Author's Notes: This will be the last chapter. Sorry guys, but I have to finish these up by the summer. There's no escaping purpose. No denying reason.

It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity. The cycle of love will continue on until one breaks under the pressure of reality. Sometimes, they hold on until the insanity drives them both into a war of madness. Letting go is the only viable option.

Let Go

Why? Why do you persist, Mr. Anderson?

Because I have to.

"Neo!" Trinity screamed as she was pulled up near the ceiling. Neo felt his world tumble to a complete stop Trinity's fingers slipped through his. He jumped off the ground after her and felt as if the world was pushing down on his shoulders. He fought the torrents of pressure as he neared her. The air screamed against his face as he saw Trinity panic for the first time. She couldn't fight this any more than he could.

"Hold on," he whispered fiercely into her hair as he held her tightly. He slowly lowered them back to the ground as spirits tried to pull them back up. Was this the end of it? He felt Trinity shudder against him and he tried to shield her from all the commotion. No one could see what was going on besides them. The ground shuddered beneath them as neo tried desperately to anchor himself and Trinity to the ground.

"It's our time," she whispered on his neck as Morpheus and the others kept their distances. Neo closed his eyes against the pain of reality. They had fought on a little longer. Why now? When he tried to reach out to Trinity's presence, he felt her as strong as ever along with their bonds. However, his ties to the world had been severed greatly. They were hanging on by a thread and even the lost souls knew it.

"I know," he murmured and he did know. They were staying on borrowed time, and it needed to be returned. Life afterwards couldn't be so bad, could it? If they were lucky, maybe they could come back and visit Morpheus someday. Didn't his name mean the bringer of dreams? They couldn't control his dreams, but maybe they could visit them. Morpheus himself bowed his head in understanding.

"We can do this," she murmured into his chest as she hugged him to her. She had to be strong for the both of them like she always had been. This wasn't the moment to shed tears. Her captain looked about to scream in frustration at the unfairness of the situation. Awareness dawned in Niobe's eyes and she bowed her head in regret. It was never the ship that mattered. It was always the heart and soul going into the ship.

"There are some things better left unsaid," he whispered as he pulled back from her. Chocolate eyes locked with forest green as he sucked in a breath. There was so much pain shadowed in her gaze, and he wondered if it was mirrored in his own. The clock was ticking and their time was running out.

"Niobe," Trinity said quietly as she stood before the captain. Niobe raised her head slightly and sighed as faced Trinity. No words were spoken as they stood there staring at each other for the longest time. No words were needed between the two women as they knew what each other had to say. Trinity hand over her captain lightly, but Niobe would be the best person for the job. "Take care of him."

"You know I will," Niobe answered as she stepped forward. "Take care of your own man," she replied as she nodded towards Neo. In those few silent moments they had come to a concrete bargain with as little as no words. They understood each perfectly as to make up for past mistakes. Trinity had never much gotten along with Niobe before for breaking it off with Morpheus, but there was a certain level of respect involved.

"Can you make sure Bane's body is burned?" she asked one final last question. She had a few words to speak with Morpheus before she left. Her captain needed her last moments of comfort before she departed from this world. At Niobe's nod, she stepped towards her silent captain. She last words were spoken in a hushed whisper, and Neo couldn't reach out to pick up what they were saying. He would ask later.

"Morpheus," Neo said as he stepped forward hesitantly. "You always were a good captain and friend. Can you do us one last favor?" he asked as his captain nodded. The word 'last' made it final; these were really the last moments. They seemed to stretch on forever as if his soul would never rest. "Bury our bodies with the soldiers who died in the final battle. You are our captain, and I'd be honored if you were the one to do so."

"I will," Morpheus vowed.

Behind him, Trinity murmured, "It's time." Neo bowed his head in defeat and let nature to its course. He let go of the world, but he held tightly to Trinity. They soared into the air and winked out of existence. Life went on in Zion as it had before they came, and Morpheus finally came to terms with the skeletons (or ghosts) in his closet. Niobe held a strictly platonic relationship with Locke, and Link moved on with Zee.

Above them, Neo smiled. "What did you tell Morpheus?" he asked as he wrapped his transparent arms around her.

"I told him to let go. To hold on was keep us chained to this world. It wasn't us that brought us back to Zion. It was his grief. I realize that now. He freed us Neo, and he freed the souls of the Nebuchadnezzar."

Below them, Morpheus threw a single rose into the abyss. Tank and Dozer watched over Link and Zee as they stood on the edge of the dock. Switch leaned into Apoc's embrace and Mouse smiled down on his captain. Neo nodded to the crew as they could finally leave in peace.

Author's Notes: Sorry this had to end so soon. I'm going to start writing a screenplay over the summer, and I wanted to end all my stories before then (except for Constrained Tribulation). Ja ne ~ Insane Pineapple from Naboo