruises on back of his shoulder. Radditz's pulse quickened as he got a splendid eyeful; Vegeta's front was facing him as he twisted to look over his shoulder at the mirror, and the older guard's eyes roved greedily.

He had seen his share of muscular bodies; they were a warrior race after all, but the prince was truly a beautiful specimen. He was not in his prime yet and already, he was the strongest Saiyajin on their planet. Though short and slim, his musculature was compact and balanced. He trained harder than any of the fighters under his command, and it showed in his chiseled muscles and the seasoned grace of his movements.

'And utterly beyond my reach.' Radditz's thoughts took on the familiar tinge of resigned despair. 'But just for one night…'

At the sound of his entrance, the royal turned to face him, completely relaxed about his glorious nudity. Accepting the glass, he drained the cool fluid in a smooth gulp and handed the glass back to his guard. Radditz watched him anxiously to see if he noticed anything wrong.

"We'll go for dinner after I've bathed."

"Hai." Radditz wasn't as nonchalant about the prince's nudity and was trying unsuccessfully not to stare at the prince's naked figure, but Vegeta apparently had not noticed as he stepped into the shower. The older male walked out of the steaming room a little unsteadily, his breathing faster than usual and his tail flicking about jerkily.

His current agitation was not only due to the sight of the nude prince, though that has always aroused him.

Going over to the main door, he locked the setting to private and latched it as well. He also turned off the communication devices in the room, keying it to receive and record incoming messages only. It was fortunate that the prince was known to value his privacy and had often done this. Nobody would think anything was amiss.

The rooms secured, Radditz sat down at one of the plush couches in the main room, his mind on his plan as his fingers sought out the small cylinder in his armor pocket, rubbing over it absently. Slowly, he shrugged off his armor, leaving him clad only in a tight pair of black shorts and his bracers. Taking out the vial, he tucked it into the small of his back in his shorts and hidden under his tail. He had thought it out carefully; he had made sure that nobody would disturb them that night. It was perfect; nothing could go wrong.


The shop came with the heartiest recommendations. He was initially doubtful when he stepped in; it was small and tucked away in one of the seedier quarters. Tinted jars containing various unidentifiable products covered the shelves and the first thing he noticed when he stepped in was the scents.

The most prominent scents were the bitter-fragrant smell of various dried plant parts, though he could make out the heavier musks that were more characteristic of products from animal origins and sharper acrid mineral tang as well.

An elderly male sat behind the counter, his eyes bright and piercing. "Something in particular you want, boy?"

Radditz kept his back to the shop owner as he pretended to peruse the products on the shelves, even though he had no idea what they were.

"Boy, the aphrodisiacs are on this side."

Radditz's flush deepened as he turned and shuffled over to the old man. "Umm…. How did you know…"

The elderly Saiyajin only smirked and laced his fingers in front of him on the countertop. His attitude was very matter-of-fact and businesslike as he proceeded to explain the herbs, seeds, horns and assorted tiny parts of exotic origins to an increasingly confused audience.

Sighing, the old man gave up and tapped a large jar beside him. "This is the most popular and good for beginners. Not too expensive. It lowers inhibitions and increases libido."

Radditz considered the pinkish fungus-like objects, wondering how exactly to phrase his questions. He had thought long and hard about this, and knew exactly what he needed. "Do you have anything that …" he gestured awkwardly, "…makes the other …think that it is probably all a dream later."

The old man impaled him with a too sharp and knowing look. "Ah. One of those sessions." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Just for an added experience to the sex, or for your safety?"

Radditz looked a bit shameful and the old man gave a quick bark of laughter. "Ok, this particular mushroom is good. Your partner will feel as if he or she is in a dream, but one where the sensations are particularly heightened. Unless they know that they were taking an aphrodisiac, they would think that it was all a vivid dream after they wake up."

The longhaired male nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, that is exactly what I need!"

"Male or female?" The elder asked casually as he reached for another jar. 

"Uh…male. Why? Is there a difference?"

"Oh, not in this case, though it matters for some other herbs." Wrinkled hands measured out a few purplish roots into a glass container. "It's just that with males, not only do aphrodisiacs lower their inhibitions, but most herbs also contain small amounts of testosterone or a similar compound, making him more aggressive. The mixture I'm preparing for you include such herbs. So if he's a dominant, I would recommend this other herb to soothe aches."

Radditz thought he couldn't get any redder. He hadn't considered that bit! 

"What? You don't know?" The old Saiyajin shook his head in exasperation. "Is he naturally aggressive? Likes to be in charge and in control?"

'Yeah… That certainly describes my prince all right…' Radditz nodded in resignation. Ah well, getting fucked was better than not getting any at all. 

To his surprise, the elder smirked and brought out a small jar. "Perhaps you would like to be on top instead." At the younger's eager widening of the eyes, he continued. "All you need to know about this particular leaf is that he will be positively kittenish."


Radditz's groin stirred again just at the thought of Vegeta being kittenish. The cold prince had always been attractive and a head-turner, but ever since he came into his majority a few months ago, Radditz couldn't think of anything, anyone else. Thoughts of the arrogant royal consumed his waking thoughts and invaded his dreams.

The majority was a special turning point in a young Saiyajin's life when his body becomes fully sexually mature. It could take place anytime between the ages of fifteen to twenty, and was marked by the remaining growth spurt, taking place over the period of a few months. Vegeta had not grown any taller, though his chest and shoulders broadened noticeably, highlighting the girth difference between the upper torso and the hips. He often found his eyes traveling down the muscular back and roving over the slim camber of the curvy royal hips and butt; he had probably memorized each dip and curve of the prince's body by now.

Vegeta's features had sharpened as the last remnants of childish characteristics and baby fat melted away, leaving a certain regal elegance and even refined delicacy. The most visible change was the loss of his bangs; he now displayed the prominent widow's peak that only a mature Saiyajin could possess. Radditz's eyes and attention had often wandered down to Vegeta's crotch as well; wondering just how much the royal matured in that department.   

The royal tail lengthened and became much heavier; the rich lush fur growing thicker and denser. And the ambrosial scent! A Saiyajin's tail acted as a sexual signaler as well; announcing his sexual readiness and virility and releasing enticing pheromones. And Vegeta's tail had certainly been broadcasting. Loudly.     

It was especially bad as he was the prince's personal bodyguard. To be forced to endure the presence of that lithe and luscious body clad in spandex at close range for many hours every day. To have to put up with that alluring scent and the sight of that tight ass whenever he trailed behind the prince. He suffered most whenever he had to help the prince bind his injuries after a particularly harsh training session; when he had to touch that silky warm skin and smooth muscles…

Bringing out the smooth cylindrical vial, he stared at the thick glass and the clear liquid inside. The old man had then proceeded to grind and mix up the various herbs before extracting the fractions into a carrier solvent. The container dispensed the mixture in an easy aerosol delivery system without the risk of spillage. To his surprise, it was odorless.

The old man had shot him a scornful look when he blurted out that comment. "Of course. The oils that give the herbs the smell aren't the same chemicals as the ones that are causing the aphrodisiacal effects. I simply extracted the fractions I needed." 

It had also been dreadfully expensive, costing him almost two weeks of his pay. Most of it went towards the 'special leaf', though the old man assured him that he would definitely get his money's worth. He had about enough for two sessions, maybe three.

But he was determined not to skimp for the first time. Following the old man's advice, he had made sure Vegeta ingested some first. The drugs would take up to twenty minutes to affect him, hazing his senses and making him less wary.

The sound of the shower spray stopped and Radditz bolted to his feet, his gut suddenly clenching painfully. When he had planned everything, he had been excited and confident and extremely aroused… 

Now, he was so nervous he felt like throwing up. Maybe he should just call it off… If he was caught, he will probably be castrated or executed for rape of the prince. And all for a night of pleasure. No, it was not worth it. There were so many ways he could foul up…

Then Vegeta strode out from the bathroom, a fluffy navy towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hands as he toweled his hair dry. And Radditz's mouth went dry as his reservations and common sense abandoned him with just his raging lust and hormones to guide him for the night.

"How do you feel," Radditz plucked up his courage. "…Vegeta?"

Vegeta turned towards him, a small frown on his face as he threw the towel into the laundry basket beside the bathroom door, but he did not rebuke the bodyguard for the easy familiarity. Radditz's hopes picked up. He moved his hand behind his back cautiously and curled his fingers around the precious cylinder tightly.

Vegeta blinked, his eyes unfocusing for a moment as he walked towards his increasingly agitated guard, mumbling. "Hungry…"

Radditz stiffened in delight; to anyone else, that behavior would not have seemed odd but he knew the prince well; Vegeta was never this dazed, not even when he just woke up, and he never mumbled. Knuckling his eye, he gave a wide yawn, his sharp canines flashing cutely.

"Shall I get you a snack from the kitchen, Vegeta?"

"Yeah." When Vegeta yawned again, he daringly raised his right hand and squirted the unsuspecting royal full in the face with the aphrodisiac. And then he waited with bated breath, incredulous at his own audacity, waiting for a tongue-lashing.

"What's that …scent?" The younger male blinked, and then closed his eyes with a frown as he sniffed. Quickly again before he lost his nerve, Radditz sprayed him again. He then tucked the vial away; the old pharmacist had expressly warned him about the dosage.


"What's his weight?"


"For dosage, baka!" The old pharmacist slapped his forehead in exasperation, his other hand shaking the cylindrical container. He had finished the preparations, and it didn't take as long as Radditz had feared. "Obviously if he was a heavy guy like you, he would required more of the aphrodisiac."

"About seventy."

The old man shot him a narrow-eyed, piercing look as he raked his eyes down the burly guard's body. "And you're at least a hundred and ten." He rapped the reddening guard sharply on the knuckles with the vial and a stern look. "He has reached his majority right?"

Radditz nodded sheepishly, feeling worse and worse under the disapproving glare.



"Th-re-eee." The old man held up three fingers. "Three sprays. No more, mind you." 


"Nnngh…" Vegeta shook his head again, the frown still on his face as he sniffed. "What is that scent?"

Radditz gulped. Obviously the prince had keener senses than him; he was not able to smell anything at all. "Uhh… I'll go get you a snack."

The tall guard quickly retreated to the kitchenette, his heart thumping loudly. 'Shit, not good… not good at all…'

His mind reeling, he bent down and opened the chilled drawers to pull out some fruits. Suddenly, he felt a weight on his back, a chin on his shoulder and warm breath tickling his ear. "What's there?"

Radditz tensed at the husky voice. A slim hand reached around him to grab at a couple of palm-sized yellow fruits. "I love mangoes…"

Slowly, he turned around. Vegeta padded across the small room, his tail swishing and sat on the dining table. He blinked. The prince rarely let his tail swing free and he had never sat on the table.

"What are you waiting for?" Vegeta cocked his head, a saucy smile playing on his lips as he started peeling the mangoes. With his teeth. Sinking his canines skillfully into one end of the mango, just enough to cut through the skin, he tore away strip after strip of the thin but rubbery tough outer covering.

Radditz blinked again slowly, and then a smirk broke over his face. Shutting the chilled drawer close with the heel of his foot, he stood up and sauntered across to the dining table. Drawing up a chair, he sat down right in front of the young prince.

"How's the fruit?" Radditz watched entranced as sharp, white teeth tore into the succulent yellow flesh. Occasionally, the tip of a pink tongue would dart out to lap at a stray trickle of juice on those tempting lips.

"Sweet." Vegeta purred. "Want some?"

Keeping his eyes on Vegeta's, the tall guard leaned forward and accepted the piece offered to him. The cool fruit was extremely plump and juicy, and thick liquid ran down the young prince's hand. Radditz swallowed the fruit, and when Vegeta's hand was slow to move away, he took one finger into his mouth.

Vegeta froze for a moment, wide-eyed before he pulled his hand away. Casting his eyes downwards, he fumbled with the last bit of the fruit. Radditz growled softly, a low rumbling sound of arousal and excitement, as he caught the prince's wrist. Slowly, he leaned forward and took the small piece of fruit from unresisting fingers, his normally cool and shuttered eyes burning with the desire and lust he had to suppress for so long. "Vegeta…"

He could feel a shiver ran through the younger male's body as he began to lave the royal hand, taking each of the slim fingers into his mouth, his hot tongue twining and laving and sucking each juice-covered digit before finally releasing it, and moving onto the next finger.

The prince watched him, silent and eyes wide with obvious nervousness, though he did nothing to pull his hand away this time. Normally, Vegeta would not have allowed him such liberty. His tail lashed in uncertainty behind him, releasing wave after wave of arousal musk.

Smirking, Radditz stood up, his eyes never leaving the prince's face as his tongue now made its way down a sticky palm. The prince was small-sized for his age, though he always seemed to project a much bigger presence. Always so cold, always in control.

'I want to see you lose that control, I want to see… no, I want feel you let go…'

Dipping his head forward, he pressed his lips softly against the prince's, tracing the tip of his tongue along the full curve and licking at the sweet juice-stained lips. His free hand rested lightly on the slight curve of young hips, stroking lightly as he kept his attention focused on the prince's first kiss. The thought sent a possessive thrill through him. He knew that the prince never had any sexual experience of any sort. Pushing away the nagging voice of guilt, he vowed to make this the most pleasurable night Vegeta had ever experienced.

Pulling back a bit, he studied the glazed features with bemused pride. Vegeta's eyes are heavily lidded and a rare pink stained his high cheeks and the bridge of his nose. "Do you like that?"

"The kiss?" Vegeta's usual confident voice was just a tiny bit unsteady. "Yeah."

"Oh no…" Radditz purred as he slanted his head over the prince's again. "This is a kiss." His tongue slid in as he kissed the younger male roughly, thoroughly. It was nothing like the prior tender touch; this was fierce and possessive. Searing and wet and primal.

He felt, rather than heard, a low moan just before Vegeta returned the kiss, smaller hands cupping his face to draw in closer. It was a bit clumsy, a bit desperate, but it was passionately intense and if anything, the fervor and inexperience only aroused him yet further.

His hands slid down to nudge slim thighs apart as he took a step right up to the edge of the table and pulled the ouji's hips towards him. Lips still locked and eyes closed, he was extremely aware of the slender body that was pressed tightly against his own. The prince's scent, spicy and musky and extremely aroused, wove around him and wended into his system like a drug. His nerves were tingling and he had never felt so alive, so aware before…

Yet, it also seemed like a dream. An utterly delicious dream that he did not wish to wake from.

Never had he imagined that he would be doing this. He was just a lowly bodyguard; he was neither an elite by power classification nor was he a noble by birth. He was competent enough, though sometimes he wondered why the prince kept him in his employ, when Vegeta's power clearly exceeded his. 

It had started with an infatuation; he had noticed the young prince's growing attractiveness even before the teenager came into his majority. When Vegeta had finally reached that milestone that marked his entry into adulthood, the physical changes had hit him hard. Very hard. He was so grateful for armor with groin guards.

Grinding their pelvis together, their erections rubbing together in a clash of painful ecstasy, he gave a groan of pure hopelessness, pure surrender. Tilting his head slightly, his canines grazed against the young swollen lips and the familiar metallic tang of blood flooded their mouths. Vegteta's blood was hot and sweet and utterly addictive, just like him.

Somehow, Vegeta's loosely bound towel had fallen away in their frenzied movements. The only fabric that still separated them were his shorts, but somehow that made it all the more erotic. The material was thin, hugging every bulge and ridge like a second skin. The tight supportive elastic constrained his swollen shaft and throbbing balls deliciously, and the way the slick spandex slid across soft curls as they bucked was oddly exciting.  

He had told himself it was lust; pure animal lust. Just a little crush. He had tried everything. Training made him even hornier. Meditating was no help; he wasn't the calm, meditative kind anyway. Volunteering for long missions was not practical as he was supposed to be the prince's bodyguard. Besides, the one time his request was successful, he spent each successive day missing the prince more and more. Then he decided to go the other direction; spending as much time as he could with the royal, thinking that he might get bored after a while.

It became worse.

Figuring that it was a purely hormonal thing, he had tried to 'work' it off. He looked up old sex partners and frequented the clubs to pick up new ones. Females, males… He even tried a tall handsome green-skinned alien with no hair and two antennae, whose gender was certainly novel. 

Finally, he decided to confront his problem directly. Perhaps the simple fact that he couldn't bed the sexy royal was the reason it made Vegeta all the more desirable in his eyes.

A wave of shame flooded him again and he pushed the heavy guilt away. No! He had to do it… He was going crazy. He had served Vegeta no Ouji faithfully all his life, and he would willingly lay his life down for his prince. Vegeta had everything; as the prince, he had wanted for nothing. And this would not harm nor diminish him in any way, if he doesn't know.

But just this once…

He had planned it carefully and agonized over it ever since that sinful thought struck him. The aphrodisiac was expensive but carefully chosen so that the prince would not remember anything the next day, except that of a kinky dream.

All he was asking for was one night…

His hands released the vice grip on slender hips, and roved up and all over a muscular back and tight butt, squeezing and caressing. Gods… He had dreamed about this, dreamed of running his hands unreservedly, worshipfully over the naked velvet warm skin. So smooth, so soft… 

Resolutely, he pushed the nagging feelings of guilt away, determined to simply savor this night. Nothing else matters but now. Just the two of them. Just the primal desires and carnal flames that licked hungrily within him.

Smaller hands explored his shoulders and back lightly, almost shyly in comparison, weaving through his luxuriant mass of hair.

Their world's sun was harsh and most Saiyajins were heavily tanned. He had never thought very much about his own skin, though he was really vain about his hair, but suddenly he felt embarrassed. His own complexion was swarthy and rough for his usual choice of battle suits left his limbs exposed to the elements, while Vegeta wore more protective clothing. The prince's smooth skin was lightly bronzed and satin smooth, glowing with the freshness of youth.

When his questing hands came upon the base of a quivering tail, he paused for but a moment, and then ran his hands firmly and quickly through the lush fur. Nails raked sudden fire down his back as Vegeta arched back with a gasp, violent tremors ripping through the slender body. Radditz smirked wolfishly, and then bent forward to nip along the sensitive skin along the ouji's neck and shoulders even as he continued teasing the bristling tail.

When he finally released the tail, the prince was shaking and limp against him. He purred softly as he stroked the younger's back soothingly. "All right?"

A soft sigh. "Oh gods…"

Radditz gave a low chuckle as he continued rubbing the younger's back. "And it will only get better with practice."

Vegeta turned his face up to look at him. "What will?" His face, usually tense and too serious for someone his age, was relaxed and open now. His midnight eyes were wide and soft, and full of something Radditz never thought he would see from the prince; utter trust. Without waiting for Radditz's reply, he buried his face against the broad chest again, rubbing his cheek and nose against the guard's broad chest as he purred.

'Too adorable…' The older male groaned as he buried his nose into the soft upswept hair, inhaling the sweet musk. 'I wish he could be like this more often… but only around me…' He gave a low possessive growl as he pulled the lithe body closer, feeling something hard press against his painfully throbbing erection. 

'Hell, I can't wait.'

"Everything." Radditz smirked as he gently pushed the ouji back down on the table. Leaning over the slighter teen as he laid spread out, his growling purr grew louder with his desire to possess the prince. Slowly, sinuously, he laved a winding path down the trembling body, his vagrant hands roaming and mapping out the forbidden curves of such a tasty prize.

Just one night…

He watched with hungry eyes as the prince writhed with abandon, savoring the soft sounds as he licked and swirled his tongue around the royal cock before abruptly taking him all in. Vegeta arched up with a sharp cry and he pushed jerking hips down roughly while he stayed still, relaxing his throat and purring strongly.

All he was asking for was one night…

Swallowing as he raised his head, he smirked at the dazed look on the teen's face. Slightly salty, slightly bitter and wonderfully creamy. Reluctantly, he removed his hands to step away but Vegeta had not noticed, eyes closed and face flushed as he breathed deeply. Quickly, Radditz crossed the room to where his armor lay discarded. In the snug pocket that was used to hold the vial of aphrodisiac was another small vial. Lubricant. He replaced the aphrodisiac and picked up the other bottle.

"Did you enjoy that?" He grinned rakishly, unscrewing the small bottle as he walked back.

Vegeta only purred, a wide smile on his face, his eyes heavily lidded. One eye opened a tad further as he sniffed curiously. "Banana?"

Radditz laughed. "I like flavored lubes."

Vegeta's brow crinkled as he tried to imagine. "What would you need flavored lubricants for?"

Radditz only laughed harder as he crouched over the prince again for another kiss. Vegeta knew about sex of course; he was a Saiyajin after all. Though it was obvious he only knew the basic theories. "You can be really cute, do you know that?"

Vegeta pouted cutely and tried to push him off, but it was obvious he wasn't really angry. Radditz pulled the smaller body towards him and on to the floor, his tail curling around the slender waist.

Settling himself beside the prince, he stroked the soft upswept hair as his eyes drank in every detail of the lightly flushed face and the lithe, supple body. His voice was a husky whisper as he traced gentle fingers along Vegeta's cheekbones and down his jaw line. "Beautiful, adorable, utterly desirable…"

He would cherish this stolen memory.

Just one night…

Radditz sighed as he looked up at the elongated shadows on the ceiling. He did not know what time it was and neither did he want to find out. Vegeta was curled up beside him asleep and though he was sorely tempted to do the same, to wrap himself around the warm, purring body, he couldn't.

He was physically sated. Totally exhausted.

Somehow, they had ended up on the plush navy carpet in the main room. Somewhere along the way, he had turned off the lights; making out with only the pale light that streamed in through the large windows had seemed extremely sensual. And it was.

Vegeta was already asleep and he was on the verge of passing out, but his night wasn't over yet.

Standing up tiredly, he picked up the slender prince in his arms and walked over to an adjoining room. Carefully, he placed the sleeping teenager in the regeneration tank and started a quick cycle. It would not do for Vegeta to wake up with a deep ache in an area he had never ached in before. As the tank filled up, he slumped down onto the hard chair beside the cylindrical tank and watched the rising green liquid with dull eyes.

Yet, he was not satisfied. He wished he had a regeneration tank to take away the hollow ache within him. He thought that if he had sated this carnal craving within him, this lust…

But it was not just lust, was it? Once would never be enough, would it?

He was a fool.

He sighed heavily again, running his hand through his tangled hair. Fuck. He couldn't think about this now; his eyelids felt like lead and his mind felt like it was packed in wool. All he wanted to do was to collapse in bed. With a certain prince.


He cursed silently and shook the tempting image out of his head, clutching his hair painfully. No, no, he could not think about that. He had his …fun, though fun was too trivial and flippant a word to describe the perfect night. He had not known what he was getting himself into when he set his plan into motion, but if he had the choice, if he had known…

…he would still do it again.

The brawny guard stared forlornly at the blinking green figures on the tank console, running over and relieving the events of the night. He would treasure the memories. The coy smiles and lustful looks, the sweet purrs and soft cries. The feel of the warm, lithe body beneath his. The addictive royal musk. The softer tail twined trustingly with his own.

He swallowed painfully. Because that was all he had. Memories.

He had his night. Tomorrow, Vegeta will wake up and think it was all an erotic dream. Tomorrow, Vegeta will be the untouchable prince again and he will simply be the lowly bodyguard.

Wearily, he pushed himself off the chair to clean up the evidence.
